Maintainers: feitnomore
Feedback/Feature Request: form
Simple Angular Frontend Web UI Interface to operate Kubevirt. This tools lets you perform basic operations around Virtual Machines
, Virtual Machine Instances
, Virtual Machine Pools
and Disks
. As the tool grew, other features got added like Load Balancing
, Auto Scaling
, Monitoring
and Cluster API
support. This tool was built initially based on requirements I had for my own environment at home and started growing as needed.
For a Quick Start, go to our website
If you are using the tool, please help us by providing feedback here.
WARNING: Use it at your own risk.
I've created this Frontend for KubeVirt
while I was trying to learn a little bit of Angular
. Basically this tool uses kubectl proxy
to proxy API requests to kubeapiserver
. To handle the Disk
part, the tool works through CDI. As the time passed by, support for other features like HPA
, Services
, Prometheus
and Cluster API
were added.
For a Quick Start, go to our website as we provide a bundled.yaml file that has the basic setup.
These are the minimum requirements to have the system running.
Kubevirt featureGate ExpandDisks
is required.
is required with featureGate HonorWaitForFirstConsumer
- HonorWaitForFirstConsumer
StorageClass feature allowVolumeExpansion
is required:
allowVolumeExpansion: true
If you are using hostpath-provisioner or any other local node storage, you will need to use WaitForFirstConsumer
volumeBindingMode: WaitForFirstConsumer
Note: These settings are required to work with a hostpath csi driver, in order to prevent virtual machine instances from being started in a node different from the node in which the disk/volume resides.
$ kubectl apply -f kubernetes/ns.yaml
$ kubectl apply -f kubernetes/crd.yaml
$ kubectl apply -f kubernetes/rbac.yaml
$ kubectl apply -f kubernetes/deployment.yaml
$ kubectl apply -f kubernetes/pc.yaml
kubectl apply -f kubernetes/service.yaml
To integrate kubevirt-manager
with prometheus
, you need to edit kubernetes/prometheus-config.yaml
and adjust your endpoint on line 21.
After adjusting the endpoint, apply the configmap:
$ kubectl apply -f kubernetes/prometheus-config.yaml
This integration was tested using prometheus-operator
. A ServiceMonitor
descriptor to integrate KubeVirt
with prometheus-operator
has been provided as an example at kubernetes/servicemonitor.yaml
. Note that you need to set the namespace
on the ServiceMonitor
accordingly and you need to update your KubeVirt
resource to reflect the namespace
as well:
monitorNamespace: monitoring
You will need to restart (delete) the Pod
or redeploy the solution for the changes to take effect.
Note: The tool assumes Prometheus is exposing the following metrics: kubevirt_vmi_storage_write_traffic_bytes_total, kubevirt_vmi_storage_read_traffic_bytes_total, kubevirt_vmi_network_transmit_bytes_total, kubevirt_vmi_network_receive_bytes_total, kube_pod_container_resource_requests and kubevirt_vmi_memory_domain_total_bytes. These metrics are exposed by KubeVirt
and kube-state-metrics
Note: Due to the introduction of NGINX Authentication support, the configmap changed a bit, make sure you review it.
To use kubevirt-manager
with cluster-api-provider
for KubeVirt
you must install Cluster API.
Check Cluster API Introduction for more information.
Feature ClusterResourceSet
is required by the tool to automate CNI and Add-ons fuctionality on Standard
clusters. Either enable it before installing Cluster API
by following the documentation on ClusterResourceSet and export EXP_CLUSTER_RESOURCE_SET=true
before running clusterctl generate
, or enable it by adding ClusterResourceSet=true
to the feature-gates
argument line of your already running capi-controller-manager
Deployment. Don't forget to wait for capi-controller-manager
pods to restart or restart it manually if needed. The following can be done with a command like the below:
$ kubectl edit -n capi-system deployment.apps/capi-controller-manager
Note: Pre-baked images are provided from domain.
Note: Pre-baked images were created using image-builder project.
Note: Pre-baked images have qemu-guest-agent
pre installed to provide instance details on dashboard.
Note: CNI files are also provided from domain.
Note: CNI files were mostly generated from original Helm Charts using helm template
Note: CNI files have some value substituion before applying to the cluster in order to support user customization.
Note: The supported CNIs can be found here.
Note: Features are also provided as YAML files from domain.
Note: Features files were mostly generated from original Helm Charts using helm template
Note: The supported features can be found here.
To add nginx
with basic-auth
, you need to edit kubernetes/auth_secret.yaml
and add your htpasswd file contents in base64 to the secret. The provided example has a single entry which username is admin
and password is admin
. You are encouraged to create your own file and replace in the secret.
An example of how to get the base64 of your file is:
$ cat htpasswd-file | base64 -w0
After adjusting secret contents, apply the configmap and the secret:
$ kubectl apply -f kubernetes/auth-config.yaml
$ kubectl apply -f kubernetes/auth-secret.yaml
You will need to restart (delete) the Pod
or redeploy the solution for the changes to take effect.
Note: If you had previous versions of Prometheus integration make sure proxy_set_header Authorization "";
is present on your Prometheus ConfigMap
You may use kubernetes/prometheus-config.yaml
as a reference to make sure your ConfigMap
looks ok.
Note: You may also want to check htpasswd documentation for extra help on creating and managing the file.
The recommended way to use this tool is through an Ingress
or a Service
You can also use kubectl port-forward
on port 8080.
Note: As the tool needs Websocket support, if you are using an Ingress
make sure you set it up accordingly.
To optimize the load of the main repo README, screenshots were removed from here. To see the screenshots, visit images directory.
To build the tool simply run:
docker build -t your-repo/kubevirt-manager:version .
docker push your-repo/kubevirt-manager:version
Please clone noVNC:
cd src/assets/
git clone
To build the tool run:
npm install
ng build
To run the tool:
kubectl proxy --www=./dist/kubevirtmgr-webui/browser/ --accept-hosts=^.*$ --address=[::] --api-prefix=/k8s/ --www-prefix=
Access the tool at: http://localhost:8001/
Note: Make sure your kubectl
is pointing to the right cluster.
Note: Make sure the account your kubectl
is using has correct RBAC.
Note: This method doesn't like websocket
Note: This method doesn't support Prometheus
Note: This method doesn't support NGINX basic_auth
The tests implemented are pretty simple so far. To run the tests, simply execure:
npm test
- Kubernetes
- Kubectl
- KubeVirt
- NodeJS
- Angular
- AdminLTE
- Prometheus Operator
- kube-state-metrics
- KubeVirt Monitoring
- NGINX basic_auth
- Kubernetes Cluster API Provider for Kubevirt
- Cluster API Quick Start
- ClusterResourceSet
- image-builder
- capk-versions.json
- cni-versions.json
- features.json is licensed under the Apache Licence, Version 2.0.