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October 2017


Onward with Ethereum Smart Contract Security


  • Fail as early and loudly as possible
    • (Particularly in Solidity) hidden errors can kill you; prefer to throw or avoid default states if you can
    • Separate preconditions and make each fail (for good errors)
    • Think about ways for your contract to safely recover
  • Favour pull over push payments
    • Never trust that a send() will execute without error (whenever you call a contract, especially one you don't have control over, expect it to fail!)
    • Prefer not to call send() while already executing a function
    • Separate payments into a different function, where others call to receive (pull) a transfer
  • Structure your functions as:
    1. Check preconditions
    2. Make changes to state
    3. Interact with other contracts (if they fail unexpectedly, your state will be rolled back so you can try again later)
  • Be aware of platform limits
    • Avoid implicit types (var) unless you know exactly what values a variable can take (even then, it's probably not good for others)
    • Be careful of gas, especially in loops (avoid calling potentially expensive functions)
    • Be aware that an attacker may put your contract above the call stack, causing any further send()s to silently fail
  • Write tests (duh)
  • Fault tolerance and automatic bug bounties
    • Wrap contracts around a Bounty that researchers can claim if they've proven some invariants in the contract (or a duplicate) are broken
    • Add pause or halt button to the contract
  • Limit the amount of funds deposited
    • You can make it so that the contract doesn't accept more deposits than a set number
  • Write simple and modular code (duh)
    • Especially important for solidity, you should understand every state your contract could possibly be in
    • Events should start with "Log"
  • Don't write all your code from scratch (duh)

Ethereum Contract Security Techniques and Tips


  • Cost of failure is high, change is difficult (see hardware or financial technology)
    • Prepare for failure: pause when broken, limit amount of money at risk, future upgrade path
    • Rollout carefully and provide incentives as soon as possible to test and break contract
    • Keep it simple
    • Stay up to date
    • Know and be careful of blockchain properties: use extreme care with external contract calls, your public functions can be called by anyone, all data is public, limit gas costs
  • Notice the balance you'll have to make between software engineering and security biases; consider the time frames as well (short-lived may be more inclined towards security)
    • Rigid versus Upgradeable: upgradability adds complexity and more attack surfaces
    • Monolithic versus Modular: modular adds more complexity and hides knowledge
    • Duplication versus Reuse: to be safe, you might have to duplicate code that you don't have control over
  • Best practices
    • External calls
      • Avoid when possible; every external call is a potential security risk–assume that it will be malicious
      • Use transfer() when possible; both send() and transfer() are considered safe against reentrancy due to their low gas stipends (only enough for logging an event)
      • If you use .call(), .callcode(), .delegatecall(), or .send(), make sure to check their return code for failure
      • Isolate each external call into its own "pull" transaction (initiated by the recipient), especially for payment
      • Make it obvious when using an external contract (e.g. by using an Untrusted variable name)
      • Any function calling a function depending on an untrusted contract is also untrusted
    • Enforce invariants with assert(), validate inputs with require()
    • Precise math is hard; if you need perfect accuracy, store both the numerator and denominator
    • Self destructing contracts can forcibly send ether to an account
    • Ether can be sent to an address before a contract's created; don't assume the initial state will contain no ether
    • All data is public
      • Use enrypted blind auction techniques that check for validity of submissions after
      • Always generate random number after all submissions
    • In multisig or multiparty contracts, be aware that some participants may disappear forever
      • Provide a way of reaching settlement without all parties (no deadlock, liveliness)
      • Provide incentives to keep participation
    • Fallback functions usually only have 2300 gas (only enough to log an event)
    • Mark visibility in functions and variables
    • Lock pragmas to a specific compiler version
    • Differentiate functions and events (start with lowercase for functions, prefix events with Log)
  • Known attacks
    • Race conditions
      • External contracts may hijack control flow, causing changes to your internal state before the original function finishes
      • Reentrancy: functions that could be called repeatedly
        • Use send() to limit recursion attacks
      • Cross-function race conditions
        • Be careful of an attacker calling another function (especially in another contract) that changes the same state
      • Complete all internal work before calling external contracts (as well as internal contracts that call external contracts!)
      • Use a mutex (more useful in simple situations), but be careful that they will always be released once held
    • Front running
      • The order of transactions can be manipulated by using fees or miners (who can include transactions working against you, e.g. in an exchange)
    • Timestamp difference
      • Miners can manipulate timestamps and should not be trusted if time is critical (use an oracle instead)
    • Integers can overflow and underflow
    • Denial of service via unexpected exceptions (external contracts can maliciously fail to deny a contract's full operation)
    • Denial of service via gas limit
      • Avoid looping over unknown sizes, but if you must, try to take multiple blocks (via multiple transactions)
  • Software Engineering Techniques
    • Upgrading broken contracts
      • Use a registry contract or a contract that forwards calls and data to the latest version (.delegatecall())
      • Separate complex logic from your data storage, to avoid recreating all of the data to change functionality
    • Include circuit breakers
    • Speed bumps and rate limits
      • Intentionally speed down some actions to allow reaction to malicious attacks
    • Rollout: test, test, and test everything in every environment
      • Force automatic deprecation
      • Restrict amounts / user
    • Bug bounties
  • Documentation
    • Specifications, rollout plans, current status, known issues, history, changelog, processes for unexpected events, contact info

The Idea of Lisp


  • "John McCarthy wrote 6 easy things [atom, eq, cons, car, and cdr] in machine code, then combined them to make a programming language."
    • Everything can be defined in terms of those 6 things
  • Universal machines: when they can interpret any other Turing Machine
    • Lisp defined its interpreter via itself; it can interpret its own code
  • The meaning of expressions are defined by the interpreter (holy shit!); we can hotswap meanings to avoid making too many early assumptions
    • These expressions are encoded in a way interpretable by Lisp itself
  • Features:
    • Macros: code transformers
    • DSLs created from the same principles
    • Fast experimentation of alternative semantics
  • "Most people who graduate with CS degrees don’t understand the significance of Lisp. Lisp is the most important idea in computer science." -- Alan Kay

A Tool For Thought


  • Describing programs (crispness vs correctness) and actually writing them are two different tasks

A Five Minute Guide to Better Typography


  • Tool for effective communication (and a bit of delight)
  • "Type is a beautiful group of letters, not a group of beautiful letters" -- Matthew Carter
  • Heuristics:
    • Think in blocks
    • Align with your eyes
    • Skip a weight
    • Multiply size by two
    • Line-spacing of 1.2x to 1.5x the font size
    • Between 40 and 70 characters per line
    • 14-25px is easier to read
  • Dashes:
    • Dash: hypening
    • EN: range
    • EM: break in clause

Solidity Workshop


  • Constructors, Classes, and Contracts
    • Realize that partially initialized contracts exist, and that they may be dangerous
      • A contract is only fully initialized after its constructor has returned; before that, only the data and constructor are deployed (so no fallback, other methods, etc)
      • Avoid calling untrusted contracts in a constructor, and especially be wary of reentrant callcode()s and delegatecall()s

Concurrent Programming for Scalable Web Architectures


  1. Web Server Architectures for High Concurrency
    • Performance: resource utilization should scale with increasing work
    • I/O operation models: blocking vs. non-blocking, synchronous vs. asynchronous
    • Multi-threaded and multi-process: synchronous, blocking threads/processes where each handles a single connection at a time (easy mental model)
      • Context switching may become a problem if too many concurrent requests are being handled
    • Event-driven: asynchronous, non-blocking threads where each handles multiple connections using an event loop (usually a queue populated by events coming from the connections)
      • Complicated mental model with inversion of control flow, but less context switching
      • A build-up of requests can happen if the event processor is saturated; request latencies increase linearly
    • Non-blocking I/O multiplexing: application registers itself as a listener to specific events and the platform provides an event demultiplexer to dispatch incoming events to interested listeners
    • Threads vs events:
      • Both can be mapped into the other, with the same performance features; the question is about style, developer reliability, and properties of the underlying system
      • Pre-emptive scheduling of threads makes reasoning about them extremely difficult (and performance suffers from locking)
      • Keeping execution context state of event handlers is very difficult
      • Sweet spot: mostly serial execution with cooperative-scheduling but with language constructs that hide the details of managing an execution context (Node.js is a close example)
  2. Concurrency Concepts for Applications and Business Logic
    • Transactional memory: lock-free concurrency via serializable, atomic transactions to shared memory; see Clojure
    • Actor model: no shared state between actors, mutable state is coupled exclusively to a single actor entity
      • Actors can send messages to other actors, spawn new actors, change its internal behaviour for incoming messages
      • Can only communicate to actors via asynchronous message passing (i.e. each actor has a mailbox)
    • Event-driven: no call stack D; ; decoupling of caller and callee and shifts responsibility to event handler to know who to route events to (rather it being the caller's responsibility)
      • Hilariously, JavaScript has no I/O or concurrency baked in, so Node could expose a purely async, non-blocking API for great profit
    • Synchronous message passing (CSP): explicit message passing between sender and receiver (both have to be ready and blocked waiting for the message to exchange)
      • Message exchanges are an explicit synchronization point
    • Dataflow programming: define relations between operations, resulting in a graph of dependencies that the runtime can analyze and parallelize
  3. Concurrent and Scalable Storage
    • Dealing with distributed system == expect failures to happen
    • Distributing computation is easy, distributing state is hard!
    • PACELC as further model of CAP:
      • P: Given partition, choose availability (A) or consistency (C)
      • E: Without partition, prefer latency (L) or consistency (C)
    • Consistency models:
      • ACID: atomicity, consistency, isolation, durability
        • Enables linearization of transactions
        • To get more performance, weaker levels of isolation are used (repeatable reads, read committed, read uncommitted) by removing locks
        • Can also relax durability by buffering rights to disk
        • Distributed systems using ACID usually have to relax ioslation and durability because there is no global atomicity (consensus protocols are as close as we can get)
        • Isolation and serializability contradict scalability and concurrency
      • BASE: basically available, soft state, eventually consistent
        • Windows of inconsistency are allowed; best effort consistency
          • If these windows are small enough, users probably won't even notice (if they even noticed stale data in the first place)
        • Slightly easier for the application developer; writes should always be accepted (unlike consistent systems) so they don't have to do any of their own error buffering
        • Causal consistency: operations linked to each other are always processed in the same order
        • Read your writes consistency: clients will always be able to immediately see a value they've written
        • Monotonic read consistency: after a read, no subsequent reads will yield older values
        • Monotonic write consistency: serialize all write operations from a client
    • Transactions in distributed systems must either be applied to all machines or none (consensus)
      • Requires a managing service that coordinates transactions
      • Quorum-based voting protocols: mark executing transactions and wait for majority of nodes to either accept commit or abort state
    • Distributed concurrency control
      • Pessimistic: prevent conflict by strict coordination of transactions
      • Optimistic: delay conflict checking to the end of a transaction (expecting most transactions to not conflict)
      • Locking-based: use locks to ensure safe operation
      • Timestamp-based: use time counters (usually vector clocks) for safe operation (e.g. MVCC)
    • Consistent hashing is used to allow partitions with a fluid number of nodes; can be seen as a ring (where all items and nodes are mapped onto it, and the next node is responsible for holding the items before)
    • Replication:
      • Synchronous: atomic semantics by all running replicas (requires coordination)
      • Asynchronous: single nodes can independently acknowledge operations; not all nodes will udpate at the same time
      • Active: all nodes receive all requests, and coordinate their response
      • Passive: only designated primary nodes handle requests
    • Replication strategies:
      • Snapshot: periodic copying of all data
      • Transactional: propagate changes with transactional behaviour
      • Merge: synchronize data as nodes become available (requires conflict resolution strategies)
      • Statement-based: forwards queries
    • Partitioning strategies:
      • Functional: separate distinct parts of the data (not dependent on each other)
      • Vertical: data partitioning via allocating row data into tables (e.g. splitting a complex table into multiple tables, where the columns that change more often are located together)
      • Horizontal (sharding): portion rows into structurally equivalent tables, via partitioning keys that map rows to shards (e.g. a hash function or a fixed set for each partition)

Session types in programming languages–a collection of implementations


  • Session types: type discipline for communication-centric programming; formal checks for conformance to protocols
    • "Types for protocols"; allow us to describe communication protocols as a type
    • Duality: the exact opposite of a possible input/output sequence (e.g. server is usually a dual of a client)
      • If client is !string . ?int, then server is a dual if it implements ?string . !int; these are formally verified to not be in deadlock
        • !: output
        • ?: input
        • +: internal choice
        • &: available selection
  • Multiparty session types: encompasses interactions containing more than two participants
    • Describe the interactions in a top-down manner, via a global type (that get projected into local types for each participant)
    • See Scribble
  • Require linearity, where each session endpoint must be used exactly once

The Three Parts of Security


  • Intuitive security:
    • Keeping objects secret -> withhold authority to access (e.g. ACLs)
    • Protecting objects from modification -> withhold authority to modify (e.g. ACLs)
    • Preventing the misuse of objects -> no way to prevent once someone has obtained access
  • Thinking about actors, and their agency: individuals and programs are both actors, but once our shells have been authenticated by us, the programs have free agency and we need to trust them (really, their authors)
  • ACLs fail at security because they implicitly assume that the program will always be loyal to the person running it
  • Protection via least privilege and confinement: only give rights to do something if it's necessary (e.g. capability for local modification and communication channels)
  • Always follow: "trust, but verify" (made easier by blockchains)
  • Confused Deputy problem: program instance can't tell whether it has the authority to do something via the user or the program itself, so the user can persuade the program into misuse
  • Capabilities: distributed ACLs?

From Functions to Objects


  • Objects == Lambda Abstraction + Message Dispatch + Local Side Effects
  • Lambda-based technique for defining objects! (Capture state via closure and return function describing possible functionality via "messages")
  • Closure'd state can be considered to be safe; only explicitly exposed functionality from a composite (of state and behaviour) are facets that can be externally referred to
  • Dynamic Reference Graph: seeing the objects as a fabric of nodes connected by references whose topology enable computations (and topological changes)

The Hidden Trap of Code Coverage


  • Statements can have "hidden" complexities by including multiple branches; rather than relying on statement coverage, you should be worrying about branch (code path) coverage

Concurrency is not Parallelism


  • Concurrency: composition of independently executing processes
    • Structure; dealing with lots of things
    • How we express the problem, and break it down
  • Parallelism: simultaneous execution of (possibly related) computations
    • Doing lots of things (usually at once)
  • With some designs, we can add more independent processes to improve performance (more things going on == speed increase -> counter intuitive)
    • More parallelism via better concurrent design
  • If we've got the concurrency right, the parallelism will come (by adding hardware, etc)
    • Concurrency enables parallelism, and makes it easy



  • 'Just subclass the method, and remember to start your method with a call to the super-class' situations => anti-pattern
    • Better to have "hook" methods, so the base method will always run and then can delegate to customized subclasses
  • "Whenever you have to remember to do something every time, that's a sign of a bad API"

The Two Pillars of Javascript

Article 1 Article 2

  • Constructors violate open/close principle: call sites are coupled with object instantiation (changing constructor to factory breaks existing uses)
    • Javascript doesn't need constructors, because any function can return a new object (although, not really sure if this is a great argument)
  • Classical inheritance is the tightest (and most unobvious) form of coupling code
    • Duplication by necessity: you can't rearrange the inheritance hierarchy, so you end up duplicating it
  • "Good programming style requires that when you’re presented with a choice that’s elegant, simple, and flexible, or another choice that’s complex, awkward, and restricting, you choose the former."

A Beginner-Friendly Introduction to Containers, VMs, and Docker


  • Goal of VM and containers: isolate applications and their dependencies into self-contained units that can be run anywhere
    • "Build once, run anywhere"
  • VM:
    • Runs on top of physical machines using a hypervisor
      • Provides the "hardware" for getting (and sharing) resources (especially if there are multiple VMs running at the same time)
      • Hosted: runs on the OS of the host machine (hypervisor has to go through the host OS for resources)
      • Bare metal: runs on the bare metal hardware, usually is the first thing installed on the machine
    • Usually has its own virtualized hardware stack, including OS
  • Container:
    • OS-level virtualization by abstracting user space
    • Share the host's kernel with other containers
    • Compared to VM: no virtualized OS layer

There's no such thing as "fat protocols"


  • Definition between "app" and "protocol" isn't really defined
  • Ethereum replaces your server, not your networking
    • Inherent value of Ethereum will be based on its inherent capabilities, e.g. scalability or interoperability
    • Price of ether should be dependent by supply and demand of computational power
  • Technology becomes commoditized
    • When underlying technology becomes commoditized, the value start to accrue higher up the stack

DNS Management Basics


  • Domain registrar: probably where you bought your domain
  • Nameserver: identify which servers to obtain DNS records for your domain
    • Your domain's nameservers should be pointed to where you're managing your DNS records
  • DNS Zone: container of all DNS records for a specific domain (e.g.
  • Records:
    • Usually only need to use: A, CNAME, MX (email), TXT, SPF
      • A: point domain to an IP address
      • CNAME: point domain to an existing hostname
      • MX (Mail Exchanger): route email; includes priority to indicate order in which servers should be attempted
      • TXT: text-based information (usually SPF and ownership info)
    • Name: descriptor and effective subdomain (e.g. blog for
    • Value: where you want the record to point (IP or domain), or what to do (e.g. mail servers for MX)

Encrypted Data for Efficient Markets


  • "Claim: To solve a machine learning problem, open participation is key."
  • Open participation is missing on the stock market
    • Most stock market data isn't publicly available
  • Claim: increasingly effective machine learning algorithms will improve efficiency in markets
  • Structure-preserving encryption schemes allow machine learning algorithms to learn without knowing what they're learning

Super Intelligence for the Stock Market


  • Combining intelligence will be key in advancing machine learning
    • E.g. Random Forest -> combined many independent decision trees into a forest
    • E.g. Dropout -> combined intelligence from different neural networks


Why we should all stop saying “I know exactly how you feel”


  • You probably don't; let the other person be heard instead!
    • Support and acknowledge their story, and what they're feeling
    • Don't shift attention away from them to yourself
  • Conversational narcissism: "the desire to do most of the talking and to turn the focus of the exchange to yourself" -- Charles Derber
  • Most social conversation time is actually devoted to talking about our own experiences or relationships, or to parties not present (rather than the othe party)
  • We tend to use our own feelings to determine how others feel

The Most Intolerant Wins: The Dictatorship of the Small Minority


  • Complex systems: the interactions between components matter more than their individual natures
  • Minority rule: we usually have a naive impression of why a preference exists; it's probably because of a small minority that won't budge
    • E.g. kosher drinks: 0.3% of US population is kosher, but almost all drinks are kosher; this allows producers, distributors, and retailers to not have to care
      • Is the cost higher to create an environment where you don't have to care, or is it most costly to produce different goods?
    • "An honest person will never commit criminal acts but a criminal will readily engage in legal acts."
    • An asymmetry in choices: the flexible will have to bend to the intransient's will, given:
      1. Even spatial distribution
      2. Small cost differences in the choices
    • A "renormalization" occurs as the intransient forces their choices on successively more and more people by interacting with them
  • "Decentralization is convex to variations"
  • "Genes follow majority rules; languages minority rule"
  • Religions spread and die following the asymmetry:
    • Islam forces a child to be Muslim if either parent is Muslim (stronger)
    • Judaism only forces a child to be Jewish if the mother is Jewish (weaker)
    • Christians were intolerant of the Roman pantheon, whereas the Romans allowed the Christian faith
  • Moral virtues and civil rights are likely to come about because of the most intolerant person rather than consensus
  • "Outcomes are paradoxically more stable under the minority rule"
    • Variance of results is lower, and rule more likely black and white
    • Majority rules are more likely to fluctuate around an average following, rather than everyone
  • Do we need to be intolerant toward intolerant minorities to save our own tolerance?
  • Markets: same deal, ruled by the most motivated
    • Those who want to get out will not change their mind, and the market follows
  • Science: once you prove (or disprove) something, it is now held by the majority
  • To move the needle: "all one needs is an asymmetric rule somewhere"

Don't Scar on the First Cut


  • Policies will usually compound and add up to extreme rigidity
    • Avoid situations where it's "I'm just following policy"! => Don't treat the proxy as the real deal
    • Don't set and forget; update them
  • Embed learnings as stories (e.g. post-mortems?), and then use them to inform similar decisions later

Structuring Optimal Token Sales Admist 2017's ICO Mania


  • Tokens that are money tokens (medium of exchange, unit of account, and store of value) appreciate in value as their prices increase (e.g. Bitcoin)
    • Value from deeply ingrained societal myth; positive feedback loop
  • Value tokens are different from money tokens!
    • Currencies within their mini-economy; price goes towards underlying economic value from network (i.e. actual usage)
      • No underlying store of value outside of network usage
      • Narrower use cases
    • Strong positive-feedback loops; if price goes up, network usage goes up via incentivization (and vice-versa)
  • Real currencies get valued via the quantity theory of money: MV = PQ
    • Economic activity equals market cap * frequency of money changing hands (velocity)
  • Real equity gets value from expected DCF, whereas a utility token does not (really skews valuations)
  • IPOs: opens much deeper pools of capital
    • Usually sell 10-15% on first traunch (as opposed to rand(100) for ICOs)
    • Initial valuation is super important!
  • "There's no asset that's a good buy at any price"
  • Psychological causes: greed, fear of missing out, envy, and self-deceit
  • Incentives are not aligned if founders can raise at arbitrarily high valuations!
  • ICO structure:
    • Set a fair valuation, using actual expected usage of the network as the benchmark
    • Standarize to consistent structure across all ICOs
    • Questions to ask:
      1. What should the valuation be?
      2. How do I make sure to get tokens in the hands of as many long term holders or users as I can?
      3. What % of the protocol should be used?
      4. How much capital is necessary?
      5. How many rounds of token sales should there be?


The Colony Token Sale (But More Importantly, Securities Law)


  • Howey test: determine whether something is an "investment contract":
    1. Investment: anything of value
    2. Common interest: sharing risk and reward
    3. Profit: expected
    • "In searching for the meaning and scope of the word 'security'... form should be disregarded for substance and the emphasis should be on economic reality." -- Howey
  • SEC can come after you anywhere in the world, if US investors are affected (ouch)
  • If you've satisfied the SEC, you're probably good elsewhere too (but get a lawyer!)
  • Bottom line: "going forward, boycott public sales except for those which confer immediate utility within a live and fully decentralised platform."