vstack visualizes the stack variables of a function based on rizin's afi output, supporting only 64-bit programs.
To use vstack, pipe the output from rizin afi into the program:
$ vstack -rsp rsp-address < afi-output.txt
$ vstack -rsp 0xebd8 < afi-output.txt
var# offset start range end size type name
0 rsp-0x58 0xeb80 ---------------------- 0xeb83
1 rsp-0x54 0xeb84 -x-------------------- 0xeb87 0x4 uint64_t dbg_copy_M
2 rsp-0x50 0xeb88 --xx------------------ 0xeb8f 0x8 const char *input_copy_M
3 rsp-0x48 0xeb90 ----xx---------------- 0xeb97 0x8 int64_t var_48h
4 rsp-0x40 0xeb98 ------xx-------------- 0xeb9f 0x8 char *s
5 rsp-0x38 0xeba0 --------xxxxxx-------- 0xebb7 0x18 const char *format
6 rsp-0x20 0xebb8 --------------xxxx---- 0xebc7 0x10 int64_t function_to_call
7 rsp-0x10 0xebc8 ------------------xx-- 0xebcf 0x8 int64_t canary
8 rsp-0x8 0xebd0 --------------------xx 0xebd7 0x8 int64_t saved rbp