To have the application working on your local machine, use the following instructions to help you get started.
cd <desired_directory>
git clone
cd project-setup-foodwithfriends
Check out npm's docs here to learn how to get both!
Install main repository dependencies
npm install
Install frontend dependencies
cd front-end && npm install
Install backend dependencies
cd back-end && npm install
Please look at the #team-oita slack channel or ask Jen for the files.
Add .env file to backend directory (example)
Add .env file to frontend directory (example)
In the repository source directory, you can run both projects concurrently with this command
npm run dev
ESLint is a great tool that helps identify syntax errors in your code and help fix them.
To lint your code:
npm run lint
If you want to disable linting errors on the browser (to prevent compilation errors):
While not required, it is recommended to use prettier to format the files. Check out the prettier extension here to install.
To run unit tests on the backend
npm run test
To check code coverage
npm run coverage
If you prefer to use docker for development, you can use the following commands to deploy the project to your local machine. Please note that you will need to have docker installed on your machine. Make sure that Docker is running on your machine before typing the commands below.
To run the backend container: (Exposed on localhost:8000)
docker build . -t <your username>/food-with-friends-back-end
docker run -p 8000:8000 -d <your username>/food-with-friends-back-end
To run the frontend container: (Exposed on localhost:3000)
docker build . -t <your username>/food-with-friends-front-end
docker run -p 3000:3000 -d <your username>/food-with-friends-front-end
If you have successfully deployed the backend and frontend containers, you can now view and access the backend and frontend containers from your local machine.
To go inside the container: docker exec -it bash
To stop the container: docker kill
For more information, please see: