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Strongly typed evaluator

This kind of evaluator interprets its input as one function. It searches for the one with the highest precedence and works its way down from that. Ocassionally, more functions are present in the same expression. In this case, it goes recursively, all the way down to the most basic elements: variables or literals, which are trivial to evaluate.


The way to create typed interpreters is the following:

let interpreter = TypedInterpreter(dataTypes: [number, string, boolean, array, date],
                                   functions: [concat, add, multiply, substract, divide],
                                   context: Context(variables: ["example": 1]))

First, you'll need the data types you are going to work with. These are a smaller subsets of the build in Swift data types, you can map them to existing types (Swift types of the ones of your own)

The second parameter are the functions you can apply on the above listed data types. All the functions - regardless of the grouping of the data types - should be listed here. Typically, in case of numbers, these are numeric operators. In case of string, these can be concatenation, getters, slicing, etc. Or, these can be complex things, such as parentheses, data factories, or high level functional operations, such as filter, map or reduce.

And lastly, an optional context object, if you have any global variables.

Variables in the context can be expression specific, or global that apply to every evaluation session.

Data types

Data types map the outside world to the inside of the expression. They map existing types to inner data types.

They don't restrict any behaviour, so these types can either be built-in Swift types, such as String, Array, Date; or they can be your custom classes, srtucts, or enums.

Let's see it in action:

let number = DataType(type: Double.self, literals: [numberLiteral, piConstant]) { String(describing: $0) }

If has a type, that is the existing type of the sorrounding program. The literals, which can tell the framework whether a given string can be converted to a given type.

Typical example is the String literal, which encloses something between quotes: 'like this'. The can also be constants, for example pi for numbers of true for booleans.

The last parameter is a print closure. It tells the framework how to render the given type when needed. Typically used while debugging, or when templates use the print statement.

In summary: literals provide the input, print provides the output of a mapped type.


Let's check out some literals a bit more deeply.

The block used for literals have two parameters: the input string, and an interpreter. Most of the times, only the input is enough to recognise things, like numbers:

Literal { value, _ in Double(value) }

Arrays, on the other hand, should process their content (Comma , separated values between brackets [ ]). For this, the second parameter, the interpreter can be used.


Literals are the perfect place to recognise constants, such as:

Literal("pi", convertsTo: Double.pi)


[Literal("false", convertsTo: false)

Of course, there are multiple ways to represent them (for example, as a single keyword function pattern), but this seems like a place where they can be most closely connected to their type.

The convertsTo parameter of Literals are autoclosure parameters, which means, that they are going to be processed lazily.

Literal("now", convertsTo: Date())

The now string is going to be expressed as the current timestamp at the time of the evaluation, not the time of the initialisation.


Similarly to templates, typed interpreters use the same building blocks to build up their patterns: Keywords and Variables.


Keywords are the most basic elements of a pattern; they represent simple, static Strings. You can chain them, for example Keyword("<") + Keyword("br/") + Keyword(>}"), or simply merge them Keyword("<br/>"). Logically, these two are the same, but the former accepts any number of whitespaces between the tags, while the latter allows none, as it is a strict match.

Most of the time though, you are going to need to handle placeholders, varying number of elements. That's where Variables come into place.


Let's check out the following, really straightforward pattern:

Function(Keyword("(") + Variable<Any>("body") + Keyword(")")) { variables, _, _ in
	return variables["body"]

Something between two enclosing parentheses (, ). The middle tag is a Variable, which means that its value is going to be passed through in the block, using its name. Let's imagine the following input: (5). Here, the variables dictionary is going to have 5 under the key body.


Since its value is going to be processed, there is a generic sign as well, signalling that this current Variable accepts Any kind of data, no transfer is needed. Let's imagine if we wrote Variable<String> instead. In this case, 5 would not match to the pattern, it would be intact. But, for example, ('Hello') would do.

Let check out a + operator. This could equally mean addition for numeric types

Function(Variable<Double>("lhs") + Keyword("+") + Variable<Double>("rhs")) { arguments,_,_ in
    guard let lhs = arguments["lhs"] as? Double, let rhs = arguments["rhs"] as? Double else { return nil }
    return lhs + rhs

or concatenation for strings

Function(Variable<String>("lhs") + Keyword("+") + Variable<String>("rhs")) { arguments,_,_ in
    guard let lhs = arguments["lhs"] as? String, let rhs = arguments["rhs"] as? String else { return nil }
    return lhs + rhs

Since the interpreter is strongly typed, always the appropriate one is going to be selected by the framework.


Variables also have optional properties, such as interpreted, shortest, or acceptsNilValue. They might also have a map block, which by default is nil.

  • interpreted tells the framework, that its value should be evaluated. This is true, by default. But, the option exists to modify this to false. In that case, (2 + 3) would not generate the number 5 under the body key, but 2 + 3 as a String.
  • shortest signals the "strength" of the matching operation. By default it's false, we need the most possible characters. The only scenario where this could get tricky is if the last element of a pattern is a Variable. In that case, the preferred setting is false, so we need the largest possible match! Let's find out why! A general addition operator (which looks like this Variable<Double>("lhs") + Keyword("+") + Variable<Double>("rhs")) would recognise the pattern 12 + 34, but it also matches to 12 + 3. What's what shortest means, the shortest match, in this case, is 12 + 3, which - semantically - is an incorrect match. But don't worry, the framework already knows about this, so it sets the right value for your variables, even in the last place!
  • acceptsNilValue informs the framework if nil should be accepted by the pattern. For example, 1 + '5' with the previous example (Double + Double) would not match. But, if the acceptsNilValue is defined, then the block would trigger, with {'lhs': 1, 'rhs': nil}, so you can decide by your own logic what to do in this case.
  • Finally, the map block can be used to further transform the value of your Variable before calling the block on the Pattern. Since map is a trailing closure, it's quite easy to add. For example, Variable<Int>("example") { Double($0) } would recognise only Int values, but would transform them to Double instances when providing them in the variables dictionary. This map can also return nil values but depends on your logic if you want to accept them or not. Side note: the previous map generates a Variable<Double> kind of variable instance.

Specialised elements

Open & Close Keyword

Parentheses are quite common in expressions. They are often embedded in each other. Embedding is a nasty problem of interpreters, as (a * (b + c)) would logically be evaluated with (b + c) first, and the rest afterwards.

But, an algorithm, by default, would interpret things linearly, disregarding the semantics: (a * (b + c)) would be the match for the first if statement, with a totally invalid a * (b + c data, until the first match.

This, of course, needs to be solved, but it's not that easy as it first looks! Some edge cases would not work unless we somehow try to connect them together. For this reason, I added two special elements: OpenKeyword and CloseKeyword. These work exactly the same way as normal Keywords do, but add a bit more semantics to the framework: these two should be connected together, and therefore embedding them should not be a problem as they come in pairs.

The previous parentheses statement should - correctly - look like this:

Function(OpenVariable<String>("lhs") + Keyword("+") + CloseVariable<String>("rhs")) { arguments,_,_ in
    guard let lhs = arguments["lhs"] as? String, let rhs = arguments["rhs"] as? String else { return nil }
    return lhs + rhs

By using the OpenKeyword and CloseKeyword types, these become connected, so embedding parentheses in an expression shouldn't be a problem. After this match is defined, they can be embedded in each other as deeply as needed.

Multiple Patterns in one Function

This is a rarely used pattern, but Functions consists of an array of Pattern elements. Usually, one Function does only one operation. Unless this is true, grouping multiple Patterns into one Function allows semantical grouping of opeartors.

For example a Boolean negation can be expressed in multiple ways: not(true) or !true. In this case, semantically both expressions do the same thing, therefore it might be a good practice to use one Function with two Patterns for this.


You can also pass contextual values, which - for now - equal to variables.

expression.evaluate("1 + var", context: Context(variables: ["var": 2]))

The reason that the variables are encapsulated in a context is that context is a class, while variables are mutable var struct properties on that object. With this construction the context reference can be passed around to multiple interpreter instances, but keeps the copy-on-write (🐮) behaviour of the modification.

Context defined during the initialisation apply to every evaluation performed with the given interpreter, while the ones passed to the evaluate method only apply to that specific expression instance.

If some patterns modify the context, they have the option to modify the general context (for long term settings, such as value++), or the local one (for example, the interation variable of a for loop).

Order of statements define precedence

The earlier a pattern is represent in the array of functions, the higher precedence it gets. Practically, if there is an addition function and a multiplication one, the multiplication should be defined earlier (as it has higher precedence), because both are going to match the following expression: 1 * 2 + 3, but if addition goes first, then the evaluation would process 1 * 2 on lhs and 3 on rhs, which - of course - is incorrect.

Typically, parentheses and higher precedence operators should go earlier in the array.