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File metadata and controls

177 lines (126 loc) · 6.13 KB


A technical test for FlyPay. The following demonstrates a basic GET / POST microservice, allowing consumers to register their apps and store dummy payment data.


The below assumes docker is installed on the local machine. If not, visit and follow the instructions.

Docker has been used locally for the following.

  • Composer
  • PHP 7.x
  • MySQL 5.7

Use the following commands to install and run containers.

Note: docker-compose has not been utilized.


We're going to pull composer/composer for the moment, and we'll use this container to install ours deps.

docker pull composer/composer

MySQL 5.7

We'll pull the 5.7 version of the MySQL docker container. The container hasn't been modifided (unlike php:7.0), so we'll run the container as a daemon, passing our chosen root password (modify YOUR_ROOT_PASSWORD).

docker pull mysql:5.7
docker run --name flypay-db -p 3306:3306 -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=YOUR_ROOT_PASSWORD -d mysql:5.7

PHP 7.0

We've customized the php:7.0 container by installing pdo and xdebug by default. Build the container and run with the following commands.

docker build -t flypay .
docker run --name flypay -p:8881:8881 -v $(pwd):/app -w /app --link flypay-db:mysql -d flypay php -S -t public

Docker should now show 2 running containers, flypay and flypay-db.

Getting Started

First off, we'll need to clone the repository.

git clone

Next, install depending with composer, using the docker container we pulled earlier.

docker run -i --rm -v ~/.ssh:/root/.ssh -v $(pwd):/app composer/composer install

In order to setup the DB, you'll need to setup your .env and create the database. The .env file should be located within the root of the project, and should contain the following values:

Note: Find the IP of the flypay-db container using docker inspect <container_id>.


Note: I understand it's bad practice using the root user, but this is for a technical task / development purposes, hence the usage of .env.

You will need to create the database, migrations won't do this for you. Create a database, using docker, with the following command:

docker run -it --link flypay-db:mysql --rm mysql sh -c 'exec mysql -h"$MYSQL_PORT_3306_TCP_ADDR" -P"$MYSQL_PORT_3306_TCP_PORT" -uroot -p"$MYSQL_ENV_MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD" -e "create database flypay_steadweb;"'

Once the database has been created, run the migrations.

docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/app -w /app --link flypay-db:mysql flypay php vendor/bin/doctrine-migrations migrations:migrate --configuration configuration.yml

The microserivce has now been installed with demo data.


The microservice leverages JWT to auth an app against the API. Out of the box, 1 app is registered, but it's suggested for an app to register it's own public_key using the /client/register endpoint.

Without relying on this micoservice to provide a JWT, it's put the reliance on the application itself, storing the public_key and validating the signature within middleware.

You can use the following JWT when testing the app.


The following JSON object is the correct payload for the /client/register endpoint. You'll notice the public_key is base64 encoded, this is required and the endpoint will fail if it detects a malformed public_key.

  "domain" : "https://your.domain.tld",
  "public_key" : base64_encode($your_public_key)

The response should be the uuid of the entity which has been created. You don't have to note this down, it's just confirmation the public_key was registered correctly.

  "id" : "randomly_generated_uuid"

Basic Example

You can request data from any of the endpoints mentioned below. Out of the box, the microservice supplies demo data. The JWT needs to be set as a header for each request (apart from registering a client).


GET /api/v1/payments
Host: http://localhost:8881
Content-Type: application/json
token: eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9.eyJpc3MiOiJodHRwczpcL1wvZmx5cGF5LnN0ZWFkd2ViLmNvbSIsImF1ZCI6Imh0dHBzOlwvXC9mbHlwYXkuc3RlYWR3ZWIuY29tIn0.J6yRvezHHJwM-9_nyHd-2PmcRDIAtqmJlHKcgEEuWxP1A6--A5K7bvm0Khy_527QlC3-0NpuEfev_yRt2MIxOVgoSsn_jDt2Ny3wDUNFWdaAWwme6TeTm5TVtszTcj1hI1JXoFfxbkY1kIzafKQCZFLIKNh08HoKjk2PHrZV2J6k7PUTnzxoZ-Fv6UpsbbV9_e4XbPbjVtrY23-OlYeM8gldQif2EMaFTY8SIDuN6OtBVDJoGG--rsHOFfI1nGjzBDnFAvfLJixGZLPT_DC4YhRK--H2kJLwcLUOzxKB63b5gWHHdCddSWADLgQ-nOZsA8LyHQcCJqY7C1QumhBhLQ


    "id": "f3a50212-d35d-11e6-872b-0242ac110002",
    "amount": 9000,
    "gratuity": null,
    "reference": "ADS67dgftyt5fytsdTYF",
    "card": {
      "id": "d18d7f82-d35d-11e6-872b-0242ac110002",
      "last4": "6482",
      "type": "AMEX"
    "tables": [
        "id": "d63cc628-d35d-11e6-872b-0242ac110002",
        "seats": 4
    "location": {
      "id": "d8e62678-d35d-11e6-872b-0242ac110002",
      "title": "Foo",
      "address": "1 Bar Road, Baz Town",
      "latitude": "12318297812712",
      "longitude": "-12735162537123"
    "created": {
      "date": "2017-01-05 15:45:15.000000",
      "timezone_type": 3,
      "timezone": "UTC"
    "updated": null


All endpoints can be found here.


Unit tests are run using phpunit via the php:7.0 container.

docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/app -w /app --link flypay-db:mysql flypay php vendor/bin/phpunit tests -c phpunit.xml.dist