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A JAX Implementation of the Twin Delayed DDPG Algorithm


Beside each requirement, I have stated the version installed on my system for reproducibility..

  • JAX - jax 0.1.59, jaxlib 0.1.39
  • Haiku - dm-haiku 0.0.1a0, dm-sonnet 2.0.0b0
  • RLax - rlax 0.0.0
  • Gym - gym 0.15.4
  • MuJoCo - mujoco-py

Command line arguments

In order to run each environment

for seed in {0..9}; do python --env Hopper-v2 --seed $seed; done

The default hyper parameters aren't ideal for all domains. Based on some limited testing and intuition, the following values are better than the defaults.

Environment Command line addition
Swimmer-v2 --discount 0.995


For each seed, we maintain the 'best policy seen' during evaluation, which we re-evaluate at the end of training. These results are the average +- one standard deviation for this metric. All reported results are based on 10 seeds (0 to 9).

Environment Best policy per run
Hopper-v2 3691.5 ± 61.7
Humanoid-v2 5194.0 ± 97.1
Walker2d-v2 4328.8 ± 1059.0
Ant-v2 3505.4 ± 411.7
HalfCheetah-v2 10411.0 ± 1323.5
Swimmer-v2 314.1 ± 69.2
InvertedPendulum-v2 1000.0 ± 0.0
InvertedDoublePendulum-v2 9350.6 ± 26.8
Reacher-v2 -4.0 ± 0.3

Box Plots

Hopper-v2 Humanoid-v2 Walker2d-v2 Ant-v2 HalfCheetah-v2 Swimmer-v2 InvertedPendulum-v2 InvertedDoublePendulum-v2 Reacher-v2

The code for reproducing the figures, including per-seed representation for each environment is provided in plot_results.ipynb

Based on the per-seed analysis, it seems that with some hyperparameter tuning, the results of TD3 can improve dramatically. Mainly, it seems that in some domains, it takes a while for the algorithm to start learning -- either a result of low learning rates, large experience replay or un-optimized discount factor.

For instance:

A good humanoid run


A bad humanoid run


A good hopper run


A bad hopper run