This time Fady learned from his old mistake and decided to use onetime pad as his encryption technique, but he never knew why people call it one time pad! Flag will start with ALEXCTF{.
P.S: given file: ctflearn-p177-file
One time pad is an encryption algorithm using an unique key same length of the text. But look what we have here: "but he never knew why people call it one time pad!". So we guess there should be a key with length less than text's length. Look at the file, we saw 11 lines. My guess, all of them have same key! lets try the guess!
Implement 3 functions for the test:
import codecs
def nonrepeatxor(text, key):
sk = len(key)
for i in range(0, 2 * sk, 2):
x = int(text[i:i + 2], 16)
y = ord(key[i // 2])
print(chr(x ^ y), end='')
def repeatxor(text, key):
st = len(text)
sk = len(key)
for i in range(0, st, 2):
x = int(text[i:i + 2], 16)
y = ord(key[(i // 2) % sk])
print(chr(x ^ y), end='')
def listxorfunc(a, fm):
for i in range(len(a)):
nonrepeatxor(a[i], fm)
Define a as a list, and fm as a variable, then use nonrepeatxor function for all lines.
a = ['0529242a631234122d2b36697f13272c207f2021283a6b0c7908'
fm = 'ALEXCTF{'
listxorfunc(a, fm)
Dear Fri
sed One
n scheme
is the o
hod that
ever if
cure, Le
gree wit
We got meaningful words! For example, first line is "Dear Friend ...". Now we guess the words, XOR missing characters with their pairs in the list, find the key! Lets implement 2 functions to make things easier:
def hexstrxorstr(t1, t2):
output = ''
for i in range(len(t2)):
output += chr(int(t1[2*i:2*i+2], 16) ^ ord(t2[i]))
return output
def updatekey(a, fm, index, pt):
x = hexstrxorstr(a[index][len(fm)*2:len(fm)*2+len(pt)*2], pt)
print("Result: ", end='')
fm += x
print("New key: ", end='')
return fm
Run the code with the command inspect, using this:
python -i
After saw the output, run this:
fm = updatekey(a, fm, 0, 'end')
>>> updatekey(a, fm, 0, 'end')
Result: HER
lets see the text again:
listxorfunc(a, fm)
>>> listxorfunc(a,fm)
Dear Friend
nderstood m
sed One tim
n scheme, I
is the only
hod that is
proven to
ever if the
cure, Let M
gree with m
ncryption s
Line 3, it should be "time"! and continue with " pad", that's it, "One time pad"!
fm = updatekey(a, fm, 2, 'e pad')
>>> fm = updatekey(a, fm, 2, 'e pad')
Result: E_GOE
Repeat this procedure, complete the flag (showing below how i complete the flag):
>>> listxorfunc(a,fm)
Dear Friend, Thi
nderstood my mis
sed One time pad
n scheme, I hear
is the only encr
hod that is math
proven to be no
ever if the key
cure, Let Me kno
gree with me to
ncryption scheme
>>> fm = updatekey(a, fm, 4, 'ypt')
Result: S_T
>>> listxorfunc(a,fm)
Dear Friend, This t
nderstood my mistak
sed One time pad en
n scheme, I heard t
is the only encrypt
hod that is mathema
proven to be not c
ever if the key is
cure, Let Me know i
gree with me to use
ncryption scheme al
>>> fm = updatekey(a, fm, 1, 'e')
Result: H
>>> listxorfunc(a,fm)
Dear Friend, This ti
nderstood my mistake
sed One time pad enc
n scheme, I heard th
is the only encrypti
hod that is mathemat
proven to be not cr
ever if the key is k
cure, Let Me know if
gree with me to use
ncryption scheme alw
>>> fm = updatekey(a, fm, 10, 'ays')
Result: E_K
>>> listxorfunc(a,fm)
Dear Friend, This time
nderstood my mistake an
sed One time pad encryp
n scheme, I heard that
is the only encryption
hod that is mathematica
proven to be not crack
ever if the key is kept
cure, Let Me know if yo
gree with me to use thi
ncryption scheme always
>>> fm = updatekey(a, fm, 2, 't')
Result: E
>>> listxorfunc(a,fm)
Dear Friend, This time I
nderstood my mistake and
sed One time pad encrypt
n scheme, I heard that i
is the only encryption m
hod that is mathematical
proven to be not cracke
ever if the key is kept
cure, Let Me know if you
gree with me to use this
ncryption scheme always.
>>> fm = updatekey(a, fm, 0, ' u')
Result: Y}
If you want to see the text, just run this command at last:
repeatxor(''.join(a), fm)
Dear Friend, This time I understood my mistake and used
One time pad encryption scheme, I heard that it is the
only encryption method that is mathematically proven to be
not cracked ever if the key is kept secure, Let Me know if
you agree with me to use this encryption scheme always.