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3. Data Sharing

Albert Chen edited this page Apr 29, 2018 · 11 revisions

Data Sharing

Like what I said in the structure chapter, Laravel applications runs in different worker processes. There's one important concept you need to understand: Variables can not shared across different processes.

Each worker will have their own varaibles and memory allocations. So keeping Laravel in memory doesn't mean you can share data among different processes.

You have few options if you really want to do in this package:

  • Databases like MySQL or Redis
  • APCu - APC User Cache
  • Swoole Table
  • Any other I/O based alternatives

Swoole Table

In swoole_http.php, you can customize your own swoole tables:

use Swoole\Table;

'tables' => [
    // define your table name here
    'table_name' => [
        // table rows number
        'size' => 1024,
        // column name, column type and column type size are optional for int and float type
        'columns' => [
            ['name' => 'column_name1', 'type' => Table::TYPE_INT],
            ['name' => 'column_name2', 'type' => Table::TYPE_STRING, 'size' => 1024],

There are three column types of Swoole table:

  1. TYPE_INT: 1,2,4,8
  2. TYPE_FLOAT: 8
  3. TYPE_STRING: the nth power of 2



namespace SwooleTW\Http\Table\Facades\Table;

class Foo
    Table::get('table_name')->set('key', 'value');

You can check more table usages here:

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