Application using Angular as frontend and NodeJs as backend which uses PostgresSQL as the database.
Kubernetes deployment files can be found in demo-app-deploy
Install docker
Use one of these options to setup kubernetes in your local
- Install Kubernetes with Minikube
- Enable Kubernetes in Docker Desktop
cd demo-app-frontend
Build the docker image of your frontend
docker build . -t <tag_name>
Check if the image is built by running the following command
docker images
Do the same for server app
cd demo-app-server
Build the docker image of your server
docker build . -t <tag_name>
Check if the image is built by running the following command
docker images
Bring up the kubernetes deloyments and services neccessary for the app to function
cd demo-app-deploy/
kubectl apply -f deployments/
kubectl apply -f services/
Access the app from this link http://locahost:30005
You can remap the ports in demo-app-deploy/services