creates a bed file from a fai file.
samtools faidx FOO.fa
python FOO.fa.fai # > pos.bed
bedtools getfasta -fi FOO.fa -bed pos.bed -tab -bedOut > FOO.bed
Convert fasta alignemnts to relaxed phylip ones in constant memory.
Written by Lucas Sinclair; James B. Pease IN.fasta OUT.phylip
Written by Jon Palmer (2016) [email protected] Script runs Mafft -> trimAl -> RAxML. takes multi-fasta as input
renames the header in the fasta file from the file name
prints the first entry from a multifasta
Using a gff file it parses out individual alignments of exons and non-coding
python --gff FOO.gff --aln FOO.aln.fa [--exons] [--distance int] [--length int] [--chromlen int]
reverses sections of a fasta file given by coordinates. Useful for correcting small artifact inversions. Some hard-coding.
returns the site frequency spectrum from a fasta file --fasta FOO.fa --ancestral FOO.anc.fa