- Fixed broken path to deploy defaults by flag option.
- Fixed node 10 dependencies for compatibility, warnings are still displayed, but compile works as expected.
- Update notify node version requirement change.
- Added lottery update notice check, and display update info on version output.
- Softened dependencies in preparation for node version updates.
- Updated terser keep function names option.
- Fixed substr with a clean substring call.
- Cleanup/separate cli internal structure.
- Fixed .eslintrc for es2021 support.
- Added --map option to enable default webpack devtool source maps.
- Added async transform support.
- Added options for babel polyfill by usage.
- Migrate to [email protected].
- Updated dependencies.
- Fixed default directory read mode file extension matching.
- Fixed index mode default read options.
- Updated dependencies.
- Fixed --keep-names cli option.
- Added babel native transform support and updated babelrc.
- Added TerserPlugin with --keep-names cli option.
- Updated dependencies.
- Updated dependencies.
- Use option -n for bundle name, remove option for short --no-minify to remove conflict.
- Removed short option -w for --colors option, to free it for future use.
- Updated and fixed some README.md typos.
- Fixed and extended missing --modules prepend option used to prepend polyfills or anything else to entries.
- Update node-util and replace local implementation with convertMs2Hrtime method from utils.
- Internal updates and cleanups for --analyze and --extend options.
- Improve README.md and some code docs.
- Added --no-minify option to disable optimization.minimize in webpack config.
- Added --extend option to load a config extension via require, path/name customizable via the option.
- Added webpack-merge package to merge the extension config if it's an object, extend can also be a sync function that receives following arguments (config, source, target, SimpleWebpack) and must return the modified config object.
- Update node-util to fix progress display issues with colliding output.
- Added webpack-bundle-analyzer plugin and options.
- Added default configs .eslintrc and .babelrc deployable with the --defaults option.
- Updated some dependencies.
- Fix broken utilities reference and version.
- Core features prototype.