Author: Ben Taylor
Overview: A client-side library for making net art across multiple browser windows. This library is intended to be used to create live performances in remote browsers using the McLuhan.js Interface.
License: McLuhan.js is licensed as open source software under the terms of the "New BSD License",
McLuhan.js is a toolkit for controlling common web media such as audio players, video players, images, and text. The library focuses especially on enabling live performances of browser art to remote viewers.
McLuhan.js continues to operate under heavy development. Please contribute issues and bug reports if you experience them.
This library forms the client-side architecture of the McLuhan.js Interface, For an API and documentation of the library's methods, see that page.
McLuhan.js makes use of several existing JavaScript libraries for specific effects and events. Thank you to these creative coders:
Tone.js by Yotam Mann
theNewAesthetic.js by Nick Briz