All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Documents
- Calendar
- CSV Import / Export
- Payments
- Kanban board search
- Search when not using encrypted fields
- Bug when custom field has been deleted
- Force seed pipeline settings
- Kanban boards
- Custom Fields
- Disabled double click on form submits
- Lead prefix
- Deal prefix
- Improved logo sizing on pdfs
- Vertical navigation for settings
- Imporved updating process
- Unreject quotes functionality
- But when added organization
- Version check
- Support for Laravel 11
- Product barcode
- Create multiple purchase orders from an order
- Show purchase orders tab on orders
- Custom fields to various models
- Download, show and send Xero invoices
- Search invoices, deliveries & purchase orders
- Email purchase orders
- Delivery types
- Product code renamed as SKU
- Updates to custom fields
- Updated purchase order PDF
- Added setting for checking for global field scope
- Updated totals, tax totals checks
- Edit/delete purchase orders
- Comments on invoice lines
- Purchase orders
- Purchase order Xero integration
- Some statistics totals widgets on dashboard
- Set default tax rate when creating products
- Setting to disable adding products dynamically when creating quotes, orders, invoices
- Added VAT / Sales Tax number
- Added some extra fields to organisations
- Email validate helper
- Tax type on tax rates
- Updated form request validation on settings
- Moved global view settings to view composer
- Updated some setting variable names to avoid conflicts
- Don't apply the teams scope when using Laravel Nova
- Order search results on leads, orders & quotes by latest
- Issue when query string too long when many filters added
- Allow null tax name and rate on settings
- But in multi-tenant mode when adding orders
- Bug when adding invoice line items
- Duplicated notes tab removed
- Auth checker package removed
- Phone, emails & address to settings and users
- VAT/ABN to settings
- Added setting to disable update notifications
- Address multiple lines helper
- No longer adds zero quantity items to deliveries
- Adding new organisation or person bug when creating invoice
- Produce code required to post products to Xero api
- Database update for tax amounts
- Tax rates and tax amount added to quote products, order products & invoice lines
- Indicate on products whether exist in Xero items
- Bug with create new products setting when creating quotes, orders, invoices
- Tax rate show view
- Save/Cancel buttons on product category show view
- Switched cs from laravel to prs12
- Related contacts bug when deleting peron or organisation
- Bug when allowing null value on custom field
- Fixed bug by disabling create new labels when adding leads, contacts, etc
- Error when sending quotes and missing organization name setting
- Error when deleting custom fields and attached models
- Error when showing deliveries when order has been deleted
- Ensure address isset on pdf before displaying
- Error on PDF when person not set
- Consider soft deleted models when incrementing numbers
- Delivery number
- Copying billing & shipping address from quote to order
- Copying shipping address from order to delivery
- Show quote orders
- Show order invoices
- Show order deliveries
- Update command for order related deliveries
- Version 0.19.1 database update check
- Now using Laravel Pint and Laravel preset for code style
- Create multiple invoices from an order
- Typo on quote show view
- Travis config
- cs fixer config
- Update command for updating database
- Make some of the models optional with config setting
- Show related contact activity setting
- Client search
- Using Pint and Laravel preset for code style
- Tax rates setting
- Invoice contact details setting
- Check app is running on correct subdomain setting
- Added setting default config
- Show users with update permissions update alerts
- Send task, call, meeting and lunch reminder emails
- Add related contacts to person and use contacts relation
- Update some dependencies for Laravel 10 support
- PDF download filenames updated
- Default invoice, order & quote number set to 1000
- Allowing products to be added during order, quote, invoice create
- Disabled settings no longer throws error
- Bug when no activity
- Support for removed Jetstream personal team
- Invoice title fixed
- Missing product on invoice
- Invoice due badge
- Timezone global view share
- Tax amount on invoice lines
- Validation on phone number & email type
- Laravel 10 support
- Show product code on quote, order & invoice lines
- Default sales account for xero integration
- Purchase & sales account codes on products
- Quote prefix setting
- Order prefix setting
- Indicate related invoice order
- Indicate related quote on order
- Split quote into multiple orders
- Split order into multiple deliveries
- Added checks on totals and indicted when errors
- Activate select2 when adding quote, order & invoice items
- Improved PDF formatting
- Copy reference to invoice created from order
- Bug with deleting notes & related activity
- Bug with issue & due dates on xero invoices
- Fixed error when creating order without a quote
- Don't show unordered list when zero notes, removes extra padding above tabs
- Date & time format setting
- Option to show specific addresses on orders
- Missing invoice number, issue and due date on PDF
- Missing delivery date on delivery PDF
- Bug with non numeric values in price & quantity on quote, order, invoice items
- Bug when missing address and creating or editing orders
- Bug when settings have no value
- Number formatting on quotes, orders & invoice items
- Add products to xero when adding to crm
- Add reference to xero invoice
- Row delete on quote, order & invoice items
- Added received by on deliveries
- Added delivery contact to delivery pdf
- Added pdf attachment to send quotes email
- Added pdf attachment to send invoices email
- Indicate if a contact is in xero
- Indicate required fields
- Customer on orders
- Added expected and actual delivery dates
- Added customer to leads, deals, quotes & orders
- Create leads, deals, quotes & orders from customers, organisations & people
- Load select2 options from data array
- Quote, Orders & Invoice PDF formatting
- Improved title generation on leads & orders
- Client now called customer
- Invoice number not required when using xero integration
- Fixed quote to order error
- Fixed error on pdf when contact person not set
- Fixed organisation name on invoice pdf
- Fixed support for db seeder when using teams
- Fixed bug showing delivery when order is deleted
- Fixed bug on lead form fields
- Menu icons
- User model relations trait
- Client model
- Invoice generation in xero integration
- Billing & shipping addresses on orders
- Shipping address on Deliveries
- No text wrapping on responsive tables
- Quote items now using Select2
- Order items now using Select2
- Invoice lines now using Select2
- Improved layout for quote items, order items & invoice lines
- Typo in delivery products migration
- Bug when retrieving related contacts by type
- Bug with decimal missing from product pricing in xero integration
- Layout issues fixed on smaller screens
- Usage request logging
- Custom fields and field groups
- Disable UI setting
- Deliveries
- Quote, Order, Invoice & Delivery PDF downloads
- Default Quote & Invoice Terms setting
- Use mail template for outgoing emails
- Validate signed urls for quotes and invoices
- Only run xero schedule commands with integration enabled
- Fixed multi-tenant xero connection
- Increase url fields size on usage requests table
- Laravel Breeze profile section support
- Completed the CLI installer
- Invoicing
- Orders
- Calls, meetings and lunches
- Logo and favicon
- Merged notes and tasks into activities
- Button background colors
- Zero tasks, notes and orders
- Lead source observer
- Invoices permissions
- Retain filters when searching
- Return to search results
- Only run xero scheduled tasks when relevant setting is true
- Moved model filters to a modal for better UX
- Set multi-select max height
- Xero middleware check if auth user before setting tenant id
- Sorting working with encrypted table fields
- Default owner user filter
- Support for browser back button with search
- Aggregated notes
- Support for xero integration multi-tenancy
- Quote items in a table
- Disable autofill on noted_at field
- Xero integration when using teams
- Deleting of activity when notes, tasks or files deleted
- Quote builder
- Send quotes
- Accept/Reject quotes
- Tasks
- Files upload
- Xero integration
- Noted at field on notes
- Pin notes
- Toast notifications
- Timezone setting
- Logo setting
- Support for country domains when using subdomain
- Issue with spatie permissions when conflicting tables exist
- Various minor bugs and typos
- Laravel 9 support
- Default settings in config
- Better subdomain support so not to conflict with other routes
- Noted at datetime on notes
- Replaced countries package for Laravel 9 support
- Laravel 6 support
- PHP 7 support
- Team settings
- Bug when not using teams support causing issue with permissions and seeder
- Issue with middleware affecting access to non-crm API
- Link to owner profile on contacts
- Clear filters button
- Sort functionality on filters where available
- Auto build lead title
- Remove organisation from a person
- Problem when query has joins and using teams
- venturedrake#33
- venturedrake#34
- Show related notes from related contacts
- Notes when using teams
- Issue with loading team roles, settings when not using teams mode
- Issue with adding owner role when creating new team
- Related organisations and people
- AU & GP language variables
- Missing command from service provider
- Ability to add notes to leads, deals & contacts
- Auth logging
- Organisation types
- Search option on multiselect search filters
- Incorrectly names morph fields on notes table
- Typo in lang file
- Formatting of delete button on phone, email and addresses
- Filters now use post request and stored in session
- Address types migration command
- Missing command in service provider
- Model audit logging
- Config for spatie permissions
- Address types teams support
- Editing roles in teams mode
- Spatie permissions team support
- allTeams scope
- Search filter scope
- Problem with team permissions cache
- Added owner and label browsing filters
- Use owner rather than assigned to field
- Issue with address and contact types migrations
- Search leads and deals
- Settings menu active main menu issue
- Name field on address
- Issue with copying labels to teams
- Don't set a team if not using teams
- Labels admin
- Labels description
- Multiple contact addresses
- Mutliple contact phone numbers
- Mutliple contact emails
- Fax number type
- Select2 for labels
- Roles & Permissions team owner role missing
- Roles & Permissions team support
- Default field level encryption security setting to false
- Issue with table field size when using field level encryption
- Issue with user policy when user in models directory
- Dual listbox for managing crm team users
- Show crm team users only
- Issue with publishing migrations
- blade directives to show/hide CRUD buttons
- Missing lang keys
- Bug where converted leads were still showing
- Hide on team users from latest online users dashboard widget
- Users in teams
- Support for Jetstream/Spark teams
- Model observers - venturedrake#29
- Assign role instead of sync - venturedrake#28
- Missing key in lang file
- Language support
- Bug when converting lead to deal
- Products & product categories
- Product & product category permissions
- Issue with editing a role name
- Issue with dashboard chart
- Version check on updates route
- Dashboard
- team_id to models
- User model class
- Conflict with Laravel 8 Jetstream teams route
- Conflict with Laravel 8 default routes
- Support for Laravel 8 App\Models\User
- Config file comments and updated readme
- Conflict with default Laravel auth routes
- Issue with timestamp on published migrations
- Issue with migrations being before spatie permissions
- Typo in readme
- Issue with order of published migrations
- Moved lead, deal, person, organisation, users & team views to partials & components
- Bug with LeadPolicy
- Bug with checking user on team
- Roles / Permissions
- Traits HasCrmAccess & HasCrmTeams for App\User model
- Contacts created when adding leads
- Use the App\User model by default
- New contact badge
- Role not required when editing user
- Check if settings table exists and create if not
- Version check bug
- btn hover style on table rows
- form group for crm access toggle
- VentureDrake\LaravelCrm\Models\User model
- Updated crm middleware group
- Bug with seeder not working after assets published
- Support for Laravel 7/8
- Livewire support for Laravel 7/8
- Livewire dependency
- Version checking
- Disabled seeding sample data
- Leads
- Deals
- People
- Organisations
- Users
- Teams