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File metadata and controls

470 lines (351 loc) · 23.6 KB


Publisher: Splunk
Connector Version: 3.4.2
Product Vendor: Generic
Product Name: IMAP
Product Version Supported (regex): ".*"
Minimum Product Version: 6.3.0

This app supports email ingestion and various investigative actions over IMAP


It is not uncommon for enterprises to have a single mailbox configured where users can forward suspicious emails for further investigation. The ingestion feature in the IMAP app is primarily designed to pull emails from such a mailbox and create containers and artifacts in Phantom.

To add an IMAP Asset in Phantom, from the Main Menu , select Apps . In the Search Apps field, search for the IMAP App by typing "IMAP" into the search field and hitting enter. To the right of the App name, click on the Configure New Asset button.

In the Asset Info tab, the Asset Name and Asset Description can be whatever you want, we've chosen "imap_ingest" for this example. The Product Vendor and Product Name fields will be populated by Phantom and are not user-configurable. Do not click Save yet, navigate to the Ingest Settings tab.

The Ingest Settings tab sets the container type the ingested IMAP data will be placed. Select the appropriate label name or create a new label. In this example, the label name imap has been selected. Choose "Off" for Manual polling from the dropdown of Select a polling interval or schedule to configure polling on this asset or select "Scheduled" or "Interval". Set the Polling Interval to the desired number of minutes. The settings in the Approval Settings and Access Control tab are not used for the communication between Phantom and IMAP and can be configured later. Navigate to the Asset Settings tab if you are not already there.

The Asset Settings tab provides the configuration information Phantom uses to communicate with the mail server. Currently, there are two ways to authenticate.

  • Basic
  • OAuth

Basic Authentication

Fill in the Server IP/Hostname , Username , and Password . The remaining configuration fields can be adjusted to suit the email environment.

OAuth Authentication

Follow the steps outlined below to set up the OAuth application:

  • Open the Google API Console Credentials page .
  • Click Select a project , then NEW PROJECT , and enter a name for the project, and optionally, edit the provided project ID. Click Create .
  • Select the created project from the top left corner, if not already selected.
  • On the Credentials page, select Create credentials , then OAuth client ID .
  • You may be prompted to set a product name on the Consent screen. If so, click Configure consent screen , supply the requested information, and click Save to return to the Credentials screen.
  • Select Web Application for the Application Type . The Redirect URLs should be filled here. We will get Redirect URLs from the Phantom asset we create below in the section titled "Phantom asset for IMAP". You can keep it blank for now and Edit/Add it later.
  • Click Create .
  • On the page that appears, Note down the client ID and client secret somewhere secure, as you will need them while configuring the Phantom asset.

Phantom Asset for IMAP

When creating an asset for the IMAP app, place the client ID and client secret in their corresponding fields. Then, after filling in other values, click SAVE . Note that the password field is optional for OAuth authentication. Keep the default values for the OAuth Authorization URL , OAuth Token URL and OAuth API Scope parameters.

After saving, a new field will appear in the Asset Settings tab. Take the URL found in the POST incoming for IMAP to this location field and place it in the Redirect URIs field mentioned above. You can edit the client listed under OAuth 2.0 Client IDs on the Credentials page to add a redirect url. After doing so, the URL should look something like this:


Additionally, updating the Base URL in the Phantom Company Settings is also required. Navigate to Administration > Company Settings > Info to configure the Base URL For Phantom Appliance. Then, select Save Changes .

Once, the asset is configured follow the below steps to generate the access_token and refresh_token pair.

  • Hit the TEST CONNECTIVITY button under Asset Settings
  • You will be asked to open a link in a new tab. Open the link in the same browser so that you are logged into Splunk Phantom for the redirect. If you wish to use a different browser, log in to the Splunk Phantom first, and then open the provided link.
  • Proceed to login to the Google site
  • You will be prompted to agree to the permissions requested by the App
  • If all goes well the browser should instruct you to close the tab
  • Now go back and check the message on the Test Connectivity dialog box, it should say Connectivity test passed


  • For the IMAP app, we won't be able to route traffic through the proxy. So if the user tries to add any proxy in variables of the asset, it won't affect the app's connectivity. But the configured proxy variables will be used while generating tokens for the OAuth authentication .
  • As of now, the OAuth authentication is supported for only Gmail mailbox.
  • The parameter Use SSL will be ignored for the OAuth authentication , SSL mechanism will be used regardless of the parameter value.

Now that the config is out of the way, let's delve into the two modes, in which ingestion can occur and the differences between them.


Notice that you now have a Poll Now button, as shown here:

Click Poll Now . There are a few options you can set, In this example the Maximum containers to 40 and Maximum artifacts to 10, the default values are also fine. Click the Poll Now button at the bottom of the dialog. You will see some text begin to scroll by inside the text field, indicating progress. Parsing data might take a while. The dialog should look like this.

One thing to note is that for every email that is ingested, a single container is created containing multiple artifacts. The Maximum artifacts value will be ignored and all the possible artifacts will be ingested into the container.

POLL NOW should be used to get a sense of the containers and artifacts that are created by the app. The POLL NOW window allows the user to set the "Maximum containers" that should be ingested at this instance. Since a single container is created for each email, this value equates to the maximum emails that are ingested by the App. The App will either get the oldest email first or the latest, depending upon the configuration parameter How to ingest .

Scheduled Polling

This mode is used to schedule a polling action on the asset at regular intervals, which is configured via the Ingest tab of the asset. It makes use of the following asset configuration parameters (among others):

  • Maximum emails to poll the first time

    The App detects the first time it is polling an asset and will ingest these number of emails (at the most).

  • Maximum emails to poll

    For all scheduled polls after the first, the app will ingest these numbers of emails.

  • How to ingest

    Should the app be ingesting the latest emails or the oldest?

In the case of Scheduled Polling, on every poll, the App remembers the last email that it has ingested and will pick up from the next one in the next scheduled poll.

How to ingest

The app allows the user to configure how it should ingest emails on every scheduled poll, oldest first , or latest first . Depending upon the scheduled interval and how busy the inbox is one of the following could potentially happen

  • oldest first

    If the app is configured to poll too slowly and the inbox is so busy that on every poll the maximum ingested emails is less than the number of new emails, the app will never catch up.

  • latest first

    If the app is configured to poll too slowly and the inbox is so busy that on every poll the maximum ingested emails is less than the number of new emails, the app will drop the older emails since it is ingesting the latest emails that came into the mailbox.

For best results, keep the poll interval and Maximum emails to poll values close to the number of emails you would get within a time interval. This way, every poll will end up ingesting all the new emails.

Containers created

As mentioned before, the app will create a single container for each email that it ingests with the following properties:

  • Name

    The email subject is used as the name of the container. If a subject is not present the generated name is of the format: "Email UID: the_numeric_email_id"

  • Source ID

    The source ID of the container will be set to the "{hash_value_of_foldername} : {email_id}".

The data section of the container will contain the complete raw email in a key named 'raw_email'. The UI allows the user to download this raw data JSON into a file. This same data can be extracted in a playbook also for further processing.

Playbook Backward Compatibility

  • The existing container's source_data_identifier has been modified. Hence, it is requested to the end-user to please update their existing playbooks by re-inserting | modifying | deleting the corresponding action blocks or by providing appropriate values to the action parameters in case source_data_identifier is used, to ensure the correct functioning of the playbooks created on the earlier versions of the app.
  • The format of container source_data_identifier has been changed from "{email_id}" to "{hash_value_of_foldername} : {email_id}" which helps to create containers correctly while fetching data from the IMAP server.

Artifacts created

The App will create the following type of artifacts:

  • Email Artifact

    The email addresses that are found in the ingested email will be added as a separate artifact. Any attached email will also be scanned and the address present in the attached email will be added as a separate artifact. The emails are added as custom strings in the CEF structure in the following manner.

    Artifact Field Value Details
    Source ID Email ID set on the server
    cef.fromEmail From email address
    cef.toEmail To email address
    cef.emailHeaders A dictionary containing each email header as a key and it's value as the key-value

  • IP Artifact

    • If extract_ips is enabled, any IPv4 or IPv6 found in the email body will be added, with one CEF per IP.
    • Any IP addresses found in the email are added to the CEF structure of an artifact.
    • The CEF for an IP is cef.sourceAddress.
  • Hash Artifact - cef.fileHash

    • If extract_hashes is enabled, any hash found in the email body will be added, with one CEF per hash.
    • Any Hashes found in the email are added to the CEF structure of an artifact.
    • The CEF for a hash is cef.fileHash.
  • URL Artifact - cef.requestURL

    • If extract_urls is enabled, any URL found in the email body will be added, with one CEF per URL.
    • Any URLs found are added to the CEF structure of an artifact.
    • The CEF for a URL is cef.requestURL.
  • Domain Artifact - cef.destinationDnsDomain

    • If extract_domains is enabled, any domain found in the email body will be added, with one CEF per domain.
    • Domains that are part of a URL or an email address are added to the CEF structure of an artifact.
    • The CEF for a URL is cef.destinationDnsDomain.
  • Vault Artifact

    • If the email contains any attachments, these are extracted (if enabled in the config) and added to the vault of the Container.
    • At the same time, the vault id and file name of this item is represented by a Vault Artifact.
    • The same file can be added to the vault multiple times. In this scenario, the file name of the item added the second time onwards will be slightly different, but the vault id will still be the same. However, there will be multiple artifacts created.
    • Do note that the system does not duplicate the file bytes, only the metadata in the db.
      Artifact Field Value Details
      Source ID Email ID set on the server
      cef.vaultID Vault ID of the attachment
      cef.fileName Attached filename used in the email
    • You will notice additional CEF fields cs6 (value is the Vault ID) and cs6Label . These are added for backward compatibility only and will be deprecated in future releases. Please don't use these keys in playbooks.

    ** Since the vault id cannot be represented by a native CEF field, it is placed in the cs6 CEF key and the cs6Label key is set to "vault_id".

Port Information

The app uses IMAP protocol for communicating with the email servers and HTTP/ HTTPS protocol for obtaining/refreshing the access_token. Below are the default ports used by Splunk SOAR.

        Service Name Transport Protocol Port
        http tcp 80
        https tcp 443

Below are the ports used by IMAP library for the connection.

        Service Name Transport Protocol Port
        Standard IMAP4 tcp 143
        IMAP4-over-SSL tcp 993

Configuration Variables

The below configuration variables are required for this Connector to operate. These variables are specified when configuring a IMAP asset in SOAR.

server required string Server IP/Hostname
auth_type optional string Authentication Mechanism to Use
username required string Username
password optional password Password
client_id optional string OAuth Client ID
client_secret optional password OAuth Client Secret
auth_url optional string OAuth Authorization URL
token_url optional string OAuth Token URL
scopes optional string OAuth API Scope (JSON formatted list)
folder optional string Folder to ingest mails from (default is inbox)
ingest_manner required string How to ingest
first_run_max_emails required numeric Maximum emails to poll first time for schedule and interval polling
max_emails required numeric Maximum emails to poll
use_ssl optional boolean Use SSL
extract_attachments optional boolean Extract Attachments
extract_urls optional boolean Extract URLs
extract_ips optional boolean Extract IPs
extract_domains optional boolean Extract Domain Names
extract_hashes optional boolean Extract Hashes
add_body_to_header_artifacts optional boolean Add email body to the Email Artifact

Supported Actions

test connectivity - Validate the asset configuration for connectivity. This action runs a quick query on the server to check the connection and credentials
get email - Get an email from the server or container
on poll - Callback action for the on_poll ingest functionality

action: 'test connectivity'

Validate the asset configuration for connectivity. This action runs a quick query on the server to check the connection and credentials

Type: test
Read only: True

Action Parameters

No parameters are required for this action

Action Output

No Output

action: 'get email'

Get an email from the server or container

Type: investigate
Read only: True

Every container that is created by the IMAP app has the following values:

  • The container ID, that is generated by the Phantom platform.
  • The Source ID that the app equates to the email ID along with the hash of the folder name on the remote server
  • The raw_email data in the container's data field is set to the RFC822 format of the email.
This action parses email data and if specified, creates containers and artifacts. The email data to parse is either extracted from the remote server if an email id is specified along with its folder name or from a Phantom container if the contianer_id is specified. The folder parameter is used only when the email id is specified in the input. If the folder is not mentioned, it takes the folder name from the asset configuration parameter. If the folder name is not specified as an input of the "get email" action or in asset configuration parameters, "inbox" is taken as its value.
If both parameters are specified, the action will use the container_id.
Do note that any containers and artifacts created will use the label configured in the asset.

Action Parameters

id optional Message ID to get string imap email id
container_id optional Container ID to get email data from numeric phantom container id
folder optional Folder name of email to get(used when id is given as input) string
ingest_email optional Create container and artifacts boolean

Action Output

action_result.status string success failed
action_result.parameter.container_id numeric phantom container id 1270
action_result.parameter.folder string test string imap email id 1918
action_result.parameter.ingest_email boolean True False*.ARC-Authentication-Results string*.ARC-Message-Signature string*.ARC-Seal string*.Accept-Language string en-US*.Authentication-Results string*.CC string User [email protected]*.Content-Language string en-US*.Content-Transfer-Encoding string quoted-printable*.Content-Type string multipart/alternative; boundary="00000000000082bcbd056d5b9c37"*.DKIM-Signature string*.Date string Tue, 29 May 2018 17:31:58 +0000*.Delivered-To string [email protected]*.FCC string test://[email protected]/Sent*.Feedback-ID string*.From string The Test Team [email protected]*.In-Reply-To string*.MIME-Version string 1.0*.Message-ID string*.Received string*.Received-SPF string*.References string*.Reply-To string The Test Team [email protected]*.Return-Path string email*.Subject string Test Email Subject*.Thread-Index string AdZLNWgVDiTd5bCtTtyx3vkNcc0vtQ==*.Thread-Topic string beep for 4.9!*.To string [email protected]*.User-Agent string*.X-Account-Key string account7*.X-Gm-Message-State string*.X-Google-DKIM-Signature string*.X-Google-Id string 194824*.X-Google-Smtp-Source string*.X-Identity-Key string id1*.X-MS-Exchange-Organization-AuthAs string Internal*.X-MS-Exchange-Organization-AuthMechanism string 04*.X-MS-Exchange-Organization-AuthSource string*.X-MS-Exchange-Organization-SCL string -1*.X-MS-Has-Attach string*.X-MS-TNEF-Correlator string*.X-Mozilla-Draft-Info string*.X-Received string
action_result.summary.container_id numeric phantom container id 2433
action_result.message string Container id: 704
summary.total_objects numeric 1
summary.total_objects_successful numeric 1

action: 'on poll'

Callback action for the on_poll ingest functionality

Type: ingest
Read only: True

Action Parameters

start_time optional Parameter ignored for this app numeric
end_time optional Parameter ignored for this app numeric
container_id optional Parameter ignored for this app string
container_count required Maximum number of container records to query for numeric
artifact_count required Parameter ignored for this app numeric

Action Output

No Output