Backend configured in appsettings.json
It's recommended to use appsettings.json.tpl as configuration template, configuration below contains commentaries prefixed with #, which is incorrect in json and added only for information.
"ConnectionStrings": {
# change user and password, host (if needed, by default it connects to db via unix socket, recommended and fastest way)
"DefaultConnection": "Host=/var/run/postgresql/;Port=5432;Database=veilexplorer;Username=<USER>;Password=<PASSWORD>;Pooling=true;Maximum Pool Size=100;Tcp Keepalive=true;Keepalive=60;No Reset On Close=true;Client Encoding=UTF8",
# standard redis connection string
# see
"Redis" : "localhost:6379,serviceName=Redis"
"Server": {
# secret key to access internal APIs
"InternalAccessKey": "",
"CorsOrigins": [
# frontend and backend usually use different hostname:port pair, so it's important to allow xhr requests from frontend host:port
"Swagger": {
# show swagger ui
"Enabled": true,
# empty means that swagger ui hosted directly on main api page
"RoutePrefix": ""
"API": {
# how many blocks can be retrivied form api per request
"MaxBlocksPullCount": 30,
# how many transactions can be retrivied form api per request
"MaxTransactionsPullCount": 15,
# how long backend can hold request to wait response from veil-node in ms
"ApiQueueWaitTimeout": 300,
# overall wait timeout from veil node, after which request canceled in ms
"ApiQueueSystemWaitTimeout": 5000,
# queue processing delay in ms
"ApiQueueSpinDelay": 20
"Explorer": {
# specifies what will be used to store data. true is for in-memory caching, false - database
"RPCMode" : true,
# database transaction timeout in ms
"TxScopeTimeout": 600,
# realtime notification interval in ms
"HubNotifyDelay": 5000,
# delay beween blocks pulling batch in ms
"PullBlocksDelay": 500,
# delay between blockchain info pulling in ms
"PullBlockchainInfoDelay": 500,
# delay between blockchain stats pulling in ms
"PullBlockchainStatsDelay": 1800000,
# delay for queues workers in ms
"NodeWorkersPullDelay": 20,
# delay between supply pulling in ms
"SupplyPullDelay": 60000,
# delay between mempool pulling in ms
"PullMempoolDelay": 1000,
# amount of stats point for transaction statistics
"StatsPointsCount": 50,
# blocks pulled per batch
"BlocksPerBatch": 10,
# address of veil budget
"BudgetAddress": "35uS99ZnfaYB293sJ8ptUEXkUTQXH8WnDe",
# address of veil foundation
"FoundationAddress": "38J8RGLetRUNEXycBMPg8oZqLt4bB9hCbt",
"Node": {
# veil node api address
"Url": "",
# veil node rpc credentials
"Username": "[noderpc_username]",
"Password": "[noderpc_password]"
"ScanTxOutsetQueue": {
# capacity of balances queue
"Capacity": 50,
# see
"Mode": 2
"MemoryCache": {
# redis standard port
"Port" : "6379",
# redis standard host
"Host" : "localhost",
# amount of simplified oldest blocks that will be cached
"OldestSimplifiedBlocksCacheCount": 20010,
# amount of simplified newest blocks that will be cached
"SimplifiedBlocksCacheCount": 200010,
# limit of redis memory usage in bytes
"RedisMaxMemoryUsage": 524288000,
# delay between expiration scan process
"ExpirationScanFrequency": 10000,
# cache expiration absolute time
"ExpirationApiAbsoluteTime": 3600000,
# time after block data will expires in days
"ServerAbsExpCacheTimeDays" : 7,
# expiration time of user blocks data cache (if it isn't cached by the server)
"UserAbsExpCacheTimeSec": 30
# configuration below is kestrel server configuration
# see
"AllowedHosts": "*",
"Kestrel": {
"EndPointDefaults": {
"Protocols": "Http1AndHttp2"
"Endpoints": {
"HTTP": {
"Url": "http://*:5000"
"Logging": {
"LogLevel": {
"Default": "Information",
"Microsoft.AspNetCore": "Warning",
"System.Net.Http.HttpClient": "None"