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John Farrar edited this page Jan 16, 2014 · 11 revisions

Welcome to the cfPayments wiki!

We need to know how you would use this software in your app, in one or more of the following forms?

  • Screenshot of existing app screens
  • Mockup of how you will use this software (graphic, HTML)
  • User stories (in the Agile style) of what the software should accomplish
  • Unit Tests (a la Test Driven Development) of what functions you need and what data you need to get back
  • List of requirements (a la old-school waterfall style)

Use Cases:

Add your name to this list using the following markdown syntax: [[ your name | Use-Cases-by-your-github-userid ]]

(We should get some breadcrumbs in here ASAP to make the wiki pages flow smarter to the end users.)

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