A hands-free mouse grid by Tara Roys, timotimo, and aegis.
The Dense Mouse Grid is a completely hands-free replacement for traditional mousing. It replaces mouse movements with voice commands. You tell the computer what grid coordinate you want to move to on the screen, and the mouse grid moves your cursor to that location.
To use this, put the folder dense_mouse_grid anywhere in the Talon user directory. This assumes that 1. you have Talon installed, and 2. you are using the knausj talon repository detailed in the installation instructions here. This script depends on having support from a phonetic alphabet and numbers scripts. It is designed to be used along with the knausj-talon repository, but is compatable with any repository that provides the letters a-z using the <user.letters> capture and numbers using the caputure.
This is the "dense mouse grid". It fills the screen with fields that can be reached with a number and two letters.
Use these voice commands:
dense grid
to show the grid.dense grid win
to put the grid over the active windowdense grid screen <number>
to put the grid over a different screen from the first one
By default, the grid stays up. You can turn off the grid by saying grid close
The grid will appear in Phonetic Mode. Phonetic Mode loads whatever phonetic alphabed you have and uses it to lable rows. When you select a row, it will use your phonetic alphabet to lable the columns. As a result you do not need to remember the phonetic alphabet to use this mouse because it will appear on screen for you.
2 Cap Bat
This will select the second block, make the large number two disappear, and remove the color overlay to show that this block is the actively selected block. Cap
will select row C. A red row will appear with all of the letters in row cap. Bat
This will select column 'bat' and move the mouse pointer to coordinate '2 C B'
will click the mouse pointer. In fact, all of the mouse commands detailed in mouse.talon will work.
It is not necessary to have pauses between the coordinates. You can say
2 Cap Drum
and it will move the mouse pointer to coordinate 2 C D, without showing all the helper graphics.
If you have selected the wrong number, you can choose a different number anytime. If you have selected the wrong row, you can say 'horizontal' and then a letter, and it will move the highlighed row to that letter. So saying
horizontal bat
will result in selecting coordinate 1 B C.
When you already have a number block selected, you can simply say bat cap
and it will select coordiante bat cap
The Grid Size can be made bigger with the commands bigger grid
and smaller with the command smaller grid
. The default size the grid has when Talon boots up can be set in dense_mouse_settings.talon by changing the number in user.full_mouse_grid_field_size = "40"
to either a bigger or smaller number depending on what you want.
If frame mode does not suit you, there are two other modes that can be used to show the coordinates.
checker grid
turns on checker mode, which overlays the coordiantes in a checker pattern. This can be visually confusing, but it splits the difference between being able to immediately see the coordinate and being able to see the contents of your screen.
full grid
shows every possible coordinate.
frame grid
switches to frame mode, which is just like phonetic mode except with individual letters labeling the rows and columns instead of full phonetic words.
phonetic mode
switch to phonetic mode.
The Grid can be made more transparent with the following four commands.
lighter background
makes the translucent background more transparent. darker background
makes it darpker.
lighter letters
makes the translucent letters more translucent. darker letters
makes them more opaque and visible.
Every color in the grid is modifiable in full_mouse_settings.talon, allowing you to set the defaults to whatever is comfortable.
The colors use 6 digit hexadecimal RGB colors.
The transparency uses 2-digit hexadecimal numbers for an alpha channel.