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Migration guide for v9

mickjermsurawong-stripe edited this page Apr 8, 2019 · 5 revisions

stripe-java version 9 drops supports for jdk 7. Majority of users on jdk 8 and above will not be affected. Additionally, this new major version introduces typed parameters and improves event deserialization. Both are breaking backward-compatibility, but only minor migration effort is expected.

Typed parameters

Currently, API calls rely on untyped parameters and unsafe parameters can be passed. Now, each API call has specific typed parameters with builder-style constructors.

Method overloading

The new methods with typed parameters simply overloads the current method replacing the untyped map object with the typed one. The library now supports both usage.


  Map<String, Object> untypedParams = new HashMap<>();
  params.put("amount", 100);
  params.put("currency", "usd");
  params.put("source", "card_123");

  Charge charge = Charge.create(untypedParams);


  ChargeCreateParams typedParams = ChargeCreateParams.builder()

  Charge charge = Charge.create(typedParams);

Breaking change due to ambiguous null parameters

One breaking change arises from overloading method names. Existing integrations passing null to the parameters argument will see complier error due to ambiguous types; the compiler does not know whether null is a null untyped map, or null typed parameters. You should instead create an empty parameters with either an empty map, or a built typed parameters without any values set.

Testing for migration

To ensure safe migration, consider testing equality between your current untyped Map<String, Object> parameters and the new typed parameters with toMap() to get the untyped representation.

  Map<String, Object> untypedParams = getUntypedParams();
  ApiRequestParams typedParams = getTypedParams();
  Map<String, Object> typedParamsAsMap = typedParams.toMap();
  assertEquals(untypedParams, typedParamsAsMap);

Builder interfaces

  • When parameters have nested objects, there are builders for each one via builder() method. Here, SkuCreateParams.Inventory is separately built, and used in setting SkuCreateParams root-level parameters. Note that nested objects are not shared among parameters of different methods. For instance, parameter class to update SKU SkuUpdateParams separately has its nested object of SkuUpdateParams.Inventory which can differ from that in parameters to create SKU.
  SkuCreateParams.Inventory inventoryParams = SkuCreateParams.Inventory.builder()

  SkuCreateParams createParams = SkuCreateParams.builder()
  Sku sku = Sku.create(createParams);
  • When parameters require a list or a map, there are similar interfaces to add and addAll in List<T>, and put and putAll in Map<String, T>.
  PaymentIntentRetrieveParams typedParams = PaymentIntentRetrieveParams.builder()
      // support both adding individual element or the whole list
      .addAllExpand(Arrays.asList("review", "source", "transfer_data.destination"))

  CustomerUpdateParams customerUpdateParams = CustomerUpdateParams.builder()
       // support both putting individual entry or the whole map
       .putMetadata("key1", "value1")
       .putAllMetadata(ImmutableMap.of("key2", "value2"))
  • When parameters require enums, there are specific enums for each parameter.
  WebhookEndpointCreateParams createParams = WebhookEndpointCreateParams

This has been a long-standing ask from the community, so we thank you for your patience!

Event deserialization

  • Currently, untyped map Event#previousAttributes may contain value Object[] to represent a list. Now List<Object> is the deserialized object for list content. This addresses the issue.
  • Currently, EventDataObjectDeserializer#getObject returns StripeObject which can be null when there is API version mismatch between stripe-java pinned version Stripe#API_VERSION and the event version Event#apiVersion. Now, with jdk8 and above, Optional<StripeObject> is returned, and the check method deserialize whether deserialization is successful is removed from the public call.


    Event event = getEventFromWebhookOrEndpoint();
    EventDataObjectDeserializer dataObjectDeserializer = event.getDataObjectDeserializer();
    if (dataObjectDeserializer.deserialize()) {
       StripeObject stripeObject = dataObjectDeserializer.getObject();


    Event event = getEventFromWebhookOrEndpoint();
    EventDataObjectDeserializer dataObjectDeserializer = event.getDataObjectDeserializer();
    if (dataObjectDeserializer.getObject().isPresent()) {      
      StripeObject stripeObject = dataObjectDeserializer.getObject().get();

Class rename

  • ScheduledQueryRun#Error is renamed to ScheduledQueryRun#RunError to prevent potential ambiguous reference to basic java.lang.Error