voty.ch is developed under the open source AGPL-3.0 License and you are more than welcome to contribute to this project.
The most valuable feedback in this early time of the project is feedback! Please reach out the the project team https://voty.ch/kontakt with all your feedback on what you like about voty.ch or where you see room for improvement. We are always grateful for feedback 🙏.
Be aware though, that at this point in time, we are in a rapid prototyping phase and most edges are still rough. We lack documentation on installation instructions or more, so you will be able to help yourself or post an issue with your question.
We will try to host most of the actual learning content on github.com itself as Markdown files (see https://www.markdownguide.org/getting-started/ for an introduction to Markdown).
This should make it feasible for contributors without a coding background to propose changes on our content, so that we can work collaboratively on it.
voty.ch should teach young people how politics work in Switzerland. But in order to stay credible and releveant it needs to be absolutely neutral and not favor a specific political viewpoint. If you feel like some content in the project does favor a viewpoint, then please give us feedback by raising an issue or by directly contributing your change to the codebase (see above)