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"whats-next": "Was als Nächstes kommt"
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+ "sdg1-title": "Keine Armut",
+ "sdg1-mission-1": "Die Mission von ",
+ "sdg1-mission-2": "ist es, Armut in allen ihren Formen zu beenden.",
+ "sdg2-title": "Kein Hunger",
+ "sdg2-mission-1": "Die Mission von ",
+ "sdg2-mission-2": "ist es, den Hunger zu beenden und Zugang zu nährstoffreicher Nahrung sicherzustellen.",
+ "sdg3-title": "Gesundheit",
+ "sdg3-mission-1": "Die Mission von ",
+ "sdg3-mission-2": "ist es, ein gesundes Leben für alle zu gewährleisten und Wohlbefinden zu fördern.",
+ "sdg4-title": "Bildung",
+ "sdg4-mission-1": "Die Mission von ",
+ "sdg4-mission-2": "ist es, inklusive und gerechte hochwertige Bildung bereitzustellen.",
+ "sdg5-title": "Gleichstellung",
+ "sdg5-mission-1": "Die Mission von ",
+ "sdg5-mission-2": "ist es, Geschlechtergleichstellung zu erreichen und alle Frauen und Mädchen zu stärken.",
+ "sdg6-title": "Sauberes Wasser",
+ "sdg6-mission-1": "Die Mission von ",
+ "sdg6-mission-2": "ist es, Verfügbarkeit und nachhaltige Bewirtschaftung von Wasser und Sanitärversorgung für alle sicherzustellen.",
+ "sdg7-title": "Saubere Energie",
+ "sdg7-mission-1": "Die Mission von ",
+ "sdg7-mission-2": "ist es, den Zugang zu bezahlbarer, verlässlicher und nachhaltiger Energie für alle sicherzustellen.",
+ "sdg8-title": "Würdige Arbeit",
+ "sdg8-mission-1": "Die Mission von ",
+ "sdg8-mission-2": "ist es, inklusives und nachhaltiges Wirtschaftswachstum, Beschäftigung und menschenwürdige Arbeit für alle zu fördern.",
+ "sdg9-title": "Innovation & Infrastruktur",
+ "sdg9-mission-1": "Die Mission von ",
+ "sdg9-mission-2": "ist es, widerstandsfähige Infrastruktur aufzubauen und Innovation zu fördern.",
+ "sdg10-title": "Ungleichheit",
+ "sdg10-mission-1": "Die Mission von ",
+ "sdg10-mission-2": "ist es, Ungleichheit innerhalb und zwischen Ländern zu verringern.",
+ "sdg11-title": "Nachhaltige Städte",
+ "sdg11-mission-1": "Die Mission von ",
+ "sdg11-mission-2": "ist es, Städte und Siedlungen inklusiv, sicher, widerstandsfähig und nachhaltig zu gestalten.",
+ "sdg12-title": "Nachhaltiger Konsum",
+ "sdg12-mission-1": "Die Mission von ",
+ "sdg12-mission-2": "ist es, nachhaltige Konsum- und Produktionsmuster sicherzustellen.",
+ "sdg13-title": "Klimaschutz",
+ "sdg13-mission-1": "Die Mission von ",
+ "sdg13-mission-2": "ist es, dringend Massnahmen zur Bekämpfung des Klimawandels und seiner Auswirkungen zu ergreifen.",
+ "sdg14-title": "Ozeane",
+ "sdg14-mission-1": "Die Mission von ",
+ "sdg14-mission-2": "ist es, Ozeane, Meere und Meeresressourcen zu schützen und nachhaltig zu nutzen.",
+ "sdg15-title": "Leben an Land",
+ "sdg15-mission-1": "Die Mission von ",
+ "sdg15-mission-2": "ist es, Landökosysteme zu schützen, wiederherzustellen und nachhaltig zu nutzen.",
+ "sdg16-title": "Frieden & Gerechtigkeit",
+ "sdg16-mission-1": "Die Mission von ",
+ "sdg16-mission-2": "ist es, friedliche und inklusive Gesellschaften zu fördern und Zugang zu Justiz für alle sicherzustellen.",
+ "sdg17-title": "Partnerschaften",
+ "sdg17-mission-1": "Die Mission von ",
+ "sdg17-mission-2": "ist es, globale Partnerschaften für nachhaltige Entwicklung zu stärken."
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+ "metadata": {
+ "title": "Social Income",
+ "description": "Unsere Partners",
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+ "twitter-image": "/assets/metadata/twitter/default.jpg"
+ },
+ "hero": {
+ "title-1": [
+ {
+ "text": "Lokalisierung treibt unsere Arbeit an. ",
+ "color": "accent"
+ },
+ {
+ "text": "Wir möchten Ihnen unsere lokalen Partner vorstellen."
+ }
+ ],
+ "subtitle": "Indem wir mit lokalen Partnern zusammenarbeiten, stellen wir sicher, dass unsere Projekte effektiver, widerstandsfähiger und besser in den Realitäten der Gemeinschaften verankert sind, die wir unterstützen möchten."
+ },
+ "badges": {
+ "active": "aktiv",
+ "former": "ehemalig",
+ "suspended": "ausgesetzt",
+ "recipients": "Empfänger:innen",
+ "recipients-by": "Empfänger:innen von"
+ },
+ "ngo-generic": {
+ "founded": "Gründung",
+ "partner-since": "Partner seit",
+ "headquarter": "Hauptsitz",
+ "mission": "Mission"
+ },
+ "ngos": [
+ {
+ "org-short-name": "Aurora Stiftung",
+ "org-long-name": "Aurora Stiftung",
+ "org-foundation": "2007",
+ "org-image": "aurora.png",
+ "org-country": "SL",
+ "org-headquarter": "Freetown",
+ "org-category": "International NGO",
+ "org-focus-sdg-numbers": [1, 8],
+ "partnership-start": "2020",
+ "recipients-total": "42",
+ "recipients-active": "20",
+ "recipients-former": "22",
+ "recipients-suspended": "0",
+ "org-mission": "Die NGO fördert Kreativität und hilft Menschen, ihr Leben und ihre Gemeinschaften durch Entwicklungs- und Kulturprojekte zu verbessern.",
+ "org-description-paragraphs": [
+ [
+ {
+ "text": "Die Aurora-Stiftung schafft Wirkung durch Kultur- und Entwicklungsprojekte, die "
+ },
+ {
+ "text": "Kreativität feiern ",
+ "href": "https://www.aurorafoundation.is/en"
+ },
+ {
+ "text": "und die Widerstandsfähigkeit von Gemeinschaften stärken."
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ "text": "Gegründet im Jahr 2007 in Island, fördert Aurora lokale Kunst und nachhaltige Praktiken in Sierra Leone, z. B. durch Initiativen wie die Lettie Stuart Pottery und den Sweet Salone Handwerksladen, der traditionelle Handwerkskunst einem globalen Publikum näherbringt."
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ "text": "Darüber hinaus unterstützt Aurora Impact visionäre Projekte, die globale Herausforderungen angehen, und fördert Unternehmertum als Katalysator für transformative Veränderungen."
+ }
+ ]
+ ],
+ "org-quote": [
+ {
+ "text": "Dank Social Income haben Kunsthandwerker die "
+ },
+ {
+ "text": "Stabilität, sich auf ihr Handwerk zu konzentrieren,",
+ "color": "accent"
+ },
+ {
+ "text": "und schaffen dadurch nachhaltigere Lebensgrundlagen."
+ }
+ ],
+ "org-quote-author": "Regína Bjarnadóttir",
+ "org-photo": "",
+ "org-website": "https://www.aurorafoundation.is/en",
+ "org-instagram": "https://www.instagram.com/aurorafoundation_official/?hl=en",
+ "org-facebook": "https://www.facebook.com/aurorafoundationofficial/"
+ },
+ {
+ "org-short-name": "JNJF",
+ "org-long-name": "Jamil & Nyanga Jaward Stiftung",
+ "org-foundation": "2017",
+ "org-image": "jamil.png",
+ "org-country": "SL",
+ "org-headquarter": "Freetown",
+ "org-category": "Local NGO",
+ "org-focus-sdg-numbers": [1, 5],
+ "partnership-start": "2021",
+ "recipients-total": "35",
+ "recipients-active": "28",
+ "recipients-former": "7",
+ "recipients-suspended": "0",
+ "org-mission": "Die NGO bietet bedürftigen Witwen und Kindern Bildung, Unterstützung und Möglichkeiten, um bessere Zukunftsperspektiven aufzubauen.",
+ "org-description-paragraphs": [
+ [
+ {
+ "text": "Die Jamil und Nyanga Jaward Stiftung (JNJF), gegründet im Jahr 2017, befähigt benachteiligte Witwen und Kinder durch Bildung, persönliche Entwicklung und Gemeinschaftshilfe. "
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ "text": "Mit der Vision, Hoffnung wiederherzustellen und Leben neu aufzubauen, setzt sich die Stiftung dafür ein, Armutskreisläufe zu durchbrechen und es Witwen und Kindern zu ermöglichen, soziale Ausgrenzung zu überwinden und bessere Zukunftsperspektiven zu schaffen."
+ }
+ ]
+ ],
+ "org-quote": [
+ {
+ "text": "Social Income ist eine einfache Lösung mit "
+ },
+ {
+ "text": "grosser Wirkung für unsere Community,",
+ "color": "accent"
+ },
+ {
+ "text": "und bietet finanzielle Unterstützung, die das Leben nachhaltig verändert."
+ }
+ ],
+ "org-quote-author": "Jamil Jaward",
+ "org-photo": "",
+ "org-website": "https://www.jnjf.org/",
+ "org-instagram": "https://instagram.com/jnjaward?igshid=NGVhN2U2NjQ0Yg",
+ "org-facebook": "https://www.facebook.com/JNJFoundation",
+ "org-linkedin": "https://www.linkedin.com/company/the-jamil-nyanga-jaward-foundation/"
+ },
+ {
+ "org-short-name": "Reachout Salone",
+ "org-long-name": "Reachout Salone",
+ "org-foundation": "2020",
+ "org-image": "reachout.png",
+ "org-country": "SL",
+ "org-headquarter": "Freetown",
+ "org-category": "Local NGO",
+ "org-focus-sdg-numbers": [1, 5],
+ "partnership-start": "2021",
+ "recipients-total": "36",
+ "recipients-active": "12",
+ "recipients-former": "24",
+ "recipients-suspended": "0",
+ "org-mission": "Die NGO stärkt Communities und bietet jungen Menschen die Unterstützung und Chancen, die sie brauchen, um den Kreislauf der Armut zu durchbrechen und eine bessere Zukunft aufzubauen.",
+ "org-description-paragraphs": [
+ [
+ {
+ "text": "Reachout Salone (ROSL) ist eine eingetragene, von jungen Menschen geführte Organisation in Sierra Leone, die sich auf Advocacy und Wohltätigkeitsarbeit in Küstengemeinden konzentriert. Gegründet im Jahr 2020, setzt sich ROSL für nachhaltige menschliche Entwicklung und Anpassung an den Klimawandel ein."
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ "text": "Mit einem besonderen Fokus auf junge Menschen, insbesondere Frauen und Mädchen, arbeitet ROSL mit Regierungsbehörden, NGOs und humanitären Organisationen zusammen, um nachhaltige Lebensgrundlagen zu fördern und die Würde und Sicherheit der Menschen zu wahren."
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ "text": "Die Mission ist es, die Benachteiligten und Schutzbedürftigen zu unterstützen und ihnen Wege zu einem besseren Leben zu bieten. Die Vision ist es, Einzelpersonen und Gemeinschaften zu stärken, den Kreislauf der Armut zu durchbrechen und benachteiligten Gruppen gleiche Chancen zu bieten."
+ }
+ ]
+ ],
+ "org-quote": [
+ {
+ "text": "Social Income hat "
+ },
+ {
+ "text": "bedeutende Veränderungen ",
+ "color": "accent"
+ },
+ {
+ "text": "für viele der schutzbedürftigsten Menschen und Gemeinschaften bewirkt."
+ }
+ ],
+ "org-quote-author": "Edmond Margai",
+ "org-photo": "",
+ "org-facebook": "https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100070050743284&sk=about_details",
+ "org-youtube": "https://www.youtube.com/@reachoutsalone8395"
+ },
+ {
+ "org-short-name": "Equal Rights Alliance",
+ "org-long-name": "Equal Rights Alliance",
+ "org-foundation": "2019",
+ "org-image": "equal-rights-alliance.png",
+ "org-country": "SL",
+ "org-headquarter": "Freetown",
+ "org-category": "Local NGO",
+ "org-focus-sdg-numbers": [3, 10],
+ "partnership-start": "2022",
+ "recipients-total": "13",
+ "recipients-active": "13",
+ "recipients-former": "0",
+ "recipients-suspended": "0",
+ "org-mission": "Die NGO fördert Menschenrechte, indem sie das Bewusstsein und Verständnis für Gleichberechtigung, Inklusion und soziale Gerechtigkeit in den Gemeinschaften stärkt.",
+ "org-description-paragraphs": [
+ [
+ {
+ "text": "Equal Rights Alliance ist eine gemeinnützige Organisation, die sich dem Schutz und der Förderung der Menschenrechte widmet und auf eine Gesellschaft ohne Gewalt und Diskriminierung hinarbeitet. Ihr Ziel ist es, das Bewusstsein für Gleichberechtigung, Inklusion und soziale Gerechtigkeit zu schärfen."
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ "text": "Mit einem Schwerpunkt auf der Förderung der Menschenrechte in Sierra Leone setzt sich die Organisation für spezifische Bevölkerungsgruppen ein und unterstützt internationale Menschenrechtsstandards. Zusätzlich integriert sie das Thema Behinderung in Entwicklungsinitiativen, unterstützt behindertenpolitische Massnahmen und Programme und überbrückt die Kluft zwischen Behinderung und allgemeinen Menschenrechtsfragen."
+ }
+ ]
+ ],
+ "org-quote": [
+ {
+ "text": "Social Income ist ein wichtiges Mittel "
+ },
+ {
+ "text": "im Kampf gegen Armut für die Schutzbedürftigen. ",
+ "color": "accent"
+ },
+ {
+ "text": "Wir hoffen, dass die Regierung es als zentrale Massnahme der sozialen Absicherung übernimmt."
+ }
+ ],
+ "org-quote-author": "Arnold Gibril Kamara",
+ "org-photo": "",
+ "org-facebook": "https://www.facebook.com/groups/693921621002955/"
+ },
+ {
+ "org-short-name": "United Polio Brothers and Sisters",
+ "org-long-name": "United Polio Brothers and Sisters",
+ "org-foundation": "1999",
+ "org-image": "united-polio.png",
+ "org-country": "SL",
+ "org-headquarter": "Freetown",
+ "org-category": "Local NGO",
+ "org-focus-sdg-numbers": [1, 8],
+ "partnership-start": "2022",
+ "recipients-total": "10",
+ "recipients-active": "10",
+ "recipients-former": "0",
+ "recipients-suspended": "0",
+ "org-mission": "Die NGO unterstützt Menschen mit Behinderungen und Schutzbedürftige, indem sie Wohnraum, Schulungen und Ressourcen bereitstellt, um ihr Leben zu verbessern und ihre Würde zu wahren.",
+ "org-description-paragraphs": [
+ [
+ {
+ "text": "United Polio Brothers and Sisters (UPBSA), 1999 von 12 an Polio erkrankten Personen gegründet, setzt sich für Wohnraum und Ausbildungsmöglichkeiten für Menschen mit Behinderungen und Schutzbedürftige ein. Im Jahr 2001 gründete UPBSA ein provisorisches technisches und berufliches Ausbildungszentrum in Freetown und erweiterte später um drei zusätzliche Niederlassungen in ländlichen Gebieten."
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ "text": "Die Mission von UPBSA ist es, einen sicheren, unterstützenden Raum zu schaffen, der den Mitgliedern die nötigen Werkzeuge und Möglichkeiten bietet, um ein würdevolles Leben zu führen."
+ }
+ ]
+ ],
+ "org-quote": [
+ {
+ "text": "Social Income hat den Schutzbedürftigsten geholfen, "
+ },
+ {
+ "text": "kleine Unternehmen zu gründen, ",
+ "color": "accent"
+ },
+ {
+ "text": "und ein regelmässiges Einkommen durch die verlässliche monatliche Unterstützung zu erzielen."
+ }
+ ],
+ "org-quote-author": "Paul Osman Kabia",
+ "org-photo": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "org-short-name": "SLAES",
+ "org-long-name": "Sierra Leone Association of Ebola Survivors",
+ "org-foundation": "2015",
+ "org-image": "slaes.png",
+ "org-country": "SL",
+ "org-headquarter": "Kenema",
+ "org-category": "Local NGO",
+ "org-focus-sdg-numbers": [4, 5],
+ "partnership-start": "2024",
+ "recipients-total": "20",
+ "recipients-active": "17",
+ "recipients-former": "2",
+ "recipients-suspended": "1",
+ "org-mission": "Die gemeinschaftlich geführte NGO unterstützt Menschen, die das Ebola-Virus überlebt haben, mit einem besonderen Fokus auf die Betroffenen des verheerenden Ausbruchs von 2014 in Sierra Leone.",
+ "org-description-paragraphs": [
+ [
+ {
+ "text": "Die Sierra Leone Association of Ebola Survivors (SLAES) ist eine Organisation, die sich der Unterstützung von Ebola-Überlebenden widmet. SLAES bietet umfassende Hilfe an, darunter Zugang zu medizinischer Versorgung, psychologische Unterstützung und kontinuierliche Interessenvertretung, um sicherzustellen, dass die Rechte und Bedürfnisse der Überlebenden anerkannt und berücksichtigt werden."
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ "text": "Durch ihre Arbeit hilft SLAES den Überlebenden, ihr Leben neu aufzubauen und stärkt die Widerstandsfähigkeit in den betroffenen Gemeinschaften."
+ }
+ ]
+ ],
+ "org-quote": [
+ {
+ "text": "Es ist mehr als nur finanzielle Unterstützung—es ist ein Schritt "
+ },
+ {
+ "text": "hin zu Würde und Resilienz.",
+ "color": "accent"
+ }
+ ],
+ "org-quote-author": "Paul Osman Kabia",
+ "org-photo": ""
+ }
+ ]
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"transparency": "Transparency",
"whats-next": "What's Next"
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"button-accept": "Accept",
"button-refuse": "Refuse"
+ },
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+ "facebook": "Facebook",
+ "linkedin": "LinkedIn",
+ "youtube": "YouTube",
+ "x": "X"
+ },
+ "sdg": {
+ "sdg": "SDG",
+ "sdg1-title": "No Poverty",
+ "sdg1-mission-1": "The mission of ",
+ "sdg1-mission-2": "is to reduce poverty in all its forms.",
+ "sdg2-title": "Zero Hunger",
+ "sdg2-mission-1": "The mission of ",
+ "sdg2-mission-2": "is to end hunger and ensure access to nutritious food.",
+ "sdg3-title": "Good Health",
+ "sdg3-mission-1": "The mission of ",
+ "sdg3-mission-2": "is to ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all.",
+ "sdg4-title": "Quality Education",
+ "sdg4-mission-1": "The mission of ",
+ "sdg4-mission-2": "is to provide inclusive and equitable quality education.",
+ "sdg5-title": "Gender Equality",
+ "sdg5-mission-1": "The mission of ",
+ "sdg5-mission-2": "is to achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls.",
+ "sdg6-title": "Clean Water",
+ "sdg6-mission-1": "The mission of ",
+ "sdg6-mission-2": "is to ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all.",
+ "sdg7-title": "Clean Energy",
+ "sdg7-mission-1": "The mission of ",
+ "sdg7-mission-2": "is to ensure access to affordable, reliable, and sustainable energy for all.",
+ "sdg8-title": "Decent Work",
+ "sdg8-mission-1": "The mission of ",
+ "sdg8-mission-2": "is to promote inclusive and sustainable economic growth, employment, and decent work for all.",
+ "sdg9-title": "Industry & Innovation",
+ "sdg9-mission-1": "The mission of ",
+ "sdg9-mission-2": "is to build resilient infrastructure and foster innovation.",
+ "sdg10-title": "Reduced Inequality",
+ "sdg10-mission-1": "The mission of ",
+ "sdg10-mission-2": "is to reduce inequality within and among countries.",
+ "sdg11-title": "Sustainable Cities",
+ "sdg11-mission-1": "The mission of ",
+ "sdg11-mission-2": "is to make cities inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable.",
+ "sdg12-title": "Responsible Consumption",
+ "sdg12-mission-1": "The mission of ",
+ "sdg12-mission-2": "is to ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns.",
+ "sdg13-title": "Climate Action",
+ "sdg13-mission-1": "The mission of ",
+ "sdg13-mission-2": "is to take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts.",
+ "sdg14-title": "Life Below Water",
+ "sdg14-mission-1": "The mission of ",
+ "sdg14-mission-2": "is to conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas, and marine resources.",
+ "sdg15-title": "Life on Land",
+ "sdg15-mission-1": "The mission of ",
+ "sdg15-mission-2": "is to protect, restore, and promote the sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems.",
+ "sdg16-title": "Peace & Justice",
+ "sdg16-mission-1": "The mission of ",
+ "sdg16-mission-2": "is to promote peaceful and inclusive societies and ensure access to justice for all.",
+ "sdg17-title": "Partnerships",
+ "sdg17-mission-1": "The mission of ",
+ "sdg17-mission-2": "is to strengthen global partnerships for sustainable development."
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+ "metadata": {
+ "title": "Social Income",
+ "description": "Our partners",
+ "og-image": "/assets/metadata/og/default.jpg",
+ "twitter-image": "/assets/metadata/twitter/default.jpg"
+ },
+ "hero": {
+ "title-1": [
+ {
+ "text": "Localization drives our work. ",
+ "color": "accent"
+ },
+ {
+ "text": "We'd like to present our local partners."
+ }
+ ],
+ "subtitle": "By working together with local partners, we ensure that projects are more effective, resilient, and rooted in the realities of the communities we aim to support."
+ },
+ "badges": {
+ "active": "active",
+ "former": "former",
+ "suspended": "suspended",
+ "recipients": "Recipients",
+ "recipients-by": "recipients by"
+ },
+ "ngo-generic": {
+ "founded": "Founded",
+ "partner-since": "Partner since",
+ "headquarter": "Headquarter",
+ "mission": "Mission"
+ },
+ "ngos": [
+ {
+ "org-short-name": "Aurora Foundation",
+ "org-long-name": "Aurora Foundation",
+ "org-foundation": "2007",
+ "org-image": "aurora.png",
+ "org-country": "SL",
+ "org-headquarter": "Freetown",
+ "org-category": "International NGO",
+ "org-focus-sdg-numbers": [1, 8],
+ "partnership-start": "2020",
+ "recipients-total": "42",
+ "recipients-active": "20",
+ "recipients-former": "22",
+ "recipients-suspended": "0",
+ "org-mission": "The NGO encourages creativity and helps people improve their lives and communities through development and cultural projects.",
+ "org-description-paragraphs": [
+ [
+ {
+ "text": "The Aurora Foundation fosters impact through cultural and development projects that "
+ },
+ {
+ "text": "celebrate creativity ",
+ "href": "https://www.aurorafoundation.is/en"
+ },
+ {
+ "text": "and community resilience."
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ "text": "Founded in 2007 in Iceland, Aurora promotes local artistry and sustainable practices in Sierra Leone through initiatives like Lettie Stuart Pottery and the Sweet Salone handcraft shop, bringing traditional crafts to a global audience."
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ "text": "Additionally, Aurora Impact supports visionary projects addressing global challenges, with entrepreneurship as a catalyst for transformative change."
+ }
+ ]
+ ],
+ "org-quote": [
+ {
+ "text": "Thanks to Social Income, artisans have the "
+ },
+ {
+ "text": "stability to focus on their craft,",
+ "color": "accent"
+ },
+ {
+ "text": "creating more sustainable livelihoods."
+ }
+ ],
+ "org-quote-author": "Regína Bjarnadóttir",
+ "org-photo": "",
+ "org-website": "https://www.aurorafoundation.is/en",
+ "org-instagram": "https://www.instagram.com/aurorafoundation_official/?hl=en",
+ "org-facebook": "https://www.facebook.com/aurorafoundationofficial/"
+ },
+ {
+ "org-short-name": "JNJF",
+ "org-long-name": "Jamil & Nyanga Jaward Foundation",
+ "org-foundation": "2017",
+ "org-image": "jamil.png",
+ "org-country": "SL",
+ "org-headquarter": "Freetown",
+ "org-category": "Local NGO",
+ "org-focus-sdg-numbers": [1, 5],
+ "partnership-start": "2021",
+ "recipients-total": "35",
+ "recipients-active": "28",
+ "recipients-former": "7",
+ "recipients-suspended": "0",
+ "org-mission": "The NGO provides widows and children in need with education, support, and opportunities to build better futures.",
+ "org-description-paragraphs": [
+ [
+ {
+ "text": "The Jamil and Nyanga Jaward Foundation (JNJF), founded in 2017, empowers underprivileged widows and children through education, personal growth, and community support."
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ "text": "With a vision of re-establishing hope and rebuilding lives, the foundation seeks to break cycles of poverty, enabling widows and children to overcome social exclusion and build brighter futures."
+ }
+ ]
+ ],
+ "org-quote": [
+ {
+ "text": "Social Income provides a straightforward solution with a "
+ },
+ {
+ "text": "powerful impact on our beneficiaries,",
+ "color": "accent"
+ },
+ {
+ "text": "serving as a financial lifeline that has profoundly transformed their lives."
+ }
+ ],
+ "org-quote-author": "Jamil Jaward",
+ "org-photo": "",
+ "org-website": "https://www.jnjf.org/",
+ "org-instagram": "https://instagram.com/jnjaward?igshid=NGVhN2U2NjQ0Yg",
+ "org-facebook": "https://www.facebook.com/JNJFoundation",
+ "org-linkedin": "https://www.linkedin.com/company/the-jamil-nyanga-jaward-foundation/"
+ },
+ {
+ "org-short-name": "Reachout Salone",
+ "org-long-name": "Reachout Salone",
+ "org-foundation": "2020",
+ "org-image": "reachout.png",
+ "org-country": "SL",
+ "org-headquarter": "Freetown",
+ "org-category": "Local NGO",
+ "org-focus-sdg-numbers": [1, 5],
+ "partnership-start": "2021",
+ "recipients-total": "36",
+ "recipients-active": "12",
+ "recipients-former": "24",
+ "recipients-suspended": "0",
+ "org-mission": "The NGO empowers coastal communities, providing young people with the support and opportunities needed to break the cycle of poverty and build brighter futures.",
+ "org-description-paragraphs": [
+ [
+ {
+ "text": "Reachout Salone (ROSL) is a registered youth-led organization in Sierra Leone focused on advocacy and charitable efforts in coastal communities. Established in 2020, ROSL promotes sustainable human development and climate change adaptation. With an emphasis on youth—especially women and girls—ROSL partners with government agencies, NGOs, and humanitarian organizations to foster sustainable livelihoods and uphold human dignity and security."
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ "text": "Its mission is to support the deprived and vulnerable, offering pathways to a better life, while its vision is to empower individuals and communities, break the cycle of poverty, and create equal opportunities for underserved groups."
+ }
+ ]
+ ],
+ "org-quote": [
+ {
+ "text": "Social Income has brought "
+ },
+ {
+ "text": "meaningful change ",
+ "color": "accent"
+ },
+ {
+ "text": "to many of the most vulnerable people and communities."
+ }
+ ],
+ "org-quote-author": "Edmond Margai",
+ "org-photo": "",
+ "org-facebook": "https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100070050743284&sk=about_details",
+ "org-youtube": "https://www.youtube.com/@reachoutsalone8395"
+ },
+ {
+ "org-short-name": "Equal Rights Alliance",
+ "org-long-name": "Equal Rights Alliance",
+ "org-foundation": "2019",
+ "org-image": "equal-rights-alliance.png",
+ "org-country": "SL",
+ "org-headquarter": "Freetown",
+ "org-category": "Local NGO",
+ "org-focus-sdg-numbers": [3, 10],
+ "partnership-start": "2022",
+ "recipients-total": "13",
+ "recipients-active": "13",
+ "recipients-former": "0",
+ "recipients-suspended": "0",
+ "org-mission": "The NGO advances human rights by increasing awareness and understanding of equal rights, inclusion, and social justice within communities.",
+ "org-description-paragraphs": [
+ [
+ {
+ "text": "Equal Rights Alliance is a non-profit organization committed to protecting and promoting human rights, working toward a society free from violence and discrimination. Its mission is to raise awareness on equal rights, inclusion, and social justice. Focused on advancing human rights in Sierra Leone, the organization advocates for key population groups and promotes international human rights standards."
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ "text": "Additionally, it integrates disability into development initiatives, supports disability policies and programs, and bridges the gap between disability and broader human rights issues."
+ }
+ ]
+ ],
+ "org-quote": [
+ {
+ "text": "Social Income is a vital tool "
+ },
+ {
+ "text": "against poverty for the vulnerable. ",
+ "color": "accent"
+ },
+ {
+ "text": "We hope the government adopts it as a key social protection measure."
+ }
+ ],
+ "org-quote-author": "Arnold Gibril Kamara",
+ "org-photo": "",
+ "org-facebook": "https://www.facebook.com/groups/693921621002955/"
+ },
+ {
+ "org-short-name": "United Polio Brothers and Sisters",
+ "org-long-name": "United Polio Brothers and Sisters",
+ "org-foundation": "1999",
+ "org-image": "united-polio.png",
+ "org-country": "SL",
+ "org-headquarter": "Freetown",
+ "org-category": "Local NGO",
+ "org-focus-sdg-numbers": [1, 8],
+ "partnership-start": "2022",
+ "recipients-total": "10",
+ "recipients-active": "10",
+ "recipients-former": "0",
+ "recipients-suspended": "0",
+ "org-mission": "The NGO supports disabled and vulnerable individuals by providing housing, training, and resources to improve their lives and uphold their dignity.",
+ "org-description-paragraphs": [
+ [
+ {
+ "text": "United Polio Brothers and Sisters (UPBSA), founded in 1999 by 12 individuals affected by polio, advocates for housing and training opportunities for disabled and vulnerable people. In 2001, UPBSA established a provisional technical and vocational training center in Freetown and later expanded with three additional branches in rural areas."
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ "text": "UPBSA’s mission is to provide a safe, supportive space that equips its members with the tools and opportunities to lead dignified lives."
+ }
+ ]
+ ],
+ "org-quote": [
+ {
+ "text": "Social Income has empowered the most vulnerable to "
+ },
+ {
+ "text": "launch small businesses, ",
+ "color": "accent"
+ },
+ {
+ "text": "generating steady income through its dependable monthly support."
+ }
+ ],
+ "org-quote-author": "Paul Osman Kabia",
+ "org-photo": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "org-short-name": "SLAES",
+ "org-long-name": "Sierra Leone Association of Ebola Survivors",
+ "org-foundation": "2015",
+ "org-image": "slaes.png",
+ "org-country": "SL",
+ "org-headquarter": "Kenema",
+ "org-category": "Local NGO",
+ "org-focus-sdg-numbers": [4, 5],
+ "partnership-start": "2024",
+ "recipients-total": "20",
+ "recipients-active": "17",
+ "recipients-former": "2",
+ "recipients-suspended": "1",
+ "org-mission": "The community-based NGO supports individuals who have survived the Ebola virus, focusing on those affected by the devastating 2014 outbreak in Sierra Leone.",
+ "org-description-paragraphs": [
+ [
+ {
+ "text": "The Sierra Leone Association of Ebola Survivors (SLAES) is an organization committed to supporting individuals who have overcome the Ebola virus. SLAES offers comprehensive assistance, including access to medical care, psychological support, and ongoing advocacy to ensure that survivors’ rights and needs are recognized and addressed."
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ "text": "Through its work, SLAES aims to help survivors rebuild their lives and foster resilience in affected communities."
+ }
+ ]
+ ],
+ "org-quote": [
+ {
+ "text": "It’s more than financial support—it’s a step "
+ },
+ {
+ "text": "towards dignity and resilience.",
+ "color": "accent"
+ }
+ ],
+ "org-quote-author": "Paul Osman Kabia",
+ "org-photo": ""
+ }
+ ]
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index d683f7fb6..47210196f 100644
--- a/shared/locales/fr/website-common.json
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"recipients": "Bénéficiaires",
"reporting": "Rapports",
"team": "Équipe",
+ "partners": "Partenaires",
"transparency": "Transparence",
"whats-next": "Suite"
@@ -39,5 +40,85 @@
"text": "Nous utilisons des cookies.",
"button-accept": "Accepter",
"button-refuse": "Refuser"
+ },
+ "links": {
+ "more": "En ligne",
+ "website": "Site web",
+ "instagram": "Instagram",
+ "facebook": "Facebook",
+ "linkedin": "LinkedIn",
+ "youtube": "YouTube",
+ "x": "X"
+ },
+ "sdg": {
+ "sdg": "ODD",
+ "sdg1-title": "Pas de Pauvreté",
+ "sdg1-mission-1": "La mission de ",
+ "sdg1-mission-2": "est de mettre fin à la pauvreté sous toutes ses formes.",
+ "sdg2-title": "Faim Zéro",
+ "sdg2-mission-1": "La mission de ",
+ "sdg2-mission-2": "est de mettre fin à la faim et de garantir l’accès à une alimentation nutritive.",
+ "sdg3-title": "Bonne Santé",
+ "sdg3-mission-1": "La mission de ",
+ "sdg3-mission-2": "est de garantir une vie en bonne santé et de promouvoir le bien-être pour tous.",
+ "sdg4-title": "Éducation de Qualité",
+ "sdg4-mission-1": "La mission de ",
+ "sdg4-mission-2": "est de fournir une éducation inclusive et équitable de qualité.",
+ "sdg5-title": "Égalité des Sexes",
+ "sdg5-mission-1": "La mission de ",
+ "sdg5-mission-2": "est d’atteindre l'égalité des sexes et d’autonomiser toutes les femmes et les filles.",
+ "sdg6-title": "Eau Propre",
+ "sdg6-mission-1": "La mission de ",
+ "sdg6-mission-2": "est d’assurer l’accès à l’eau et à l’assainissement pour tous.",
+ "sdg7-title": "Énergie Propre",
+ "sdg7-mission-1": "La mission de ",
+ "sdg7-mission-2": "est de garantir l’accès à une énergie abordable et durable pour tous.",
+ "sdg8-title": "Travail Décent",
+ "sdg8-mission-1": "La mission de ",
+ "sdg8-mission-2": "est de promouvoir la croissance économique et le travail décent pour tous.",
+ "sdg9-title": "Industrie & Innovation",
+ "sdg9-mission-1": "La mission de ",
+ "sdg9-mission-2": "est de bâtir des infrastructures résilientes et de favoriser l'innovation.",
+ "sdg10-title": "Inégalités Réduites",
+ "sdg10-mission-1": "La mission de ",
+ "sdg10-mission-2": "est de réduire les inégalités dans et entre les pays.",
+ "sdg11-title": "Villes Durables",
+ "sdg11-mission-1": "La mission de ",
+ "sdg11-mission-2": "est de rendre les villes inclusives, sûres et durables.",
+ "sdg12-title": "Consommation Responsable",
+ "sdg12-mission-1": "La mission de ",
+ "sdg12-mission-2": "est d’assurer des modes de consommation et de production durables.",
+ "sdg13-title": "Action Climatique",
+ "sdg13-mission-1": "La mission de ",
+ "sdg13-mission-2": "est d’agir d’urgence contre le changement climatique.",
+ "sdg14-title": "Vie Aquatique",
+ "sdg14-mission-1": "La mission de ",
+ "sdg14-mission-2": "est de protéger et utiliser durablement les océans et ressources marines.",
+ "sdg15-title": "Vie Terrestre",
+ "sdg15-mission-1": "La mission de ",
+ "sdg15-mission-2": "est de protéger et restaurer les écosystèmes terrestres.",
+ "sdg16-title": "Paix et Justice",
+ "sdg16-mission-1": "La mission de ",
+ "sdg16-mission-2": "est de promouvoir des sociétés pacifiques et inclusives et garantir l'accès à la justice pour tous.",
+ "sdg17-title": "Partenariats",
+ "sdg17-mission-1": "La mission de ",
+ "sdg17-mission-2": "est de renforcer les partenariats pour le développement durable."
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+ "metadata": {
+ "title": "Social Income",
+ "description": "Nos partenaires",
+ "og-image": "/assets/metadata/og/default.jpg",
+ "twitter-image": "/assets/metadata/twitter/default.jpg"
+ },
+ "hero": {
+ "title-1": [
+ {
+ "text": "L’ancrage local est notre clé. ",
+ "color": "accent"
+ },
+ {
+ "text": "Permettez-nous de vous présenter nos partenaires locaux."
+ }
+ ],
+ "subtitle": "La collaboration avec des partenaires locaux nous donne l’assurance que les projets sont plus efficaces, plus résilients et plus ancrés dans la réalité des communautés que nous voulons soutenir."
+ },
+ "badges": {
+ "active": "actif",
+ "former": "ancien",
+ "suspended": "suspendu",
+ "recipients": "Bénéficiaires",
+ "recipients-by": "bénéficiaires par"
+ },
+ "ngo-generic": {
+ "founded": "Fondation",
+ "partner-since": "Partenaire depuis",
+ "headquarter": "Siège social",
+ "mission": "Mission"
+ },
+ "ngos": [
+ {
+ "org-short-name": "Fondation Aurora",
+ "org-long-name": "Fondation Aurora",
+ "org-foundation": "2007",
+ "org-image": "aurora.png",
+ "org-country": "SL",
+ "org-headquarter": "Freetown",
+ "org-category": "International NGO",
+ "org-focus-sdg-numbers": [1, 8],
+ "partnership-start": "2020",
+ "recipients-total": "42",
+ "recipients-active": "20",
+ "recipients-former": "22",
+ "recipients-suspended": "0",
+ "org-mission": "L'ONG soutient la créativité et aide les gens à améliorer leur vie et leurs communautés grâce à des projets culturels et de développement.",
+ "org-description-paragraphs": [
+ [
+ {
+ "text": "La Fondation Aurora crée un impact par des projets culturels et de développement qui "
+ },
+ {
+ "text": "valorisent la créativité ",
+ "href": "https://www.aurorafoundation.is/en"
+ },
+ {
+ "text": "et la résilience des communautés."
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ "text": "Fondée en 2007 en Islande, Aurora promeut l’artisanat local et les pratiques durables en Sierra Leone à travers des initiatives comme Lettie Stuart Pottery et la boutique d’artisanat Sweet Salone, pour faire connaître les arts traditionnels à l’international."
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ "text": "Aurora Impact soutient également des projets visionnaires pour relever les défis mondiaux, en utilisant l’entrepreneuriat comme moteur de changement."
+ }
+ ]
+ ],
+ "org-quote": [
+ {
+ "text": "Grâce à Social Income, les artisans ont la "
+ },
+ {
+ "text": "stabilité pour se consacrer à leur art,",
+ "color": "accent"
+ },
+ {
+ "text": "créant ainsi des moyens de subsistance plus durables."
+ }
+ ],
+ "org-quote-author": "Regína Bjarnadóttir",
+ "org-photo": "",
+ "org-website": "https://www.aurorafoundation.is/en",
+ "org-instagram": "https://www.instagram.com/aurorafoundation_official/?hl=en",
+ "org-facebook": "https://www.facebook.com/aurorafoundationofficial/"
+ },
+ {
+ "org-short-name": "JNJF",
+ "org-long-name": "Jamil & Nyanga Jaward Foundation",
+ "org-foundation": "2017",
+ "org-image": "jamil.png",
+ "org-country": "SL",
+ "org-headquarter": "Freetown",
+ "org-category": "Local NGO",
+ "org-focus-sdg-numbers": [1, 5],
+ "partnership-start": "2021",
+ "recipients-total": "35",
+ "recipients-active": "28",
+ "recipients-former": "7",
+ "recipients-suspended": "0",
+ "org-mission": "L'ONG offre aux veuves et aux enfants dans le besoin éducation, soutien et opportunités pour construire un avenir meilleur.",
+ "org-description-paragraphs": [
+ [
+ {
+ "text": "La Fondation Jamil and Nyanga Jaward (JNJF), fondée en 2017, donne aux veuves et aux enfants défavorisés les moyens de réussir grâce à l'éducation, au développement personnel et au soutien communautaire."
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ "text": "Avec la vision de redonner espoir et de reconstruire des vies, la fondation vise à briser les cycles de pauvreté, permettant aux veuves et aux enfants de surmonter l'exclusion sociale et de bâtir un avenir meilleur."
+ }
+ ]
+ ],
+ "org-quote": [
+ {
+ "text": "Social Income offre une solution simple avec un "
+ },
+ {
+ "text": "impact puissant pour nos bénéficiaires,",
+ "color": "accent"
+ },
+ {
+ "text": "agissant comme un soutien financier qui a transformé leur vie de manière profonde."
+ }
+ ],
+ "org-quote-author": "Jamil Jaward",
+ "org-photo": "",
+ "org-website": "https://www.jnjf.org/",
+ "org-instagram": "https://instagram.com/jnjaward?igshid=NGVhN2U2NjQ0Yg",
+ "org-facebook": "https://www.facebook.com/JNJFoundation",
+ "org-linkedin": "https://www.linkedin.com/company/the-jamil-nyanga-jaward-foundation/"
+ },
+ {
+ "org-short-name": "Reachout Salone",
+ "org-long-name": "Reachout Salone",
+ "org-foundation": "2020",
+ "org-image": "reachout.png",
+ "org-country": "SL",
+ "org-headquarter": "Freetown",
+ "org-category": "Local NGO",
+ "org-focus-sdg-numbers": [1, 5],
+ "partnership-start": "2021",
+ "recipients-total": "36",
+ "recipients-active": "12",
+ "recipients-former": "24",
+ "recipients-suspended": "0",
+ "org-mission": "L'ONG soutient les communautés côtières en offrant aux jeunes le soutien et les opportunités nécessaires pour briser le cycle de la pauvreté et bâtir un avenir meilleur.",
+ "org-description-paragraphs": [
+ [
+ {
+ "text": "Reachout Salone (ROSL) est une organisation dirigée par des jeunes et enregistrée en Sierra Leone, centrée sur le plaidoyer et les actions caritatives dans les communautés côtières. Créée en 2020, ROSL promeut le développement humain durable et l’adaptation au changement climatique. Avec un accent particulier sur les jeunes, notamment les femmes et les filles, ROSL collabore avec des agences gouvernementales, des ONG et des organisations humanitaires pour favoriser des moyens de subsistance durables, en veillant à la dignité et à la sécurité des personnes."
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ "text": "Sa mission est de soutenir les démunis et les personnes vulnérables en leur offrant des voies vers une vie meilleure. Sa vision est de donner aux individus et aux communautés les moyens de briser le cycle de la pauvreté et de créer des opportunités égales pour les groupes défavorisés."
+ }
+ ]
+ ],
+ "org-quote": [
+ {
+ "text": "Social Income a apporté un "
+ },
+ {
+ "text": "changement significatif ",
+ "color": "accent"
+ },
+ {
+ "text": "à de nombreuses personnes et communautés parmi les plus vulnérables."
+ }
+ ],
+ "org-quote-author": "Edmond Margai",
+ "org-photo": "",
+ "org-facebook": "https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100070050743284&sk=about_details",
+ "org-youtube": "https://www.youtube.com/@reachoutsalone8395"
+ },
+ {
+ "org-short-name": "Equal Rights Alliance",
+ "org-long-name": "Equal Rights Alliance",
+ "org-foundation": "2019",
+ "org-image": "equal-rights-alliance.png",
+ "org-country": "SL",
+ "org-headquarter": "Freetown",
+ "org-category": "Local NGO",
+ "org-focus-sdg-numbers": [3, 10],
+ "partnership-start": "2022",
+ "recipients-total": "13",
+ "recipients-active": "13",
+ "recipients-former": "0",
+ "recipients-suspended": "0",
+ "org-mission": "L'ONG promeut les droits humains en sensibilisant aux droits égaux, à l'inclusion et à la justice sociale dans les communautés.",
+ "org-description-paragraphs": [
+ [
+ {
+ "text": "Equal Rights Alliance est une organisation à but non lucratif engagée dans la protection et la promotion des droits humains, œuvrant pour une société sans violence ni discrimination. Sa mission est de sensibiliser aux droits égaux, à l'inclusion et à la justice sociale. Focalisée sur l'avancement des droits humains en Sierra Leone, l'organisation défend les groupes de population clés et promeut les normes internationales en matière de droits humains."
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ "text": "Elle intègre également la question du handicap dans les initiatives de développement, soutient des politiques et programmes en faveur des personnes handicapées, et comble le fossé entre handicap et droits humains."
+ }
+ ]
+ ],
+ "org-quote": [
+ {
+ "text": "Social Income est un outil essentiel "
+ },
+ {
+ "text": "contre la pauvreté pour les personnes vulnérables. ",
+ "color": "accent"
+ },
+ {
+ "text": "Nous espérons que le gouvernement l'adopte comme une mesure clé de protection sociale."
+ }
+ ],
+ "org-quote-author": "Arnold Gibril Kamara",
+ "org-photo": "",
+ "org-facebook": "https://www.facebook.com/groups/693921621002955/"
+ },
+ {
+ "org-short-name": "United Polio Brothers and Sisters",
+ "org-long-name": "United Polio Brothers and Sisters",
+ "org-foundation": "1999",
+ "org-image": "united-polio.png",
+ "org-country": "SL",
+ "org-headquarter": "Freetown",
+ "org-category": "Local NGO",
+ "org-focus-sdg-numbers": [1, 8],
+ "partnership-start": "2022",
+ "recipients-total": "10",
+ "recipients-active": "10",
+ "recipients-former": "0",
+ "recipients-suspended": "0",
+ "org-mission": "L'ONG soutient les personnes handicapées et vulnérables en leur fournissant logement, formation et ressources pour améliorer leur vie et préserver leur dignité.",
+ "org-description-paragraphs": [
+ [
+ {
+ "text": "United Polio Brothers and Sisters (UPBSA), fondée en 1999 par 12 personnes touchées par la polio, défend le droit au logement et aux opportunités de formation pour les personnes handicapées et vulnérables. En 2001, UPBSA a créé un centre provisoire de formation technique et professionnelle à Freetown, puis a ouvert trois autres antennes en zones rurales."
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ "text": "La mission de UPBSA est de fournir un espace sûr et solidaire qui offre à ses membres les outils et les opportunités nécessaires pour mener une vie digne."
+ }
+ ]
+ ],
+ "org-quote": [
+ {
+ "text": "Social Income a permis aux plus vulnérables de "
+ },
+ {
+ "text": "lancer de petites entreprises, ",
+ "color": "accent"
+ },
+ {
+ "text": "générant un revenu stable grâce à son soutien mensuel fiable."
+ }
+ ],
+ "org-quote-author": "Paul Osman Kabia",
+ "org-photo": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "org-short-name": "SLAES",
+ "org-long-name": "Sierra Leone Association of Ebola Survivors",
+ "org-foundation": "2015",
+ "org-image": "slaes.png",
+ "org-country": "SL",
+ "org-headquarter": "Kenema",
+ "org-category": "Local NGO",
+ "org-focus-sdg-numbers": [4, 5],
+ "partnership-start": "2024",
+ "recipients-total": "20",
+ "recipients-active": "17",
+ "recipients-former": "2",
+ "recipients-suspended": "1",
+ "org-mission": "L'ONG communautaire soutient les personnes ayant survécu au virus Ebola, en se concentrant sur celles touchées par l'épidémie dévastatrice de 2014 en Sierra Leone.",
+ "org-description-paragraphs": [
+ [
+ {
+ "text": "La Sierra Leone Association of Ebola Survivors (SLAES) est une organisation dédiée à soutenir les personnes qui ont surmonté le virus Ebola. SLAES offre une assistance complète, y compris l'accès aux soins médicaux, un soutien psychologique et une défense continue des droits pour garantir que les besoins des survivants soient reconnus et pris en compte."
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ "text": "Grâce à son travail, SLAES vise à aider les survivants à reconstruire leur vie et à renforcer la résilience dans les communautés touchées."
+ }
+ ]
+ ],
+ "org-quote": [
+ {
+ "text": "C’est plus qu’un soutien financier—c’est un pas "
+ },
+ {
+ "text": "vers la dignité et la résilience.",
+ "color": "accent"
+ }
+ ],
+ "org-quote-author": "Paul Osman Kabia",
+ "org-photo": ""
+ }
+ ]
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"terms-of-use": "Condizioni di Utilizzo",
"transparency": "Transparenza",
@@ -42,5 +43,85 @@
"text": "Utilizziamo i cookie.",
"button-accept": "Accetto",
"button-refuse": "Rifiuto"
+ },
+ "links": {
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+ "linkedin": "LinkedIn",
+ "youtube": "YouTube",
+ "x": "X"
+ },
+ "sdg": {
+ "sdg": "SDG",
+ "sdg1-title": "No Povertà",
+ "sdg1-mission-1": "La missione di ",
+ "sdg1-mission-2": "è eliminare la povertà in tutte le sue forme.",
+ "sdg2-title": "Fame Zero",
+ "sdg2-mission-1": "La missione di ",
+ "sdg2-mission-2": "è porre fine alla fame e garantire l’accesso a cibo nutriente.",
+ "sdg3-title": "Buona Salute",
+ "sdg3-mission-1": "La missione di ",
+ "sdg3-mission-2": "è assicurare una vita sana e promuovere il benessere per tutti.",
+ "sdg4-title": "Istruzione di Qualità",
+ "sdg4-mission-1": "La missione di ",
+ "sdg4-mission-2": "è fornire un’istruzione inclusiva e di qualità per tutti.",
+ "sdg5-title": "Parità di Genere",
+ "sdg5-mission-1": "La missione di ",
+ "sdg5-mission-2": "è raggiungere la parità di genere e potenziare tutte le donne e le ragazze.",
+ "sdg6-title": "Acqua Pulita",
+ "sdg6-mission-1": "La missione di ",
+ "sdg6-mission-2": "è garantire acqua e servizi igienico-sanitari per tutti.",
+ "sdg7-title": "Energia Pulita",
+ "sdg7-mission-1": "La missione di ",
+ "sdg7-mission-2": "è garantire l'accesso a energia sostenibile per tutti.",
+ "sdg8-title": "Lavoro Dignitoso",
+ "sdg8-mission-1": "La missione di ",
+ "sdg8-mission-2": "è promuovere crescita economica e lavoro dignitoso per tutti.",
+ "sdg9-title": "Industria e Innovazione",
+ "sdg9-mission-1": "La missione di ",
+ "sdg9-mission-2": "è costruire infrastrutture resilienti e promuovere l'innovazione.",
+ "sdg10-title": "Ridurre le Disuguaglianze",
+ "sdg10-mission-1": "La missione di ",
+ "sdg10-mission-2": "è ridurre le disuguaglianze all’interno e tra i Paesi.",
+ "sdg11-title": "Città Sostenibili",
+ "sdg11-mission-1": "La missione di ",
+ "sdg11-mission-2": "è rendere le città inclusive, sicure e sostenibili.",
+ "sdg12-title": "Consumo Responsabile",
+ "sdg12-mission-1": "La missione di ",
+ "sdg12-mission-2": "è garantire modelli di consumo e produzione sostenibili.",
+ "sdg13-title": "Azione per il Clima",
+ "sdg13-mission-1": "La missione di ",
+ "sdg13-mission-2": "è agire contro il cambiamento climatico con urgenza.",
+ "sdg14-title": "Vita Sott’Acqua",
+ "sdg14-mission-1": "La missione di ",
+ "sdg14-mission-2": "è proteggere e utilizzare in modo sostenibile gli oceani e le risorse marine.",
+ "sdg15-title": "Vita sulla Terra",
+ "sdg15-mission-1": "La missione di ",
+ "sdg15-mission-2": "è proteggere e ripristinare gli ecosistemi terrestri.",
+ "sdg16-title": "Pace e Giustizia",
+ "sdg16-mission-1": "La missione di ",
+ "sdg16-mission-2": "è promuovere società pacifiche e garantire l’accesso alla giustizia per tutti.",
+ "sdg17-title": "Partnerships",
+ "sdg17-mission-1": "La missione di ",
+ "sdg17-mission-2": "è rafforzare le partnership per lo sviluppo sostenibile."
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+ "metadata": {
+ "title": "Social Income",
+ "description": "I nostri partner",
+ "og-image": "/assets/metadata/og/default.jpg",
+ "twitter-image": "/assets/metadata/twitter/default.jpg"
+ },
+ "hero": {
+ "title-1": [
+ {
+ "text": "La localizzazione è al centro del nostro lavoro. ",
+ "color": "accent"
+ },
+ {
+ "text": "Siamo lieti di presentare i nostri partner locali."
+ }
+ ],
+ "subtitle": "Lavorando insieme a organizzazioni non-profit locali, garantiamo che i nostri progetti siano più efficaci, resilienti e profondamente radicati nelle realtà delle comunità che intendiamo sostenere."
+ },
+ "badges": {
+ "active": "attivo",
+ "former": "precedente",
+ "suspended": "sospeso",
+ "recipients": "Beneficiari",
+ "recipients-by": "beneficiari per"
+ },
+ "ngo-generic": {
+ "founded": "Fondato",
+ "partner-since": "Partner dal",
+ "headquarter": "Sede",
+ "mission": "Missione"
+ },
+ "ngos": [
+ {
+ "org-short-name": "Aurora Foundation",
+ "org-long-name": "Aurora Foundation",
+ "org-foundation": "2007",
+ "org-image": "aurora.png",
+ "org-country": "SL",
+ "org-headquarter": "Freetown",
+ "org-category": "International NGO",
+ "org-focus-sdg-numbers": [1, 8],
+ "partnership-start": "2020",
+ "recipients-total": "42",
+ "recipients-active": "20",
+ "recipients-former": "22",
+ "recipients-suspended": "0",
+ "org-mission": "L'ONG sostiene la creatività e aiuta le persone a migliorare la propria vita e le comunità attraverso progetti di sviluppo e culturali.",
+ "org-description-paragraphs": [
+ [
+ {
+ "text": "La Fondazione Aurora genera impatto attraverso progetti culturali e di sviluppo che "
+ },
+ {
+ "text": "celebrano la creatività ",
+ "href": "https://www.aurorafoundation.is/en"
+ },
+ {
+ "text": "e la resilienza delle comunità."
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ "text": "Fondata nel 2007 in Islanda, Aurora promuove l’artigianato locale e pratiche sostenibili in Sierra Leone con iniziative come Lettie Stuart Pottery e il negozio Sweet Salone, portando le arti tradizionali a un pubblico globale."
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ "text": "Aurora Impact sostiene inoltre progetti visionari per affrontare sfide globali, utilizzando l’imprenditorialità come motore del cambiamento."
+ }
+ ]
+ ],
+ "org-quote": [
+ {
+ "text": "Grazie a Social Income, gli artigiani hanno la "
+ },
+ {
+ "text": "stabilità per concentrarsi sul loro mestiere,",
+ "color": "accent"
+ },
+ {
+ "text": "creando mezzi di sostentamento più sostenibili."
+ }
+ ],
+ "org-quote-author": "Regína Bjarnadóttir",
+ "org-photo": "",
+ "org-website": "https://www.aurorafoundation.is/en",
+ "org-instagram": "https://www.instagram.com/aurorafoundation_official/?hl=en",
+ "org-facebook": "https://www.facebook.com/aurorafoundationofficial/"
+ },
+ {
+ "org-short-name": "JNJF",
+ "org-long-name": "Jamil & Nyanga Jaward Foundation",
+ "org-foundation": "2017",
+ "org-image": "jamil.png",
+ "org-country": "SL",
+ "org-headquarter": "Freetown",
+ "org-category": "Local NGO",
+ "org-focus-sdg-numbers": [1, 5],
+ "partnership-start": "2021",
+ "recipients-total": "35",
+ "recipients-active": "28",
+ "recipients-former": "7",
+ "recipients-suspended": "0",
+ "org-mission": "L'ONG fornisce a vedove e bambini bisognosi istruzione, supporto e opportunità per costruire un futuro migliore.",
+ "org-description-paragraphs": [
+ [
+ {
+ "text": "La Fondazione Jamil e Nyanga Jaward (JNJF), fondata nel 2017, sostiene vedove e bambini svantaggiati attraverso l’istruzione, la crescita personale e il supporto della comunità."
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ "text": "Con la visione di restituire speranza e ricostruire vite, la fondazione si propone di spezzare i cicli di povertà, permettendo a vedove e bambini di superare l'esclusione sociale e costruire un futuro più luminoso."
+ }
+ ]
+ ],
+ "org-quote": [
+ {
+ "text": "Social Income offre una soluzione semplice con un "
+ },
+ {
+ "text": "grande impatto sui nostri beneficiari,",
+ "color": "accent"
+ },
+ {
+ "text": "fornendo un sostegno finanziario che ha trasformato profondamente le loro vite."
+ }
+ ],
+ "org-quote-author": "Jamil Jaward",
+ "org-photo": "",
+ "org-website": "https://www.jnjf.org/",
+ "org-instagram": "https://instagram.com/jnjaward?igshid=NGVhN2U2NjQ0Yg",
+ "org-facebook": "https://www.facebook.com/JNJFoundation",
+ "org-linkedin": "https://www.linkedin.com/company/the-jamil-nyanga-jaward-foundation/"
+ },
+ {
+ "org-short-name": "Reachout Salone",
+ "org-long-name": "Reachout Salone",
+ "org-foundation": "2020",
+ "org-image": "reachout.png",
+ "org-country": "SL",
+ "org-headquarter": "Freetown",
+ "org-category": "Local NGO",
+ "org-focus-sdg-numbers": [1, 5],
+ "partnership-start": "2021",
+ "recipients-total": "36",
+ "recipients-active": "12",
+ "recipients-former": "24",
+ "recipients-suspended": "0",
+ "org-mission": "L'ONG sostiene le comunità costiere, offrendo ai giovani il supporto e le opportunità necessari per spezzare il ciclo della povertà e costruire un futuro migliore.",
+ "org-description-paragraphs": [
+ [
+ {
+ "text": "Reachout Salone (ROSL) è un'organizzazione guidata dai giovani e registrata in Sierra Leone, focalizzata sulla sensibilizzazione e le iniziative caritative nelle comunità costiere. Fondata nel 2020, ROSL promuove lo sviluppo umano sostenibile e l’adattamento ai cambiamenti climatici. Con un’attenzione speciale ai giovani, in particolare donne e ragazze, ROSL collabora con enti governativi, ONG e organizzazioni umanitarie per sostenere mezzi di sussistenza sostenibili, garantendo dignità e sicurezza."
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ "text": "La sua missione è sostenere i più poveri e vulnerabili, offrendo loro vie per una vita migliore. La visione di ROSL è quella di dare potere a individui e comunità, spezzare il ciclo della povertà e creare pari opportunità per i gruppi svantaggiati."
+ }
+ ]
+ ],
+ "org-quote": [
+ {
+ "text": "Social Income ha portato un "
+ },
+ {
+ "text": "cambiamento significativo ",
+ "color": "accent"
+ },
+ {
+ "text": "a molte delle persone e comunità più vulnerabili."
+ }
+ ],
+ "org-quote-author": "Edmond Margai",
+ "org-photo": "",
+ "org-facebook": "https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100070050743284&sk=about_details",
+ "org-youtube": "https://www.youtube.com/@reachoutsalone8395"
+ },
+ {
+ "org-short-name": "Equal Rights Alliance",
+ "org-long-name": "Equal Rights Alliance",
+ "org-foundation": "2019",
+ "org-image": "equal-rights-alliance.png",
+ "org-country": "SL",
+ "org-headquarter": "Freetown",
+ "org-category": "Local NGO",
+ "org-focus-sdg-numbers": [3, 10],
+ "partnership-start": "2022",
+ "recipients-total": "13",
+ "recipients-active": "13",
+ "recipients-former": "0",
+ "recipients-suspended": "0",
+ "org-mission": "L'ONG promuove i diritti umani sensibilizzando ai diritti uguali, all'inclusione e alla giustizia sociale nelle comunità.",
+ "org-description-paragraphs": [
+ [
+ {
+ "text": "Equal Rights Alliance è un’organizzazione senza scopo di lucro impegnata a proteggere e promuovere i diritti umani, lavorando per una società libera da violenza e discriminazione. La sua missione è sensibilizzare sui diritti uguali, l'inclusione e la giustizia sociale. Focalizzata sull'avanzamento dei diritti umani in Sierra Leone, l'organizzazione sostiene gruppi chiave della popolazione e promuove gli standard internazionali sui diritti umani."
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ "text": "Inoltre, integra la disabilità nelle iniziative di sviluppo, supporta politiche e programmi per la disabilità, e colma il divario tra disabilità e questioni più ampie dei diritti umani."
+ }
+ ]
+ ],
+ "org-quote": [
+ {
+ "text": "Social Income è uno strumento fondamentale "
+ },
+ {
+ "text": "contro la povertà per le persone vulnerabili. ",
+ "color": "accent"
+ },
+ {
+ "text": "Speriamo che il governo lo adotti come misura chiave di protezione sociale."
+ }
+ ],
+ "org-quote-author": "Arnold Gibril Kamara",
+ "org-photo": "",
+ "org-facebook": "https://www.facebook.com/groups/693921621002955/"
+ },
+ {
+ "org-short-name": "United Polio Brothers and Sisters",
+ "org-long-name": "United Polio Brothers and Sisters",
+ "org-foundation": "1999",
+ "org-image": "united-polio.png",
+ "org-country": "SL",
+ "org-headquarter": "Freetown",
+ "org-category": "Local NGO",
+ "org-focus-sdg-numbers": [1, 8],
+ "partnership-start": "2022",
+ "recipients-total": "10",
+ "recipients-active": "10",
+ "recipients-former": "0",
+ "recipients-suspended": "0",
+ "org-mission": "L'ONG sostiene persone disabili e vulnerabili, offrendo alloggi, formazione e risorse per migliorare la loro vita e preservare la loro dignità.",
+ "org-description-paragraphs": [
+ [
+ {
+ "text": "United Polio Brothers and Sisters (UPBSA), fondata nel 1999 da 12 persone colpite dalla polio, sostiene il diritto alla casa e alle opportunità di formazione per persone disabili e vulnerabili. Nel 2001, UPBSA ha istituito un centro tecnico e professionale provvisorio a Freetown, espandendosi poi con tre altre sedi nelle aree rurali."
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ "text": "La missione di UPBSA è fornire uno spazio sicuro e di supporto che dia ai suoi membri gli strumenti e le opportunità per condurre una vita dignitosa."
+ }
+ ]
+ ],
+ "org-quote": [
+ {
+ "text": "Social Income ha permesso ai più vulnerabili di "
+ },
+ {
+ "text": "avviare piccole attività, ",
+ "color": "accent"
+ },
+ {
+ "text": "generando un reddito stabile grazie al suo affidabile supporto mensile."
+ }
+ ],
+ "org-quote-author": "Paul Osman Kabia",
+ "org-photo": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "org-short-name": "SLAES",
+ "org-long-name": "Sierra Leone Association of Ebola Survivors",
+ "org-foundation": "2015",
+ "org-image": "slaes.png",
+ "org-country": "SL",
+ "org-headquarter": "Kenema",
+ "org-category": "Local NGO",
+ "org-focus-sdg-numbers": [4, 5],
+ "partnership-start": "2024",
+ "recipients-total": "20",
+ "recipients-active": "17",
+ "recipients-former": "2",
+ "recipients-suspended": "1",
+ "org-mission": "L'ONG comunitaria sostiene le persone sopravvissute al virus Ebola, con un focus su coloro colpiti dalla devastante epidemia del 2014 in Sierra Leone.",
+ "org-description-paragraphs": [
+ [
+ {
+ "text": "La Sierra Leone Association of Ebola Survivors (SLAES) è un’organizzazione impegnata a sostenere le persone che hanno superato il virus Ebola. SLAES offre un'assistenza completa, tra cui accesso alle cure mediche, supporto psicologico e un'azione continua per garantire che i diritti e i bisogni dei sopravvissuti siano riconosciuti e soddisfatti."
+ }
+ ],
+ [
+ {
+ "text": "Attraverso il suo lavoro, SLAES mira ad aiutare i sopravvissuti a ricostruire le loro vite e a rafforzare la resilienza nelle comunità colpite."
+ }
+ ]
+ ],
+ "org-quote": [
+ {
+ "text": "È più di un semplice supporto finanziario—è un passo "
+ },
+ {
+ "text": "verso la dignità e la resilienza.",
+ "color": "accent"
+ }
+ ],
+ "org-quote-author": "Paul Osman Kabia",
+ "org-photo": ""
+ }
+ ]
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"@radix-ui/react-progress": "^1.1.0",
"@radix-ui/react-radio-group": "^1.2.0",
"@radix-ui/react-select": "^2.1.1",
+ "@radix-ui/react-separator": "^1.1.0",
"@radix-ui/react-slot": "^1.1.0",
"@radix-ui/react-switch": "^1.1.0",
"@radix-ui/react-tabs": "^1.1.0",
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+'use client';
+import * as SeparatorPrimitive from '@radix-ui/react-separator';
+import * as React from 'react';
+import { cn } from '../lib/utils';
+const Separator = React.forwardRef<
+ React.ElementRef,
+ React.ComponentPropsWithoutRef
+>(({ className, orientation = 'horizontal', decorative = true, ...props }, ref) => {
+ return (
+ );
+Separator.displayName = SeparatorPrimitive.Root.displayName;
+export { Separator };
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--- a/ui/src/index.ts
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@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ export * from './components/navigation-menu';
export * from './components/popover';
export * from './components/radio-group';
export * from './components/select';
+export * from './components/separator';
export * from './components/switch';
export * from './components/table';
export * from './components/tabs';
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index 000000000..8eda0aea2
Binary files /dev/null and b/website/public/assets/partners/aurora.png differ
diff --git a/website/public/assets/partners/equal-rights-alliance.png b/website/public/assets/partners/equal-rights-alliance.png
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4328cb0de
Binary files /dev/null and b/website/public/assets/partners/equal-rights-alliance.png differ
diff --git a/website/public/assets/partners/jamil.png b/website/public/assets/partners/jamil.png
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..355503e3f
Binary files /dev/null and b/website/public/assets/partners/jamil.png differ
diff --git a/website/public/assets/partners/reachout.png b/website/public/assets/partners/reachout.png
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2640eec34
Binary files /dev/null and b/website/public/assets/partners/reachout.png differ
diff --git a/website/public/assets/partners/slaes.png b/website/public/assets/partners/slaes.png
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e963a4b83
Binary files /dev/null and b/website/public/assets/partners/slaes.png differ
diff --git a/website/public/assets/partners/united-polio.png b/website/public/assets/partners/united-polio.png
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..951f1b550
Binary files /dev/null and b/website/public/assets/partners/united-polio.png differ
diff --git a/website/src/app/[lang]/[region]/(website)/partners/(assets)/sdg-circle.svg b/website/src/app/[lang]/[region]/(website)/partners/(assets)/sdg-circle.svg
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2c00ee116
--- /dev/null
+++ b/website/src/app/[lang]/[region]/(website)/partners/(assets)/sdg-circle.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/website/src/app/[lang]/[region]/(website)/partners/(sections)/hero.tsx b/website/src/app/[lang]/[region]/(website)/partners/(sections)/hero.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a09966894
--- /dev/null
+++ b/website/src/app/[lang]/[region]/(website)/partners/(sections)/hero.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+import { DefaultParams } from '@/app/[lang]/[region]';
+import { Translator } from '@socialincome/shared/src/utils/i18n';
+import { Typography } from '@socialincome/ui';
+import { FontColor } from '@socialincome/ui/src/interfaces/color';
+export async function Hero({ lang }: DefaultParams) {
+ const translator = await Translator.getInstance({
+ language: lang,
+ namespaces: ['website-partners'],
+ });
+ return (