- rustup
- CMake with any modern C++ compiler
- rye or maturin for Python binding
- samtools for
foo@bar:~$ pip install argweaver+git://github.com/tcztzy/argweavers
After install the Python package, you don't need any additional steps to use the
binaries, all the binaries are installed to the Python environment's bin
This repository provides Python wrappers for the following programs:
And rewrite of the following programs:
foo@bar:~$ smc2bed-all --help
usage: smc2bed-all [-h] [-s <startnum>] [-e <endnum>] [-i <interval>]
[-r <region>]
Convert all *.smc files from a single arg-sample run into a bed.gz file
which can be parsed by arg-summarize
positional arguments:
<baseout> base name of arg-sample output (specified with arg-sample
-o). Creates a file called <baseout>.bed.gz.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-s <startnum> start with this MCMC rep of arg-sample (default: 0)
-e <endnum> end with this MCMC rep (default: stop when no file exists)
-i <interval> sampling interval (will be auto-detected from output if not
-r <region> region (in format START-END, 1-based, inclusive) to pass to
smc2bed (default: run on all coordinates)
foo@bar:~$ git clone https://github.com/tcztzy/argweaver
foo@bar:~$ cd argweaver
foo@bar:~/argweaver$ cargo build --release
foo@bar:~/argweaver$ rye sync # Or `maturin dev`
foo@bar:~/argweaver$ pre-commit install
foo@bar:~/argweaver$ cargo test # test the Rust library
foo@bar:~/argweaver$ rye sync --features test # install pytest
foo@bar:~/argweaver$ pytest # test the Python binding