- Assign scrum master and product owner every sprint
- All members will complete work on time
- Keep communication on the slack channel between stand ups to make sure we stay on the same page
- Attend daily stand ups
- If you are running into a blocker, let the group know during stand up and ask for help.
- Respect other team mates
- Be open to other team mates opinions and perspective
2 weeks per sprint
As a team we have agreed to meet (on Zoom or in person depending on group members schedules) every 2 days at 9 pm to discuss:
- What has everyone has done since last meeting?
- What everyone is planning on doing now?
- Any blockers?
If someone cannot come to the daily stand up, they will send an update in the slack channel.
More specific details to come when we decide the technology we will be using to create our product. General coding standards:
- VS Code will be our code editor
- Always pull before you commit/push to avoid merge conflicts.
- Do not push and commit code that is not 100% working.
- Write comments inside of your code so other team members can follow your code.
- Variable and function names should be easy to follow - don't use dummy variable names.
- Clear
You need visual studio code or some application to open this application written in JavaScript. Express.js back end and node.js front end.
Clone this repository then:
cd project-setup-sj-clarke
npm install (install all dependencies)
cd front-end
npm start
cd -
cd back-end
npm start
Then, the front end and back end should be running.
Front end: port 3000
Back end: port 5000