Customers are requesting the ability of keeping a history of their versions snapshots, so they will have the ability to better track their progress.
The request is to have a tree like : Snyk Org (Customer Team) -> Snyk repo (Team Application) -> Snyk project (Version of an Application)
The current functionality overrides the snapshot of the version every time a snyk monitor runs.
As the solution is based on --project-name= option, it cannot be used for --all-projects, therefore is needed the run projects one by one.
Create a file called : versionConfig.txt
File format:
version your_version_number
project your_project_name
repo the_repo_name
File example:
version v1.3
project io.github.snyk:todolist-mvc
repo goof
Create a bash file : snykMonitorbyVersion.bash
# run chmod 755 snykMonitorbyVersion.bash to give run proprieties to the bash file
# run ./cvssDecision.bash 9.5 ; echo "Exit code " $? to see the return code
# Needs jq installed (that needs brew to install)
#comment all echo commands
while read var value
export "$var"="$value"
done < $file
echo "var:" "$project" "$org"
#set -o xtrace
#set +o xtrace to revert
snyk monitor --remote-repo-url=${repo}-${version} --org="${orgName}" --project-name=${project}-${version}
Give run proprieties to the bash file
chmod 755 snykMonitorbyVersion.bash
Run the script passing (or not) your org name:
./snykMonitorbyVersion.bash org-one
Your projects will be stored in different snapshots
Customers can set the parameters on environment variables and get directly from there, and in case running CI tool, these can be taken from variables values on the CI/CD tool, calling the snyk monitor / test directly with the right arguments.
Changing only the --project-name and keep it with the version will result on having all versions displayed under the same repo url as shown on the following example:
Bamboo Example on how should be with bamboo variables (sure about the right bamboo syntax):
snyk test --project-name=${bamboo.deploy.project}-${bamboo.deploy.version}
Note: Changing only the --remote-repo-url will not work, since it will override the repo name every new run.