FAKETEMP is a template project. It will not contain any real project description rather than be a placeholder for your own projects.
As this being a template, there isn't any actual information to tell you about this project except that this is template. However, as this is full description, it should illustrate that this part need to contain more information on the project. Because of that, I am filling this space with this text with close-to-zero meaning in it. But maybe I can do better? If you're reading this, I might tell that you're so good person. Well, now there's more meaning. Also, check out this cool image:
... If you believe FAKETEMP project idea is good, please visit the website and star my github repo. Thank you.
I don't have any opinion on telling or not telling about me. If you like, you can note me as the author of the project @sxiii. Otherwise, I am okay with that too - the only thing I want really is for project to grow.
Preferably the GPLv3 or similar.
- Website: https://mycoolproject.io
- Github: https://mycoolproject.github.io