- uno
- sudo minicom -D /dev/ttyACM0 -b 38400
- sudo screen /dev/ttyACM0 38400
- duemilanove
- sudo minicom -D /dev/ttyUSB0 -b 38400
- sudo screen /dev/ttyUSB0 38400
- appl/arduino/
- make good use of makefile
- note that
PROGRAMMER should be configured to my usbtiny
- Assemble the whole flash and eemprom files make uno.hex
- Backup the current flash & eeprom values make uno.bak
- Erase the whole MCU Flash make uno.era
- Upload the new firmware using the hex file generated make uno
- Set the appropiate MCU fuses make uno.fuse
- Clear files (except backup) make uno.clr
- used in shell alias u0=’/home/xyh/ada-shield/tools/amforth-shell.py -p /dev/ttyACM0’ do not use ‘AMFORTH_LIB’ the shell variable use relative path instead
sudo make uno.era sudo make uno sudo make uno.fuse
- u0 builds.frt u0 avr-values.frt # for Evalue u0 i2c-twi.frt # for i2c u0 i2c.frt u0 eeprom-buffer.frt u0 ada-shield.frt
- http://amforth.sourceforge.net/TG/recipes/EEPROM.html
- Note Evalue was called simply value in revisions earlier than 5.3. Eallot was Ealloc and did leave the start address of the allocated memory region.
- 注意 Evalue 在版本 5.3 以前被称为 value. Eallot 以前叫 Ealloc, 并且 Ealloc 会把分配的存储顺区域的起始地址放到堆栈上。 (怪不得 ada-motor.frt 上要用 drop 指令)
- 指令
forward 1000 2 m-run
1000: 是速度, 范围 0 to 4095 (0x0 to 0xfff)
0: 0#电机, 范围 0, 1, 2, 3
backward 1000 2 m-run 后退
release 2 m-run release 3 m-run 释放
At least there are four reasonable commands:
forward 800 3 m-run (speed 800 mandatory) backward 800 3 m-run (speed 800 mandatory) hold FFF 3 m-run (the motor is blocked with a power depending on ‘speed’ (here FFF). 刹车
release 3 m-run (the motor is powerless)
- https://github.com/bewest/amforth/blob/master/lib/hardware/adc-pwm-demo.frt servo 控制
- http://amforth.sourceforge.net/TG/recipes/Arrays.html#arrays 如何用 array
- hc-05 配置
AT+BAUD=38400,0,0 38400, 8N1 修改模块的 baudrate
step 0: hciconfig
step 1: [atommann@atommann ~]$ sudo hciconfig hci0 up
step 2: sudo rfcomm bind 0 07:12:05:03:51:03 1
可以看到 /dev/rfcomm0
如果 /dev/rfcomm0 不工作, 可以执行 hciconfig hciconfig hci0 up
- motor shield 的 I2C 地址
0 A6 1 A5 1 A4 0 A3 0 A2 0 A1 0 A0 0 Hex: 0x60
A6 1 A5 1 A4 0 A3 0 A2 0 A1 0 A0 0 0 Hex: 0xC0
- DC-Motordriver for ADAFRUIT Motorshields (http://adafruit.com/products/1438) MB February 2014 amforth 5.2 version Atmega328 Release v2.0 Changes: new numbering of motors, shields are calculateted internaly
- Motorshield Pins
[+ - ] 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5
- = VSupply + - = VSupply -
8 reserved, 7 IORRef, 6 Reset, 5 3V, 4 5V, 3 GND, 2 GND, 1 Vin 0 - 3 unassigned, 4 SDA, 5 SDC
- ‘evalboard’ is the Pollin Evalutionsboard. If you don’t have one - don’t worry. Atmega328 Pins Evalboard Motorshield 28 PC5 (ADC5/SCL) 6 5 27 PC4 (ADC4/SDA) 5 4
- The motorshields are controlled by I2C bus also called TwoWireInterface.
- So the code relys on the ‘twi.frt’ from the /lib/hardware.
- If you want to achieve full control over the motorshield you have to deal with the PCA9685 chip. This chip is designed to control 16 LEDs. This explaines the naming of the registers as LED.
- Here the PCA9685 is ‘abused’ by the ADAFRUIT people to control up to four solenoids per motorshield. Four solenoids fit for either 4 DC-motors or two stepper motors (bipolar).
- You can download the data sheet for the PCA9685 at: www.adafruit.com/datasheets/PCA9685.pdf The voltage of the DC motors may range form 6V to 12V.
- The numbering of the motors in the schematic and in the silkscreen differ. I never succeed in reading a single register. So I choose the ‘Register Auto-Increment’ method. The word .regs was a mighty helper during developing. You may want to comment it out.
- I didn’t recognize any difference in using different prescalers but I like to set it to 3.
- I use two motorshields in my project (addr C0, C2). You can add more at your convenience. I never dealt with subadresses or so. Your at your own here.
- In my experience the LED_ALL Registers can be written to but reading always gives NULL.
- ADAFRUIT says: TB6612 MOSFET driver: with 1.2A per channel and 3A peak current capability. But if you will access this 1.2A you’ll need a heatsink.
- I don’t need a stepper driver yet. So I didn’t write one. It should be easy. This driver fits my personal needs. Feel free to improve it and share it, please.
- Number the motors of the shields successive. I.e. 0 1 2 3 (shield0) 4 5 6 7 (shield1) 8 9 10 11 (shield2) … and so on.
- There is only one word to use to drive the DC-motors: m-run Example: forward 800 2 m-run where forward gives the direction the motor will rotate, 800 is the speed the motor will drive and 3 is the number of the motor (the addressed shield will be set automatically).
- The maximum speed is $FFF (decimal 4095). Values bigger than FFF especially $1000 will reset the related LED (try reset .regs).
- At least there are four reasonable commands: forward 800 3 m-run (speed 800 mandatory) backward 800 3 m-run (speed 800 mandatory) hold FFF 3 m-run (the motor is blocked with a power depending on ‘speed’ (here FFF). release 3 m-run (the motor is powerless)
- pre ANS94 Forth <builds .. does> instead of create .. does>
: <builds (create) reveal -1 , ;
- EEPROM based values
: Evalue ( n -- )
ehere ,
['] Edefer@ ,
['] Edefer! ,
ehere dup cell+ to ehere !e
- Partname: ATmega328P generated automatically
&198 constant UDR0 \ USART I/O Data Register
&192 constant UCSR0A \ USART Control and Status Register A
$80 constant UCSR0A_RXC0 \ USART Receive Complete
$40 constant UCSR0A_TXC0 \ USART Transmitt Complete
$20 constant UCSR0A_UDRE0 \ USART Data Register Empty
$10 constant UCSR0A_FE0 \ Framing Error
$08 constant UCSR0A_DOR0 \ Data overRun
$04 constant UCSR0A_UPE0 \ Parity Error
$02 constant UCSR0A_U2X0 \ Double the USART transmission speed
$01 constant UCSR0A_MPCM0 \ Multi-processor Communication Mode
&193 constant UCSR0B \ USART Control and Status Register B
$80 constant UCSR0B_RXCIE0 \ RX Complete Interrupt Enable
$40 constant UCSR0B_TXCIE0 \ TX Complete Interrupt Enable
$20 constant UCSR0B_UDRIE0 \ USART Data register Empty Interrupt Enable
$10 constant UCSR0B_RXEN0 \ Receiver Enable
$08 constant UCSR0B_TXEN0 \ Transmitter Enable
$04 constant UCSR0B_UCSZ02 \ Character Size
$02 constant UCSR0B_RXB80 \ Receive Data Bit 8
$01 constant UCSR0B_TXB80 \ Transmit Data Bit 8
&194 constant UCSR0C \ USART Control and Status Register C
$C0 constant UCSR0C_UMSEL0 \ USART Mode Select
$30 constant UCSR0C_UPM0 \ Parity Mode Bits
$08 constant UCSR0C_USBS0 \ Stop Bit Select
$06 constant UCSR0C_UCSZ0 \ Character Size
$01 constant UCSR0C_UCPOL0 \ Clock Polarity
&196 constant UBRR0 \ USART Baud Rate Register Bytes
&189 constant TWAMR \ TWI (Slave) Address Mask Register
$FE constant TWAMR_TWAM \
&184 constant TWBR \ TWI Bit Rate register
&188 constant TWCR \ TWI Control Register
$80 constant TWCR_TWINT \ TWI Interrupt Flag
$40 constant TWCR_TWEA \ TWI Enable Acknowledge Bit
$20 constant TWCR_TWSTA \ TWI Start Condition Bit
$10 constant TWCR_TWSTO \ TWI Stop Condition Bit
$08 constant TWCR_TWWC \ TWI Write Collition Flag
$04 constant TWCR_TWEN \ TWI Enable Bit
$01 constant TWCR_TWIE \ TWI Interrupt Enable
&185 constant TWSR \ TWI Status Register
$F8 constant TWSR_TWS \ TWI Status
$03 constant TWSR_TWPS \ TWI Prescaler
&187 constant TWDR \ TWI Data register
&186 constant TWAR \ TWI (Slave) Address register
$FE constant TWAR_TWA \ TWI (Slave) Address register Bits
$01 constant TWAR_TWGCE \ TWI General Call Recognition Enable Bit
&111 constant TIMSK1 \ Timer/Counter Interrupt Mask Register
$20 constant TIMSK1_ICIE1 \ Timer/Counter1 Input Capture Interrupt Enable
$04 constant TIMSK1_OCIE1B \ Timer/Counter1 Output CompareB Match Interrupt Enable
$02 constant TIMSK1_OCIE1A \ Timer/Counter1 Output CompareA Match Interrupt Enable
$01 constant TIMSK1_TOIE1 \ Timer/Counter1 Overflow Interrupt Enable
&54 constant TIFR1 \ Timer/Counter Interrupt Flag register
$20 constant TIFR1_ICF1 \ Input Capture Flag 1
$04 constant TIFR1_OCF1B \ Output Compare Flag 1B
$02 constant TIFR1_OCF1A \ Output Compare Flag 1A
$01 constant TIFR1_TOV1 \ Timer/Counter1 Overflow Flag
&128 constant TCCR1A \ Timer/Counter1 Control Register A
$C0 constant TCCR1A_COM1A \ Compare Output Mode 1A, bits
$30 constant TCCR1A_COM1B \ Compare Output Mode 1B, bits
$03 constant TCCR1A_WGM1 \ Waveform Generation Mode
&129 constant TCCR1B \ Timer/Counter1 Control Register B
$80 constant TCCR1B_ICNC1 \ Input Capture 1 Noise Canceler
$40 constant TCCR1B_ICES1 \ Input Capture 1 Edge Select
$18 constant TCCR1B_WGM1 \ Waveform Generation Mode
$07 constant TCCR1B_CS1 \ Prescaler source of Timer/Counter 1
&130 constant TCCR1C \ Timer/Counter1 Control Register C
$80 constant TCCR1C_FOC1A \
$40 constant TCCR1C_FOC1B \
&132 constant TCNT1 \ Timer/Counter1 Bytes
&136 constant OCR1A \ Timer/Counter1 Output Compare Register Bytes
&138 constant OCR1B \ Timer/Counter1 Output Compare Register Bytes
&134 constant ICR1 \ Timer/Counter1 Input Capture Register Bytes
&67 constant GTCCR \ General Timer/Counter Control Register
$80 constant GTCCR_TSM \ Timer/Counter Synchronization Mode
$01 constant GTCCR_PSRSYNC \ Prescaler Reset Timer/Counter1 and Timer/Counter0
&112 constant TIMSK2 \ Timer/Counter Interrupt Mask register
$04 constant TIMSK2_OCIE2B \ Timer/Counter2 Output Compare Match B Interrupt Enable
$02 constant TIMSK2_OCIE2A \ Timer/Counter2 Output Compare Match A Interrupt Enable
$01 constant TIMSK2_TOIE2 \ Timer/Counter2 Overflow Interrupt Enable
&55 constant TIFR2 \ Timer/Counter Interrupt Flag Register
$04 constant TIFR2_OCF2B \ Output Compare Flag 2B
$02 constant TIFR2_OCF2A \ Output Compare Flag 2A
$01 constant TIFR2_TOV2 \ Timer/Counter2 Overflow Flag
&176 constant TCCR2A \ Timer/Counter2 Control Register A
$C0 constant TCCR2A_COM2A \ Compare Output Mode bits
$30 constant TCCR2A_COM2B \ Compare Output Mode bits
$03 constant TCCR2A_WGM2 \ Waveform Genration Mode
&177 constant TCCR2B \ Timer/Counter2 Control Register B
$80 constant TCCR2B_FOC2A \ Force Output Compare A
$40 constant TCCR2B_FOC2B \ Force Output Compare B
$08 constant TCCR2B_WGM22 \ Waveform Generation Mode
$07 constant TCCR2B_CS2 \ Clock Select bits
&178 constant TCNT2 \ Timer/Counter2
&180 constant OCR2B \ Timer/Counter2 Output Compare Register B
&179 constant OCR2A \ Timer/Counter2 Output Compare Register A
&182 constant ASSR \ Asynchronous Status Register
$40 constant ASSR_EXCLK \ Enable External Clock Input
$20 constant ASSR_AS2 \ Asynchronous Timer/Counter2
$10 constant ASSR_TCN2UB \ Timer/Counter2 Update Busy
$08 constant ASSR_OCR2AUB \ Output Compare Register2 Update Busy
$04 constant ASSR_OCR2BUB \ Output Compare Register 2 Update Busy
$02 constant ASSR_TCR2AUB \ Timer/Counter Control Register2 Update Busy
$01 constant ASSR_TCR2BUB \ Timer/Counter Control Register2 Update Busy
&124 constant ADMUX \ The ADC multiplexer Selection Register
$C0 constant ADMUX_REFS \ Reference Selection Bits
$20 constant ADMUX_ADLAR \ Left Adjust Result
$0F constant ADMUX_MUX \ Analog Channel and Gain Selection Bits
&120 constant ADC \ ADC Data Register Bytes
&122 constant ADCSRA \ The ADC Control and Status register A
$80 constant ADCSRA_ADEN \ ADC Enable
$40 constant ADCSRA_ADSC \ ADC Start Conversion
$20 constant ADCSRA_ADATE \ ADC Auto Trigger Enable
$10 constant ADCSRA_ADIF \ ADC Interrupt Flag
$08 constant ADCSRA_ADIE \ ADC Interrupt Enable
$07 constant ADCSRA_ADPS \ ADC Prescaler Select Bits
&123 constant ADCSRB \ The ADC Control and Status register B
$40 constant ADCSRB_ACME \
$07 constant ADCSRB_ADTS \ ADC Auto Trigger Source bits
&126 constant DIDR0 \ Digital Input Disable Register
$20 constant DIDR0_ADC5D \
$10 constant DIDR0_ADC4D \
$08 constant DIDR0_ADC3D \
$04 constant DIDR0_ADC2D \
$02 constant DIDR0_ADC1D \
$01 constant DIDR0_ADC0D \
&80 constant ACSR \ Analog Comparator Control And Status Register
$80 constant ACSR_ACD \ Analog Comparator Disable
$40 constant ACSR_ACBG \ Analog Comparator Bandgap Select
$20 constant ACSR_ACO \ Analog Compare Output
$10 constant ACSR_ACI \ Analog Comparator Interrupt Flag
$08 constant ACSR_ACIE \ Analog Comparator Interrupt Enable
$04 constant ACSR_ACIC \ Analog Comparator Input Capture Enable
$03 constant ACSR_ACIS \ Analog Comparator Interrupt Mode Select bits
&127 constant DIDR1 \ Digital Input Disable Register 1
$02 constant DIDR1_AIN1D \ AIN1 Digital Input Disable
$01 constant DIDR1_AIN0D \ AIN0 Digital Input Disable
&37 constant PORTB \ Port B Data Register
&36 constant DDRB \ Port B Data Direction Register
&35 constant PINB \ Port B Input Pins
&40 constant PORTC \ Port C Data Register
&39 constant DDRC \ Port C Data Direction Register
&38 constant PINC \ Port C Input Pins
&43 constant PORTD \ Port D Data Register
&42 constant DDRD \ Port D Data Direction Register
&41 constant PIND \ Port D Input Pins
&72 constant OCR0B \ Timer/Counter0 Output Compare Register
&71 constant OCR0A \ Timer/Counter0 Output Compare Register
&70 constant TCNT0 \ Timer/Counter0
&69 constant TCCR0B \ Timer/Counter Control Register B
$80 constant TCCR0B_FOC0A \ Force Output Compare A
$40 constant TCCR0B_FOC0B \ Force Output Compare B
$08 constant TCCR0B_WGM02 \
$07 constant TCCR0B_CS0 \ Clock Select
&68 constant TCCR0A \ Timer/Counter Control Register A
$C0 constant TCCR0A_COM0A \ Compare Output Mode, Phase Correct PWM Mode
$30 constant TCCR0A_COM0B \ Compare Output Mode, Fast PWm
$03 constant TCCR0A_WGM0 \ Waveform Generation Mode
&110 constant TIMSK0 \ Timer/Counter0 Interrupt Mask Register
$04 constant TIMSK0_OCIE0B \ Timer/Counter0 Output Compare Match B Interrupt Enable
$02 constant TIMSK0_OCIE0A \ Timer/Counter0 Output Compare Match A Interrupt Enable
$01 constant TIMSK0_TOIE0 \ Timer/Counter0 Overflow Interrupt Enable
&53 constant TIFR0 \ Timer/Counter0 Interrupt Flag register
$04 constant TIFR0_OCF0B \ Timer/Counter0 Output Compare Flag 0B
$02 constant TIFR0_OCF0A \ Timer/Counter0 Output Compare Flag 0A
$01 constant TIFR0_TOV0 \ Timer/Counter0 Overflow Flag
&105 constant EICRA \ External Interrupt Control Register
$0C constant EICRA_ISC1 \ External Interrupt Sense Control 1 Bits
$03 constant EICRA_ISC0 \ External Interrupt Sense Control 0 Bits
&61 constant EIMSK \ External Interrupt Mask Register
$03 constant EIMSK_INT \ External Interrupt Request 1 Enable
&60 constant EIFR \ External Interrupt Flag Register
$03 constant EIFR_INTF \ External Interrupt Flags
&104 constant PCICR \ Pin Change Interrupt Control Register
$07 constant PCICR_PCIE \ Pin Change Interrupt Enables
&109 constant PCMSK2 \ Pin Change Mask Register 2
$FF constant PCMSK2_PCINT \ Pin Change Enable Masks
&108 constant PCMSK1 \ Pin Change Mask Register 1
$7F constant PCMSK1_PCINT \ Pin Change Enable Masks
&107 constant PCMSK0 \ Pin Change Mask Register 0
$FF constant PCMSK0_PCINT \ Pin Change Enable Masks
&59 constant PCIFR \ Pin Change Interrupt Flag Register
$07 constant PCIFR_PCIF \ Pin Change Interrupt Flags
&78 constant SPDR \ SPI Data Register
&77 constant SPSR \ SPI Status Register
$80 constant SPSR_SPIF \ SPI Interrupt Flag
$40 constant SPSR_WCOL \ Write Collision Flag
$01 constant SPSR_SPI2X \ Double SPI Speed Bit
&76 constant SPCR \ SPI Control Register
$80 constant SPCR_SPIE \ SPI Interrupt Enable
$40 constant SPCR_SPE \ SPI Enable
$20 constant SPCR_DORD \ Data Order
$10 constant SPCR_MSTR \ Master/Slave Select
$08 constant SPCR_CPOL \ Clock polarity
$04 constant SPCR_CPHA \ Clock Phase
$03 constant SPCR_SPR \ SPI Clock Rate Selects
&96 constant WDTCSR \ Watchdog Timer Control Register
$80 constant WDTCSR_WDIF \ Watchdog Timeout Interrupt Flag
$40 constant WDTCSR_WDIE \ Watchdog Timeout Interrupt Enable
$27 constant WDTCSR_WDP \ Watchdog Timer Prescaler Bits
$10 constant WDTCSR_WDCE \ Watchdog Change Enable
$08 constant WDTCSR_WDE \ Watch Dog Enable
&100 constant PRR \ Power Reduction Register
$80 constant PRR_PRTWI \ Power Reduction TWI
$40 constant PRR_PRTIM2 \ Power Reduction Timer/Counter2
$20 constant PRR_PRTIM0 \ Power Reduction Timer/Counter0
$08 constant PRR_PRTIM1 \ Power Reduction Timer/Counter1
$04 constant PRR_PRSPI \ Power Reduction Serial Peripheral Interface
$02 constant PRR_PRUSART0 \ Power Reduction USART
$01 constant PRR_PRADC \ Power Reduction ADC
&102 constant OSCCAL \ Oscillator Calibration Value
&97 constant CLKPR \ Clock Prescale Register
$80 constant CLKPR_CLKPCE \ Clock Prescaler Change Enable
$0F constant CLKPR_CLKPS \ Clock Prescaler Select Bits
&95 constant SREG \ Status Register
$80 constant SREG_I \ Global Interrupt Enable
$40 constant SREG_T \ Bit Copy Storage
$20 constant SREG_H \ Half Carry Flag
$10 constant SREG_S \ Sign Bit
$08 constant SREG_V \ Two's Complement Overflow Flag
$04 constant SREG_N \ Negative Flag
$02 constant SREG_Z \ Zero Flag
$01 constant SREG_C \ Carry Flag
&93 constant SP \ Stack Pointer
&87 constant SPMCSR \ Store Program Memory Control and Status Register
$80 constant SPMCSR_SPMIE \ SPM Interrupt Enable
$40 constant SPMCSR_RWWSB \ Read-While-Write Section Busy
$10 constant SPMCSR_RWWSRE \ Read-While-Write section read enable
$08 constant SPMCSR_BLBSET \ Boot Lock Bit Set
$04 constant SPMCSR_PGWRT \ Page Write
$02 constant SPMCSR_PGERS \ Page Erase
$01 constant SPMCSR_SELFPRGEN \ Self Programming Enable
&85 constant MCUCR \ MCU Control Register
$40 constant MCUCR_BODS \ BOD Sleep
$20 constant MCUCR_BODSE \ BOD Sleep Enable
$10 constant MCUCR_PUD \
$02 constant MCUCR_IVSEL \
$01 constant MCUCR_IVCE \
&84 constant MCUSR \ MCU Status Register
$08 constant MCUSR_WDRF \ Watchdog Reset Flag
$04 constant MCUSR_BORF \ Brown-out Reset Flag
$02 constant MCUSR_EXTRF \ External Reset Flag
$01 constant MCUSR_PORF \ Power-on reset flag
&83 constant SMCR \ Sleep Mode Control Register
$0E constant SMCR_SM \ Sleep Mode Select Bits
$01 constant SMCR_SE \ Sleep Enable
&75 constant GPIOR2 \ General Purpose I/O Register 2
&74 constant GPIOR1 \ General Purpose I/O Register 1
&62 constant GPIOR0 \ General Purpose I/O Register 0
&65 constant EEAR \ EEPROM Address Register Bytes
&64 constant EEDR \ EEPROM Data Register
&63 constant EECR \ EEPROM Control Register
$30 constant EECR_EEPM \ EEPROM Programming Mode Bits
$08 constant EECR_EERIE \ EEPROM Ready Interrupt Enable
$04 constant EECR_EEMPE \ EEPROM Master Write Enable
$02 constant EECR_EEPE \ EEPROM Write Enable
$01 constant EECR_EERE \ EEPROM Read Enable
\ Interrupts
&2 constant INT0Addr \ External Interrupt Request 0
&4 constant INT1Addr \ External Interrupt Request 1
&6 constant PCINT0Addr \ Pin Change Interrupt Request 0
&8 constant PCINT1Addr \ Pin Change Interrupt Request 0
&10 constant PCINT2Addr \ Pin Change Interrupt Request 1
&12 constant WDTAddr \ Watchdog Time-out Interrupt
&14 constant TIMER2_COMPAAddr \ Timer/Counter2 Compare Match A
&16 constant TIMER2_COMPBAddr \ Timer/Counter2 Compare Match A
&18 constant TIMER2_OVFAddr \ Timer/Counter2 Overflow
&20 constant TIMER1_CAPTAddr \ Timer/Counter1 Capture Event
&22 constant TIMER1_COMPAAddr \ Timer/Counter1 Compare Match A
&24 constant TIMER1_COMPBAddr \ Timer/Counter1 Compare Match B
&26 constant TIMER1_OVFAddr \ Timer/Counter1 Overflow
&28 constant TIMER0_COMPAAddr \ TimerCounter0 Compare Match A
&30 constant TIMER0_COMPBAddr \ TimerCounter0 Compare Match B
&32 constant TIMER0_OVFAddr \ Timer/Couner0 Overflow
&34 constant SPI__STCAddr \ SPI Serial Transfer Complete
&36 constant USART__RXAddr \ USART Rx Complete
&38 constant USART__UDREAddr \ USART, Data Register Empty
&40 constant USART__TXAddr \ USART Tx Complete
&42 constant ADCAddr \ ADC Conversion Complete
&44 constant EE_READYAddr \ EEPROM Ready
&46 constant ANALOG_COMPAddr \ Analog Comparator
&48 constant TWIAddr \ Two-wire Serial Interface
&50 constant SPM_ReadyAddr \ Store Program Memory Read
- A named port pin puts a bitmask on stack, wherin the set bit indicates which bit of the port register corresponds to the pin. And then puts the address of its port on stack too.
- Use it this way: PORTD 7 portpin: PD.7 ( define portD pin #7) PD.7 high ( turn portD pin #7 on, i.e. set it high-level) PD.7 low ( turn portD pin #7 off, i.e. set it low-level) PD.7 <ms> pulse ( turn portD pin #7 for <ms> high and low) the following words are for “real” IO pins only PD.7 pin_output ( set DDRD so that portD pin #7 is output) PD.7 pin_input ( set DDRD so that portD pin #7 is input) PD.7 pin_high? ( true if pinD pin #7 is high) PD.7 pin_low? ( true if pinD pin #7 is low)
- multi bit operation PORTD F bitmask: PD.F ( define the lower nibble of port d ) PD.F pin@ ( get the lower nibble bits ) 5 PD.F pin! ( put the lower nibble bits, do not change the others )
: bitmask: ( C: "ccc" portadr bmask -- ) ( R: -- pinmask portadr )
, ,
dup @i swap i-cell+ @i
: portpin: ( C: "ccc" portadr n -- ) ( R: -- pinmask portadr )
1 over 7 and lshift >r \ bit position
3 rshift + \ byte address
r> bitmask: \ portaddr may have changed
\ Turn a port pin on, dont change the others.
: high ( pinmask portadr -- )
dup ( -- pinmask portadr portadr )
c@ ( -- pinmask portadr value )
rot ( -- portadr value pinmask )
or ( -- portadr new-value)
swap ( -- new-value portadr)
\ Turn a port pin off, dont change the others.
: low ( pinmask portadr -- )
dup ( -- pinmask portadr portadr )
c@ ( -- pinmask portadr value )
rot ( -- portadr value pinmask )
invert and ( -- portadr new-value)
swap ( -- new-value port)
\ synonym off low
\ synonym on high
\ pulse the pin
: pulse ( pinmask portaddr time -- )
2dup high
r> 0 ?do 1ms loop
: is_low? ( pinmask portaddr -- f)
c@ and 0=
: is_high? ( pinmask portaddr -- f)
c@ over and =
: wait_low ( pinmask portaddr -- )
2dup is_low?
until 2drop
: wait_high_all ( pinmask portaddr -- )
2dup is_high?
until 2drop
\ write the pins masked as output
\ read the current value, mask all but
\ the desired bits and set the new
\ bits. write back the resulting byte
: pin! ( c pinmask portaddr -- )
dup ( -- c pm pa pa )
c@ ( -- c pm c' )
over invert and ( -- c pm c'' )
>r ( -- c pm )
r> ( -- c c'' )
or r>
\ Only for PORTx bits,
\ because address of DDRx is one less than address of PORTx.
\ Set DDRx so its corresponding pin is output.
: pin_output ( pinmask portadr -- )
1- high
\ Set DDRx so its corresponding pin is input.
: pin_input ( pinmask portadr -- )
1- low
\ PINx is two less of PORTx
: pin_high? ( pinmask portaddr -- f)
1- 1- c@ and
: pin_low? ( pinmask portaddr -- f)
1- 1- c@ invert and
\ read the pins masked as input
: pin@ ( pinmask portaddr -- c )
1- 1- c@ and
\ toggle the pin
: toggle ( pinmask portaddr -- )
2dup pin_high? if
\ disable the pull up resistor
: pin_pullup_off ( pinmask portaddr -- )
2dup pin_input low
\ enable the pull up resistor
: pin_pullup_on ( pinmask portaddr -- )
2dup pin_input high
- basic I2C operations, uses 7bit bus addresses uses the TWI module of the Atmega’s.
- provides public commands i2c.ping? – checks if addr is active i2c.init – flexible configuration setup. see below i2c.init.default – generic slow speed setup i2c.off – turns off I2C
- and more internal commands i2c.wait – wait for the current i2c transaction i2c.start – send start condition i2c.stop – send stop condition i2c.tx – send one byte, wait for ACK i2c.rx – receive one byte with ACK i2c.rxn – receive one byte with NACK i2c.status – get the last i2c status
- i2c (SCL) clock speed = CPU_clock/(16 + 2*bitrateregister*(4^prescaler)) following the SCL clock speed in Hz for an 8Mhz device
- bitrate register (may be any value between 0 and 255) 4 8 16 32 64 128 255 prescaler /1 333.333 250.000 166.667 100.000 55.556 29.412 15.209 /4 166.667 100.000 55.556 29.412 15.152 7.692 3.891 /16 55.556 29.412 15.152 7.692 3.876 1.946 978 /64 15.152 7.692 3.876 1.946 975 488 245
-4000 constant i2c.timeout \ exception number for timeout
10000 Evalue i2c.maxticks \ # of checks until timeout is reached
variable i2c.loop \ timeout counter
variable i2c.current \ current hwid if <> 0
: i2c.timeout?
i2c.loop @ 1- dup i2c.loop ! 0=
\ turn off i2c
: i2c.off ( -- )
0 TWCR c!
0 i2c.current !
0 constant i2c.prescaler/1
1 constant i2c.prescaler/4
2 constant i2c.prescaler/16
3 constant i2c.prescaler/64
TWSR $3 bitmask: i2c.conf.prescaler
TWCR 7 portpin: i2c.int
TWCR 6 portpin: i2c.ea
TWCR 5 portpin: i2c.sta
\ enable i2c
: i2c.init ( prescaler bitrate -- )
i2c.off \ stop i2c, just to be sure
TWBR c! \ set bitrate register
i2c.conf.prescaler pin! \ the prescaler has only 2 bits
\ a very low speed initialization.
: i2c.init.default
i2c.prescaler/64 3 i2c.init
\ wait for i2c finish
: i2c.wait ( -- )
i2c.maxticks i2c.loop !
pause \ or 1ms?
i2c.int is_high?
i2c.timeout? if i2c.timeout throw then
\ send start condition
: i2c.start ( -- )
%10100100 TWCR c!
\ send stop condition
: i2c.stop ( -- )
%10010100 TWCR c!
\ no wait for completion.
\ process the data
: i2c.action
%10000100 or TWCR c! \ _BV(i2cNT)|_BV(TWEN)
\ send 1 byte
: i2c.tx ( c -- )
0 i2c.action
\ receive 1 byte, send ACK
: i2c.rx ( -- c )
%01000000 \ TWEA
\ receive 1 byte, send NACK
: i2c.rxn ( -- c )
0 i2c.action
\ get i2c status
: i2c.status ( -- n )
$f8 and
\ detect presence of a device on the bus
: i2c.ping? ( addr -- f )
2* i2c.tx
i2c.status $18 =
- basic I2C operations, uses 7bit bus addresses uses the TWI module of the Atmega’s.
- provides public commands i2c.begin – starts a I2C bus cycle i2c.end – ends a I2C bus cycle i2c.n> – send n bytes to device (n> means from data stack) i2c.>n – read n bytes from device (>n means to data stack)
\ convert the bus address into a sendable byte
\ the address bits are the upper 7 ones,
\ the LSB is the read/write bit.
: i2c.wr 2* ;
: i2c.rd 2* 1+ ;
\ aquire the bus and select a device
: i2c.begin ( hwid -- )
dup i2c.current !
i2c.start i2c.wr i2c.tx
\ release the bus and deselect the device
: i2c.end ( -- )
0 i2c.current !
\ tranfser data from/to data stack
\ send n bytes to addr
: i2c.n> ( xn .. x1 N addr -- )
0 ?do \ uses N
i2c.tx \ send x1 ... xn
\ complex and flexible transaction word
\ send m bytes x1..xm and fetch n bytes y1..yn afterwards
: i2c.m>n ( n xm .. x1 m addr -- x1 .. xn )
dup i2c.begin >r
0 ?do i2c.tx loop \ sends m bytes
i2c.start \ repeated start
r> i2c.rd i2c.tx \ re-send addr, now with read bit set
1- 0 ?do i2c.rx loop i2c.rxn \ read x1 .. xn
\ fetch n bytes
: i2c.>n ( N addr -- x1 .. xn )
2>r 0 2r> i2c.m>n
- internal EEPROM routines. They do not operate on external storage
- Ebuffer: is the EEPROM pendant to buffer: from forth200x it takes the number of bytes to allocate in RAM and parses SOURCE for the name to give to the buffer
- Eallot is the EEPROM pendant for allot from the core word set it allocates n bytes of EEPROM storage and return the starting address.
- for usage see http://amforth.sourceforge.net/TG/recipes/EEPROM.html
: Eallot ehere + to ehere ;
: Ebuffer: ehere constant Eallot ;
- you may use more than two shields their address will be calculated automatically
- Evalue for eprom
$C0 Evalue firstShield
$C2 Evalue lastShield
-$C0 Evalue ShieldError
Variable shield
- 00 Evalue MODE1 01 Evalue MODE2 02 Evalue Subaddr1 03 Evalue Subaddr2 04 Evalue Subaddr3 05 Evalue ALLCALLADDR $0E Evalue LEDAll-Address $FD Evalue pre_scaler
00 Evalue MODE1
- set the PCA9685 in auto-increment mode
: set_autoincr ( -- )
shield @ i2c.tx
MODE1 i2c.tx
%00100000 i2c.tx
- set the PCA9685 to sleep mode
: sleep ( -- )
shield @ i2c.tx
MODE1 i2c.tx
%00010000 i2c.tx
- set the PCA9685 prescaler
: prescaler! ( n -- )
shield @ i2c.tx
$FE i2c.tx
- reset ALL shields
: reset ( -- )
0 i2c.tx \ general address
%110 i2c.tx \ reset
- write into registers corresponding to leds which controls the pwm
: led ( n -- ) \ calculate reg.addr of LED Nr. n
4 * 6 +
\ write one 16 bit data to two subsequent regs starting at address addr
: led! ( n addr -- )
shield @ i2c.tx
led i2c.tx \ reg.addr
\ $100 u/mod swap i2c.tx i2c.tx \ as this is always NUll we won't need it
0 0 i2c.tx i2c.tx
$100 u/mod swap i2c.tx i2c.tx
\ dealing with motor registers
\ M0 --> pwm = 8; in2 = 9; in1 = 10;
\ M1 --> pwm = 13; in2 = 12; in1 = 11;
\ M2 --> pwm = 2; in2 = 3; in1 = 4;
\ M3 --> pwm = 7; in2 = 6; in1 = 5;
: e, ( addr n -- adr+cell )
over !e 1 cells + ;
\ Motortab hold the coresponding LED-reg.addresses of the four motors
24 Ebuffer: Motors
\ workaround: 2 + ... drop
Motors 2 +
8 e, 9 e, &10 e,
&13 e, &12 e, &11 e,
2 e, 3 e, 4 e,
7 e, 6 e, 5 e,
- claculate shield and motor for a given motornr
: set_shield ( M-Nr -- M-Nr' )
4 /mod 2* firstShield + \ calculate shieldnr and motornr
dup lastShield > \ shieldnr too big?
ShieldError throw
shield !
\ Values to write to the LED-regs for forward, backward, etc ...
: forward ( -- n n ) $FFF 0 ;
: backward ( -- n n ) 0 $FFF ;
: hold ( -- n n ) $FFF $FFF ;
: release ( -- n n n ) $1000 $1000 $1000 ;
\ read the three LED-regs for a given motor Nr
: motor-@ ( Nr -- n n n )
cells 3 * Motors + 2 +
dup @e swap 2 +
dup @e swap 2 +
: m-run ( direction speed M-Nr -- )
2swap led!
rot swap led!
: init
lastShield firstShield
I shield ! 3 prescaler!
: .regs ( -- ) \ vgl Fig 22 Page 32 PCA9685 Docu
shield @ 1+ i2c.tx
$10 4 * 5 + 0 DO i2c.rx drop LOOP
." Mode1 :" i2c.rx 3 .r
." Mode2 :" i2c.rx 3 .r
." Subaddr1:" i2c.rx 3 .r
." Subaddr2:" i2c.rx 3 .r
." Subaddr3:" i2c.rx 3 .r
." LEDAl :" i2c.rx 3 .r
$10 0 DO
cr I 2 .r
4 0 DO i2c.rx 6 .r LOOP
shield @ i2c.tx
$FA i2c.tx
i2c.start shield 1+ @ i2c.tx
." LED_ALL (always reads Null)"
cr 2 spaces
4 0 DO i2c.rx 6 .r LOOP
." Prescaler "
i2c.rxn 3 .r
: fd ( - n n ) forward ;
: bk ( - n n ) backward ;
: rl ( - n n n ) release ;
: hld ( - n n ) hold ;
- TIMER_0 example
- requires in application master file .set WANT_TIMER_COUNTER_0 = 1 from device.frt TIMER0_OVFAddr
- provides timer0.tick – increasing ticker
variable timer0.tick
: timer0.isr
1 timer0.tick +!
: timer0.init ( preload -- )
0 timer0.tick !
TCNT0 c! \ preload
['] timer0.isr TIMER0_OVFAddr int!
\ some settings for 8bit timer to
\ get 1ms ticks
\ f_cpu prescaler preload
\ 16MHz 64 6
\ 8MHz 64 131
: timer0.start
0 timer0.tick !
%00000011 TCCR0B c! \ prescaler 64
%00000001 TIMSK0 c! \ enable overflow interrupt
: timer0.stop
%00000000 TCCR0B c! \ stop timer
%00000000 TIMSK0 c! \ stop interrupt
\ This program creates a pwm signal on OC1A/PB1 to
\ drive a standard servo with a pulse between 1ms and 2ms
\ every 20ms. The pulse width is determined by the voltage
\ at the ADC0 pin (0-5 volts), which can be controlled by
\ a potentiometer. The pulse starts at 1.5ms. Entering pwm
\ allows the voltage to control the pulse. Pressing any
\ key sets the pulse to 1.5ms, ceases control of the pulse,
\ and returns the ok prompt.
\ Two useful words
\ or! ors value to contents of RAM address
\ 只操作一个字节
: or! ( n addr -- )
dup c@ rot or swap c! ;
\ 先写高字节
\ high! is like ! but writes high byte first!
: high! ( n addr -- )
over 8 rshift over 1+ c! c!
: pen-up ( -> )
1350 OCR1A high!
: pen-down ( -> )
1105 OCR1A high!
: servo-init
1 1 lshift DDRB or!
20000 ICR1 high!
1 7 lshift
1 1 lshift or
1 4 lshift
1 1 lshift or
\ PWM init
\ Initialize Timer1
\ Set OC1A/PB1 for output
\ 把 OC1A/PB1 设置成输出模式
\ C 语言:
\ DDRB |= (1 << PB1)
1 1 lshift DDRB or!
\ : servo-init
\ 1 1 lshift DDRB or!
\ ;
\ mode 10
\ datasheet pg 133
\ Set TOP to 10000 This is based on a prescale factor of 8
\ and a clock frequency of 8000000.
\ frescale = 8
\ 频率 8MHz
\ 如果是 16M Hz,则预分频应该设置为多少?
\ ICR1 是一个 16 位的寄存器
20000 ICR1 high!
\ 16000000/(2*8*20000) = 50 Hz, 因此, 周期 = 20ms
\ ------------------------------------------------------
\ datasheet Table 16-3
\ Clear OC1A/OC1B on Compare Match when up-
\ counting. Set OC1A/OC1B on Compare Match when
\ downcounting.
\ Phase correct PWM mode, OC1A high on down match
\ CLK/8 prescaler
\ OC1A 会变成高电压,当 TCNT1 向下数, 且 TCNT1=OCR1A 时。
\ ICR1 被用来定义 TOP 值
\ prescaler 决定了 pwm 的周期,这个例子要求 20ms 周期
\ TCCR1A = (1<<COM1A1)|(1<<WGM11);
1 7 lshift \ COM1A1 位
1 1 lshift or \ WMG11 位
\ 只是写 TCCR1A 就足够设置参数了吗?
\ 对照 datasheet 和别的 C 代码
\ 图在 pg 127
\ ------------------------------------------------------
\ TCCR1B = (1<<WGM13)|(1<<CS11);
1 4 lshift \ WGM13 位
1 1 lshift or \ CS11 位
\ 上面是写 TCCR1B 寄存器
\ ------------------------------------------------------
\ 先把 750 写进 OCR1A 里,可以得到一个 1.5ms 宽度的脉冲?需要计算
\ Sets the compare value for a 1.5ms pulse
\ 750 OCR1A high!
\ ------------------------------------------------------
\ 往 OCR1A 里写数据就可以改变脉冲宽度,如:
\ 750 OCR1A high!
\ 1350 OCR1A high!
\ 1200 OCR1A high!
\ 1 7 lshift 1 1 lshift or TCCR1A c!
\ 1 4 lshift 1 1 lshift or TCCR1B c!
\ a trivial multitasking friendly ms
: ms 0 ?do pause 1ms loop ;
- 兩輪同時反向旋轉 假設 pwm 一定時 旋轉角度與旋轉時間成正比 設其值爲 time/angle angle->time 就是 time/angle * 其中 time 的單位是 ms [time 用小單位 這樣 time/angle 就有可能是大整數] angle 的單位是 角度 即 360 度爲一週
- 三號輪子比二號輪子快
variable time-pwm:help-var
: time-pwm:turn-left ( time pwm -> [move] )
time-pwm:help-var !
forward time-pwm:help-var @ 15 * 14 / 2 m-run
backward time-pwm:help-var @ 3 m-run
release 2 m-run
release 3 m-run
: time-pwm:turn-right ( time pwm -> [move] )
time-pwm:help-var !
backward time-pwm:help-var @ 15 * 14 / 2 m-run
forward time-pwm:help-var @ 3 m-run
release 2 m-run
release 3 m-run
: time-pwm:forward ( time pwm -> [move] )
time-pwm:help-var !
forward time-pwm:help-var @ 15 * 14 / 2 m-run
forward time-pwm:help-var @ 3 m-run
release 2 m-run
release 3 m-run
: time-pwm:backward ( time pwm -> [move] )
time-pwm:help-var !
backward time-pwm:help-var @ 15 * 14 / 2 m-run
backward time-pwm:help-var @ 3 m-run
release 2 m-run
release 3 m-run
variable pwm-for-360
\ 1530 pwm-for-360 ! \ 80
\ 1430 pwm-for-360 ! \ 8.37
\ 1390 pwm-for-360 ! \ 8.37
\ 1380 pwm-for-360 ! \ 8.37
1385 pwm-for-360 ! \ 8.37
\ 360 左轉角
: 左轉角 ( angle -> [move] )
5 *
pwm-for-360 @
: 右轉角 ( angle -> [move] )
5 *
pwm-for-360 @
: 步前進 ( step -> [move] )
200 *
pwm-for-360 @ time-pwm:forward
: 步後退 ( step -> [move] )
200 *
pwm-for-360 @ time-pwm:backward
: 提筆 ( -> )
300 ms
1350 OCR1A high!
400 ms
: 落筆 ( -> )
300 ms
1105 OCR1A high!
400 ms
: servo-init
1 1 lshift DDRB or!
20000 ICR1 high!
1 7 lshift
1 1 lshift or
1 4 lshift
1 1 lshift or
: 微秒稍等 ms ;
: 口字旁
2 步前進
落筆 2 步前進
90 右轉角
2 步前進
90 右轉角
2 步前進
90 右轉角
2 步前進
2 步後退
90 右轉角
: 人字頭
15 右轉角
3 步前進
40 右轉角
落筆 2 步前進
300 微秒稍等
75 右轉角
2 步前進
2 步後退
: 寫個一
90 右轉角
2 步前進
140 左轉角
2 步前進
2 步後退
: 口字底
90 右轉角
1 步前進
2 步前進
2 步後退
90 左轉角
2 步前進
90 右轉角
2 步前進
300 微秒稍等
90 右轉角
2 步前進
2 步後退
1 步後退
90 右轉角
: 哈
: 短橫
20 右轉角
4 步前進
70 右轉角
2 步前進
: 豎
1 步後退
90 右轉角
3 步前進
: 底部長橫
90 右轉角
2 步前進
4 步後退
90 右轉角
300 微秒稍等
25 右轉角
: 工
: 中部長橫
3 步前進
90 右轉角
4 步前進
2 步後退
90 左轉角
: 丿
1 步前進
3 步後退
45 右轉角
3 步後退
3 步前進
: 乀
89 左轉角
3 步後退
: 小車閃開
5 步後退
: 大
哈 工 大
: 小魚的脊背
30 右轉角
4 步前進
30 右轉角
2 步前進
30 右轉角
3 步前進
45 右轉角
2 步前進
: 小魚的肚子
85 右轉角
2 步前進
45 右轉角
3 步前進
30 右轉角
4 步前進
: 小魚的眼睛
155 右轉角
6 步前進
360 右轉角
: 小車走開
4 步前進
: 小魚
- ‘dp’ as ‘here’ for flash
- ‘here’ as ‘here’ for rom
- ‘ehere’ as ‘here’ for eprom
- http://amforth.sourceforge.net/TG/AVR8.html#memory-allocation