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Spiderpool incorporates a CNI meta-plugin called coordinator that works after the Main CNI is invoked. It mainly offers the following features:

  • Resolve the problem of underlay Pods unable to access ClusterIP
  • Coordinate the routing for Pods with multiple NICs, ensuring consistent packet paths
  • Detect IP conflicts within Pods
  • Check the reachability of Pod gateways
  • Support fixed Mac address prefixes for Pods

Note: If your OS(such as Fedora, CentOS, etc.) uses NetworkManager, highly recommend configuring following configuration file at /etc/NetworkManager/conf.d/spidernet.conf to prevent interference from NetworkManager with veth interfaces created through coordinator:

~# cat << EOF | > /etc/NetworkManager/conf.d/spidernet.conf
> [keyfile]
> unmanaged-devices=interface-name:^veth*
~# systemctl restart NetworkManager

Let's delve into how coordinator implements these features.

CNI fields description

Field Description Schema Validation Default
type The name of this Spidercoordinators resource string required coordinator
mode the mode in which the coordinator run. "auto": Automatically determine if it's overlay or underlay; "underlay": All NICs for pods are underlay NICs, and in this case the coordinator will create veth-pairs device to solve the problem of underlay pods accessing services; "overlay": The coordinator does not create veth-pair devices, but the first NIC of the pod cannot be an underlay NIC, which is created by overlay CNI (e.g. calico, cilium). Solve the problem of pod access to service through the first NIC; "disable": The coordinator does nothing and exits directly string optional auto
tunePodRoutes Tune the pod's routing tables while a pod is in multi-NIC mode bool optional true
podDefaultRouteNic Configure the default routed NIC for the pod while a pod is in multi-NIC mode, The default value is 0, indicate that the first network interface of the pod has the default route. string optional ""
podDefaultCniNic The name of the pod's first NIC defaults to eth0 in kubernetes bool optional eth0
detectGateway DEPRECATED: Enable gateway detection while creating pods, which prevent pod creation if the gateway is unreachable bool optional false
detectIPConflict DEPRECATED: Enable IP conflicting checking for pods, which prevent pod creation if the pod's ip is conflicting bool optional false
podMACPrefix Enable fixing MAC address prefixes for pods. empty value is mean to disable. the length of prefix is two bytes. and the lowest bit of the first byte must be 0, example: "0a:1b". string optional ""
overlayPodCIDR The default cluster CIDR for the cluster. It doesn't need to be configured, and it collected automatically by SpiderCoordinator []stirng optional []string{}
serviceCIDR The default service CIDR for the cluster. It doesn't need to be configured, and it collected automatically by SpiderCoordinator []stirng optional []string{}
hijackCIDR The CIDR that need to be forwarded via the host network, For example, the address of nodelocaldns( by default) []stirng optional []string{}
hostRuleTable The routes on the host that communicates with the pod's underlay IPs will belong to this routing table number int optional 500
podRPFilter Set the rp_filter sysctl parameter on the pod, which is recommended to be set to 0 int optional 0
txQueueLen set txqueuelen(Transmit Queue Length) of the pod's interface int optional 0
detectOptions The advanced configuration of detectGateway and detectIPConflict, including the number of the send packets(retries: default is 3) and the response timeout(timeout: default is 100ms) and the packet sending interval(interval: default is 10ms, which will be removed in the future version). obejct optional nil
logOptions The configuration of logging, including logLevel(default is debug) and logFile(default is /var/log/spidernet/coordinator.log) obejct optional nil

You can configure coordinator by specifying all the relevant fields in SpinderMultusConfig if a NetworkAttachmentDefinition CR is created via SpinderMultusConfig CR. For more information, please refer to SpinderMultusConfig.

Spidercoordinators CR serves as the global default configuration (all fields) for coordinator. However, this configuration has a lower priority compared to the settings in the NetworkAttachmentDefinition CR. In cases where no configuration is provided in the NetworkAttachmentDefinition CR, the values from Spidercoordinators CR serve as the defaults. For detailed information, please refer to Spidercoordinator.

Resolve the problem of underlay Pods unable to access ClusterIP(beta)

When using underlay CNIs like Macvlan, IPvlan, SR-IOV, and others, a common challenge arises where underlay pods are unable to access ClusterIP. This occurs because accessing ClusterIP from underlay pods requires routing through the gateway on the switch. However, in many instances, the gateway is not configured with the proper routes to reach the ClusterIP, leading to restricted access.

For more information about the Underlay Pod not being able to access the ClusterIP, please refer to Underlay CNI Access Service

Fix MAC address prefix for Pods(alpha)

Some traditional applications may require a fixed MAC address or IP address to couple the behavior of the application. For example, the License Server may need to apply a fixed Mac address or IP address to issue a license for the app. If the MAC address of a pod changes, the issued license may be invalid. Therefore, you need to fix the MAC address of the pod. Spiderpool can fix the MAC address of the application through coordinator, and the fixed rule is to configure the MAC address prefix (2 bytes) + convert the IP of the pod (4 bytes).


currently supports updating Macvlan and SR-IOV as pods for CNI. In IPVlan L2 mode, the MAC addresses of the primary interface and the sub-interface are the same and cannot be modified.

The fixed rule is to configure the MAC address prefix (2 bytes) + the IP of the converted pod (4 bytes). An IPv4 address is 4 bytes long and can be fully converted to 2 hexadecimal numbers. For IPv6 addresses, only the last 4 bytes are taken.

After fixing the MAC address, to prevent access failure due to outdated ARP cache tables, the Coordinator plugin will send a gratuitous ARP to announce the new MAC address to the local area network.

We can configure it via Spidermultusconfig:

kind: SpiderMultusConfig
  name: overwrite-mac
  namespace: default
  cniType: macvlan
    master: ["eth0"]
  enableCoordinator: true
    podMACPrefix: "0a:1b"    # Enable detectGateway

You can check if the MAC address prefix of the Pod starts with "0a:1b" after a Pod is created.

Configure the transmit queue length(txQueueLen)

The Transmit Queue Length (txqueuelen) is a TCP/IP stack network interface value that sets the number of packets allowed per kernel transmit queue of a network interface device. If the txqueuelen is too small, it may cause packet loss in pod communication. we can configure it if we needs.

We can configure it via Spidermultusconfig:

kind: SpiderMultusConfig
  name: txqueue-demo 
  namespace: default
  cniType: macvlan
    master: ["eth0"]
  enableCoordinator: true
    txQueueLen: 2000 

Configure a link-local address for the Pod's veth0 interface to support service mesh scenarios

By default, Coordinator does not configure a link-local address for the veth0 interface. However, in some scenarios (such as service mesh), mesh traffic flowing through the veth0 interface will be redirected according to iptables rules set by Istio. If veth0 does not have an IP address, this can cause that traffic to be dropped (see #Issue3568). Therefore, in this scenario, we need to configure a link-local address for veth0.

kind: SpiderMultusConfig
  name: istio-demo 
  namespace: default
  cniType: macvlan
    master: ["eth0"]
  enableCoordinator: true
    vethLinkAddress: ""

vethLinkAddress default to "", It means that we don't configure an address for veth0. It must an valid link-local address if it isn't empty.

Automatically get the CIDR of a clustered Service

Kubernetes 1.29 starts to support configuring the CIDR of a clustered Service as a ServiceCIDR resource, for more information refer to KEP 1880. If your cluster supports ServiceCIDR, the Spiderpool-controller component automatically listens for changes to the ServiceCIDR resource and automatically updates the Service subnet information it reads into the Status of the Spidercoordinator.

~# kubectl get servicecidr kubernetes -o yaml
kind: ServiceCIDR
  creationTimestamp: "2024-01-25T08:36:00Z"
  name: kubernetes
  resourceVersion: "504422"
  uid: 72461b7d-fddd-409d-bdf2-83d1a2c067ca
  - fd00:10:233::/116
  - lastTransitionTime: "2024-01-28T06:38:55Z"
    message: Kubernetes Service CIDR is ready
    reason: ""
    status: "True"
    type: Ready

~# kubectl get default -o yaml
kind: SpiderCoordinator
  creationTimestamp: "2024-01-25T08:41:50Z"
  generation: 1
  name: default
  resourceVersion: "41645"
  uid: d1e095db-d6e8-4413-b60e-fcf31ad2bf5e
  detectGateway: false
  detectIPConflict: false
  - fd00:10:244::/112
  podRPFilter: 0
  hostRPFilter: 0
  hostRuleTable: 500
  mode: auto
  podCIDRType: auto
  podDefaultRouteNIC: ""
  podMACPrefix: ""
  tunePodRoutes: true
  txQueueLen: 0
  phase: Synced
  - fd00:10:233::/116

Known issues

  • Underlay mode: TCP communication between underlay Pods and overlay Pods (Calico or Cilium) fails

    This issue arises from inconsistent packet routing paths. Request packets are matched with the routing on the source Pod side and forwarded through veth0 to the host side. And then the packets are further forwarded to the target Pod. The target Pod perceives the source IP of the packet as the underlay IP of the source Pod, allowing it to bypass the source Pod's host and directly route through the underlay network. However, on the host, this is considered an invalid packet (as it receives unexpected TCP SYN-ACK packets that are conntrack table invalid), explicitly dropping it using an iptables rule in kube-proxy. Switching the kube-proxy mode to ipvs can address this issue. This issue is expected to be fixed in K8s 1.29. if the sysctl nf_conntrack_tcp_be_liberal is set to 1, kube-proxy will not deliver the DROP rule.

  • Overlay mode: with Cilium as the default CNI and multiple NICs for the Pod, the underlay interface of the Pod cannot communicate with the node.

    Macvlan interfaces do not allow direct communication between parent and child interfaces in bridge mode in most cases. To facilitate communication between the underlay IP of the Pod and the node, we rely on the default CNI to create Veth devices. However, Cilium restricts the forwarding of IPs from non-Cilium subnets through these Veth devices.