and their subdomains and their subdomains
This includes all available language translations of these pages (e.g.
1 | Create persistent volume in the dev namespace |
Task weight | 1% |
Cluster | cluster1 (kubectl config use-context cluster1-admin@cluster1 ) |
Acceptance criteria | - Namespace: dev - PV: dev-pv |
2 | Deploy a util pod using the busybox:1.36 image in the dev namespace. Use sleep 3600 command to keep it running. |
Task weight | 1% |
Cluster | cluster1 (kubectl config use-context cluster1-admin@cluster1 ) |
Acceptance criteria | - Pod Name: util - Namespace: dev - Image: busybox:1.36 - Commands: sleep 3600 |
3 | Create a namespace named team-elephant |
Task weight | 1% |
Cluster | cluster1 (kubectl config use-context cluster1-admin@cluster1 ) |
Acceptance criteria | - Namespace: team-elephant Namespace is present in the namespaces list. |
4 | Create pod alpine with image "alpine:3.15" and make sure it is running on node with label disk=ssd. |
Task weight | 2% |
Cluster | cluster1 (kubectl config use-context cluster1-admin@cluster1 ) |
Acceptance criteria | - Pod is running on the node with label disk=ssd. |
5 | Create deployment web-app with image "nginx:stable" and 2 replicas. Container port should be configured on port 80 and named http-web. |
Task weight | 2% |
Cluster | cluster1 (kubectl config use-context cluster1-admin@cluster1 ) |
Acceptance criteria | - Deployment name: web-srv - Image: nginx:stable - Replicas: 2 Deployment pods are running, containers' ports 80 named http-web. |
6 | Create a service web-app-svc to expose the web-app deployment on port 8080 on cluster nodes. |
Task weight | 2% |
Cluster | cluster1 (kubectl config use-context cluster1-admin@cluster1 ) |
Acceptance criteria | - Use imperative commands to create mainifest. - Service: web-app-svc - Port: 8080 - Type: NodePort - Use the right labels to select targer port. |
7 | Create a pod web-srv based on image caddy:alpine in the default namespace. The container in the pod should named app1. |
Task weight | 1% |
Cluster | cluster1 (kubectl config use-context cluster1-admin@cluster1 ) |
Acceptance criteria | - Pod name: web-srv - Image: caddy:alpine - Container name: app1 |
8 | 2 pods are running in the namspace db-redis named redis-node-*. You have to scale down number of replicas to 1. |
Task weight | 1% |
Cluster | cluster1 (kubectl config use-context cluster1-admin@cluster1 ) |
Acceptance criteria | - Name: redis-node-\* - Number of pods running: 1 - Nuber of pods is scaled down to 1. |
9 | Export pods from all namespaces in json format to /var/work/tests/artifacts/9/pods.json |
Task weight | 1% |
Cluster | cluster1 (kubectl config use-context cluster1-admin@cluster1 ) |
Acceptance criteria | - List of pod from all namespaces written to /var/work/tests/artifacts/9/pods.json. |
10 | Create a new PersistentVolume poc-web-pv, size 100Mi and mount it to the folder /project/data. Persistent Volume poc-web-pvc in poc-web namespace should bond with volume and claim 100Mi. Finally create a new Deployment poc-web-deploy in Namespace poc-web and mount that volume to /project/data. nginx:alpine image should be used for deployment. |
Task weight | 8% |
Cluster | cluster1 (kubectl config use-context cluster1-admin@cluster1 ) |
Acceptance criteria | - PV name: poc-web-pv - accessMode: ReadWriteOnce - Size: 100Mi - hostPath: /project/data - PersistentVolumeClaim: poc-web-pvc - Namespace: poc-web - Size: 100Mi - Deployment: poc-web-deploy - Image: nginx:alpine poc-web-pvc bonded to poc-web-pv volume and volume is mounted to pods in poc-web-deploy deployment |
11 | Show Pods and their containers resource usage orderd by memory usage |
Task weight | 1% |
Cluster | cluster1 (kubectl config use-context cluster1-admin@cluster1 ) |
Acceptance criteria | - Script that shows pods and their container resource usage by memory usage to /var/work/tests/artifacts/11/ |
12 | Create Ingress web-app-ingress. Point it service web-app-svc, path /, port 8080 |
Task weight | 3% |
Cluster | cluster1 (kubectl config use-context cluster1-admin@cluster1 ) |
Acceptance criteria | - Ingress name: web-app-ingress - Path: / - Service: web-app-svc - Port: 8080 Ingress is created and points to the right service and right port. |
13 | In the Namespace team-elephant create a new ServiceAccount pod-sa. Assing an account permissions to list and get pods using Role and RoleBinding |
Task weight | 5% |
Cluster | cluster1 (kubectl config use-context cluster1-admin@cluster1 ) |
Acceptance criteria | - Pods are running in the Namespace team-elephant can be listed using pod-sa service account. |
14 | Create a DaemonSet named team-elephant-ds, image: caddy:alpine, labels: team=team-elephant and env=dev. Pods should run on all nodes including control plane and in Namespace team-elephant |
Task weight | 4% |
Cluster | cluster1 (kubectl config use-context cluster1-admin@cluster1 ) |
Acceptance criteria | - DaemonSet: team-elephant-ds - Namespace: team-elephant - Image: caddy:alpine - Labels: team=team-elephant , env=dev - CPU: 100m - Memory: 128Mi Pods are running on all nodes, including control plane, in Namespace team-elephant. |
15 | Create a Pod named multi-pod in the default namespace. Pod should have 3 containers: box1, box2 and box3. Containers should use temporary volume to exchange information. Configure containers box2 and box3 according the acceptance criteria below. |
Task weight | 4% |
Cluster | cluster1 (kubectl config use-context cluster1-admin@cluster1 ) |
Acceptance criteria | - Pod name: multi-pod - Container name: box1 - Image: caddy:alpine - Container name: box2 - Image: busybox:1.36 - Command: while true; do date >> /vol/time.out; sleep 3; - Container name: box3 - Image: busybox:1.36 - Command: tail -f /vol/time.out; kubectl log multi-pod -c box3 displays date output for every 3 seconds. |
16 | Shows the latest events in the whole cluster, ordered by creation time (metadata.creationTimestamp). Write output to /var/work/tests/artifacts/16/events.log |
Task weight | 1% |
Cluster | cluster1 (kubectl config use-context cluster1-admin@cluster1 ) |
Acceptance criteria | - Events ordered by creation time to /var/work/tests/artifacts/16/events.log |
17 | Export names of all namespaced resources in Kubernetes to /var/work/tests/artifacts/17/namespaced_resources.out |
Task weight | 1% |
Cluster | cluster1 (kubectl config use-context cluster1-admin@cluster1 ) |
Acceptance criteria | - List of namespaced resources to /var/work/tests/artifacts/17/namespaced_resources.out |
18 | cluster2 seems to have an issue - cluster2-node1 is not joined. It also might be outdated, so make sure it is running same Kubernetes version as control plane. You should fix the issue. |
Task weight | 8% |
Cluster | cluster1 (kubectl config use-context cluster2-admin@cluster2 ) |
Acceptance criteria | - cluster2-node1 is running the same Kubernetes version as control plane, rejoined to the cluster and is in Ready status. |
19 | Create static pod stat-pod in the default namespace. Expose it via service stat-pod-svc. |
Task weight | 2% |
Cluster | cluster1 (kubectl config use-context cluster1-admin@cluster1 ) |
Acceptance criteria | - Name: stat-podv - Image: caddy:alpine - CPU: 100m - Memory: 128Mi - Service name: stat-pod-svc - Service type: NodePort Pod is accessible from control plane node. |
20 | Backup etcd and save it on the control plane node at /var/work/tests/artifacts/20/etcd-backup.db. Create pod web-srv with image nginx. Now restore the backup and make sure pod web-srv has disappeared. |
Task weight | 2% |
Cluster | cluster1 (kubectl config use-context cluster1-admin@cluster1 ) |
Acceptance criteria | - Name: web-srv - Image: nginx Make sure pod web-srv has disappeared after restore. |