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0.28.0 (2019/6/19)

  • Cross build for Scala 2.13.0
  • Support for Redis Cluster
  • Fix missing string interpolators in log messages (thanks @augi and @taylorwood)
  • Remove Monix integration module
    • Monix integration is still easy, using the cats-effect module
  • Remove twitter-util Future integration module
    • This module was never actually published, due to a mistake in build.sbt
    • Could potentially revive it once twitter-util is cross-built for 2.13, if there is enough interest
  • circe 0.12.0-M3
  • cats-effect 2.0.0-M4
  • jedis 2.10.2
  • caffeine 2.7.0
  • guava 28.0-jre
  • cache2k 1.2.2
  • scala.js 0.6.28

0.27.0 (2018/12/12)

  • Add support for twitter-util Future (thanks @gurinderu)
  • Sort out Scala.js support in core
  • Ehcache 2.10.6
  • Guava 27.0.1-jre
  • Jedis 2.10.0
  • circe 0.10.1
  • cats-effect 1.1.0
  • Monix 3.0.0-RC2 (thanks @ploddi)
  • Scalaz 7.2.27

Breaking changes:

  • Removed an implicit val It is superseded by scalacache.CatsEffect.modes.async.
  • AbstractCache's logger is now a scalacache.logging.Logger instead of a org.slf4j.Logger

0.26.0 (2018/10/22)

  • circe 0.10.0
  • Scalaz 7.2.26

0.25.0 (2018/10/19)

  • ohc 0.7.0
  • cats-effect 1.0.0
  • Monix 3.0.0-RC2-d0feeba (which depends on cats-effect 1.0.0-RC3)
  • Fix broken link in memoization docs

0.24.3 (2018/09/04)

  • Cache2k 1.2.0.Final
  • Guava 26.0
  • cats-effect 0.10.1
  • Scalaz 7.2.25
  • sbt 1.2.1
  • Fix typo in Scaladoc regarding TTL
  • Refactoring: remove unused imports

0.24.2 (2018/07/11)

Note: somehow this release got a bit messed up. There is no git tag for it but the artifacts are on Maven Central.

  • Make the underlying cache implementation accessible (it was a private field)
  • Scala 2.12.6
  • Guava 25.1
  • Scalacheck 1.14.0
  • Improve logging in Redis implementation
  • Scalaz 7.2.23
  • Ehcache 2.10.5
  • sbt 1.1.5
  • Refactoring: remove some pointless casting

0.24.1 (2018/05/03)

New features:

  • Support for OHC (Off Heap Cache) as a backend (thanks to @rider-yi)


  • Cache2kCache's close() method was not closing the underlying cache (thanks to @rider-yi)

Other stuff:

  • Bump Scalaz to 7.2.22

0.24.0 (2018/04/17)

New features:

  • Support for cache2k as a backend (thanks to @rider-yi)

Other stuff:

  • Test coverage is now being measured again (thanks to @mrvisser)
  • Improved support for cats-effect (#173)

0.23.0 (2018/03/29)

Bump dependencies:

  • cats-effect 0.10
  • Monix 3.0.0-RC1
  • Circe 0.9.3
  • Caffeine 2.6.2
  • Guava 24.1-jre
  • Scalaz 7.2.20
  • Scala, sbt

Other news: we now have a microsite!

0.22.0 (2018/01/07)

Bump dependencies:

  • sbt 1.0.3
  • scalajs 0.6.21
  • cats-effect 0.8
  • Circe 0.9.0
  • Monix 3.0.0-M3
  • Guava 23.6-jre

Thanks to @golem131 and @jleider for some of those.

Note that this means all modules that transitively depend on Cats now consistently depend on Cats 1.0.1. No more NoSuchMethodErrors!

0.21.0 (2017/11/09)

New features:

  • A new module scalacache-circe for serializing values as JSON using circe.

Breaking changes:

  • Until now the binary serialization codec was automatically made available by importing scalacache._. It now needs to be imported separately using import scalacache.serialization.binary._. This will affect anybody using Redis or Memcached.

0.20.0 (2017/11/08)

Lots of changes! The headline was a redesign of the API to support different effects such as cats-effect IO and Scalaz Task. There were a lot of breaking changes in the API, hence the jump in version number.

See #145 for details.

0.10.0 (2017/10/02)

  • Remove dependency on joda-time library by switching to Java 8 time API (internal implementation detail, no breaking API changes) #139
  • Widen the return type of some methods from Future[Unit] to Future[Any] #143
  • Bump dependencies (thanks to @golem131):
    • spymemcached 2.12.1 -> 2.12.3
    • caffeine 2.5.2 -> 2.5.5
    • scalatest 3.0.0 -> 3.0.3
    • sbt 0.13.16
    • Scala 2.12.3
    • scalajs 0.6.17 -> 0.6.19

0.9.4 (2017/06/22)


  • Tweaked the logging behaviour #127
  • Readme fixes #128

Other stuff:

  • Bump Scala compiler 2.12.0 -> 2.12.2, 2.11.8 -> 2.11.11
  • Bump scalajs 0.6.13 -> 0.6.17
  • Bump sbt 0.13.13 -> 0.13.15
  • Bump caffeine 2.3.3 -> 2.5.2
  • Bump joda-time 2.9.4 -> 2.9.9
  • Bump slf4j-api 1.7.21 -> 1.7.25

0.9.3 (2016/11/08)

New features:

  • ScalaCache is now published for Scala 2.11.x and 2.12.0
  • scalacache-core is also published for Scala.js (thanks to @mdedetrich). On its own, this is not very useful, but it paves the way for proper Scala.js support in the future.

Change in behaviour:

The write semantics of the caching method (and, by extension, memoization) is now configurable. By default, in the case of a cache miss, the Future returned from the method will not complete until the cache write has completed.

This makes the behaviour deterministic, as you have a guarantee that the value is present in the cache once the Future completes.

If you want to maintain ScalaCache's old behaviour (i.e. complete the Future as soon as the value is computed, then perform the cache write in an asynchronous callback), you can toggle the new waitForWriteToComplete flag in CacheConfig.

Other stuff:

  • Bump sbt 0.13.13
  • Documentation fixes

0.9.2 (2016/09/23)

New features:

  • ScalaCache is now published for Scala 2.11.x and 2.12.0-RC1

Other stuff:

  • Bump sbt 0.13.12 and move from Build.scala to build.sbt
  • Minor version bumps: Guava, Spymemcached, Ehcache, Jedis, Caffeine, joda-time, slf4j

0.9.1 (2016/05/30)

New features:

  • ScalaCache is now published for Scala 2.11.x and 2.12.0-M4

0.9.0 (2016/05/30)

New features:

  • Add a new MethodCallToStringConverter implementation


Breaking changes:

  • Removed support for Twitter Util LruMap as part of the preparation for Scala 2.12.x. If this is a problem for you, please open an issue.

Other stuff:

  • Added some JMH benchmarks
  • Bumped Caffeine to 2.3.0

0.8.1 (2016/04/11)

New features:

Bug fixes:

  • #92 fixes issue #90. This was a regression caused by the introduction of custom serialization in 0.8.0, making it impossible to cache any object that did not extend

Breaking changes:

Sorry, this version introduces a small potentially breaking change. Some methods now have an extra type parameter to specify how your data is represented after serialization. If you are using Memcached or Redis, this will be Array[Byte]. If you are using an in-memory cache such as Guava, EhCache or Caffeine, then you don't need serialization, so it will be the special type NoSerialization.

Depending on how you are using ScalaCache, you may need to manually specify this type parameter in your code, although it should be unnecessary in most cases.

e.g. if your code looks like this:

import scalacache._

implicit val scalaCache = ...

// Using the untyped API
val futureOfString = caching[String]("key")(doSomething())

// Using the typed API
val stringsCache = typed[String]
val futureOfOptionOfString = stringsCache.get("key")

then it may need to be updated to look like this:

import scalacache._

implicit val scalaCache = ...

// Using the untyped API
val futureOfString = caching[String, NoSerialization]("key")(doSomething()) // assuming an in-memory cache
//val futureOfString = caching[String, Array[Byte]]("key")(doSomething()) // use Array[Byte] if you are using Memcached or Redis

// Using the typed API
val stringsCache = typed[String, NoSerialization] // assuming an in-memory cache
val futureOfOptionOfString = stringsCache.get("key")

0.8.0 (2016/04/03)

New features:

  • #86 adds support for custom serialisation. Thanks to @lloydmeta

    Note that the addition of this feature may require you to add type annotations in your code in places where you are getting items from the cache (e.g. get[String]("foo") instead of get("foo")).

Breaking changes:

This release changes the serialisation format used in the Memcached and Redis cache implementations. If you are using scalacache-memcached or scalacache-redis, you will not be able to retrieve any data that you inserted into the cache using ScalaCache 0.7.x or earlier.

If you want to avoid this problem, you can set the useLegacySerialization flag in the cache's constructor. This will preserve the ScalaCache 0.7.x behaviour, using the underlying library's mechanism for serialisation instead of the new typeclass-based mechanism.

0.7.5 (2015/12/10)

New features:

  • #81 adds support for sharded Redis and Redis Sentinel. Thanks to @jareddellitt and @ctblog for the original PRs (#66 and #78) that inspired this.


  • Added support for passing Duration.Inf or Duration.Undefined as a TTL. It is interpreted as meaning "cache with no TTL".

Other stuff:

  • Bumped Jedis version from 2.7.2 to 2.8.0.

0.7.4 (2015/11/22)


Bug fixes:

  • #73 fixes a typo in the new variant of memoize that was added in #72 (thanks to @mdedetrich)

0.7.3 (2015/11/09)


  • #72 adds some convenience methods that take an optional TTL as an Option[Duration] (thanks to @mdedetrich)

0.7.2 (2015/10/29)

New features:

  • #71 adds a new cache implementation, Caffeine (thanks to @mchv)

0.7.1 (2015/10/27)

Bug fixes:

  • #69 fixes an integer overflow issue when using a TTL longer than Int.MaxValue milliseconds (about 23 days) with Guava.

Other stuff:

  • Bumped the sbt plugins. Some of them were pretty ancient.

0.7.0 (2015/09/27)

New features:

  • #55 adds a Typed API, so you can ensure you don't accidentally read/write something of the wrong type. See the README for more details.
  • #62 adds asynchronous versions of caching and memoize. See the README for more details.

Breaking API changes (sorry!):

#62 resulted in a few breaking changes, as follows:

  • scalacache.caching and scalacache.cachingWithTTL have been renamed to scalacache.sync.caching and scalacache.sync.cachingWithTTL respectively. This is to make way for the new asynchronous versions of these methods.
  • scalacache.getSync has been deprecated and will be removed soon. Please use scalacache.sync.get instead.
  • Both of the overloaded scalacache.memoization.memoize methods have been renamed to scalacache.memoization.memoizeSync. This is to make way for the new asynchronous versions of these methods.

Other stuff:

  • README fixes
  • Bump Scala, sbt
  • Use macro bundles, thanks to @philwills

0.6.4 (2015/07/10)


  • #50 adds a removeAll() method to the Cache class, so you can flush the entire contents of the cache.

Bumped dependencies:

  • Scala 2.11.7

0.6.3 (2015/05/17)


  • #49 adds a close() method to the Cache class, so you can clean up resources properly (i.e. close the Memcached/Redis client) when your app shuts down.

Bumped dependencies:

  • Ehcache 2.8.4 -> 2.10.0
  • Spymemcached 2.11.4 -> 2.11.7
  • Jedis 2.6.0 -> 2.7.2

0.6.2 (2015/04/08)

New features:

  • #41 (Add a wrapper for twitter-util's LruMap cache implementation)

0.6.1 (2015/04/01)


  • #40 (Add exception handling to memoize blocks, so exceptions thrown by the cache implementation are caught and handled gracefully. See #39 for the bug report)

0.6.0 (2015/03/14)


  • #37 (make it possible to use scalacache-redis with Play. See #32 for the bug report)
  • #38 (make RedisCache thread-safe)

Breaking changes:

  • Due to #38, RedisCache now takes a JedisPool in its constructor rather than a Jedis.

0.5.2 (2015/02/10)

New features:

  • #31 (added @cacheKeyExclude annotation, as suggested in #30)

0.5.1 (2015/02/09)


  • #29 (upgrade scala-logging in order to fix #28)

0.5.0 (2014/12/23)



  • Add Coveralls badge
  • Start using sbt-release plugin for releases

0.4.2 (2014/10/26)


0.4.1 (2014/10/19)


0.4.0 (2014/10/09)

  • New feature: conditionally disable caching using flags, as suggested in #10
  • Upgrade dependencies

Bumped the minor version because signatures of public methods have changed slightly.

0.3.2 (2014/08/29)

  • PR #8 adds a better key sanitizer for Memcached (thanks to @lloydmeta)

0.3.1 (2014/07/25)

  • Upgrade to Scala 2.11.2

0.3.0 (2014/05/08)

  • Change project name: Cacheable is now ScalaCache! (Sorry, lots of breaking API changes)
  • Switch Redis implementation from Scala-Redis to Jedis.
  • Async support (cache operations now return Futures).
  • Helper to build cache keys from multiple parts
  • Support for automatically adding a prefix to all keys

0.2.0 (2014/04/20)

Scala 2.11 support Bump dependency versions

0.1.1 (2014/01/14)

Fix sbbt dependency (#3)

0.1 (2013/11/17)

First release