Releases: strongdm/strongdm-sdk-java
v3.8.0 - Add subdomain field to resources
- Add subdomain field to datasource, server, and cluster resources.
v3.7.0 - Add Audit Verticals
This release adds auditing functionality, allowing you to view events generated by users and system configurations at arbitrary points in time. The following verticals are now available:
- Queries
- Replays
- Activities
- Account Permissons
- Account Resources
- Role Resources
- Organization History
- And History variants for existing and new verticals.
Additionally, most verticals can be accessed at a given snapshot time, to retrieve information about entities as of that time.
Yet additionally, this adds constants for many new and some existing API fields, hopefully replacing the need to memorize API response strings. These changes do not add api-breaking type hints or strong types for these fields, however expect such a change in the next breaking release.
v3.6.1 - Delinea Secret Store GA
- Delinea Secret Store is now stable.
v3.6.0 - Add support for Amazon EKS Instance Profile
This release adds support for the Amazon EKS Instance Profile resource type.
v3.5.6 - Set required GRPC version to 1.52.1
- Set required GRPC version to 1.52.1
v3.5.5 - Raise error on unknown polymorphic types
- This release ensures that an exception is raised when an unknown polymorphic type is received from the server, rather than silently succeeding. This may occur when a new type has been introduced that the version of the SDK in use does not yet support.
v3.5.4 - Constants, CyberArk to Stable
- This release adds constant string definitions for several existing API fields, including the provider who manages users and roles, node state, and user permission levels.
- This release marks stable the Cyberark Conjur and PAM secret stores.
v3.5.3 - CyberArk PAM and Conjur
- Adds support for the CyberArk PAM and Conjur secret stores
v3.5.2 - bump java dependencies' versions
- bumped io.grpc:grpc-protobuf to 1.43.2
- bumped io.grpc:grpc-stub to 1.43.2
- bumped io.grpc:grpc-netty to 1.43.2
- set io.netty:netty-codec-http2 to 4.1.68.Final
v3.5.1 - Add Username to Redis
- This update allows the use of an explicit username for redis resource authentication, where before it would default to 'default'.
- Additionally, redis can now require TLS is used for the final connection to the target resource.