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Configuring Sourcegraph

Configuring a Sourcegraph Kubernetes cluster is done by applying manifest files and with simple kubectl commands. You can configure Sourcegraph as flexibly as you need to meet the requirements of your deployment environment. We provide simple instructions for common things like setting up TLS, enabling code intelligence, and exposing Sourcegraph to external traffic below.

Fork this repository

We recommend you fork this repository to track your configuration changes in Git. This will make upgrades far easier and is a good practice not just for Sourcegraph, but for any Kubernetes application.

  1. Create a fork of this repository.

    • The fork can be public unless you plan to store secrets in the repository itself.
    • We recommend not storing secrets in the repository itself and these instructions document how.
  2. Create a release branch to track all of your customizations to Sourcegraph. When you upgrade Sourcegraph, you will merge upstream into this branch.

    git checkout HEAD -b release

    If you followed the installation instructions, HEAD should point at the Git tag you've deployed to your running Kubernetes cluster.

  3. Commit customizations to your release branch:

    • Commit manual modifications to Kubernetes YAML files.
    • Commit commands that should be run on every update (e.g. kubectl apply) to ./
    • Commit commands that generally only need to be run once per cluster to (e.g. kubectl create secret, kubectl expose) to ./
  4. When you upgrade, merge the corresponding upstream release tag into your release branch. E.g., git remote add upstream to add the upstream remote and git checkout release && git merge v3.15.0 to merge the upstream release tag into your release branch.


Configuration steps in this file depend on jq, yj and jy.

If you choose to use overlays you need the kustomize tool installed.

Table of contents

Common configuration

Less common configuration

Working with overlays

Configure network access

You need to make the main web server accessible over the network to external users.

There are a few approaches, but using an ingress controller is recommended.

Ingress controller (recommended)

For production environments, we recommend using the ingress-nginx ingress.

As part of our base configuration we install an ingress for sourcegraph-frontend. It installs rules for the default ingress, see comments to restrict it to a specific host.

In addition to the sourcegraph-frontend ingress, you'll need to install the NGINX ingress controller (ingress-nginx). Follow the instructions at to create the ingress controller. Add the files to configure/ingress-nginx, including an file which applies the relevant manifests. We include sample generic-cloud manifests as part of this repository, but please follow the official instructions for your cloud provider.

Add the configure/ingress-nginx/ command to and commit the change:

echo ./configure/ingress-nginx/ >>

Once the ingress has acquired an external address, you should be able to access Sourcegraph using that. You can check the external address by running the following command and looking for the LoadBalancer entry:

kubectl -n ingress-nginx get svc

If you are having trouble accessing Sourcegraph, ensure ingress-nginx IP is accessible above. Otherwise see Troubleshooting ingress-nginx. The namespace of the ingress-controller is ingress-nginx.


ingress-nginx has extensive configuration documented at NGINX Configuration. We expect most administrators to modify ingress-nginx annotations in sourcegraph-frontend.Ingress.yaml. Some settings are modified globally (such as HSTS). In that case we expect administrators to modify the ingress-nginx configmap in configure/ingress-nginx/mandatory.yaml.

NGINX service

In cases where ingress controllers cannot be created, creating an explicit NGINX service is a viable alternative. See the files in the configure/nginx-svc folder for an example of how to do this via a NodePort service (any other type of Kubernetes service will also work):

  1. Modify configure/nginx-svc/nginx.ConfigMap.yaml to contain the TLS certificate and key for your domain.

  2. kubectl apply -f configure/nginx-svc to create the NGINX service.

  3. Update with the previous command.

    echo kubectl apply -f configure/nginx-svc >>

Network rule

Note: this setup path does not support TLS.

Add a network rule that allows ingress traffic to port 30080 (HTTP) on at least one node.

  • Google Cloud Platform Firewall rules.

    1. Expose the necessary ports.

      gcloud compute --project=$PROJECT firewall-rules create sourcegraph-frontend-http --direction=INGRESS --priority=1000 --network=default --action=ALLOW --rules=tcp:30080
    2. Change the type of the sourcegraph-frontend service in base/frontend/sourcegraph-frontend.Service.yaml from ClusterIP to NodePort:

         - name: http
           port: 30080
      +    nodePort: 30080
      -  type: ClusterIP
      +  type: NodePort
    3. Directly applying this change to the service will fail. Instead, you must delete the old service and then create the new one (this will result in a few seconds of downtime):

    kubectl delete svc sourcegraph-frontend
    kubectl apply -f base/frontend/sourcegraph-frontend.Service.yaml
    1. Find a node name.

      kubectl get pods -l app=sourcegraph-frontend -o=custom-columns=NODE:.spec.nodeName
    2. Get the EXTERNAL-IP address (will be ephemeral unless you make it static).

      kubectl get node $NODE -o wide
  • AWS Security Group rules.

Sourcegraph should now be accessible at $EXTERNAL_ADDR:30080, where $EXTERNAL_ADDR is the address of any node in the cluster.

Update site configuration

Sourcegraph's application configuration is stored in the PostgreSQL database. For editing this configuration you may use the web UI. See site configuration for more information.

Configure TLS/SSL

If you intend to make your Sourcegraph instance accessible on the Internet or another untrusted network, you should use TLS so that all traffic will be served over HTTPS.

Ingress controller

If you exposed your Sourcegraph instance via an ingress controller as described in "Ingress controller (recommended)":

  1. Create a TLS secret that contains your TLS certificate and private key.

    kubectl create secret tls sourcegraph-tls --key $PATH_TO_KEY --cert $PATH_TO_CERT

    Update with the previous command.

    echo kubectl create secret tls sourcegraph-tls --key $PATH_TO_KEY --cert $PATH_TO_CERT >>
  2. Add the tls configuration to base/frontend/sourcegraph-frontend.Ingress.yaml.

    # base/frontend/sourcegraph-frontend.Ingress.yaml
      - hosts:
          #  Replace '' with the real domain that you want to use for your Sourcegraph instance.
        secretName: sourcegraph-tls
      - http:
          - path: /
              serviceName: sourcegraph-frontend
              servicePort: 30080
        # Replace '' with the real domain that you want to use for your Sourcegraph instance.
  3. Change your externalURL in the site configuration to e.g.

WARNING: Do NOT commit the actual TLS cert and key files to your fork (unless your fork is private and you are okay with storing secrets in it).

NGINX service

If you exposed your Sourcegraph instance via the altenative nginx service as described in "nginx service", those instructions already walked you through setting up TLS/SSL.

Configure repository cloning via SSH

Sourcegraph will clone repositories using SSH credentials if they are mounted at /home/sourcegraph/.ssh in the gitserver deployment.

  1. Create a secret that contains the base64 encoded contents of your SSH private key (make sure it doesn't require a password) and known_hosts file.

    kubectl create secret generic gitserver-ssh \
     --from-file id_rsa=${HOME}/.ssh/id_rsa \
     --from-file known_hosts=${HOME}/.ssh/known_hosts

    Update with the previous command.

    echo kubectl create secret generic gitserver-ssh \
     --from-file id_rsa=${HOME}/.ssh/id_rsa \
     --from-file known_hosts=${HOME}/.ssh/known_hosts >>
  2. Mount the secret as a volume in gitserver.StatefulSet.yaml.

    For example:

    # base/gitserver/gitserver.StatefulSet.yaml
          - mountPath: /home/sourcegraph/.ssh
            name: ssh
        - name: ssh
            defaultMode: 0644
            secretName: gitserver-ssh

    Convenience script:

    # This script requires and
    cat $GS | yj | jq '.spec.template.spec.containers[].volumeMounts += [{mountPath: "/home/sourcegraph/.ssh", name: "ssh"}]' | jy -o $GS
    cat $GS | yj | jq '.spec.template.spec.volumes += [{name: "ssh", secret: {defaultMode: 384, secretName:"gitserver-ssh"}}]' | jy -o $GS
  3. Apply the updated gitserver configuration to your cluster.


WARNING: Do NOT commit the actual id_rsa and known_hosts files to your fork (unless your fork is private and you are okay with storing secrets in it).

Configure language servers

Code intelligence is provided through Sourcegraph extensions. These language extensions communicate with language servers that are deployed inside your Sourcegraph cluster. See the for each language for configuration information:

Increase memory or CPU limits

If your instance contains a large number of repositories or monorepos, changing the compute resources allocated to containers can improve performance. See Kubernetes' official documentation for information about compute resources and how to specify then, and see docs/ for specific advice about what resources to tune.

Configure gitserver replica count

Increasing the number of gitserver replicas can improve performance when your instance contains a large number of repositories. Repository clones are consistently striped across all gitserver replicas. Other services need to be aware of how many gitserver replicas exist so they can resolve an individual repo.

To change the number of gitserver replicas:

  1. Update the replicas field in gitserver.StatefulSet.yaml.

  2. Update the SRC_GIT_SERVERS environment variable in the frontend service to reflect the number of replicas.

    For example, if there are 2 gitservers then SRC_GIT_SERVERS should have the value gitserver-0.gitserver:3178 gitserver-1.gitserver:3178:

    - env:
        - name: SRC_GIT_SERVERS
          value: gitserver-0.gitserver:3178 gitserver-1.gitserver:3178
  3. Recommended: Increase indexed-search replica count

Here is a convenience script that performs all three steps:

# This script requires and


REPLICA_COUNT=2 # number of gitserver replicas

# Update gitserver replica count
cat $GS | yj | jq ".spec.replicas = $REPLICA_COUNT" | jy -o $GS

# Compute all gitserver names
GITSERVERS=$(for i in `seq 0 $(($REPLICA_COUNT-1))`; do echo -n "gitserver-$i.gitserver:3178 "; done)

# Update SRC_GIT_SERVERS environment variable in other services
find . -name "*yaml" -exec sed -i.sedibak -e "s/value: gitserver-0.gitserver:3178.*/value: $GITSERVERS/g" {} +


# Update indexed-search replica count
cat $IDX_SEARCH | yj | jq ".spec.replicas = $REPLICA_COUNT" | jy -o $IDX_SEARCH

# Delete sed's backup files
find . -name "*.sedibak" -delete

Commit the outstanding changes.

Configure indexed-search replica count

Increasing the number of indexed-search replicas can improve performance and reliability when your instance contains a large number of repositories. Repository indexes are distributed evenly across all indexed-search replicas.

By default indexed-search relies on kubernetes service discovery, so adjusting the number of replicas just requires updating the replicas field in indexed-search.StatefulSet.yaml.

Not Recommended: To use a static list of indexed-search servers you can configure INDEXED_SEARCH_SERVERS on sourcegraph-frontend. It uses the same format as SRC_GIT_SERVERS above. Adjusting replica counts will require the same steps as gitserver.

Assign resource-hungry pods to larger nodes

If you have a heterogeneous cluster where you need to ensure certain more resource-hungry pods are assigned to more powerful nodes (e.g. indexedSearch), you can specify node constraints (such as nodeSelector, etc.).

This is useful if, for example, you have a very large monorepo that performs best when gitserver and searcher are on very large nodes, but you want to use smaller nodes for sourcegraph-frontend, repo-updater, etc. Node constraints can also be useful to ensure fast updates by ensuring certain pods are assigned to specific nodes, preventing the need for manual pod shuffling.

See the official documentation for instructions about applying node constraints.

Configure a storage class

Sourcegraph expects there to be storage class named sourcegraph that it uses for all its persistent volume claims. This storage class must be configured before applying the base configuration to your cluster.

Create base/sourcegraph.StorageClass.yaml with the appropriate configuration for your cloud provider and commit the file to your fork.

Google Cloud Platform (GCP)

# base/sourcegraph.StorageClass.yaml
kind: StorageClass
  name: sourcegraph
    deploy: sourcegraph
  type: pd-ssd # This configures SSDs (recommended).

Additional documentation.

Amazon Web Services (AWS)

# base/sourcegraph.StorageClass.yaml
kind: StorageClass
  name: sourcegraph
    deploy: sourcegraph
  type: gp2 # This configures SSDs (recommended).

Additional documentation.


# base/sourcegraph.StorageClass.yaml
kind: StorageClass
  name: sourcegraph
    deploy: sourcegraph
  storageaccounttype: Premium_LRS # This configures SSDs (recommended). A Premium VM is required.

Additional documentation.

Other cloud providers

# base/sourcegraph.StorageClass.yaml
kind: StorageClass
  name: sourcegraph
    deploy: sourcegraph
# Read to configure the "provisioner" and "parameters" fields for your cloud provider.
# SSDs are highly recommended!
# provisioner:
# parameters:

Using a storage class with an alternate name

If you wish to use a different storage class for Sourcegraph, then you need to update all persistent volume claims with the name of the desired storage class. Convenience script:


# This script requires and

find . -name "*PersistentVolumeClaim.yaml" -exec sh -c "cat {} | yj | jq '.spec.storageClassName = \"$STORAGE_CLASS_NAME\"' | jy -o {}" \;


cat $GS | yj | jq  --arg STORAGE_CLASS_NAME $STORAGE_CLASS_NAME '.spec.volumeClaimTemplates = (.spec.volumeClaimTemplates | map( . * {spec:{storageClassName: $STORAGE_CLASS_NAME }}))' | jy -o $GS

Configure Lightstep tracing

Lightstep is a closed-source distributed tracing and performance monitoring tool created by some of the authors of Dapper. Every Sourcegraph deployment supports Lightstep, and it can be configured via the following environment variables (with example values):

    value: my_project

    value: abcdefg

  # If false, any logs (
  # from spans will be omitted from the spans sent to Lightstep.
    value: true

To enable this, you must first purchase Lightstep and create a project corresponding to the Sourcegraph instance. Then, add the above environment to each deployment.

Configure custom Redis

Sourcegraph supports specifying a custom Redis server for:

  • caching information (specified via the REDIS_CACHE_ENDPOINT environment variable)
  • storing information (session data and job queues) (specified via the REDIS_STORE_ENDPOINT environment variable)

If you want to specify a custom Redis server, you'll need specify the corresponding environment variable for each of the following deployments:

  • sourcegraph-frontend
  • repo-updater

Configure custom PostgreSQL

You can use your own PostgreSQL v9.6+ server with Sourcegraph if you wish. For example, you may prefer this if you already have existing backup infrastructure around your own PostgreSQL server, wish to use Amazon RDS, etc.

Simply edit the relevant PostgreSQL environment variables (e.g. PGHOST, PGPORT, PGUSER, etc.) in base/frontend/sourcegraph-frontend.Deployment.yaml to point to your existing PostgreSQL instance.

Install without RBAC

Sourcegraph communicates with the Kubernetes API for service discovery. It also has some janitor DaemonSets that clean up temporary cache data. To do that we need to create RBAC resources.

If using RBAC is not an option, then you will not want to apply *.Role.yaml and *.RoleBinding.yaml files.

Add license key

Sourcegraph's Kubernetes deployment requires an Enterprise license key.

  1. Create an account on or sign in to, and go to to obtain a license key.

  2. Once you have a license key, add it to your site configuration.

Use non-default namespace

If you're deploying Sourcegraph into a non-default namespace, refer to base/prometheus/ and base/grafana/ for further configuration instructions.

Pulling images locally

In some cases, a site admin may want to pull all Docker images used in the cluster locally. For example, if your organization requires use of a private registry, you may need to do this as an intermediate step to mirroring them on the private registry. The following script accomplishes this for all images under base/:

for IMAGE in $(grep --include '*.yaml' -FR 'image:' base | awk '{ print $(NF) }'); do docker pull "$IMAGE"; done;

Overlay basic principles

An overlay specifies customizations for a base directory of Kubernetes manifests. The base has no knowledge of the overlay. Overlays can be used for example to change the number of replicas, change a namespace, add a label etc. Overlays can refer to other overlays that eventually refer to the base forming a directed acyclic graph with the base as the root.

An overlay is defined in a kustomization.yaml file (the name of the file is fixed and there can be only one kustomization file in one directory). To avoid complications with reference cycles an overlay can only reference resources inside the directory subtree of the directory it resides in (symlinks are not allowed either).

For more details about overlays please consult the kustomize documentation.

Using overlays and applying them to the cluster can be done in two ways: by using kubectl or with the kustomize tool.

Starting with kubectl client version 1.14 kubectl can handle kustomization.yaml files directly. When using kubectl there is no intermediate step that generates actual manifest files. Instead the combined resources from the overlays and the base are directly sent to the cluster. This is done with the kubectl apply -k command. The argument to the command is a directory containing a kustomization.yaml file.

The second way to use overlays is with the kustomize tool. This does generate manifest files that are then applied in the conventional way using kubectl apply -f.

Handling overlays in this repository

The overlays provided in this repository rely on the kustomize tool and the script in the root directory of this repository to generate the manifests. There are two reasons why it was set up like this:

  • It avoids having to put a kustomization.yaml file in the base directory and forcing users that don't use overlays to deal with it (unfortunately kubectl apply -f doesn't work if a kustomization.yaml file is in the directory).
  • It generates manifests instead of applying them directly. This provides opportunity to additionally validate the files and also allows using kubectl apply -f with --prune flag turned on (apply -k with --prune does not work correctly).

To generate the manifests run the with two arguments: the name of the overlay and a path to an output directory where the generated manifests will be. Example (assuming you are in the root directory of this repository):

./ non-root generated-cluster

After executing the script you can apply the generated manifests from the generated-cluster directory:

kubectl apply --prune -l deploy=sourcegraph -f generated-cluster --recursive

Available overlays are the subdirectories of overlays (only give the name of the subdirectory, not the full path as an argument).

Namespaced overlay

This overlay adds a namespace declaration to all the manifests. You can change the namespace by editing overlays/namespaced/kustomization.yaml.

To use it, execute this from the root directory of this repository:

./ namespaced generated-cluster

Non-root overlay

The manifests in the base directory specify user root for all containers. This overlay changes the specification to be a non-root user.

If you are starting a fresh installation use the overlay non-root-create-cluster. After creation you can use the overlay non-root.

If you already are running a Sourcegraph instance using user root and want to convert to running with non-root user then you need to apply a migration step that will change the permissions of all persistent volumes so that the volumes can be used by the non-root user. This migration is provided as overlay migrate-to-nonroot. After the migration you can use overlay non-root.

Non-privileged overlay

This overlays goes one step further than the non-root overlay by also removing cluster roles and cluster role bindings.

If you are starting a fresh installation use the overlay non-privileged-create-cluster. After creation you can use the overlay non-privileged.