Useful when targeting snyk scans to a subset of (or all) projects in a monorepo. This can include Gradle projects, or other ecosystems where Snyk CLI is preferred over SCM, or to overcome challenges scanning monorepos in CI/CD with --all-projects.
Recurses through directory structure looking for files to test or monitor.
- Individual test results are grouped in the UI by the top level folder name
- project names include their path within the repo
- similar grouping structure to SCM-based projects
looking for all gradle or yarn projects
@echo off
FOR %%f IN ("%CD%") DO SET GROUP=%%~nxf
FOR %%G IN (build.gradle, yarn.lock) DO (
FOR /f "delims=" %%A in ('forfiles /s /m *%%G /c "cmd /c echo @relpath"') DO (
snyk-win monitor --file=%%A --insecure --project-name=!P:.\\=! --remote-repo-url=!GROUP!