Follow these guidelines and your pull request should be accepted.
If you know about some repositories that should be in this list but don't have the time to add them by yourself, you can create an issue with the link to the account/repositories you wish to be added.
If you have some spare time you're welcome to integrate some of the repositories mentioned in existing issues in the list and create a pull request. Please make sure to add the issue id to your commit message (e.g. added repos from issue #12).
Keep the document consistent. Don't introduce new ways of formatting etc.
If you really, really want to change or add something completely new and innovative that would blow the mind of everyone reading this list, feel free to create an issue so we can discuss the idea. Or just create a pull request, if you're feeling lucky. But bear in mind the words of the mighty Johoho: "Only advanced solutions!"
- When adding an new module, make an entry in the table of contents at the correct position (alphabetical order).
- Add a new section to the document (again, alphabetical order).
- The title of the section shall be the short name of the module.
- A description of the module (e.g. the full name) shall be provided underneath the title.
- If you add a new link to one of the modules, add it to the correct semester. In case you don't know the semester, try to make a guess.
- Use
as the link description. - Links are ordered alphabetically within a semester.
- Semesters are ordered top-down from latest to oldest.