diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index f24c41b..f9906f5 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -10,4 +10,5 @@ bin
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/obj/Debug/MemwLib.1.0.0.nuspec b/obj/Debug/MemwLib.1.0.0.nuspec
deleted file mode 100644
index 0205a49..0000000
--- a/obj/Debug/MemwLib.1.0.0.nuspec
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
- MemwLib
- 1.0.0
- MemwLib
- Package Description
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/obj/Debug/MemwLib.2.0.0.nuspec b/obj/Debug/MemwLib.2.0.0.nuspec
deleted file mode 100644
index 1cb8de0..0000000
--- a/obj/Debug/MemwLib.2.0.0.nuspec
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
- MemwLib
- 2.0.0
- MemwLib
- Memw1
- icon.png
- This is a library made for convenient implementations that microsoft did not add to C#, or are not good enough.
- Utils HTTP HTTPS Data Colors Strings
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/obj/Debug/MemwLib.2.1.0.nuspec b/obj/Debug/MemwLib.2.1.0.nuspec
deleted file mode 100644
index 70dc679..0000000
--- a/obj/Debug/MemwLib.2.1.0.nuspec
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
- MemwLib
- 2.1.0
- MemwLib
- Memw1
- icon.png
- This is a library made for convenient implementations that microsoft did not add to C#, or are not good enough.
- Utils HTTP HTTPS Data Colors Strings
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/obj/Debug/net7.0/.NETCoreApp,Version=v7.0.AssemblyAttributes.cs b/obj/Debug/net7.0/.NETCoreApp,Version=v7.0.AssemblyAttributes.cs
deleted file mode 100644
index d69481d..0000000
--- a/obj/Debug/net7.0/.NETCoreApp,Version=v7.0.AssemblyAttributes.cs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-using System;
-using System.Reflection;
-[assembly: global::System.Runtime.Versioning.TargetFrameworkAttribute(".NETCoreApp,Version=v7.0", FrameworkDisplayName = ".NET 7.0")]
diff --git a/obj/Debug/net7.0/MemwLib.AssemblyInfo.cs b/obj/Debug/net7.0/MemwLib.AssemblyInfo.cs
deleted file mode 100644
index bbfd1d6..0000000
--- a/obj/Debug/net7.0/MemwLib.AssemblyInfo.cs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-// This code was generated by a tool.
-// Changes to this file may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if
-// the code is regenerated.
-using System;
-using System.Reflection;
-[assembly: System.Reflection.AssemblyCompanyAttribute("Memw1")]
-[assembly: System.Reflection.AssemblyConfigurationAttribute("Debug")]
-[assembly: System.Reflection.AssemblyDescriptionAttribute("This is a library made for convenient implementations that microsoft did not add " +
- "to C#, or are not good enough.")]
-[assembly: System.Reflection.AssemblyFileVersionAttribute("")]
-[assembly: System.Reflection.AssemblyInformationalVersionAttribute("2.1.0")]
-[assembly: System.Reflection.AssemblyProductAttribute("MemwLib")]
-[assembly: System.Reflection.AssemblyTitleAttribute("MemwLib")]
-[assembly: System.Reflection.AssemblyVersionAttribute("")]
-[assembly: System.Reflection.AssemblyMetadataAttribute("RepositoryUrl", "https://github.com/stifskere/MemwLib")]
-// Generated by the MSBuild WriteCodeFragment class.
diff --git a/obj/Debug/net7.0/MemwLib.AssemblyInfoInputs.cache b/obj/Debug/net7.0/MemwLib.AssemblyInfoInputs.cache
deleted file mode 100644
index affe7f2..0000000
--- a/obj/Debug/net7.0/MemwLib.AssemblyInfoInputs.cache
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/obj/Debug/net7.0/MemwLib.GeneratedMSBuildEditorConfig.editorconfig b/obj/Debug/net7.0/MemwLib.GeneratedMSBuildEditorConfig.editorconfig
deleted file mode 100644
index b563571..0000000
--- a/obj/Debug/net7.0/MemwLib.GeneratedMSBuildEditorConfig.editorconfig
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-is_global = true
-build_property.TargetFramework = net7.0
-build_property.TargetPlatformMinVersion =
-build_property.UsingMicrosoftNETSdkWeb =
-build_property.ProjectTypeGuids =
-build_property.InvariantGlobalization =
-build_property.PlatformNeutralAssembly =
-build_property.EnforceExtendedAnalyzerRules =
-build_property._SupportedPlatformList = Linux,macOS,Windows
-build_property.RootNamespace = MemwLib
-build_property.ProjectDir = /home/memw/Desktop/ProjectsRider/MemwLib/MemwLib/
-build_property.EnableComHosting =
-build_property.EnableGeneratedComInterfaceComImportInterop =
diff --git a/obj/Debug/net7.0/MemwLib.GlobalUsings.g.cs b/obj/Debug/net7.0/MemwLib.GlobalUsings.g.cs
deleted file mode 100644
index 8578f3d..0000000
--- a/obj/Debug/net7.0/MemwLib.GlobalUsings.g.cs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-global using global::System;
-global using global::System.Collections.Generic;
-global using global::System.IO;
-global using global::System.Linq;
-global using global::System.Net.Http;
-global using global::System.Threading;
-global using global::System.Threading.Tasks;
diff --git a/obj/Debug/net7.0/MemwLib.assets.cache b/obj/Debug/net7.0/MemwLib.assets.cache
deleted file mode 100644
index 21f1ac1..0000000
Binary files a/obj/Debug/net7.0/MemwLib.assets.cache and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/obj/Debug/net7.0/MemwLib.csproj.AssemblyReference.cache b/obj/Debug/net7.0/MemwLib.csproj.AssemblyReference.cache
deleted file mode 100644
index 22527d5..0000000
Binary files a/obj/Debug/net7.0/MemwLib.csproj.AssemblyReference.cache and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/obj/Debug/net7.0/MemwLib.csproj.CoreCompileInputs.cache b/obj/Debug/net7.0/MemwLib.csproj.CoreCompileInputs.cache
deleted file mode 100644
index 8b67d67..0000000
--- a/obj/Debug/net7.0/MemwLib.csproj.CoreCompileInputs.cache
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/obj/Debug/net7.0/MemwLib.csproj.FileListAbsolute.txt b/obj/Debug/net7.0/MemwLib.csproj.FileListAbsolute.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 26bb97e..0000000
--- a/obj/Debug/net7.0/MemwLib.csproj.FileListAbsolute.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/obj/Debug/net7.0/MemwLib.dll b/obj/Debug/net7.0/MemwLib.dll
deleted file mode 100644
index 483935f..0000000
Binary files a/obj/Debug/net7.0/MemwLib.dll and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/obj/Debug/net7.0/MemwLib.pdb b/obj/Debug/net7.0/MemwLib.pdb
deleted file mode 100644
index ccbf4b0..0000000
Binary files a/obj/Debug/net7.0/MemwLib.pdb and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/obj/Debug/net7.0/MemwLib.sourcelink.json b/obj/Debug/net7.0/MemwLib.sourcelink.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 645d81c..0000000
--- a/obj/Debug/net7.0/MemwLib.sourcelink.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/obj/Debug/net7.0/MemwLib.xml b/obj/Debug/net7.0/MemwLib.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index e795e03..0000000
--- a/obj/Debug/net7.0/MemwLib.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2538 +0,0 @@
- MemwLib
- 24-bit RGB representation.
- The red value of this instance.
- The green value of this instance.
- The blue value of this instance.
- The RGB values constructor.
- the red value.
- the green value.
- the blue value.
- The unsigned integer value constructor.
- The decimal representation of the color.
- The color exceeds the 0xFFFFFF value.
- Rgb32 cast constructor, constructs an instance of RGB24 from an instance of RGB32.
- The instance to cast from.
- Obtain the color decimal value as an unsigned integer instance.
- Cast an instance of RGB24 to an instance of unsigned integer.
- The instance to cast.
- The casted instance as unsigned integer.
- Cast an instance of unsigned integer to an instance of RGB24
- The instance to cast.
- The casted instance as RGB24.
- Represents the color Pink as RGB24.
- Represents the color Crimson as RGB24.
- Represents the color Red as RGB24.
- Represents the color Maroon as RGB24.
- Represents the color Brown as RGB24.
- Represents the color MistyRose as RGB24.
- Represents the color Salmon as RGB24.
- Represents the color Coral as RGB24.
- Represents the color OrangeRed as RGB24.
- Represents the color Chocolate as RGB24.
- Represents the color Orange as RGB24.
- Represents the color Gold as RGB24.
- Represents the color Ivory as RGB24.
- Represents the color Yellow as RGB24.
- Represents the color Olive as RGB24.
- Represents the color YellowGreen as RGB24.
- Represents the color LawnGreen as RGB24.
- Represents the color Chartreuse as RGB24.
- Represents the color Lime as RGB24.
- Represents the color Green as RGB24.
- Represents the color SpringGreen as RGB24.
- Represents the color Aquamarine as RGB24.
- Represents the color Turquoise as RGB24.
- Represents the color Azure as RGB24.
- Represents the color AquaCyan as RGB24.
- Represents the color Teal as RGB24.
- Represents the color Lavender as RGB24.
- Represents the color Blue as RGB24.
- Represents the color Navy as RGB24.
- Represents the color BlueViolet as RGB24.
- Represents the color Indigo as RGB24.
- Represents the color DarkViolet as RGB24.
- Represents the color Plum as RGB24.
- Represents the color Magenta as RGB24.
- Represents the color Purple as RGB24.
- Represents the color RedViolet as RGB24.
- Represents the color Tan as RGB24.
- Represents the color Beige as RGB24.
- Represents the color SlateGray as RGB24.
- Represents the color DarkSlateGray as RGB24.
- Represents the color White as RGB24.
- Represents the color SmokeWhite as RGB24.
- Represents the color LightGray as RGB24.
- Represents the color Silver as RGB24.
- Represents the color DarkGray as RGB24.
- Represents the color Gray as RGB24.
- Represents the color DimGray as RGB24.
- Represents the color Black as RGB24.
- 32-bit RGBA representation
- The opacity value of this instance.
- The RGBA values constructor
- The opacity value.
- Rgb24 cast constructor, constructs an instance of RGB32 from an instance of RGB24.
- The instance to cast from.
- Cast an instance of RGB32 to an instance of unsigned integer.
- Cast an instance of unsigned integer to an instance of RGB32
- The casted instance as RGB32.
- 48-bit RGB representation.
- The unsigned integer value constructor.
- The decimal representation of the color.
- The color exceeds the 0xFFFFFFFFFFFF value.
- Rgb64 cast constructor, constructs an instance of RGB48 from an instance of RGB64.
- The instance to cast from.
- Obtain the color decimal value as an unsigned long integer instance.
- Cast an instance of RGB48 to an instance of unsigned long integer.
- The instance to cast.
- The casted instance as unsigned long integer.
- Cast an instance of unsigned long integer to an instance of RGB48
- The instance to cast.
- The casted instance as RGB48.
- Represents the color Pink as RGB48 instance
- Represents the color Crimson as RGB48 instance
- Represents the color Red as RGB48 instance
- Represents the color Maroon as RGB48 instance
- Represents the color Brown as RGB48 instance
- Represents the color MistyRose as RGB48 instance
- Represents the color Salmon as RGB48 instance
- Represents the color Coral as RGB48 instance
- Represents the color OrangeRed as RGB48 instance
- Represents the color Chocolate as RGB48 instance
- Represents the color Orange as RGB48 instance
- Represents the color Gold as RGB48 instance
- Represents the color Ivory as RGB48 instance
- Represents the color Yellow as RGB48 instance
- Represents the color Olive as RGB48 instance
- Represents the color YellowGreen as RGB48 instance
- Represents the color LawnGreen as RGB48 instance
- Represents the color Chartreuse as RGB48 instance
- Represents the color Lime as RGB48 instance
- Represents the color Green as RGB48 instance
- Represents the color SpringGreen as RGB48 instance
- Represents the color Aquamarine as RGB48 instance
- Represents the color Turquoise as RGB48 instance
- Represents the color Azure as RGB48 instance
- Represents the color AquaCyan as RGB48 instance
- Represents the color Teal as RGB48 instance
- Represents the color Lavender as RGB48 instance
- Represents the color Blue as RGB48 instance
- Represents the color Navy as RGB48 instance
- Represents the color BlueViolet as RGB48 instance
- Represents the color Indigo as RGB48 instance
- Represents the color DarkViolet as RGB48 instance
- Represents the color Plum as RGB48 instance
- Represents the color Magenta as RGB48 instance
- Represents the color Purple as RGB48 instance
- Represents the color RedViolet as RGB48 instance
- Represents the color Tan as RGB48 instance
- Represents the color Beige as RGB48 instance
- Represents the color SlateGray as RGB48 instance
- Represents the color DarkSlateGray as RGB48 instance
- Represents the color White as RGB48 instance
- Represents the color SmokeWhite as RGB48 instance
- Represents the color LightGray as RGB48 instance
- Represents the color Silver as RGB48 instance
- Represents the color DarkGray as RGB48 instance
- Represents the color Gray as RGB48 instance
- Represents the color DimGray as RGB48 instance
- Represents the color Black as RGB48 instance
- 64-bit RGBA representation.
- The opacity value.
- The unsigned integer value constructor.
- The decimal representation of the color.
- Rgb48 cast constructor, constructs an instance of RGB64 from an instance of RGB48.
- The instance to cast from.
- Cast an instance of RGB64 to an instance of unsigned long integer.
- The casted instance as unsigned long integer.
- Cast an instance of unsigned long integer to an instance of RGB64
- The casted instance as RGB64.
- Abstract class to define isolated implementations.
- The type of the keys for this collection instance.
- The type of the values for this collection instance.
- Collection default dictionary
- This should not be exposed.
- How many variables exist in this collection.
- Initializes an empty instance.
- Initializes a collection instance with another collection's items.
- The collection to get the items from.
- Checks if there is a variable with the specified key.
- The key to check
- true if the variable exists, otherwise false.
- Sets a value in this collection.
- The key that references the object.
- The value itself.
- If the value already existed in that key it will be replaced.
- Gets a value from this collection.
- The key that references the object.
- The value that was referenced by the key, or null if it did not exist.
- Interface that promises the collection will be able to be counted.
- Gets the length of this collection.
- Whether this collection is empty or not.
- This class acts as a manager for all of your cron jobs.
- Constructs a new instance of a cron manager.
- Cancellation token used to stop all the cron jobs externally.
- Adds a cron job to this manager.
- An identifier for this cron, if null won't be obtainable and must rely on return value.
- The cron expression, when to run the task.
- The task itself, if the function is not void the result will not be used.
- The handler parameters.
- Thrown when there was an error while parsing the cron expression.
- Thrown when another occurrence of this identifier was found in this manager.
- The CronJob instance that represents this job.
- The type of return this handler has.
- A CronJob instance that holds an event for return values.
- Delegate used for the on cron run event in the CronJob class.
- The type of value the handler returns when executed.
- This exception is thrown when there is already a cron entry in this CronManager.
- Exception thrown when there was an error while parsing a cron expression.
- This exception is only thrown internally.
- The invalid cron exception that threw the error.
- This class represents a basic cron job.
- Whether this job runs or not, setting this value to
- true will let the job run, otherwise it will wait until true again.
- The times this cron was executed.
- The task this cron is going to be doing.
- Waits for the next occurrence of time of
- this specific cron in this instance.
- A task to await that will complete when
- the next occurrence of time happens.
- Thrown when there was an error
- while parsing the cron expression.
- This class represents a cron job.
- The type of parameter this job returns each time is ran.
- This class can't be constructed without using a CronManager.
- Event fired when this cron is executed.
- Will mark the current property as ignored by the EnvContext type converter.
- Define an alternative name for EnvContext type converter.
- You most likely want to use this if you are following each language naming conventions.
- Constructor to define the alternative name for the environment variable.
- The variable name.
- Environment context is a Dictionary<string, string> encapsulated class to manage environment variables.
- The amount of variables this context has.
- Value index operator.
- The key assigned to the value to get.
- The value assigned to the key parameter.
- The property is retrieved and key does not exist in the collection.
- Creates a new instance of EnvContext, for accepted format guide see this.
- Lets you decide whether to add the system environment variables or not.
- Adds variables from a stream of data reading the remaining length in the stream.
- Stream to read from.
- Whether to close the stream after finished reading.
- The sum of offset and count is larger than the stream length.
- An I/O exception occurred in the underlying device.
- There is a conflicting key between the data parameter and the instance.
- The data is not well formatted , for environment variables.
- Adds variables from a stream of data till the specified length.
- Stream to read from.
- The length to read from the stream
- Whether to close the stream after finished reading.
- The sum of offset and count is larger than the stream length.
- An I/O exception occurred in the underlying device.
- There is a conflicting key between the data parameter and the instance.
- The data is not well formatted , for environment variables.
- Add environment variables from a formatted string.
- The string to parse from.
- There is a conflicting key between the data parameter and the instance.
- The data is not well formatted for environment variables
- Checks if there is a value assigned to a key.
- The key that should be assigned to the value.
- true if the value exists, otherwise false.
- Convert the current instance to a TInstance instance
- filling properties dynamically using reflections.
- The type that this instance must be converted to.
- Define if the field naming is case sensitive or not.
- The meta binding flags to search for properties in the TInstance type.
- A new instance of TInstance filled with the parameters found defined in the class.
- This doesn't assume types as for standard,
- you will need to manually convert the string to the desired type
- Pattern explanation:
- ○ "key" capture group.
- ○ Match a character in the set [A-Z_a-z] greedily at least once.
- ○ Match a character in the set [0-9A-Z_a-z] atomically any number of times.
- ○ Match ' ' atomically any number of times.
- ○ Match '='.
- ○ Match ' ' greedily any number of times.
- ○ "value" capture group.
- ○ Atomic group.
- ○ Conditionally match one of two expressions depending on whether an initial expression matches.
- ○ Condition: Match with 2 alternative expressions, atomically.
- ○ Match '"' atomically at least 3 times.
- ○ Match '\'' atomically at least 3 times.
- ○ Matched: Match a sequence of expressions.
- ○ Match with 2 alternative expressions.
- ○ Match '"' greedily at least 3 times.
- ○ Match '\'' greedily at least 3 times.
- ○ Loop lazily at least once.
- ○ Match with 2 alternative expressions.
- ○ Match '\n'.
- ○ Match any character other than '\n'.
- ○ Match with 2 alternative expressions, atomically.
- ○ Match '"' atomically at least 3 times.
- ○ Match '\'' atomically at least 3 times.
- ○ Not Matched: Conditionally match one of two expressions depending on whether an initial expression matches.
- ○ Condition: Match a character in the set ["'] atomically at least 1 and at most 2 times.
- ○ Matched: Match a sequence of expressions.
- ○ Match a character in the set ["'].
- ○ Match a character in the set [^\n"'] greedily at least once.
- ○ Match a character in the set ["'].
- ○ Not Matched: Match a character in the set [^\n"'] atomically at least once.
- Pattern explanation:
- ○ Match the string "${".
- ○ "name" capture group.
- ○ Match a character in the set [A-Z_a-z].
- ○ Match a character in the set [0-9A-Z_a-z] atomically any number of times.
- ○ Match '}'.
- Represents a collection of attributes for an HTMLElement
- Thrown when the attribute name doesn't match /[a-z\-]+/
- This acts as a CSS document you can add
- rule sets and properties to these and/or parse them.
- This class serves as an HTML node and
- works similarly as the JavaScript dom Node object.
- Adds one of more HtmlElements into this collection,
- all of the elements will be rendered in order of addition
- The elements to add.
- Gets a an element of this node or sub-nodes with the specified ID
- The element ID
- The element if an element with such ID was found, otherwise, null.
- Find elements of this node or sub-nodes with the specified className
- The classname to find.
- The format of the className parameter should not have spaces.
- a collection of elements, empty if none found.
- Exception thrown when there was a
- problem on setting a property within an HTML element.
- This class represents a css ruleset, where you can
- set and remove rules and define what triggers this ruleset.
- This class represents an HTML element which acts similarly
- as the JavaScript HTMLElement except properties are not typed
- for sake of simplicity.
- The element name.
- Thrown when an invalid name is given to this property.
- The value means the following: <{value}></{value}>
- Contains the attributes of this element
- The value means the following <name {key}="{value}"/>
- Property to set the inner elements of the tag
- The value means the following: <tag>{value}</tag>
- Tries to find an ID attribute in the tag and returns its value, otherwise an empty string.
- The list of classes from the class attribute, if the attribute is not found or empty an empty string[].
- Initializes an element with the name and possible attributes.
- The name of the tag.
- The attributes this element must have.
- Pattern explanation:
- ○ Match if at the beginning of the string.
- ○ Match a character in the set [-a-z] atomically at least once.
- ○ Match if at the end of the string or if before an ending newline.
- Attribute used to define the behavior of a JSON parser on a type.
- Initializes a new instance of JsonObjectAttribute
- to define the behavior of the parser on the type.
- the defined behavior.
- This class defines the name of the json property in
- the object that should be assigned to this type's property.
- Initializes a new instance of JsonPropertyAttribute
- to define the name of the property.
- The related name on the JSON object.
- If the name parameter was not provided this
- will only instruct the parser to include this property
- if the object behavior was defined to be OnlyPropertiesWithAttribute,
- and search the property name in the JSON object which will most
- likely not be found (if following json naming conventions).
- Enum used to define the behavior of a type acting as a json object.
- This will only fill the properties that have the JsonPropertyAttribute.
- A non nullable property that didn't
- have the JsonPropertyAttribute wasn't filled.
- Fills all properties that are found in the object.
- A non nullable property present
- in the type was not found in the target object.
- This is the default value, if you consider using this value
- you might as well remove the JsonObjectAttribute from your class.
- Thrown when a constraint for JSON format was broken.
- This class is not constructable externally.
- Thrown when an invalid sequence start or end is found
- This class is not constructable externally.
- Thrown when the target type for a JSON payload didn't match.
- This class is not constructable externally.
- Thrown when an unexpected character was found.
- This class is not constructable externally.
- A class that defines utilities for working with the JSON data type.
- Verifies an converts a JSON string into an instance
- of TResult? if it could be converted.
- The JSON payload to convert.
- The type of the result.
- Thrown when a constraint for the JSON standard was broken.
- Thrown when a sequence of a JSON fragment didn't match enclosing rules.
- Thrown when an unexpected end of input was found in this object while verifying.
- Thrown when the type of this payload didn't match the target type.
- Thrown when a non-nullable property wasn't found in the object or not
- set due to JsonObjectBehavior definitions in the target type.
- An instance of TResult constructed based on the payload provided.
- For collections only List<T> and T[] are supported.
- Simply checks if a JSON payload is valid or invalid.
- the JSON payload to check.
- Whether the payload is valid or invalid.
- Converts a class instance to a JSON string.
- The class instance to convert.
- The indentation level, if 0 it won't be indented nor new lined.
- Thrown when a serialization condition
- leads to breaking any JSON standard constraint.
- A string instance representing the TPayload instance as JSON.
- Main class for console line arguments parser utilities.
- Parse arguments from a console line argument formatted string[].
- Configuration for the argument parsing.
- The resulting type to return the parsed arguments as.
- The parsed arguments as a TParsed instance.
- - Only the properties will be counted as valid fields for argument stubs.
- - Types that do not implement IParsable won't count as valid arguments, thus will be ignored.
- Parse from a console line argument formatted string[].
- Configuration for the argument parsing.
- A System.Dynamic.ExpandoObject aka dynamic instance containing all of the passed arguments
- Thrown when a user defined constraint is not met.
- - Types are assumed based on the input string, for type safety it's recommended to use Parse<TParsed> instead
- - All of the properties are lowercased
- Modifier to change long and short name for an argument.
- Constructor for argument modifier.
- The short name for an argument.
- The long name for an argument.
- Define the behavior for how to treat an argument class.
- Argument type constructor.
- Tell the parser how to treat the class.
- Behavior definitions for how to treat an argument class.
- Will only parse all private and public properties but only with argument attribute.
- Will only parse public properties but only with argument attribute.
- Will parse private and public properties even without the argument attribute.
- Will only parse public properties even without the argument attribute.
- Aliases for dynamic arguments.
- Adds an alias to this collection.
- The same instance.
- Index a property name by alias.
- The alias to find the name of.
- Thrown when a value is not found for a non optional property.
- The property that was supposed to be set.
- Thrown when an argument couldn't be converted successfully
- The property that was supposed to be set.
- The value that was supposed to be set to the target property.
- The internal exception thrown by the converter.
- Base options for command line argument parsing.
- The arguments to parse from.
- The prefix for long argument keys.
- --key value
- The prefix for short argument keys.
- -k value
- Defines if the arguments should explicitly have a value and not infer behavior from type.
- the option "--enable" could be a boolean,
- if the behavior is inferred from usage it will be true on present, whether the value is true or has no value.
- Defines whether property lookup is case sensitive or not.
- Options for command line argument parsing for dynamic output.
- Aliases for dynamic arguments, short argument names will
- search for its long pair and won't be set if not found.
- Whether to assume types based on string
- comparison like true or false being a boolean
- Overwrite a duplicate key if true,
- otherwise throw ConstraintException
- Options for command line argument parsing for typed output.
- Class that statically holds HTTP request methods.
- Sends an HTTP request based on the request builder parameter.
- Request configuration parameters.
- A response from the server.
- An error occurred while trying to access the socket.
- HTTP server that behaves like express.js and means easier use.
- Whether this server instance is on development or production mode.
- Contains the count of successful requests
- that returned 100-299 this server handled.
- Contains the count of failed requests
- that returned 300-599 this server handled.
- Event that will be fired each time this server logged something.
- Default constructor for HttpServer.
- Tells the server how it should behave.
- Token to stop the server on cancellation.
- There is not enough memory available to start this server.
- Adds a global middleware piece that will be run before every endpoint.
- The middleware piece to execute.
- The same server instance for sake of chaining declarations.
- This middleware will run before any other individual middleware, and will be called in order of declaration.
- Registers an endpoint to this server that runs the handler if the method and route match.
- The request method flags that will trigger this handler.
- The regex pattern for matching the route to trigger this handler.
- What will this handler do when triggered.
- If two regex pattern conflict, the one that's added
- first will run while leaving the remaining useless.
- Registers an endpoint to this server that runs the handler if the method and route match.
- The request method flags that will trigger this handler.
- The literal path for matching the route to trigger this handler.
- What will this handler do when triggered.
- If two path conflicts or is the same as another,
- the one that's added first will run while leaving the remaining useless.
- Adds a route group defined by a RouteGroupAttribute.
- The group class type.
- The target type must not be internal in order to get all the members from it.
- Adds a route group defined by a RouteGroupAttribute.
- The group class type.
- The target type must not be internal in order to get all the members from it.
- Lets you intercept a response code and do/respond
- something else before the sent response.
- The response code to intercept.
- What will this handler do when intercepted.
- The same instance to act as a constructor.
- The interceptors will run in declaration order,
- if the response code changes, it won't trigger other code interceptors.
- Defines a group member that forms part of a route group.
- Constructor to define group member route.
- The HTTP method for the route.
- The route, must not be an empty string.
- Specifies whether the route will be using as regex or not.
- If placed inside a class that doesn't have the
- RouteGroupAttribute, will define the route from root.
- Defines a route group of static members for HTTP routes.
- Constructor to define the route group's prefix.
- The prefix, must not be an empty string.
- Specifies whether the route will be using as regex or not.
- The first part of the route group as in /users and
- the members would need to be accessed within /users/member
- Enables routes to use middleware.
- The group middleware will be executed first,
- then all of the member middleware, everything will be executed from first to last.
- Please refer to MiddlewareDelegate
- documentation for more information in the allowed method signatures.
- Constructor to set the middleware target.
- Only the static methods are eligible for invocation, the order is specified by attribute declaration.
- Thrown when the current method is not eligible for invocation.
- The group middleware will be executed first,
- then all of the member middleware, everything will be executed from first to last.
- Please refer to the MiddlewareDelegate documentation to see the required
- method signature.
- Collection implementation for HTTP headers.
- The constructor for this collection is internal.
- Pattern explanation:
- ○ "key" capture group.
- ○ Match a character in the set [-0-9A-Z_a-z] atomically at least once.
- ○ Match the string ": ".
- ○ "value" capture group.
- ○ Match a character in the set [ -~] atomically at least once.
- A collection implementation for capturing groups found in URLs in routes.
- The constructor for this collection is internal.
- Indexer to get a specific group from the current route.
- The index of the group, if named a string otherwise an integer.
- For groups like (?<name>\d) use the string indexer otherwise if the group is conventional use the integer indexer.
- Collection implementation for HTTP URI parameters.
- The constructor for this collection is internal.
- Pattern explanation:
- ○ "key" capture group.
- ○ Match a character in the set [!$'-;@-Z\\_a-z~] atomically at least once.
- ○ Match '='.
- ○ "value" capture group.
- ○ Match a character in the set [!$'-;@-Z\\_a-z~] atomically at least once.
- Abstract class for collections that need to be parsed,
- contains common fields between all the collection types.
- Headers in HTTP requests/responses need to be
- parsed from "Key: value" to an actual collection
- Abstract override ToString() method to prepare the instance for a body.
- The prepared string for an HTTP body.
- Verification method for KeyValuePairs.
- The key of the collection item.
- The value of the collection item.
- true if the pair is valid, otherwise false.
- This method should not be exposed.
- Runs the ToString() method of the specified instance.
- The instance to run the method on.
- The result of the ToString() call in the instance.
- Key indexer for a collection.
- The key assigned to the desired value.
- The value set is null.
- A collection implementation for session parameters passed from middleware.
- The constructor for this collection is internal.
- The type of the value that is referenced by the key.
- Request configuration to send a request to a server.
- Where to send the request to
- The request method type.
- Flags are not supported, using them will throw an exception.
- The headers for this request.
- The body of this request.
- This class serves as configuration for the HttpServer constructor.
- The address this server is going to listen to.
- The port this server is going to listen to.
- The current server state, it tells the server if it should show or not debug data.
- The certificate path this server is going to use.
- If null, it's going to use a self signed certificate.
- Defines the server behavior on how it should interact with SSL
- This class is intended to add interoperability
- between strings and IBody implementations
- The content type this BodyConverter is holding.
- The raw body contained by this converter.
- Whether the current body is empty or not.
- Gets the length of the body in a raw format.
- Returns an empty instance of a BodyConverter.
- BodyConverter raw constructor,
- initializes this instance from a raw string.
- The string that contains the body content.
- BodyConverter instance constructor, initializes
- this instance from a IBody implementation instance.
- The body to convert from.
- Reads the current BodyConverter instance as a body instance.
- The type of body to convert to.
- An instance of TBody based on this converter's
- raw string or null if there was no body in the first place.
- Tries to read the current body converter instance as a body instance.
- The result of this conversion.
- The type of body to convert to.
- A boolean instance whether the body could be converted or not.
- Interface used to define which class behaves as a body.
- The content type of this body.
- This method implementation is used to parse
- the current body implementation from an string.
- The string content to parse from.
- An instance of the current body
- implementation based on the provided string content.
- Convert the current body implementation to a raw string.
- A raw string representing the current body implementation.
- Parse some string to a body of the defined type.
- The raw content to parse from.
- The target type.
- An instance of the target type based in the
- provided raw string content.
- Tries to parse a raw string to a body.
- The raw content to parse from.
- The conversion result, null if couldn't convert.
- The type of body to convert to.
- A boolean instance whether the conversion was successful or not.
- Body implementation for handling a request body as HTML.
- Body implementation for raw string body.
- Initialize a raw body instance with a string.
- The string to initialize the body with.
- The delegate used for HTTPServer endpoint handler.
- The request sent by the client.
- The response that the server should send.
- The delegate used for Logging in the HTTPServer.
- The message that the server returned.
- Delegate used to implement custom logic to HTTP requests within the HTTPServer.
- The message sent by the client.
- The response that the server should send.
- Returning a response after calling the next method will result in ignoring that response,
- so you might want to simply return null after the call to the next function.
- Delegate used to implement response code interception logic.
- The anterior response.
- The response that the server should send.
- Changing the response code won't trigger other interceptors.
- Abstract class for base HTTP entity, contains common fields between all the entity types.
- The header collection corresponding to this HTTP entity.
- The body corresponding to this HTTP entity.
- Protected method to build the first line of the entity.
- The built first line of the entity as string.
- This method should not be exposed.
- ToString override to build the entity as a String.
- The built entity as string.
- Builds a Byte[] from the String version of the entity prepared for streams.
- The entity as a Byte[] prepared to be sent in a TCP stream.
- Runs the ToString() method of the specified instance.
- The instance to run the method on.
- The result of the ToString() call in the instance.
- Defines that a type is a response within the HTTP server.
- Tells the server to execute the next middleware piece.
- This class contains nothing, it's purely used for type metadata.
- BaseEntity implementation for HTTP requests.
- Session parameters passed by middleware.
- The request method for this HTTP request entity.
- This does not support flags.
- Throws when flags were set for this property.
- The request location as a PartialUri instance.
- The HTTP protocol version for this request.
- Due to implementation the http version doesn't modify behavior YET.
- If your route declaration contained RegEx,
- you can access RegEx capture groups trough this property.
- Stream constructor, reads a stream into an instance of RequestEntity.
- The entity to parse.
- There was an error while parsing this stream.
- The reader must be positioned at the first line of the content.
- Parameterized constructor for request entity.
- The method for this entity.
- The path for this entity as a PartialUri instance.
- The body for this entity.
- the version of the standard this request follows.
- The HTTP version is invalid.
- The version doesn't change the functionality, it's just parsed as string to be sent with the entity.
- Pattern explanation:
- ○ "method" capture group.
- ○ Match with 7 alternative expressions.
- ○ Match a sequence of expressions.
- ○ Match a character in the set [Oo].
- ○ Match a character in the set [Pp].
- ○ Match a character in the set [Tt].
- ○ Match a character in the set [Ii].
- ○ Match a character in the set [Oo].
- ○ Match a character in the set [Nn].
- ○ Match a character in the set [Ss].
- ○ Match a sequence of expressions.
- ○ Match a character in the set [Gg].
- ○ Match a character in the set [Ee].
- ○ Match a character in the set [Tt].
- ○ Match a sequence of expressions.
- ○ Match a character in the set [Hh].
- ○ Match a character in the set [Ee].
- ○ Match a character in the set [Aa].
- ○ Match a character in the set [Dd].
- ○ Match a sequence of expressions.
- ○ Match a character in the set [Pp].
- ○ Match with 3 alternative expressions.
- ○ Match a sequence of expressions.
- ○ Match a character in the set [Oo].
- ○ Match a character in the set [Ss].
- ○ Match a character in the set [Tt].
- ○ Match a sequence of expressions.
- ○ Match a character in the set [Aa].
- ○ Match a character in the set [Tt].
- ○ Match a character in the set [Cc].
- ○ Match a character in the set [Hh].
- ○ Match a sequence of expressions.
- ○ Match a character in the set [Uu].
- ○ Match a character in the set [Tt].
- ○ Match a sequence of expressions.
- ○ Match a character in the set [Dd].
- ○ Match a character in the set [Ee].
- ○ Match a character in the set [Ll].
- ○ Match a character in the set [Ee].
- ○ Match a character in the set [Tt].
- ○ Match a character in the set [Ee].
- ○ Match a sequence of expressions.
- ○ Match a character in the set [Tt].
- ○ Match a character in the set [Rr].
- ○ Match a character in the set [Aa].
- ○ Match a character in the set [Cc].
- ○ Match a character in the set [Ee].
- ○ Match a sequence of expressions.
- ○ Match a character in the set [Cc].
- ○ Match a character in the set [Oo].
- ○ Match a character in the set [Nn] exactly 2 times.
- ○ Match a character in the set [Ee].
- ○ Match a character in the set [Cc].
- ○ Match a character in the set [Tt].
- ○ Match ' '.
- ○ "path" capture group.
- ○ Match '/'.
- ○ Match a character other than ' ' atomically any number of times.
- ○ Match ' '.
- ○ "version" capture group.
- ○ Match a character in the set [Hh].
- ○ Match a character in the set [Tt] exactly 2 times.
- ○ Match a character in the set [Pp].
- ○ Match '/'.
- ○ Match a Unicode digit atomically at least once.
- ○ Match '.'.
- ○ Match a Unicode digit atomically at least once.
- Pattern explanation:
- ○ Match a character in the set [Hh].
- ○ Match a character in the set [Tt] exactly 2 times.
- ○ Match a character in the set [Pp].
- ○ Match '/'.
- ○ Match a Unicode digit atomically at least once.
- ○ Match '.'.
- ○ Match a Unicode digit atomically at least once.
- Represents HTTP status codes as an enumeration for better readability and usage.
- Each enum member corresponds to a specific HTTP status code along with its associated description.
- The server has received the request headers and the client should proceed to send the request body.
- The requester has asked the server to switch protocols and the server has agreed to do so.
- Standard response for successful HTTP requests.
- The request has been fulfilled, resulting in the creation of a new resource.
- The request has been accepted for processing, but the processing has not been completed.
- The server successfully processed the request but returned non-authoritative information.
- The server successfully processed the request but there is no additional information to send back.
- The server successfully processed the request but wants to instruct the client to reset the document view.
- The server has fulfilled the partial GET request for the resource.
- The requested resource corresponds to any one of a set of representations, each with its own specific location.
- The requested resource has been assigned a new permanent URI and any future references to this resource should use one of the returned URIs.
- The requested resource can be found under a different URI.
- The response to the request can be found under a different URI and should be retrieved using a GET method on that resource.
- The server has not modified the document, but there is no information to send back.
- The requested resource must be accessed through a proxy, specified in the Location header.
- The requested resource temporarily resides under a different URI.
- The server cannot or will not process the request due to an apparent client error.
- Similar to 401 (Unauthorized), but indicates that the client must authenticate itself to get permission.
- Reserved for future use. The original intention was that this code might indicate that the client must make payment to access the resource.
- The client does not have access rights to the content, i.e., they are unauthorized to access the requested resource.
- The server can not find the requested resource. This status code is often used as a catch-all for all methods for which no specific status code is applicable.
- The method specified in the request is not allowed for the resource identified by the request URI.
- The requested resource is capable of generating only content not acceptable according to the Accept headers sent in the request.
- Similar to 401 (Unauthorized), but indicates that the client must first authenticate itself with the proxy.
- The server timed out waiting for the request.
- Indicates that the request could not be processed because of conflict in the request.
- Indicates that the requested resource is no longer available at the server and no forwarding address is known.
- The server refuses to accept the request without a defined Content-Length.
- The precondition given in one or more of the request-header fields evaluated to false when it was tested on the server.
- The server is refusing to process a request because the request entity is larger than the server is willing or able to process.
- The server is refusing to service the request because the request-URI is longer than the server is willing to interpret.
- The server is refusing to service the request because the entity of the request is in a format not supported by the requested resource for the requested method.
- The client has asked for a portion of the file, but the server cannot supply that portion.
- The server cannot meet the requirements of the Expect request-header field.
- A generic error message returned when an unexpected condition was encountered on the server.
- The server either does not recognize the request method, or it lacks the ability to fulfill the request.
- The server was acting as a gateway or proxy and received an invalid response from the upstream server.
- The server is currently unable to handle the request due to temporary overloading or maintenance of the server.
- The server, while acting as a gateway or proxy, did not receive a timely response from the upstream server or some other auxiliary server it needed to access in order to complete the request.
- The server does not support the HTTP protocol version that was used in the request.
- Extension methods for the response codes enum instances.
- Obtain a formatted string representing the response code hint.
- The ResponseCode enumerable instance.
- The formatted response code as string.
- Obtain the response code as integer.
- The ResponseCode enumerable instance.
- The response code as integer.
- BaseEntity implementation for HTTP responses.
- The HTTP protocol version for this request.
- Due to implementation the http version doesn't modify behavior YET.
- The response code for this request.
- Status codes on MDN.
- Returns true if the response code is 100-399 otherwise false.
- Stream constructor, reads a stream into an instance of ResponseEntity.
- The entity to parse.
- There was an error while parsing this stream.
- The reader must be positioned at the first line of the content.
- Parameterized constructor for ResponseEntity.
- The response code for this entity.
- The request body for this entity.
- the version of the standard this request follows.
- The HTTP version is invalid.
- The version doesn't change the functionality, it's just parsed as string to be sent with the entity.
- Pattern explanation:
- ○ Match a character in the set [Hh].
- ○ Match a character in the set [Tt] exactly 2 times.
- ○ Match a character in the set [Pp].
- ○ Match '/'.
- ○ Match a Unicode digit atomically at least once.
- ○ Match '.'.
- ○ Match a Unicode digit atomically at least once.
- Pattern explanation:
- ○ 1st capture group.
- ○ Match a character in the set [Hh].
- ○ Match a character in the set [Tt] exactly 2 times.
- ○ Match a character in the set [Pp].
- ○ Match '/'.
- ○ Match a Unicode digit atomically at least once.
- ○ Match '.'.
- ○ Match a Unicode digit atomically at least once.
- ○ Match ' '.
- ○ 2nd capture group.
- ○ Match a Unicode digit atomically at least once.
- ○ Match ' '.
- ○ Match any character atomically at least once.
- Thrown when a middleware target method is not found or not eligible.
- This exception is thrown when an entity couldn't be parsed.
- Default log message implementation for HTTP server logs.
- The date of the log, if unset the actual date.
- The log type as LogType enumerable.
- The message corresponding to the log.
- Prepares the class for direct STDOUT.
- The formatted log.
- Implicit cast operator to String, runs the ToString() method implicitly.
- The right operand to run the ToString() method from.
- The result of the ToString() method from the passed instance.
- The log type enum for ILogMessage implementations
- Defines an information log.
- Defines a successful request log.
- Defines a failed request log.
- Defines a warning log.
- Defines an error log.
- This should always go together with a stack trace.
- The HTTP request method type enumerator.
- OPTIONS: Used to retrieve information about the communication options for the target resource.
- GET: Used to retrieve data from the target resource.
- HEAD: Similar to GET, but without the response body. Used to check resource headers.
- POST: Used to send data to the target resource for processing.
- PATCH: Used to apply partial modifications to a resource.
- PUT: Used to replace the target resource with the provided payload.
- DELETE: Used to request the removal of the target resource.
- TRACE: Used to perform a diagnostic test along the path to the target resource.
- CONNECT: Used to establish a network connection to the target resource.
- Complete URI implementation from partial URI class, adds the host, port and protocol.
- The URI protocol to follow, instructs the server/client how to behave.
- The domain name, serves as key for the DNS server to resolve an IP.
- This property doesn't check for TLD validity.
- The port number where to establish the connection,
- if unset will use protocol default ports as for common TCP ports.
- Default constructor for Complete URI, constructs the URI
- from the formatted string following the RFC1808 standard.
- The formatted URI.
- The passed URI is not in a valid format.
- Constructs the URI contained in the instance as a String.
- The current instance as a String.
- Runs the ToString() method from the right operand.
- The right operand to get the string from.
- The result of ToString() in the right operand.
- Pattern explanation:
- ○ Match if at the beginning of the string.
- ○ Optional (greedy).
- ○ "protocol" capture group.
- ○ Match the string "http".
- ○ Match 's' atomically, optionally.
- ○ Match the string "://".
- ○ "name" capture group.
- ○ Match a character in the set [-.0-9a-z] greedily at least once.
- ○ Optional (greedy).
- ○ Match ':'.
- ○ Match a Unicode digit atomically at least 1 and at most 5 times.
- ○ Match '/' atomically, optionally.
- A class that represents a partial URI for request bodies.
- /route?key=value#fragment
- The path where the server is supposed to look for data.
- A collection of the URI parameters whose are after the (?) question mark.
- The fragment which is defined after the (#) hashtag or NULL if not none.
- Not supported in rfc9112 standard, but left for media fragment resolution in edge cases.
- Default constructor for partial URI class,
- constructs the URI from the formatted string following the RFC1808 standard.
- The formatted URI.
- The passed URI is not in a valid format.
- Constructor from CompleteURI to avoid polymorphism issues.
- The URI to cast from.
- Constructs the URI contained in the instance as a String.
- The current instance as a String.
- Runs the ToString() method from the right operand.
- The right operand to get the string from.
- The result of ToString() in the right operand.
- Pattern explanation:
- ○ Optional (greedy).
- ○ Match the string "http".
- ○ Match 's' atomically, optionally.
- ○ Match the string "://".
- ○ Match a character other than '/' greedily at least once.
- ○ Match any character greedily, optionally.
- ○ Optional (greedy).
- ○ "path" capture group.
- ○ Match '/'.
- ○ Match a character in the set [^#/?[-^{-~].
- ○ Match a character in the set [^#?[]^{-~] greedily any number of times.
- ○ Optional (greedy).
- ○ "params" capture group.
- ○ Match '?'.
- ○ Match a character other than '#' greedily any number of times.
- ○ Optional (greedy).
- ○ "fragment" capture group.
- ○ Match '#'.
- ○ Match any character greedily any number of times.
- ○ Match if at the end of the string or if before an ending newline.
- An enumeration representing different network
- protocols with their associated port numbers.
- The HTTPS protocol, using port 443.
- The HTTP protocol, using port 80.
- Constant definition for the server state.
- Use this constant when the server must be in production mode,
- this means no details on the development will be exposed in any manner.
- Use this constant when the server must be in development mode,
- this means that details on the development such as errors will be exposed
- For your own security don't leave this constant on production as it leaves
- details and hints for any third party to attack your server.
- This class is meant to specify options for a custom certificate.
- This is the certificate path, or where to get the pfx file from.
- This is the certificate password, it is used to let the server decrypt the certificate.
- This enum lets you decide how is the server going to mainly behave.
- Whether a custom certificate was specified, if not
- found, the server is going to generate a self signed one.
- If a certificate is not found use HTTP instead of HTTPS.
- String extension methods.
- Separates a camel cased or pascal cased string with spaces.
- the camel or pascal cased string.
- The separated string result from the conversion.
- Handler to convert from char *, char[], string to each.
- This converter can only be instantiated from cast operators.
- The internal string handle for this converter.
- Return the length of the underlying handle in this string converter.
- Custom -derived type for the EntryRegex method.
- Cached, thread-safe singleton instance.
- Initializes the instance.
- Provides a factory for creating instances to be used by methods on .
- Creates an instance of a used by methods on .
- Provides the runner that contains the custom logic implementing the specified regular expression.
- Scan the starting from base.runtextstart for the next match.
- The text being scanned by the regular expression.
- Search starting from base.runtextpos for the next location a match could possibly start.
- The text being scanned by the regular expression.
- true if a possible match was found; false if no more matches are possible.
- Determine whether at base.runtextpos is a match for the regular expression.
- The text being scanned by the regular expression.
- true if the regular expression matches at the current position; otherwise, false.
- Custom -derived type for the SystemVariableRegex method.
- Cached, thread-safe singleton instance.
- Initializes the instance.
- Provides a factory for creating instances to be used by methods on .
- Creates an instance of a used by methods on .
- Provides the runner that contains the custom logic implementing the specified regular expression.
- Scan the starting from base.runtextstart for the next match.
- The text being scanned by the regular expression.
- Search starting from base.runtextpos for the next location a match could possibly start.
- The text being scanned by the regular expression.
- true if a possible match was found; false if no more matches are possible.
- Determine whether at base.runtextpos is a match for the regular expression.
- The text being scanned by the regular expression.
- true if the regular expression matches at the current position; otherwise, false.
- Custom -derived type for the ValidTagRegex method.
- Cached, thread-safe singleton instance.
- Initializes the instance.
- Provides a factory for creating instances to be used by methods on .
- Creates an instance of a used by methods on .
- Provides the runner that contains the custom logic implementing the specified regular expression.
- Scan the starting from base.runtextstart for the next match.
- The text being scanned by the regular expression.
- Search starting from base.runtextpos for the next location a match could possibly start.
- The text being scanned by the regular expression.
- true if a possible match was found; false if no more matches are possible.
- Determine whether at base.runtextpos is a match for the regular expression.
- The text being scanned by the regular expression.
- true if the regular expression matches at the current position; otherwise, false.
- Custom -derived type for the HeaderVerification method.
- Cached, thread-safe singleton instance.
- Initializes the instance.
- Provides a factory for creating instances to be used by methods on .
- Creates an instance of a used by methods on .
- Provides the runner that contains the custom logic implementing the specified regular expression.
- Scan the starting from base.runtextstart for the next match.
- The text being scanned by the regular expression.
- Search starting from base.runtextpos for the next location a match could possibly start.
- The text being scanned by the regular expression.
- true if a possible match was found; false if no more matches are possible.
- Determine whether at base.runtextpos is a match for the regular expression.
- The text being scanned by the regular expression.
- true if the regular expression matches at the current position; otherwise, false.
- Custom -derived type for the ParameterVerification method.
- Cached, thread-safe singleton instance.
- Initializes the instance.
- Provides a factory for creating instances to be used by methods on .
- Creates an instance of a used by methods on .
- Provides the runner that contains the custom logic implementing the specified regular expression.
- Scan the starting from base.runtextstart for the next match.
- The text being scanned by the regular expression.
- Search starting from base.runtextpos for the next location a match could possibly start.
- The text being scanned by the regular expression.
- true if a possible match was found; false if no more matches are possible.
- Determine whether at base.runtextpos is a match for the regular expression.
- The text being scanned by the regular expression.
- true if the regular expression matches at the current position; otherwise, false.
- Custom -derived type for the StartLineRegex method.
- Cached, thread-safe singleton instance.
- Initializes the instance.
- Provides a factory for creating instances to be used by methods on .
- Creates an instance of a used by methods on .
- Provides the runner that contains the custom logic implementing the specified regular expression.
- Scan the starting from base.runtextstart for the next match.
- The text being scanned by the regular expression.
- Search starting from base.runtextpos for the next location a match could possibly start.
- The text being scanned by the regular expression.
- true if a possible match was found; false if no more matches are possible.
- Determine whether at base.runtextpos is a match for the regular expression.
- The text being scanned by the regular expression.
- true if the regular expression matches at the current position; otherwise, false.
- Custom -derived type for the HttpVersionRegex method.
- Cached, thread-safe singleton instance.
- Initializes the instance.
- Provides a factory for creating instances to be used by methods on .
- Creates an instance of a used by methods on .
- Provides the runner that contains the custom logic implementing the specified regular expression.
- Scan the starting from base.runtextstart for the next match.
- The text being scanned by the regular expression.
- Search starting from base.runtextpos for the next location a match could possibly start.
- The text being scanned by the regular expression.
- true if a possible match was found; false if no more matches are possible.
- Determine whether at base.runtextpos is a match for the regular expression.
- The text being scanned by the regular expression.
- true if the regular expression matches at the current position; otherwise, false.
- Custom -derived type for the StartLineRegex method.
- Cached, thread-safe singleton instance.
- Initializes the instance.
- Provides a factory for creating instances to be used by methods on .
- Creates an instance of a used by methods on .
- Provides the runner that contains the custom logic implementing the specified regular expression.
- Scan the starting from base.runtextstart for the next match.
- The text being scanned by the regular expression.
- Search starting from base.runtextpos for the next location a match could possibly start.
- The text being scanned by the regular expression.
- true if a possible match was found; false if no more matches are possible.
- Determine whether at base.runtextpos is a match for the regular expression.
- The text being scanned by the regular expression.
- true if the regular expression matches at the current position; otherwise, false.
- Custom -derived type for the UriRegex method.
- Cached, thread-safe singleton instance.
- Initializes the instance.
- Provides a factory for creating instances to be used by methods on .
- Creates an instance of a used by methods on .
- Provides the runner that contains the custom logic implementing the specified regular expression.
- Scan the starting from base.runtextstart for the next match.
- The text being scanned by the regular expression.
- Search starting from base.runtextpos for the next location a match could possibly start.
- The text being scanned by the regular expression.
- true if a possible match was found; false if no more matches are possible.
- Determine whether at base.runtextpos is a match for the regular expression.
- The text being scanned by the regular expression.
- true if the regular expression matches at the current position; otherwise, false.
- Custom -derived type for the PartialUriRegex method.
- Cached, thread-safe singleton instance.
- Initializes the instance.
- Provides a factory for creating instances to be used by methods on .
- Creates an instance of a used by methods on .
- Provides the runner that contains the custom logic implementing the specified regular expression.
- Scan the starting from base.runtextstart for the next match.
- The text being scanned by the regular expression.
- Search starting from base.runtextpos for the next location a match could possibly start.
- The text being scanned by the regular expression.
- true if a possible match was found; false if no more matches are possible.
- Determine whether at base.runtextpos is a match for the regular expression.
- The text being scanned by the regular expression.
- true if the regular expression matches at the current position; otherwise, false.
- Helper methods used by generated -derived implementations.
- Default timeout value set in , or if none was set.
- Whether is non-infinite.
- Pushes 2 values onto the backtracking stack.
- Pushes 3 values onto the backtracking stack.
- Pops 2 values from the backtracking stack.
- Pushes 1 value onto the backtracking stack.
diff --git a/obj/Debug/net7.0/Tests.AssemblyInfo.cs b/obj/Debug/net7.0/Tests.AssemblyInfo.cs
deleted file mode 100644
index b3a1c9e..0000000
--- a/obj/Debug/net7.0/Tests.AssemblyInfo.cs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-// This code was generated by a tool.
-// Changes to this file may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if
-// the code is regenerated.
-using System;
-using System.Reflection;
-[assembly: System.Reflection.AssemblyCompanyAttribute("Tests")]
-[assembly: System.Reflection.AssemblyConfigurationAttribute("Debug")]
-[assembly: System.Reflection.AssemblyFileVersionAttribute("")]
-[assembly: System.Reflection.AssemblyInformationalVersionAttribute("1.0.0+613df4354afe52e8866e43b2b891dacd45604ca1")]
-[assembly: System.Reflection.AssemblyProductAttribute("Tests")]
-[assembly: System.Reflection.AssemblyTitleAttribute("Tests")]
-[assembly: System.Reflection.AssemblyVersionAttribute("")]
-// Generated by the MSBuild WriteCodeFragment class.
diff --git a/obj/Debug/net7.0/Tests.AssemblyInfoInputs.cache b/obj/Debug/net7.0/Tests.AssemblyInfoInputs.cache
deleted file mode 100644
index 3b824d0..0000000
--- a/obj/Debug/net7.0/Tests.AssemblyInfoInputs.cache
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/obj/Debug/net7.0/Tests.GeneratedMSBuildEditorConfig.editorconfig b/obj/Debug/net7.0/Tests.GeneratedMSBuildEditorConfig.editorconfig
deleted file mode 100644
index 6984cc1..0000000
--- a/obj/Debug/net7.0/Tests.GeneratedMSBuildEditorConfig.editorconfig
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-is_global = true
-build_property.TargetFramework = net7.0
-build_property.TargetPlatformMinVersion =
-build_property.UsingMicrosoftNETSdkWeb =
-build_property.ProjectTypeGuids =
-build_property.InvariantGlobalization =
-build_property.PlatformNeutralAssembly =
-build_property.EnforceExtendedAnalyzerRules =
-build_property._SupportedPlatformList = Linux,macOS,Windows
-build_property.RootNamespace = Tests
-build_property.ProjectDir = /home/memw/Desktop/ProjectsRider/MemwLib/Tests/
-build_property.EnableComHosting =
-build_property.EnableGeneratedComInterfaceComImportInterop =
diff --git a/obj/Debug/net7.0/Tests.GlobalUsings.g.cs b/obj/Debug/net7.0/Tests.GlobalUsings.g.cs
deleted file mode 100644
index 8578f3d..0000000
--- a/obj/Debug/net7.0/Tests.GlobalUsings.g.cs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-global using global::System;
-global using global::System.Collections.Generic;
-global using global::System.IO;
-global using global::System.Linq;
-global using global::System.Net.Http;
-global using global::System.Threading;
-global using global::System.Threading.Tasks;
diff --git a/obj/Debug/net7.0/Tests.assets.cache b/obj/Debug/net7.0/Tests.assets.cache
deleted file mode 100644
index 8edca13..0000000
Binary files a/obj/Debug/net7.0/Tests.assets.cache and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/obj/Debug/net7.0/Tests.csproj.AssemblyReference.cache b/obj/Debug/net7.0/Tests.csproj.AssemblyReference.cache
deleted file mode 100644
index e07036f..0000000
Binary files a/obj/Debug/net7.0/Tests.csproj.AssemblyReference.cache and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/obj/Debug/net7.0/Tests.csproj.CopyComplete b/obj/Debug/net7.0/Tests.csproj.CopyComplete
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29..0000000
diff --git a/obj/Debug/net7.0/Tests.csproj.CoreCompileInputs.cache b/obj/Debug/net7.0/Tests.csproj.CoreCompileInputs.cache
deleted file mode 100644
index 80b4b9b..0000000
--- a/obj/Debug/net7.0/Tests.csproj.CoreCompileInputs.cache
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/obj/Debug/net7.0/Tests.csproj.FileListAbsolute.txt b/obj/Debug/net7.0/Tests.csproj.FileListAbsolute.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index f496da9..0000000
--- a/obj/Debug/net7.0/Tests.csproj.FileListAbsolute.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/obj/Debug/net7.0/Tests.dll b/obj/Debug/net7.0/Tests.dll
deleted file mode 100644
index fbd46c6..0000000
Binary files a/obj/Debug/net7.0/Tests.dll and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/obj/Debug/net7.0/Tests.genruntimeconfig.cache b/obj/Debug/net7.0/Tests.genruntimeconfig.cache
deleted file mode 100644
index 1183d45..0000000
--- a/obj/Debug/net7.0/Tests.genruntimeconfig.cache
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/obj/Debug/net7.0/Tests.pdb b/obj/Debug/net7.0/Tests.pdb
deleted file mode 100644
index c76f283..0000000
Binary files a/obj/Debug/net7.0/Tests.pdb and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/obj/Debug/net7.0/Tests.sourcelink.json b/obj/Debug/net7.0/Tests.sourcelink.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 645d81c..0000000
--- a/obj/Debug/net7.0/Tests.sourcelink.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/obj/Debug/net7.0/ref/MemwLib.dll b/obj/Debug/net7.0/ref/MemwLib.dll
deleted file mode 100644
index a2e78db..0000000
Binary files a/obj/Debug/net7.0/ref/MemwLib.dll and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/obj/Debug/net7.0/ref/Tests.dll b/obj/Debug/net7.0/ref/Tests.dll
deleted file mode 100644
index bb43960..0000000
Binary files a/obj/Debug/net7.0/ref/Tests.dll and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/obj/Debug/net7.0/refint/MemwLib.dll b/obj/Debug/net7.0/refint/MemwLib.dll
deleted file mode 100644
index a2e78db..0000000
Binary files a/obj/Debug/net7.0/refint/MemwLib.dll and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/obj/Debug/net7.0/refint/Tests.dll b/obj/Debug/net7.0/refint/Tests.dll
deleted file mode 100644
index bb43960..0000000
Binary files a/obj/Debug/net7.0/refint/Tests.dll and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/obj/MemwLib.csproj.nuget.dgspec.json b/obj/MemwLib.csproj.nuget.dgspec.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 3d47964..0000000
--- a/obj/MemwLib.csproj.nuget.dgspec.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
- "format": 1,
- "restore": {
- "/home/memw/Desktop/ProjectsRider/MemwLib/MemwLib.csproj": {}
- },
- "projects": {
- "/home/memw/Desktop/ProjectsRider/MemwLib/MemwLib.csproj": {
- "version": "2.1.0",
- "restore": {
- "projectUniqueName": "/home/memw/Desktop/ProjectsRider/MemwLib/MemwLib.csproj",
- "projectName": "MemwLib",
- "projectPath": "/home/memw/Desktop/ProjectsRider/MemwLib/MemwLib.csproj",
- "packagesPath": "/home/memw/.nuget/packages/",
- "outputPath": "/home/memw/Desktop/ProjectsRider/MemwLib/obj/",
- "projectStyle": "PackageReference",
- "configFilePaths": [
- "/home/memw/.nuget/NuGet/NuGet.Config"
- ],
- "originalTargetFrameworks": [
- "net7.0"
- ],
- "sources": {
- "https://api.nuget.org/v3/index.json": {},
- "https://nuget.bepinex.dev/v3/index.json": {}
- },
- "frameworks": {
- "net7.0": {
- "targetAlias": "net7.0",
- "projectReferences": {}
- }
- },
- "warningProperties": {
- "warnAsError": [
- "NU1605"
- ]
- }
- },
- "frameworks": {
- "net7.0": {
- "targetAlias": "net7.0",
- "dependencies": {
- "JetBrains.Annotations": {
- "target": "Package",
- "version": "[2023.2.0, )"
- }
- },
- "imports": [
- "net461",
- "net462",
- "net47",
- "net471",
- "net472",
- "net48",
- "net481"
- ],
- "assetTargetFallback": true,
- "warn": true,
- "downloadDependencies": [
- {
- "name": "Microsoft.AspNetCore.App.Ref",
- "version": "[7.0.14, 7.0.14]"
- },
- {
- "name": "Microsoft.NETCore.App.Ref",
- "version": "[7.0.14, 7.0.14]"
- }
- ],
- "frameworkReferences": {
- "Microsoft.NETCore.App": {
- "privateAssets": "all"
- }
- },
- "runtimeIdentifierGraphPath": "/home/memw/.dotnet/sdk/8.0.100/RuntimeIdentifierGraph.json"
- }
- }
- }
- }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/obj/MemwLib.csproj.nuget.g.props b/obj/MemwLib.csproj.nuget.g.props
deleted file mode 100644
index 8cf94f3..0000000
--- a/obj/MemwLib.csproj.nuget.g.props
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
- True
- NuGet
- $(MSBuildThisFileDirectory)project.assets.json
- /home/memw/.nuget/packages/
- /home/memw/.nuget/packages/
- PackageReference
- 6.8.0
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/obj/MemwLib.csproj.nuget.g.targets b/obj/MemwLib.csproj.nuget.g.targets
deleted file mode 100644
index 3dc06ef..0000000
--- a/obj/MemwLib.csproj.nuget.g.targets
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/obj/Release/MemwLib.2.0.0.nuspec b/obj/Release/MemwLib.2.0.0.nuspec
deleted file mode 100644
index 801fb8a..0000000
--- a/obj/Release/MemwLib.2.0.0.nuspec
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
- MemwLib
- 2.0.0
- MemwLib
- Memw1
- icon.png
- This is a library made for convenient implementations that microsoft did not add to C#, or are not good enough.
- Utils HTTP HTTPS Data Colors Strings
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/obj/Release/MemwLib.2.1.0.nuspec b/obj/Release/MemwLib.2.1.0.nuspec
deleted file mode 100644
index 7ede4fe..0000000
--- a/obj/Release/MemwLib.2.1.0.nuspec
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
- MemwLib
- 2.1.0
- MemwLib
- Memw1
- icon.png
- This is a library made for convenient implementations that microsoft did not add to C#, or are not good enough.
- Utils HTTP HTTPS Data Colors Strings
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/obj/Release/net7.0/.NETCoreApp,Version=v7.0.AssemblyAttributes.cs b/obj/Release/net7.0/.NETCoreApp,Version=v7.0.AssemblyAttributes.cs
deleted file mode 100644
index d69481d..0000000
--- a/obj/Release/net7.0/.NETCoreApp,Version=v7.0.AssemblyAttributes.cs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-using System;
-using System.Reflection;
-[assembly: global::System.Runtime.Versioning.TargetFrameworkAttribute(".NETCoreApp,Version=v7.0", FrameworkDisplayName = ".NET 7.0")]
diff --git a/obj/Release/net7.0/MemwLib.AssemblyInfo.cs b/obj/Release/net7.0/MemwLib.AssemblyInfo.cs
deleted file mode 100644
index 4d0e723..0000000
--- a/obj/Release/net7.0/MemwLib.AssemblyInfo.cs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-// This code was generated by a tool.
-// Changes to this file may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if
-// the code is regenerated.
-using System;
-using System.Reflection;
-[assembly: System.Reflection.AssemblyCompanyAttribute("Memw1")]
-[assembly: System.Reflection.AssemblyConfigurationAttribute("Release")]
-[assembly: System.Reflection.AssemblyDescriptionAttribute("This is a library made for convenient implementations that microsoft did not add " +
- "to C#, or are not good enough.")]
-[assembly: System.Reflection.AssemblyFileVersionAttribute("")]
-[assembly: System.Reflection.AssemblyInformationalVersionAttribute("2.1.0")]
-[assembly: System.Reflection.AssemblyProductAttribute("MemwLib")]
-[assembly: System.Reflection.AssemblyTitleAttribute("MemwLib")]
-[assembly: System.Reflection.AssemblyVersionAttribute("")]
-[assembly: System.Reflection.AssemblyMetadataAttribute("RepositoryUrl", "https://github.com/stifskere/MemwLib")]
-// Generated by the MSBuild WriteCodeFragment class.
diff --git a/obj/Release/net7.0/MemwLib.AssemblyInfoInputs.cache b/obj/Release/net7.0/MemwLib.AssemblyInfoInputs.cache
deleted file mode 100644
index 6e7638a..0000000
--- a/obj/Release/net7.0/MemwLib.AssemblyInfoInputs.cache
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/obj/Release/net7.0/MemwLib.GeneratedMSBuildEditorConfig.editorconfig b/obj/Release/net7.0/MemwLib.GeneratedMSBuildEditorConfig.editorconfig
deleted file mode 100644
index b208e83..0000000
--- a/obj/Release/net7.0/MemwLib.GeneratedMSBuildEditorConfig.editorconfig
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-is_global = true
-build_property.TargetFramework = net7.0
-build_property.TargetPlatformMinVersion =
-build_property.UsingMicrosoftNETSdkWeb =
-build_property.ProjectTypeGuids =
-build_property.InvariantGlobalization =
-build_property.PlatformNeutralAssembly =
-build_property.EnforceExtendedAnalyzerRules =
-build_property._SupportedPlatformList = Linux,macOS,Windows
-build_property.RootNamespace = MemwLib
-build_property.ProjectDir = /home/memw/Desktop/ProjectsRider/MemwLib/
-build_property.EnableComHosting =
-build_property.EnableGeneratedComInterfaceComImportInterop =
diff --git a/obj/Release/net7.0/MemwLib.GlobalUsings.g.cs b/obj/Release/net7.0/MemwLib.GlobalUsings.g.cs
deleted file mode 100644
index 8578f3d..0000000
--- a/obj/Release/net7.0/MemwLib.GlobalUsings.g.cs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-global using global::System;
-global using global::System.Collections.Generic;
-global using global::System.IO;
-global using global::System.Linq;
-global using global::System.Net.Http;
-global using global::System.Threading;
-global using global::System.Threading.Tasks;
diff --git a/obj/Release/net7.0/MemwLib.assets.cache b/obj/Release/net7.0/MemwLib.assets.cache
deleted file mode 100644
index 65164b1..0000000
Binary files a/obj/Release/net7.0/MemwLib.assets.cache and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/obj/Release/net7.0/MemwLib.csproj.AssemblyReference.cache b/obj/Release/net7.0/MemwLib.csproj.AssemblyReference.cache
deleted file mode 100644
index 22527d5..0000000
Binary files a/obj/Release/net7.0/MemwLib.csproj.AssemblyReference.cache and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/obj/Release/net7.0/MemwLib.csproj.CoreCompileInputs.cache b/obj/Release/net7.0/MemwLib.csproj.CoreCompileInputs.cache
deleted file mode 100644
index ff33f62..0000000
--- a/obj/Release/net7.0/MemwLib.csproj.CoreCompileInputs.cache
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/obj/Release/net7.0/MemwLib.csproj.FileListAbsolute.txt b/obj/Release/net7.0/MemwLib.csproj.FileListAbsolute.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index d539dc3..0000000
--- a/obj/Release/net7.0/MemwLib.csproj.FileListAbsolute.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/obj/Release/net7.0/MemwLib.dll b/obj/Release/net7.0/MemwLib.dll
deleted file mode 100644
index cfc25ae..0000000
Binary files a/obj/Release/net7.0/MemwLib.dll and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/obj/Release/net7.0/MemwLib.pdb b/obj/Release/net7.0/MemwLib.pdb
deleted file mode 100644
index 7104886..0000000
Binary files a/obj/Release/net7.0/MemwLib.pdb and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/obj/Release/net7.0/MemwLib.sourcelink.json b/obj/Release/net7.0/MemwLib.sourcelink.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 5ab4647..0000000
--- a/obj/Release/net7.0/MemwLib.sourcelink.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/obj/Release/net7.0/MemwLib.xml b/obj/Release/net7.0/MemwLib.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 4e42a28..0000000
--- a/obj/Release/net7.0/MemwLib.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2203 +0,0 @@
- MemwLib
- 24-bit RGB representation.
- The red value of this instance.
- The green value of this instance.
- The blue value of this instance.
- The RGB values constructor.
- the red value.
- the green value.
- the blue value.
- The unsigned integer value constructor.
- The decimal representation of the color.
- The color exceeds the 0xFFFFFF value.
- Rgb32 cast constructor, constructs an instance of RGB24 from an instance of RGB32.
- The instance to cast from.
- Obtain the color decimal value as an unsigned integer instance.
- Cast an instance of RGB24 to an instance of unsigned integer.
- The instance to cast.
- The casted instance as unsigned integer.
- Cast an instance of unsigned integer to an instance of RGB24
- The instance to cast.
- The casted instance as RGB24.
- Represents the color Pink as RGB24.
- Represents the color Crimson as RGB24.
- Represents the color Red as RGB24.
- Represents the color Maroon as RGB24.
- Represents the color Brown as RGB24.
- Represents the color MistyRose as RGB24.
- Represents the color Salmon as RGB24.
- Represents the color Coral as RGB24.
- Represents the color OrangeRed as RGB24.
- Represents the color Chocolate as RGB24.
- Represents the color Orange as RGB24.
- Represents the color Gold as RGB24.
- Represents the color Ivory as RGB24.
- Represents the color Yellow as RGB24.
- Represents the color Olive as RGB24.
- Represents the color YellowGreen as RGB24.
- Represents the color LawnGreen as RGB24.
- Represents the color Chartreuse as RGB24.
- Represents the color Lime as RGB24.
- Represents the color Green as RGB24.
- Represents the color SpringGreen as RGB24.
- Represents the color Aquamarine as RGB24.
- Represents the color Turquoise as RGB24.
- Represents the color Azure as RGB24.
- Represents the color AquaCyan as RGB24.
- Represents the color Teal as RGB24.
- Represents the color Lavender as RGB24.
- Represents the color Blue as RGB24.
- Represents the color Navy as RGB24.
- Represents the color BlueViolet as RGB24.
- Represents the color Indigo as RGB24.
- Represents the color DarkViolet as RGB24.
- Represents the color Plum as RGB24.
- Represents the color Magenta as RGB24.
- Represents the color Purple as RGB24.
- Represents the color RedViolet as RGB24.
- Represents the color Tan as RGB24.
- Represents the color Beige as RGB24.
- Represents the color SlateGray as RGB24.
- Represents the color DarkSlateGray as RGB24.
- Represents the color White as RGB24.
- Represents the color SmokeWhite as RGB24.
- Represents the color LightGray as RGB24.
- Represents the color Silver as RGB24.
- Represents the color DarkGray as RGB24.
- Represents the color Gray as RGB24.
- Represents the color DimGray as RGB24.
- Represents the color Black as RGB24.
- 32-bit RGBA representation
- The opacity value of this instance.
- The RGBA values constructor
- The opacity value.
- Rgb24 cast constructor, constructs an instance of RGB32 from an instance of RGB24.
- The instance to cast from.
- Cast an instance of RGB32 to an instance of unsigned integer.
- Cast an instance of unsigned integer to an instance of RGB32
- The casted instance as RGB32.
- 48-bit RGB representation.
- The unsigned integer value constructor.
- The decimal representation of the color.
- The color exceeds the 0xFFFFFFFFFFFF value.
- Rgb64 cast constructor, constructs an instance of RGB48 from an instance of RGB64.
- The instance to cast from.
- Obtain the color decimal value as an unsigned long integer instance.
- Cast an instance of RGB48 to an instance of unsigned long integer.
- The instance to cast.
- The casted instance as unsigned long integer.
- Cast an instance of unsigned long integer to an instance of RGB48
- The instance to cast.
- The casted instance as RGB48.
- Represents the color Pink as RGB48 instance
- Represents the color Crimson as RGB48 instance
- Represents the color Red as RGB48 instance
- Represents the color Maroon as RGB48 instance
- Represents the color Brown as RGB48 instance
- Represents the color MistyRose as RGB48 instance
- Represents the color Salmon as RGB48 instance
- Represents the color Coral as RGB48 instance
- Represents the color OrangeRed as RGB48 instance
- Represents the color Chocolate as RGB48 instance
- Represents the color Orange as RGB48 instance
- Represents the color Gold as RGB48 instance
- Represents the color Ivory as RGB48 instance
- Represents the color Yellow as RGB48 instance
- Represents the color Olive as RGB48 instance
- Represents the color YellowGreen as RGB48 instance
- Represents the color LawnGreen as RGB48 instance
- Represents the color Chartreuse as RGB48 instance
- Represents the color Lime as RGB48 instance
- Represents the color Green as RGB48 instance
- Represents the color SpringGreen as RGB48 instance
- Represents the color Aquamarine as RGB48 instance
- Represents the color Turquoise as RGB48 instance
- Represents the color Azure as RGB48 instance
- Represents the color AquaCyan as RGB48 instance
- Represents the color Teal as RGB48 instance
- Represents the color Lavender as RGB48 instance
- Represents the color Blue as RGB48 instance
- Represents the color Navy as RGB48 instance
- Represents the color BlueViolet as RGB48 instance
- Represents the color Indigo as RGB48 instance
- Represents the color DarkViolet as RGB48 instance
- Represents the color Plum as RGB48 instance
- Represents the color Magenta as RGB48 instance
- Represents the color Purple as RGB48 instance
- Represents the color RedViolet as RGB48 instance
- Represents the color Tan as RGB48 instance
- Represents the color Beige as RGB48 instance
- Represents the color SlateGray as RGB48 instance
- Represents the color DarkSlateGray as RGB48 instance
- Represents the color White as RGB48 instance
- Represents the color SmokeWhite as RGB48 instance
- Represents the color LightGray as RGB48 instance
- Represents the color Silver as RGB48 instance
- Represents the color DarkGray as RGB48 instance
- Represents the color Gray as RGB48 instance
- Represents the color DimGray as RGB48 instance
- Represents the color Black as RGB48 instance
- 64-bit RGBA representation.
- The opacity value.
- The unsigned integer value constructor.
- The decimal representation of the color.
- Rgb48 cast constructor, constructs an instance of RGB64 from an instance of RGB48.
- The instance to cast from.
- Cast an instance of RGB64 to an instance of unsigned long integer.
- The casted instance as unsigned long integer.
- Cast an instance of unsigned long integer to an instance of RGB64
- The casted instance as RGB64.
- Abstract class to define isolated implementations.
- The type of the keys for this collection instance.
- The type of the values for this collection instance.
- Collection default dictionary
- This should not be exposed.
- How many variables exist in this collection.
- Initializes an empty instance.
- Initializes a collection instance with another collection's items.
- The collection to get the items from.
- Checks if there is a variable with the specified key.
- The key to check
- true if the variable exists, otherwise false.
- Sets a value in this collection.
- The key that references the object.
- The value itself.
- If the value already existed in that key it will be replaced.
- Gets a value from this collection.
- The key that references the object.
- The value that was referenced by the key, or null if it did not exist.
- Interface that promises the collection will be able to be counted.
- Gets the length of this collection.
- Whether this collection is empty or not.
- Main class for console line arguments parser utilities.
- Parse arguments from a console line argument formatted string[].
- Configuration for the argument parsing.
- The resulting type to return the parsed arguments as.
- The parsed arguments as a TParsed instance.
- - Only the properties will be counted as valid fields for argument stubs.
- - Types that do not implement IParsable won't count as valid arguments, thus will be ignored.
- Parse from a console line argument formatted string[].
- Configuration for the argument parsing.
- A System.Dynamic.ExpandoObject aka dynamic instance containing all of the passed arguments
- Thrown when a user defined constraint is not met.
- - Types are assumed based on the input string, for type safety it's recommended to use Parse<TParsed> instead
- - All of the properties are lowercased
- Modifier to change long and short name for an argument.
- Constructor for argument modifier.
- The short name for an argument.
- The long name for an argument.
- Define the behavior for how to treat an argument class.
- Argument type constructor.
- Tell the parser how to treat the class.
- Behavior definitions for how to treat an argument class.
- Will only parse all private and public properties but only with argument attribute.
- Will only parse public properties but only with argument attribute.
- Will parse private and public properties even without the argument attribute.
- Will only parse public properties even without the argument attribute.
- Aliases for dynamic arguments.
- Adds an alias to this collection.
- The same instance.
- Index a property name by alias.
- The alias to find the name of.
- Thrown when a value is not found for a non optional property.
- The property that was supposed to be set.
- Thrown when an argument couldn't be converted successfully
- The property that was supposed to be set.
- The value that was supposed to be set to the target property.
- The internal exception thrown by the converter.
- Base options for command line argument parsing.
- The arguments to parse from.
- The prefix for long argument keys.
- --key value
- The prefix for short argument keys.
- -k value
- Defines if the arguments should explicitly have a value and not infer behavior from type.
- the option "--enable" could be a boolean,
- if the behavior is inferred from usage it will be true on present, whether the value is true or has no value.
- Defines whether property lookup is case sensitive or not.
- Options for command line argument parsing for dynamic output.
- Aliases for dynamic arguments, short argument names will
- search for its long pair and won't be set if not found.
- Whether to assume types based on string
- comparison like true or false being a boolean
- Overwrite a duplicate key if true,
- otherwise throw ConstraintException
- Options for command line argument parsing for typed output.
- Will mark the current property as ignored by the EnvContext type converter.
- Define an alternative name for EnvContext type converter.
- You most likely want to use this if you are following each language naming conventions.
- Constructor to define the alternative name for the environment variable.
- The variable name.
- Environment context is a Dictionary<string, string> encapsulated class to manage environment variables.
- The amount of variables this context has.
- Value index operator.
- The key assigned to the value to get.
- The value assigned to the key parameter.
- The property is retrieved and key does not exist in the collection.
- Creates a new instance of EnvContext, for accepted format guide see this.
- Lets you decide whether to add the system environment variables or not.
- Adds variables from a stream of data reading the remaining length in the stream.
- Stream to read from.
- Whether to close the stream after finished reading.
- The sum of offset and count is larger than the stream length.
- An I/O exception occurred in the underlying device.
- There is a conflicting key between the data parameter and the instance.
- The data is not well formatted , for environment variables.
- Adds variables from a stream of data till the specified length.
- Stream to read from.
- The length to read from the stream
- Whether to close the stream after finished reading.
- The sum of offset and count is larger than the stream length.
- An I/O exception occurred in the underlying device.
- There is a conflicting key between the data parameter and the instance.
- The data is not well formatted , for environment variables.
- Add environment variables from a formatted string.
- The string to parse from.
- There is a conflicting key between the data parameter and the instance.
- The data is not well formatted for environment variables
- Checks if there is a value assigned to a key.
- The key that should be assigned to the value.
- true if the value exists, otherwise false.
- Convert the current instance to a TInstance instance
- filling properties dynamically using reflections.
- The type that this instance must be converted to.
- Define if the field naming is case sensitive or not.
- The meta binding flags to search for properties in the TInstance type.
- A new instance of TInstance filled with the parameters found defined in the class.
- This doesn't assume types as for standard,
- you will need to manually convert the string to the desired type
- Pattern explanation:
- ○ "key" capture group.
- ○ Match a character in the set [A-Z_a-z] greedily at least once.
- ○ Match a character in the set [0-9A-Z_a-z] atomically any number of times.
- ○ Match ' ' atomically any number of times.
- ○ Match '='.
- ○ Match ' ' greedily any number of times.
- ○ "value" capture group.
- ○ Atomic group.
- ○ Conditionally match one of two expressions depending on whether an initial expression matches.
- ○ Condition: Match with 2 alternative expressions, atomically.
- ○ Match '"' atomically at least 3 times.
- ○ Match '\'' atomically at least 3 times.
- ○ Matched: Match a sequence of expressions.
- ○ Match with 2 alternative expressions.
- ○ Match '"' greedily at least 3 times.
- ○ Match '\'' greedily at least 3 times.
- ○ Loop lazily at least once.
- ○ Match with 2 alternative expressions.
- ○ Match '\n'.
- ○ Match any character other than '\n'.
- ○ Match with 2 alternative expressions, atomically.
- ○ Match '"' atomically at least 3 times.
- ○ Match '\'' atomically at least 3 times.
- ○ Not Matched: Conditionally match one of two expressions depending on whether an initial expression matches.
- ○ Condition: Match a character in the set ["'] atomically at least 1 and at most 2 times.
- ○ Matched: Match a sequence of expressions.
- ○ Match a character in the set ["'].
- ○ Match a character in the set [^\n"'] greedily at least once.
- ○ Match a character in the set ["'].
- ○ Not Matched: Match a character in the set [^\n"'] atomically at least once.
- Pattern explanation:
- ○ Match the string "${".
- ○ "name" capture group.
- ○ Match a character in the set [A-Z_a-z].
- ○ Match a character in the set [0-9A-Z_a-z] atomically any number of times.
- ○ Match '}'.
- Class that statically holds HTTP request methods.
- Sends an HTTP request based on the request builder parameter.
- Request configuration parameters.
- A response from the server.
- An error occurred while trying to access the socket.
- HTTP server that behaves like express.js and means easier use.
- Whether this server instance is on development or production mode.
- Contains the count of successful requests
- that returned 100-299 this server handled.
- Contains the count of failed requests
- that returned 300-599 this server handled.
- Event that will be fired each time this server logged something.
- Default constructor for HttpServer.
- Tells the server how it should behave.
- Token to stop the server on cancellation.
- There is not enough memory available to start this server.
- Adds a global middleware piece that will be run before every endpoint.
- The middleware piece to execute.
- The same server instance for sake of chaining declarations.
- This middleware will run before any other individual middleware, and will be called in order of declaration.
- Registers an endpoint to this server that runs the handler if the method and route match.
- The request method flags that will trigger this handler.
- The regex pattern for matching the route to trigger this handler.
- What will this handler do when triggered.
- If two regex pattern conflict, the one that's added
- first will run while leaving the remaining useless.
- Registers an endpoint to this server that runs the handler if the method and route match.
- The request method flags that will trigger this handler.
- The literal path for matching the route to trigger this handler.
- What will this handler do when triggered.
- If two path conflicts or is the same as another,
- the one that's added first will run while leaving the remaining useless.
- Adds a route group defined by a RouteGroupAttribute.
- The group class type.
- The target type must not be internal in order to get all the members from it.
- Adds a route group defined by a RouteGroupAttribute.
- The group class type.
- The target type must not be internal in order to get all the members from it.
- Lets you intercept a response code and do/respond
- something else before the sent response.
- The response code to intercept.
- What will this handler do when intercepted.
- The same instance to act as a constructor.
- The interceptors will run in declaration order,
- if the response code changes, it won't trigger other code interceptors.
- Defines a group member that forms part of a route group.
- Constructor to define group member route.
- The HTTP method for the route.
- The route, must not be an empty string.
- Specifies whether the route will be using as regex or not.
- If placed inside a class that doesn't have the
- RouteGroupAttribute, will define the route from root.
- Defines a route group of static members for HTTP routes.
- Constructor to define the route group's prefix.
- The prefix, must not be an empty string.
- Specifies whether the route will be using as regex or not.
- The first part of the route group as in /users and
- the members would need to be accessed within /users/member
- Enables routes to use middleware.
- The group middleware will be executed first,
- then all of the member middleware, everything will be executed from first to last.
- Please refer to MiddlewareDelegate
- documentation for more information in the allowed method signatures.
- Constructor to set the middleware target.
- Only the static methods are eligible for invocation, the order is specified by attribute declaration.
- Thrown when the current method is not eligible for invocation.
- The group middleware will be executed first,
- then all of the member middleware, everything will be executed from first to last.
- Please refer to the MiddlewareDelegate documentation to see the required
- method signature.
- Collection implementation for HTTP headers.
- The constructor for this collection is internal.
- Pattern explanation:
- ○ "key" capture group.
- ○ Match a character in the set [-0-9A-Z_a-z] atomically at least once.
- ○ Match the string ": ".
- ○ "value" capture group.
- ○ Match a character in the set [ -~] atomically at least once.
- A collection implementation for capturing groups found in URLs in routes.
- The constructor for this collection is internal.
- Indexer to get a specific group from the current route.
- The index of the group, if named a string otherwise an integer.
- For groups like (?<name>\d) use the string indexer otherwise if the group is conventional use the integer indexer.
- Collection implementation for HTTP URI parameters.
- The constructor for this collection is internal.
- Pattern explanation:
- ○ "key" capture group.
- ○ Match a character in the set [!$'-;@-Z\\_a-z~] atomically at least once.
- ○ Match '='.
- ○ "value" capture group.
- ○ Match a character in the set [!$'-;@-Z\\_a-z~] atomically at least once.
- Abstract class for collections that need to be parsed,
- contains common fields between all the collection types.
- Headers in HTTP requests/responses need to be
- parsed from "Key: value" to an actual collection
- Abstract override ToString() method to prepare the instance for a body.
- The prepared string for an HTTP body.
- Verification method for KeyValuePairs.
- The key of the collection item.
- The value of the collection item.
- true if the pair is valid, otherwise false.
- This method should not be exposed.
- Runs the ToString() method of the specified instance.
- The instance to run the method on.
- The result of the ToString() call in the instance.
- Key indexer for a collection.
- The key assigned to the desired value.
- The value set is null.
- A collection implementation for session parameters passed from middleware.
- The constructor for this collection is internal.
- The type of the value that is referenced by the key.
- Request configuration to send a request to a server.
- Where to send the request to
- The request method type.
- Flags are not supported, using them will throw an exception.
- The headers for this request.
- The body of this request.
- This class serves as configuration for the HttpServer constructor.
- The address this server is going to listen to.
- The port this server is going to listen to.
- The current server state, it tells the server if it should show or not debug data.
- The certificate path this server is going to use.
- If null, it's going to use a self signed certificate.
- Defines the server behavior on how it should interact with SSL
- This class is intended to add interoperability
- between strings and IBody implementations
- The content type this BodyConverter is holding.
- The raw body contained by this converter.
- Whether the current body is empty or not.
- Gets the length of the body in a raw format.
- Returns an empty instance of a BodyConverter.
- BodyConverter raw constructor,
- initializes this instance from a raw string.
- The string that contains the body content.
- BodyConverter instance constructor, initializes
- this instance from a IBody implementation instance.
- The body to convert from.
- Reads the current BodyConverter instance as a body instance.
- The type of body to convert to.
- An instance of TBody based on this converter's
- raw string or null if there was no body in the first place.
- Tries to read the current body converter instance as a body instance.
- The result of this conversion.
- The type of body to convert to.
- A boolean instance whether the body could be converted or not.
- Interface used to define which class behaves as a body.
- The content type of this body.
- This method implementation is used to parse
- the current body implementation from an string.
- The string content to parse from.
- An instance of the current body
- implementation based on the provided string content.
- Convert the current body implementation to a raw string.
- A raw string representing the current body implementation.
- Parse some string to a body of the defined type.
- The raw content to parse from.
- The target type.
- An instance of the target type based in the
- provided raw string content.
- Tries to parse a raw string to a body.
- The raw content to parse from.
- The conversion result, null if couldn't convert.
- The type of body to convert to.
- A boolean instance whether the conversion was successful or not.
- Body implementation for raw string body.
- Initialize a raw body instance with a string.
- The string to initialize the body with.
- The delegate used for HTTPServer endpoint handler.
- The request sent by the client.
- The response that the server should send.
- The delegate used for Logging in the HTTPServer.
- The message that the server returned.
- Delegate used to implement custom logic to HTTP requests within the HTTPServer.
- The message sent by the client.
- The response that the server should send.
- Returning a response after calling the next method will result in ignoring that response,
- so you might want to simply return null after the call to the next function.
- Delegate used to implement response code interception logic.
- The anterior response.
- The response that the server should send.
- Changing the response code won't trigger other interceptors.
- Abstract class for base HTTP entity, contains common fields between all the entity types.
- The header collection corresponding to this HTTP entity.
- The body corresponding to this HTTP entity.
- Protected method to build the first line of the entity.
- The built first line of the entity as string.
- This method should not be exposed.
- ToString override to build the entity as a String.
- The built entity as string.
- Builds a Byte[] from the String version of the entity prepared for streams.
- The entity as a Byte[] prepared to be sent in a TCP stream.
- Runs the ToString() method of the specified instance.
- The instance to run the method on.
- The result of the ToString() call in the instance.
- Defines that a type is a response within the HTTP server.
- Tells the server to execute the next middleware piece.
- This class contains nothing, it's purely used for type metadata.
- BaseEntity implementation for HTTP requests.
- Session parameters passed by middleware.
- The request method for this HTTP request entity.
- This does not support flags.
- Throws when flags were set for this property.
- The request location as a PartialUri instance.
- The HTTP protocol version for this request.
- Due to implementation the http version doesn't modify behavior YET.
- If your route declaration contained RegEx,
- you can access RegEx capture groups trough this property.
- Stream constructor, reads a stream into an instance of RequestEntity.
- The entity to parse.
- There was an error while parsing this stream.
- The reader must be positioned at the first line of the content.
- Parameterized constructor for request entity.
- The method for this entity.
- The path for this entity as a PartialUri instance.
- The body for this entity.
- the version of the standard this request follows.
- The HTTP version is invalid.
- The version doesn't change the functionality, it's just parsed as string to be sent with the entity.
- Pattern explanation:
- ○ "method" capture group.
- ○ Match with 7 alternative expressions.
- ○ Match a sequence of expressions.
- ○ Match a character in the set [Oo].
- ○ Match a character in the set [Pp].
- ○ Match a character in the set [Tt].
- ○ Match a character in the set [Ii].
- ○ Match a character in the set [Oo].
- ○ Match a character in the set [Nn].
- ○ Match a character in the set [Ss].
- ○ Match a sequence of expressions.
- ○ Match a character in the set [Gg].
- ○ Match a character in the set [Ee].
- ○ Match a character in the set [Tt].
- ○ Match a sequence of expressions.
- ○ Match a character in the set [Hh].
- ○ Match a character in the set [Ee].
- ○ Match a character in the set [Aa].
- ○ Match a character in the set [Dd].
- ○ Match a sequence of expressions.
- ○ Match a character in the set [Pp].
- ○ Match with 3 alternative expressions.
- ○ Match a sequence of expressions.
- ○ Match a character in the set [Oo].
- ○ Match a character in the set [Ss].
- ○ Match a character in the set [Tt].
- ○ Match a sequence of expressions.
- ○ Match a character in the set [Aa].
- ○ Match a character in the set [Tt].
- ○ Match a character in the set [Cc].
- ○ Match a character in the set [Hh].
- ○ Match a sequence of expressions.
- ○ Match a character in the set [Uu].
- ○ Match a character in the set [Tt].
- ○ Match a sequence of expressions.
- ○ Match a character in the set [Dd].
- ○ Match a character in the set [Ee].
- ○ Match a character in the set [Ll].
- ○ Match a character in the set [Ee].
- ○ Match a character in the set [Tt].
- ○ Match a character in the set [Ee].
- ○ Match a sequence of expressions.
- ○ Match a character in the set [Tt].
- ○ Match a character in the set [Rr].
- ○ Match a character in the set [Aa].
- ○ Match a character in the set [Cc].
- ○ Match a character in the set [Ee].
- ○ Match a sequence of expressions.
- ○ Match a character in the set [Cc].
- ○ Match a character in the set [Oo].
- ○ Match a character in the set [Nn] exactly 2 times.
- ○ Match a character in the set [Ee].
- ○ Match a character in the set [Cc].
- ○ Match a character in the set [Tt].
- ○ Match ' '.
- ○ "path" capture group.
- ○ Match '/'.
- ○ Match a character other than ' ' atomically any number of times.
- ○ Match ' '.
- ○ "version" capture group.
- ○ Match a character in the set [Hh].
- ○ Match a character in the set [Tt] exactly 2 times.
- ○ Match a character in the set [Pp].
- ○ Match '/'.
- ○ Match a Unicode digit atomically at least once.
- ○ Match '.'.
- ○ Match a Unicode digit atomically at least once.
- Pattern explanation:
- ○ Match a character in the set [Hh].
- ○ Match a character in the set [Tt] exactly 2 times.
- ○ Match a character in the set [Pp].
- ○ Match '/'.
- ○ Match a Unicode digit atomically at least once.
- ○ Match '.'.
- ○ Match a Unicode digit atomically at least once.
- Represents HTTP status codes as an enumeration for better readability and usage.
- Each enum member corresponds to a specific HTTP status code along with its associated description.
- The server has received the request headers and the client should proceed to send the request body.
- The requester has asked the server to switch protocols and the server has agreed to do so.
- Standard response for successful HTTP requests.
- The request has been fulfilled, resulting in the creation of a new resource.
- The request has been accepted for processing, but the processing has not been completed.
- The server successfully processed the request but returned non-authoritative information.
- The server successfully processed the request but there is no additional information to send back.
- The server successfully processed the request but wants to instruct the client to reset the document view.
- The server has fulfilled the partial GET request for the resource.
- The requested resource corresponds to any one of a set of representations, each with its own specific location.
- The requested resource has been assigned a new permanent URI and any future references to this resource should use one of the returned URIs.
- The requested resource can be found under a different URI.
- The response to the request can be found under a different URI and should be retrieved using a GET method on that resource.
- The server has not modified the document, but there is no information to send back.
- The requested resource must be accessed through a proxy, specified in the Location header.
- The requested resource temporarily resides under a different URI.
- The server cannot or will not process the request due to an apparent client error.
- Similar to 401 (Unauthorized), but indicates that the client must authenticate itself to get permission.
- Reserved for future use. The original intention was that this code might indicate that the client must make payment to access the resource.
- The client does not have access rights to the content, i.e., they are unauthorized to access the requested resource.
- The server can not find the requested resource. This status code is often used as a catch-all for all methods for which no specific status code is applicable.
- The method specified in the request is not allowed for the resource identified by the request URI.
- The requested resource is capable of generating only content not acceptable according to the Accept headers sent in the request.
- Similar to 401 (Unauthorized), but indicates that the client must first authenticate itself with the proxy.
- The server timed out waiting for the request.
- Indicates that the request could not be processed because of conflict in the request.
- Indicates that the requested resource is no longer available at the server and no forwarding address is known.
- The server refuses to accept the request without a defined Content-Length.
- The precondition given in one or more of the request-header fields evaluated to false when it was tested on the server.
- The server is refusing to process a request because the request entity is larger than the server is willing or able to process.
- The server is refusing to service the request because the request-URI is longer than the server is willing to interpret.
- The server is refusing to service the request because the entity of the request is in a format not supported by the requested resource for the requested method.
- The client has asked for a portion of the file, but the server cannot supply that portion.
- The server cannot meet the requirements of the Expect request-header field.
- A generic error message returned when an unexpected condition was encountered on the server.
- The server either does not recognize the request method, or it lacks the ability to fulfill the request.
- The server was acting as a gateway or proxy and received an invalid response from the upstream server.
- The server is currently unable to handle the request due to temporary overloading or maintenance of the server.
- The server, while acting as a gateway or proxy, did not receive a timely response from the upstream server or some other auxiliary server it needed to access in order to complete the request.
- The server does not support the HTTP protocol version that was used in the request.
- Extension methods for the response codes enum instances.
- Obtain a formatted string representing the response code hint.
- The ResponseCode enumerable instance.
- The formatted response code as string.
- Obtain the response code as integer.
- The ResponseCode enumerable instance.
- The response code as integer.
- BaseEntity implementation for HTTP responses.
- The HTTP protocol version for this request.
- Due to implementation the http version doesn't modify behavior YET.
- The response code for this request.
- Status codes on MDN.
- Returns true if the response code is 100-399 otherwise false.
- Stream constructor, reads a stream into an instance of ResponseEntity.
- The entity to parse.
- There was an error while parsing this stream.
- The reader must be positioned at the first line of the content.
- Parameterized constructor for ResponseEntity.
- The response code for this entity.
- The request body for this entity.
- the version of the standard this request follows.
- The HTTP version is invalid.
- The version doesn't change the functionality, it's just parsed as string to be sent with the entity.
- Pattern explanation:
- ○ Match a character in the set [Hh].
- ○ Match a character in the set [Tt] exactly 2 times.
- ○ Match a character in the set [Pp].
- ○ Match '/'.
- ○ Match a Unicode digit atomically at least once.
- ○ Match '.'.
- ○ Match a Unicode digit atomically at least once.
- Pattern explanation:
- ○ 1st capture group.
- ○ Match a character in the set [Hh].
- ○ Match a character in the set [Tt] exactly 2 times.
- ○ Match a character in the set [Pp].
- ○ Match '/'.
- ○ Match a Unicode digit atomically at least once.
- ○ Match '.'.
- ○ Match a Unicode digit atomically at least once.
- ○ Match ' '.
- ○ 2nd capture group.
- ○ Match a Unicode digit atomically at least once.
- ○ Match ' '.
- ○ Match any character atomically at least once.
- Thrown when a middleware target method is not found or not eligible.
- This exception is thrown when an entity couldn't be parsed.
- Default log message implementation for HTTP server logs.
- The date of the log, if unset the actual date.
- The log type as LogType enumerable.
- The message corresponding to the log.
- Prepares the class for direct STDOUT.
- The formatted log.
- Implicit cast operator to String, runs the ToString() method implicitly.
- The right operand to run the ToString() method from.
- The result of the ToString() method from the passed instance.
- The log type enum for ILogMessage implementations
- Defines an information log.
- Defines a successful request log.
- Defines a failed request log.
- Defines a warning log.
- Defines an error log.
- This should always go together with a stack trace.
- The HTTP request method type enumerator.
- OPTIONS: Used to retrieve information about the communication options for the target resource.
- GET: Used to retrieve data from the target resource.
- HEAD: Similar to GET, but without the response body. Used to check resource headers.
- POST: Used to send data to the target resource for processing.
- PATCH: Used to apply partial modifications to a resource.
- PUT: Used to replace the target resource with the provided payload.
- DELETE: Used to request the removal of the target resource.
- TRACE: Used to perform a diagnostic test along the path to the target resource.
- CONNECT: Used to establish a network connection to the target resource.
- Complete URI implementation from partial URI class, adds the host, port and protocol.
- The URI protocol to follow, instructs the server/client how to behave.
- The domain name, serves as key for the DNS server to resolve an IP.
- This property doesn't check for TLD validity.
- The port number where to establish the connection,
- if unset will use protocol default ports as for common TCP ports.
- Default constructor for Complete URI, constructs the URI
- from the formatted string following the RFC1808 standard.
- The formatted URI.
- The passed URI is not in a valid format.
- Constructs the URI contained in the instance as a String.
- The current instance as a String.
- Runs the ToString() method from the right operand.
- The right operand to get the string from.
- The result of ToString() in the right operand.
- Pattern explanation:
- ○ Match if at the beginning of the string.
- ○ Optional (greedy).
- ○ "protocol" capture group.
- ○ Match the string "http".
- ○ Match 's' atomically, optionally.
- ○ Match the string "://".
- ○ "name" capture group.
- ○ Match a character in the set [-.0-9a-z] greedily at least once.
- ○ Optional (greedy).
- ○ Match ':'.
- ○ Match a Unicode digit atomically at least 1 and at most 5 times.
- ○ Match '/' atomically, optionally.
- A class that represents a partial URI for request bodies.
- /route?key=value#fragment
- The path where the server is supposed to look for data.
- A collection of the URI parameters whose are after the (?) question mark.
- The fragment which is defined after the (#) hashtag or NULL if not none.
- Not supported in rfc9112 standard, but left for media fragment resolution in edge cases.
- Default constructor for partial URI class,
- constructs the URI from the formatted string following the RFC1808 standard.
- The formatted URI.
- The passed URI is not in a valid format.
- Constructor from CompleteURI to avoid polymorphism issues.
- The URI to cast from.
- Constructs the URI contained in the instance as a String.
- The current instance as a String.
- Runs the ToString() method from the right operand.
- The right operand to get the string from.
- The result of ToString() in the right operand.
- Pattern explanation:
- ○ Optional (greedy).
- ○ Match the string "http".
- ○ Match 's' atomically, optionally.
- ○ Match the string "://".
- ○ Match a character other than '/' greedily at least once.
- ○ Match any character greedily, optionally.
- ○ Optional (greedy).
- ○ "path" capture group.
- ○ Match '/'.
- ○ Match a character in the set [^#/?[-^{-~].
- ○ Match a character in the set [^#?[]^{-~] greedily any number of times.
- ○ Optional (greedy).
- ○ "params" capture group.
- ○ Match '?'.
- ○ Match a character other than '#' greedily any number of times.
- ○ Optional (greedy).
- ○ "fragment" capture group.
- ○ Match '#'.
- ○ Match any character greedily any number of times.
- ○ Match if at the end of the string or if before an ending newline.
- An enumeration representing different network
- protocols with their associated port numbers.
- The HTTPS protocol, using port 443.
- The HTTP protocol, using port 80.
- Constant definition for the server state.
- Use this constant when the server must be in production mode,
- this means no details on the development will be exposed in any manner.
- Use this constant when the server must be in development mode,
- this means that details on the development such as errors will be exposed
- For your own security don't leave this constant on production as it leaves
- details and hints for any third party to attack your server.
- This class is meant to specify options for a custom certificate.
- This is the certificate path, or where to get the pfx file from.
- This is the certificate password, it is used to let the server decrypt the certificate.
- This enum lets you decide how is the server going to mainly behave.
- Whether a custom certificate was specified, if not
- found, the server is going to generate a self signed one.
- If a certificate is not found use HTTP instead of HTTPS.
- Class for adding colors to an string.
- This class is implicitly caster to string and vice versa.
- Returns the length of the internal handle without the ansi color escape sequences.
- Returns the length of the internal handle with the ansi color escape sequences.
- Construct a ColoredString class from a basic string.
- The string to construct from.
- String extension methods.
- Separates a camel cased or pascal cased string with spaces.
- the camel or pascal cased string.
- The separated string result from the conversion.
- Handler to convert from char *, char[], string to each.
- This converter can only be instantiated from cast operators.
- The internal string handle for this converter.
- Return the length of the underlying handle in this string converter.
- Custom -derived type for the EntryRegex method.
- Cached, thread-safe singleton instance.
- Initializes the instance.
- Provides a factory for creating instances to be used by methods on .
- Creates an instance of a used by methods on .
- Provides the runner that contains the custom logic implementing the specified regular expression.
- Scan the starting from base.runtextstart for the next match.
- The text being scanned by the regular expression.
- Search starting from base.runtextpos for the next location a match could possibly start.
- The text being scanned by the regular expression.
- true if a possible match was found; false if no more matches are possible.
- Determine whether at base.runtextpos is a match for the regular expression.
- The text being scanned by the regular expression.
- true if the regular expression matches at the current position; otherwise, false.
- Custom -derived type for the SystemVariableRegex method.
- Cached, thread-safe singleton instance.
- Initializes the instance.
- Provides a factory for creating instances to be used by methods on .
- Creates an instance of a used by methods on .
- Provides the runner that contains the custom logic implementing the specified regular expression.
- Scan the starting from base.runtextstart for the next match.
- The text being scanned by the regular expression.
- Search starting from base.runtextpos for the next location a match could possibly start.
- The text being scanned by the regular expression.
- true if a possible match was found; false if no more matches are possible.
- Determine whether at base.runtextpos is a match for the regular expression.
- The text being scanned by the regular expression.
- true if the regular expression matches at the current position; otherwise, false.
- Custom -derived type for the HeaderVerification method.
- Cached, thread-safe singleton instance.
- Initializes the instance.
- Provides a factory for creating instances to be used by methods on .
- Creates an instance of a used by methods on .
- Provides the runner that contains the custom logic implementing the specified regular expression.
- Scan the starting from base.runtextstart for the next match.
- The text being scanned by the regular expression.
- Search starting from base.runtextpos for the next location a match could possibly start.
- The text being scanned by the regular expression.
- true if a possible match was found; false if no more matches are possible.
- Determine whether at base.runtextpos is a match for the regular expression.
- The text being scanned by the regular expression.
- true if the regular expression matches at the current position; otherwise, false.
- Custom -derived type for the ParameterVerification method.
- Cached, thread-safe singleton instance.
- Initializes the instance.
- Provides a factory for creating instances to be used by methods on .
- Creates an instance of a used by methods on .
- Provides the runner that contains the custom logic implementing the specified regular expression.
- Scan the starting from base.runtextstart for the next match.
- The text being scanned by the regular expression.
- Search starting from base.runtextpos for the next location a match could possibly start.
- The text being scanned by the regular expression.
- true if a possible match was found; false if no more matches are possible.
- Determine whether at base.runtextpos is a match for the regular expression.
- The text being scanned by the regular expression.
- true if the regular expression matches at the current position; otherwise, false.
- Custom -derived type for the StartLineRegex method.
- Cached, thread-safe singleton instance.
- Initializes the instance.
- Provides a factory for creating instances to be used by methods on .
- Creates an instance of a used by methods on .
- Provides the runner that contains the custom logic implementing the specified regular expression.
- Scan the starting from base.runtextstart for the next match.
- The text being scanned by the regular expression.
- Search starting from base.runtextpos for the next location a match could possibly start.
- The text being scanned by the regular expression.
- true if a possible match was found; false if no more matches are possible.
- Determine whether at base.runtextpos is a match for the regular expression.
- The text being scanned by the regular expression.
- true if the regular expression matches at the current position; otherwise, false.
- Custom -derived type for the HttpVersionRegex method.
- Cached, thread-safe singleton instance.
- Initializes the instance.
- Provides a factory for creating instances to be used by methods on .
- Creates an instance of a used by methods on .
- Provides the runner that contains the custom logic implementing the specified regular expression.
- Scan the starting from base.runtextstart for the next match.
- The text being scanned by the regular expression.
- Search starting from base.runtextpos for the next location a match could possibly start.
- The text being scanned by the regular expression.
- true if a possible match was found; false if no more matches are possible.
- Determine whether at base.runtextpos is a match for the regular expression.
- The text being scanned by the regular expression.
- true if the regular expression matches at the current position; otherwise, false.
- Custom -derived type for the StartLineRegex method.
- Cached, thread-safe singleton instance.
- Initializes the instance.
- Provides a factory for creating instances to be used by methods on .
- Creates an instance of a used by methods on .
- Provides the runner that contains the custom logic implementing the specified regular expression.
- Scan the starting from base.runtextstart for the next match.
- The text being scanned by the regular expression.
- Search starting from base.runtextpos for the next location a match could possibly start.
- The text being scanned by the regular expression.
- true if a possible match was found; false if no more matches are possible.
- Determine whether at base.runtextpos is a match for the regular expression.
- The text being scanned by the regular expression.
- true if the regular expression matches at the current position; otherwise, false.
- Custom -derived type for the UriRegex method.
- Cached, thread-safe singleton instance.
- Initializes the instance.
- Provides a factory for creating instances to be used by methods on .
- Creates an instance of a used by methods on .
- Provides the runner that contains the custom logic implementing the specified regular expression.
- Scan the starting from base.runtextstart for the next match.
- The text being scanned by the regular expression.
- Search starting from base.runtextpos for the next location a match could possibly start.
- The text being scanned by the regular expression.
- true if a possible match was found; false if no more matches are possible.
- Determine whether at base.runtextpos is a match for the regular expression.
- The text being scanned by the regular expression.
- true if the regular expression matches at the current position; otherwise, false.
- Custom -derived type for the PartialUriRegex method.
- Cached, thread-safe singleton instance.
- Initializes the instance.
- Provides a factory for creating instances to be used by methods on .
- Creates an instance of a used by methods on .
- Provides the runner that contains the custom logic implementing the specified regular expression.
- Scan the starting from base.runtextstart for the next match.
- The text being scanned by the regular expression.
- Search starting from base.runtextpos for the next location a match could possibly start.
- The text being scanned by the regular expression.
- true if a possible match was found; false if no more matches are possible.
- Determine whether at base.runtextpos is a match for the regular expression.
- The text being scanned by the regular expression.
- true if the regular expression matches at the current position; otherwise, false.
- Helper methods used by generated -derived implementations.
- Default timeout value set in , or if none was set.
- Whether is non-infinite.
- Pushes 2 values onto the backtracking stack.
- Pushes 3 values onto the backtracking stack.
- Pops 2 values from the backtracking stack.
- Pushes 1 value onto the backtracking stack.
diff --git a/obj/Release/net7.0/ref/MemwLib.dll b/obj/Release/net7.0/ref/MemwLib.dll
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index 84a0ff3..0000000
Binary files a/obj/Release/net7.0/ref/MemwLib.dll and /dev/null differ
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