A NodeJS Wrapper for Kwik Delivery
This project provides an easy-to-use object-oriented API to access endpoints delineated at https://apikwik.docs.apiary.io/#reference OR https://liveapikwik.docs.apiary.io/#reference
Install from the NPM Registry
$ npm i --save kwik-node
Title | Code | Description |
PARAMETER_MISSING | 100 | A parameter is missing |
INVALID_KEY | 101 | Invalid access token |
ACTION_COMPLETE | 200 | Successful request |
ERROR_IN_EXECUTION | 404 | An Error Occured |
Title | Code | Description |
UPCOMING | 0 | The task has been assigned to a agent |
STARTED | 1 | The task has been started and the agent is on the way |
ENDED | 2 | The task has been completed successfully |
FAILED | 3 | The task has not been completed successfully |
ARRIVED | 4 | The task is being performed;agent has reached the destination |
UNASSIGNED | 6 | The task has not been assigned to any agent |
ACCEPTED | 7 | The task has been accepted by the agent which is assigned to him |
DECLINE | 8 | The task has been declined by the agent which is assigned to him |
CANCEL | 9 | The task has been cancelled by the agent which is accepted by him |
DELETED | 10 | The task is deleted by the agent |
Title | Code | Description |
CARD | 32 | The task will be paid for using paystack card option |
CASH | 8 | The task will be paid for using cash in currency of local |
STRIPE | 2 | The task will be paid for using stripe card option |
WALLET (PAGA) | 131072 | The task will be paid for using a paga wallet option |
Code | Description |
0 | A motorcycle (bike) |
1 | A small car |
2 | A medium car |
3 | A large truck |
Code | Description |
1 | Paid by the buyer (your own customer whom you deliver to) |
2 | Paid by the kwik customer (you whom are using this API) |
Title | Code | Description |
INDIAN STANDARD TIME (IST) | -330 | offset from UTC in minutes |
CENTRAL AFRICAN TIME (CAT) | +180 | offset from UTC in minutes |
WEST AFRICAN TIME (WAT) | +60 | offset from UTC in minutes |
const Kwik = require('kwik-node')
const express = require('express')
const domainName = process.env.KWIK_DOMAIN_NAME; // 'app-test.kwik.delivery'
const environment = process.env.NODE_ENV; // 'production'
const kwikClient = new Kwik(
environment === 'production'
const app = express()
const port = 3000
/* setup a middleware to load up the API access_token via auth */
app.use('/create/delivery', async (req, res, next) => {
if(req.method.toLowercase() === 'post'){
let response = {
body: {
data: {
access_token: '',
vendor_details: {
vendor_id: '',
card_id: '',
user_id: ''
try {
response = await kwikClient.adminLogin({
email: process.env.KWIK_ACCOUNT_EMAIL,
password: process.env.KWIK_ACCOUNT_PASSWORD
} catch(error) {
throw error;
/* global error handler */
app.use(function (err, req, res, next) {
/* standard app endpoint to create a delivery task for dispatch by kwik dispatch riders */
app.post('/create/delivery', async (req, res) => {
const today = new Date()
const deliveries = [
address: req.body.delivery_address,
name: req.body.business_name,
latitude: req.body.choords.delivery_lat,
longitude: req.body.choords.delivery_long,
time: "2022-06-03 12:48:24",
phone: req.body.mobile_number,
email: req.body.email,
has_return_task: false,
const pickups = [
address: req.body.pickup_address,
name: "My Business name",
latitude: req.body.choords.pickup_lat,
longitude": req.body.choords.pickup_long,
time: "2022-06-03 11:02:30",
phone: "+2347045804049",
email: "[email protected]"
/* NOTE:
no need to include 'domain_name', 'access_token' and 'vendor_id'
as they are included automatically as long as the express middleware
above obtains the details correctly in the middleware above using
kwikClient.adminLogin() and sets all the details accordingly
/* HINT:
It's vital to get Loaders and Vehicles info for your delivery task before
that delivery task can be scheduled/created
/* Loaders info */
const loaderDetails = await kwikClient.fetchAllLoadersOnAmount()
/* Vehicles info */
const vehicleDetails = await kwikClient.fetchAllAvailableDeliveryVehicles({
size: 1 /* a small car (see API values format codes above 👆🏾) */
const deliveryTaskDetails = await kwikClient.getExactPricingForDeliveryTask({
custom_field_template: 'pricing-template',
auto_assignment: 1,
layout_type: 1,
pickup_custom_field_template: 'pricing-template',
has_pickup: 1,
has_delivery: 1,
vehicle_id: vehicleDetails.body.data[0].vehicle_id,
parcel_amount: 0,
is_cod_job: 0, /* No collect on delivery */
delivery_images: 'https://res.cloudinary.com/kwiky/image/upload/v1648282178/mova/item.png', /* The URL of the image of the item being delivered */
delivery_instruction: 'Please, hand it over to the nanny', /* The instruction for the person who's to recieve the item being delivered */
is_loader_required: loaderDetails.body.data.is_loader_enabled, /* equals 0; no loaders enabled */
is_multiple_tasks: 1,
payment_method: 32, /* payment via card */
is_schedule_task: 0, /* task will not be scheduled in future */
JSON.stringify(deliveryTaskDetails.body.data.currency, null, '\t')
const cost_per_task = deliveryTaskDetails.body.data.per_task_cost
const deliveryPaymentBreakDownDetails = await kwikClient.getEstimatedPriceForDeliveryTask({
promo_value: 0,
amount: String(cost_per_task),
pickup_time: today.toISOString().replace('T', ' ').replace(/(?:\.[\d]{2,3}Z)/, ''),
total_service_charge: deliveryTaskDetails.body.data.total_service_charge,
vehicle_id: deliveryTaskDetails.body.data.vehicle_id,
delivery_images: deliveryTaskDetails.body.data.delivery_images,
delivery_instruction: deliveryTaskDetails.body.data.delivery_instruction,
delivery_charge_by_buyer: 1, /* buyer pays for delivery charge (see API values format codes above 👆🏾) */
is_cod_job: deliveryTaskDetails.body.data.is_cod_job,
parcel_amount: deliveryTaskDetails.body.data.parcel_amount,
is_loader_required: deliveryTaskDetails.body.data.is_loader_required,
const response = await kwikClient.scheduleDeliveryTask({
team_id: 2, /* get your `team_id` from your admin dashboard */
timezone: '+60', /* west african timezone (see API values format codes above 👆🏾) */
auto_assignment: 1,
layout_type: 1,
is_multiple_tasks: 1,
is_cod_job: deliveryTaskDetails.body.data.is_cod_job,
delivery_charge_by_buyer: deliveryPaymentBreakDownDetails.body.data.delivery_charge_by_buyer,
delivery_charge: deliveryPaymentBreakDownDetails.body.data.DELIVERY_CHARGE,
collect_on_delivery: deliveryPaymentBreakDownDetails.body.data.COLLECT_ON_DELIVERY,
surge_cost: deliveryPaymentBreakDownDetails.body.data.SURGE_PRICING,
surge_type: deliveryPaymentBreakDownDetails.body.data.SURGE_TYPE,
cash_handling_charges: deliveryPaymentBreakDownDetails.body.data.CASH_HANDLING_CHARGE,
cash_handling_percentage: deliveryPaymentBreakDownDetails.body.data.CASH_HANDLING_PERCENTAGE,
net_processed_amount: deliveryPaymentBreakDownDetails.body.data.NET_CASH_PROCEEDS,
kwister_cash_handling_charge: deliveryPaymentBreakDownDetails.body.data.KWISTER_CASH_HANDLING_CHARGE,
is_loader_required: deliveryTaskDetails.body.data.is_loader_required,
delivery_images: deliveryTaskDetails.body.data.delivery_images,
delivery_instruction: deliveryTaskDetails.body.data.delivery_instruction,
insurance_amount: deliveryTaskDetails.body.data.insurance_amount,
total_no_of_tasks: deliveryTaskDetails.body.data.total_no_of_tasks,
total_service_charge: deliveryTaskDetails.body.data.total_service_charge,
parcel_amount: deliveryTaskDetails.body.data.parcel_amount,
payment_method: 32, /* payment via card (see API values format codes above 👆🏾) */
amount: String(cost_per_task),
deliveries: deliveryTaskDetails.body.data.deliveries,
pickups: deliveryTaskDetails.body.data.pickups
app.listen(port, () => {
console.log(`Example app listening at http://localhost:${port}`)
Each method expects an object literal with both route parameters and request parameters (query / body). Please, go through the src/Kwik/index.js
object to see the specific items that should make up the object literal for each method and their types
- Tasks
- kwikClient.cancelDeliveryTask()
- kwikClient.scheduleDeliveryTask()
- Vehicles
- kwikClient.fetchAllAvailableDeliveryVehicles()
- Loaders
- kwikClient.fetchAllLoadersOnAmount()
- Pricing
- kwikClient.getExactPricingForDeliveryTask()
- kwikClient.getEstimatedPriceForDeliveryTask()
- Payments
- kwikClient.fetchAllMerchantCards()
- kwikClient.addMerchantCard()
- kwikClient.deleteMerchantCard()
- Corporates
- kwikClient.createCorporate()
- kwikClient.listAllCorporates()
- kwikClient.listAllCorporatesInvoices()
- kwikClient.listAllCustomersPerCorporates()
- kwikClient.listAllCorporatesInvoicesSub()
- Task Details ( Jobs )
- kwikClient.getSingleDeliveryTaskDetails()
- kwikClient.getAllDeliveryTaskDetails()
- kwikClient.getDeliveryTaskStatus()
See the CONTRIBUTING.md file for info
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