Terraform Module for provisioning a GCP KMS Keyring. This module allows you to provision a GCP KMS Keyring and all of its underlying keys by specifiying an authoritative IAM policy for each crypto key resource.
module "keyring_example" {
source = "./terraform-google-kms-keyring"
keyring_name = "exapmle_ring"
keyring_location = "us-west2"
keys = [
key_name = "test_key",
purpose = "ENCRYPT_DECRYPT",
rotation_period = "2592000s",
version_template = {
algorithm = "RSA_SIGN_PKCS1_3072_SHA256",
protection_level = "SOFTWARE"
permissions = [
members = [
"serviceAccount:<SERVICE ACCOUNT EMAIL>",
"user:<USER EMAIL>",
"group:<GROUP EMAIL>",
role = <ROLE>,
condition = {
title = <TITLE>,
description = <DESCRIPTION>,
expression = <EXPRESSION>
providers = {
google = google.<PROVIDER ALIAS>
If desired, version_template
can be set to null
If you want to create a key with permissions that don't have any conditions, simply pass empty strings to the condition
condition = {
title = "",
description = "",
expression = ""