Maestro is a simple and effective Mobile Ui testing framework with experimental support for web as well.
Run the following command to install Maestro on Mac OS, Linux or windows(WSL):
curl -Ls "" | bash
windows needs additional setUp, pls refer to windows installation
curl -Ls "" | bash
Maestro studio can be used to discover the commands needed to interact with your app.
Launch the Maestro Studio with the following command from your terminal.
maestro studio
use of maestro studio is simple and straight forward, for more information pls refer to the following section of the document
The following are the package names for Android Apps to be used in the launchApp inside a flow:
Serial | Environment | Package Name |
1 | Samadhan UAT | |
2 | Samadhan Production | com.stackbox.hulmaster |
3 | Staging | com.stackbox.staging |
4 | SB UAT | com.stackbox.sbstaging |
5 | Production | com.stackbox.(to be updated) |
6 | PNG UAT | com.stackbox.pngstaging |
7 | PNG Production | com.stackbox.pngproduction |
8 | DC UAT | com.stackbox.dcstaging |
9 | DC Production | com.stackbox.(to be updated) |
10 | Nestle Production | com.stackbox.nestleproduction |
The following are the package names for Android Apps to be used in the launchApp inside a flow:
Serial | Environment | Package Name |
1 | web-apps | |
test a single flow:
maestro test maestro/warehouseautomation/sign-in-flow.yaml
test a single flow with debugLogs and failure screenShots:
maestro test maestro/warehouseautomation/sign-in-flow.yaml --debug-output maestro/warehouseautomation
test full flow(runs all the test inside the folder for the app parallely):
maestro test maestro/warehouseautomation
test full flow with debugLogs and screenShots(runs all the test inside the folder for the app parallely):
maestro test maestro/warehouseautomation --debug-output maestro/warehouseautomation