diff --git a/build.sbt b/build.sbt index 2bababf102..b482116c83 100644 --- a/build.sbt +++ b/build.sbt @@ -64,10 +64,11 @@ val commonSettings = commonSmlBuildSettings ++ ossPublishSettings ++ Seq( Test / unmanagedSourceDirectories ++= versionedScalaSourceDirectories((Test / sourceDirectory).value, scalaVersion.value), updateDocs := Def.taskDyn { val files1 = UpdateVersionInDocs(sLog.value, organization.value, version.value) - // for the root project the sourceDirectory points to src, so ../ will point to the root directory of the project - GenerateListOfExamples(sLog.value, sourceDirectory.value.getParentFile) Def.task { (documentation.jvm(documentationScalaVersion) / mdoc).toTask("").value + // Generating the list only after mdoc is done (as it overrides what's in generated_doc) + // For the root project the sourceDirectory points to src, so ../ will point to the root directory of the project + GenerateListOfExamples(sLog.value, sourceDirectory.value.getParentFile) files1 ++ Seq(file("generated-doc/out")) } }.value,