diff --git a/chapters/design.tex b/chapters/design.tex index f144296..3345301 100644 --- a/chapters/design.tex +++ b/chapters/design.tex @@ -277,37 +277,38 @@ \section{Telecommunication} \begin{landscape} \begin{table}[ht] \centering - \begin{tabular}{llccccc} + \begin{tabular}{L{1.8cm}lcllcc} \toprule[1.5pt] \multirow{2}{*}{\textbf{Link}} & \multirow{2}{*}{\textbf{Packet Name}} & \multicolumn{4}{c}{\textbf{Payload}} & \multirow{2}{*}{\textbf{Access}} \\ \cmidrule{3-6} - & & \textbf{ID} & \textbf{Source Callsign} & \textbf{Data (up to 220 bytes)} & \textbf{Size (bytes)} & \\ + & & \textbf{ID} & \textbf{Source Callsign} & \textbf{Data (up to 212 bytes)} & \textbf{Size (bytes)} & \\ \midrule - \multirow{2}{*}{Beacon} & EPS data & 00h & \multirow{2}{*}{`` '' + ``PY0EFS''} & EPS data & 46 & Public \\ - & TTC Data & 01h & & TTC data & 19 & Public \\ + Downlink & EPS data & 00h & \multirow{2}{*}{`` '' + ``PY0EFS''} & EPS data & 46 & Public \\ + (VHF) & Message broadcast & 01h & & Requester + dst. callsign + message & 22 to 60 & Public \\ \midrule - \multirow{7}{*}{Downlink} & General telemetry & 20h & \multirow{7}{*}{`` '' + ``PY0EFS''} & OBDH/EPS data & 78 & Public \\ - & Ping answer & 21h & & Requester callsign & 15 & Public \\ - & Data request answer & 22h & & Requester callsign + data ID + ts. + data & 20 to 220 & Public \\ - & Message broadcast & 23h & & Requester + dst. callsign + message & 22 to 60 & Public \\ - & Payload data & 24h & & Payload ID + payload data & 9 to 220 & Public \\ - & TC feedback & 25h & & Req. callsign + TC packet ID + timestamp & 20 & Public \\ - & Parameter value & 26h & & Req. callsign + Sub. ID + Param. ID + Param. Val. & 21 & Public \\ + & General telemetry & 10h & \multirow{7}{*}{`` '' + ``PY0EFS''} & OBDH/EPS data & 78 & Public \\ + & Ping answer & 11h & & Requester callsign & 15 & Public \\ + Downlink & Data request answer & 12h & & Requester callsign + data ID + ts. + data & 20 to 220 & Public \\ + (UHF) & Payload data & 13h & & Payload ID + payload data & 9 to 220 & Public \\ + & TC feedback & 14h & & Req. callsign + TC packet ID + timestamp & 20 & Public \\ + & Parameter value & 15h & & Req. callsign + Sub. ID + Param. ID + Param. Val. & 21 & Public \\ + & Packet broadcast & 16h & & Data of ``Transmit packet'' TC) & 8 to 60 & Private \\ \midrule - \multirow{14}{*}{Uplink} & Ping request & 40h & \multirow{14}{*}{Any Callsign} & None & 8 & Public \\ - & Data request & 41h & & Data ID + Start ts. + End ts. + Hash & 37 & Private \\ - & Broadcast Message & 42h & & Dst. callsign + message & 15 to 53 & Public \\ - & Enter hibernation & 43h & & Hibernation in hours + Hash & 30 & Private \\ - & Leave hibernation & 44h & & Hash & 28 & Private \\ - & Activate module & 45h & & Module ID + Hash & 29 & Private \\ - & Deactivate module & 46h & & Module ID + Hash & 29 & Private \\ - & Activate payload & 47h & & Payload ID + Hash & 29 & Private \\ - & Deactivate payload & 48h & & Payload ID + Hash & 29 & Private \\ - & Erase memory & 49h & & Hash & 28 & Private \\ - & Force reset & 4Ah & & Hash & 28 & Private \\ - & Get payload data & 4Bh & & Payload ID + Args. + Hash & 41 & Private \\ - & Set parameter & 4Ch & & Subsystem ID + Param. ID + Param. value + Hash & 34 & Private \\ - & Get parameter & 4Dh & & Subsystem ID + Parameter ID + Hash & 30 & Private \\ + \multirow{14}{*}{Uplink} & Ping request & 40h & \multirow{15}{*}{Any Callsign} & None & 8 & Public \\ + & Data request & 41h & & Data ID + Start ts. + End ts. + Hash & 37 & Private \\ + & Broadcast Message & 42h & & Dst. callsign + message & 15 to 53 & Public \\ + & Enter hibernation & 43h & & Hibernation in hours + Hash & 30 & Private \\ + & Leave hibernation & 44h & & Hash & 28 & Private \\ + & Activate module & 45h & & Module ID + Hash & 29 & Private \\ + & Deactivate module & 46h & & Module ID + Hash & 29 & Private \\ + & Activate payload & 47h & & Payload ID + Hash & 29 & Private \\ + & Deactivate payload & 48h & & Payload ID + Hash & 29 & Private \\ + & Erase memory & 49h & & Hash & 28 & Private \\ + & Force reset & 4Ah & & Hash & 28 & Private \\ + & Get payload data & 4Bh & & Payload ID + Args. + Hash & 41 & Private \\ + & Set parameter & 4Ch & & Subsystem ID + Param. ID + Param. value + Hash & 34 & Private \\ + & Get parameter & 4Dh & & Subsystem ID + Parameter ID + Hash & 30 & Private \\ + & Transmit packet & 4Eh & & Any sequence of bytes & 8 to 60 & Private \\ \bottomrule[1.5pt] \end{tabular} \caption{Telecommunication packets and their content.} @@ -370,4 +371,4 @@ \subsection{Operation Licenses} Single paragraph. Those interested in the use of the radio frequency bands object of this Resolution must provide in their projects, until specific regulations are issued on the conditions of use of these bands, criteria for harmonious coexistence with the existing systems in these bands, maintaining specific coordination, when necessary, of such so that incoming systems do not cause harmful interference to existing systems. -Thus, a process must be carried out for radio 1 (146 MHz) in the amateur radio band, and another process for the radios with 401 MHz and 450 MHz. Since the last two radios must be a secondary service SLP where a preliminary study is necessary on the harmonic coexistence with the existing systems in these bands. \ No newline at end of file +Thus, a process must be carried out for radio 1 (146 MHz) in the amateur radio band, and another process for the radios with 401 MHz and 450 MHz. Since the last two radios must be a secondary service SLP where a preliminary study is necessary on the harmonic coexistence with the existing systems in these bands. diff --git a/slb-fsat2-doc-v0.3.pdf b/slb-fsat2-doc-v0.3.pdf old mode 100644 new mode 100755 index d386322..f31a196 Binary files a/slb-fsat2-doc-v0.3.pdf and b/slb-fsat2-doc-v0.3.pdf differ