API-internal/FetchExportedTxs, BackendState
NodeProxyController (accept post requests on root url and forward it to node (sandboxed))
Allowed methods:
- importlightwalletaddress
- getwatchonlystatus
- getwatchonlytxes
- checkkeyimage
- checkkeyimages
- getanonoutputs
- sendrawtransaction
- Added: Server/InternalAccessKey for API-Internal requests
- Added: Server/Swagger/RedirectFromHomepage bool that indicate if GET request on root url should be redirected to swagger generated API docs
- Added ConnectionString/Redis string for redis configuration (should be also set in MemoryCache/Host-Port)
- Added Explorer/RPCMode bool to indicate if backend launched in RPC mode
- Moved MemoryCache out of Explorer section + added new configurations (not yet covered in docs)
added RPC mode and Redis/Inmemory caching
- src/public/fetchtxs.html