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Dominik Pataky edited this page Dec 21, 2023 · 5 revisions

Welcome to the terraform-provider-foreman wiki!

As summarized in discussion #139 "Completeness", the current state of the provider plugin supports the following Foreman APIs:

API resource available status
foreman common_parameters x production-ready
foreman compute_attributes x production-ready
foreman compute_profiles x new feature (PR #134)
foreman compute resources x
foreman domains x production-ready
foreman hostgroups x production-ready
foreman hosts x production-ready
foreman http_proxies x
foreman images x fixed recently (PR #133)
foreman interfaces x production-ready (please note issue #126)
foreman job_templates x not yet released (PR #138)
foreman locations
foreman media x production-ready
foreman models x production-ready
foreman operatingsystems x production-ready
foreman os_default_templates x
foreman paramters x production-ready
foreman provision templates x production-ready
foreman ptables x production-ready
foreman puppetclasses x
foreman realms
foreman settings x new feature (PR #120)
foreman smart_proxies x
foreman subnets x production-ready
foreman tasks (x) part of PR #142
foreman template_inputs x not yet released (PR #138)
foreman template_kinds x production-ready
foreman usergroups x
foreman users x

And for Katello:

API resource available status
katello content_credentials x
katello content views issue #140
katello errata
katello host_collections
katello lifecycle environments x issue #141, implemented in PR #149
katello packages
katello products x latest fix not yet released (PR #142)
katello repositories x fixes released in #143, to be tested
katello subscriptions
katello sync_plans x fixes released in #143, to be tested

Note: "production-ready" means that we used this kind of Terraform resources very often in a production environment

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