diff --git a/lessons/ls02_scatter.html b/lessons/ls02_scatter.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..484c537 --- /dev/null +++ b/lessons/ls02_scatter.html @@ -0,0 +1,4149 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + +Lesson notes | Scatter plots and smoothing lines + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + + +
+ +
+ + + + + + + +

1 Introduction


Scatter plots - which are sometimes called +bivariate plots - allow you to visualize the +relationship between two numerical variables.


They are among the most commonly used plots because they can provide +an immediate way to see how one numerical variable varies against +another.


Scatter plots can also display multiple relationships by mapping +additional variable to aesthetic properties, such as color of the +points.


Trends and relationships in a scatter plot can be made clearer by +adding a smoothing line over the points.


We will use ggplot to do all that and more. Let’s get started!


2 Learning +Objectives

  1. You can visualize relationships between numerical variables using +scatter plots with +geom_point().
  2. +
  3. You can use color as an aesthetic +argument to map variables from the dataset onto individual points.
  4. +
  5. You can change the size, shape, color, fill, and opacity of +geometric objects by setting fixed aesthetics.
  6. +
  7. You can add a trend line to a scatter plot with +geom_smooth().
  8. +

3 Childhood diarrheal +diseases in Mali


We will be using data collected for a prospective observational study +of acute diarrhea in children aged 0-59 months. The +study was conducted in Mali and in early 2020.


The full dataset can be obtained from Dryad, and the paper can be viewed here.


A prospective study watches for outcomes, such as the development of +a disease, during the study period and relates this to other factors +such as suspected risk or protection factors.


Spend some time browsing through this dataset. Each row corresponds +to one patient surveyed. There are demographic, physiological, clinical, +socioeconomic, and geographic variables.

+ +

We will begin by visualizing the relationship between the following +two numerical variables:

  1. age_months: the patient’s age in +months on the horizontal x-axis and
  2. +
  3. viral_load: the patient’s viral load +on the vertical y-axis
  4. +

4 Scatter plots via +geom_point()


We will explore relationships between some numerical variables in the +malidd data frame.


We will now examine at and run the code that will create the desired +scatter plot, while keeping in mind the GG framework. Let’s take a look +at the code and break it down piece-by-piece.


Remember that we specify the first two GG layers as arguments (i.e., +inputs) within the ggplot() function:

  1. We provide the malidd data frame with the +data argument, by inputting +data = malidd.
  2. +
  3. We define the variables to be plotted in the aesthetics +function of the mapping argument, by +inputting +mapping = aes(x = age_months, y = viral_load). +Specifically, the variable age_months is mapped to the +x aesthetic, while the variable viral_load is +mapped to the y aesthetic.
  4. +

We then add the geom_*() function on a +new layer with a + sign. The geometric +objects (i.e., shapes) needed for a scatter plot are points, so we add +geom_point().


After running the following lines of code, you’ll produce the scatter +plot below:

# Simple scatter plot of viral load vs age
+ggplot(data = malidd, 
+       mapping = aes(x = age_months, 
+                     y = viral_load)) + 
+  geom_point()


This suggests that viral load generally decreases +with age.

  • Using the malidd data frame, create a scatter plot +showing the relationship between age and height +(height_cm).
  • +

5 Aesthetic +modifications


An aesthetic is a visual property of the geometric objects +(geoms) in your plot. Aesthetics include things like the +size, the shape, or the color of your points. You can display a point in +different ways by changing the values of its aesthetic properties.


Remember, there are two methods for changing the aesthetic properties +of your geoms (in this case, points).

  1. You can convey information about your data by mapping +the variables in your dataset to aesthetics in your plot. For this +method, you use aes() in the mapping argument +to associate the name of the aesthetic with a variable to +display.

  2. +
  3. You can also set the aesthetic properties of your +geoms manually. Here the aesthetic doesn’t convey +information about a variable, but only changes the appearance of the +plot. To change an aesthetic manually, you set the aesthetic by name as +an argument of your geom_*() function; i.e. it goes +outside of aes().

  4. +

5.1 Mapping data to +aesthetics


In addition to mapping variables to the x and +y axes like with did above, variables can be mapped to +the color, shape, size, opacity, and other visual characteristics of +geoms. This allows groups of observations to be +superimposed in a single graph.


To map a variable to an aesthetic, associate the name of the +aesthetic to the name of the variable inside aes(). This +way, we can visualize a third variable to our simple two dimensional +scatter plot by mapping it to a new aesthetic.


For example, let’s map height_cm to the colors of our +points, to show us how height varies with age and viral load:

ggplot(data = malidd, 
+       mapping = aes(x = age_months, 
+                     y = viral_load)) + 
+  geom_point(mapping = aes(color = height_cm))


We see that {ggplot2} has automatically assigned the values of our +variable to an aesthetic, a process known as scaling. +{ggplot2} will also add a legend that explains which levels correspond +to which values.


Here the points are colored by different shades of the same blue hue, +with darker colors representing lower values.


This shows us that height increases with age, as expected.


Instead of a continuous variable like height_cm, we can +also map a binary variable like breastfeeding, to show us +the which children are breastfed and which ones are not:

ggplot(data = malidd, 
+       mapping = aes(x = age_months, 
+                     y = viral_load)) + 
+  geom_point(mapping = aes(color = breastfeeding))


We get the same gradual color scaling like with did with height. This +communicates a continuum of values, rather than the two distinct values +in our variable - 0 or 1.


This is because of the data class of the breastfeeding +variable in malidd:

## [1] "numeric"

But even though binary variables are numerical, they represent two +discrete possibilities. So the continuous color scaling in the +plot above is not ideal.


In cases like this, we add the function factor() around +the breastfeeding variable to tell ggplot() to +treat the variable as a factor. Let’s see what happens when we do +that:

ggplot(data = malidd, 
+       mapping = aes(x = age_months, 
+                     y = viral_load)) + 
+  geom_point(mapping = aes(color = factor(breastfeeding)))


When the variable is treated like a factor, the colors chosen are +clearly distinguishable. With factors, {ggplot2} will automatically +assign a unique level of the aesthetic (here a unique color) to each +unique value of the variable. (this is what happened with the +region variable of the nigerm dataframe that +we use in the last lesson)


This plot reveals a clear relationship between age and breastfeeding, +as we might expect. Children are likely to stop breastfeeding around 20 +months of age. In this study, no child at or above 25 months was being +breastfed.


Adding colors to the scatter plot allowed us to visualize a +third variable in addition to the relationship between +age and viral load. The third variable could be either discrete or +continuous.

  • Using the malidd data frame, create a scatter plot +showing the relationship between age and viral load, and map a third +variable, freqrespi, to color:

  • +
  • Create the same age vs. height scatterplot again, but this time, +map the binary variable fever to the color of the points. +Keep in mind that fever should be treated as a +factor.

  • +
# Type and view your answer:
+age_height_fever <-  "YOUR ANSWER HERE"

5.2 Setting fixed +aesthetics


Aesthetic arguments set to a fixed value will be static, and the +visual effect is not data-dependent. To add a fixed aesthetic, we add as +a direct argument of the geom_*() function; i.e., it goes +outside of mapping = aes().


Let’s look at some of the aesthetic arguments we can place directly +within geom_point() to make visual changes to the points in +our scatter plot:

  • color - point color or point outline color

  • +
  • size - point size

  • +
  • alpha - point opacity

  • +
  • shape - point shape

  • +
  • fill - point fill color (only applies if the point +has an outline)

  • +

To use these options to create a more attractive scatter plot, you’ll +need to pick a value for each argument that makes sense for that +aesthetic, as shown in the examples below.


5.2.1 Changing +color, size and alpha


Let’s change the color of the points to a fixed value by setting the +color argument directly within geom_point(). +The color we choose must be a character string that R recognizes as a +color. Here we will set the point colors to steel blue:

#  Modify original scatter plot by setting `color = "steelblue"`
+ggplot(data = malidd, 
+       mapping = aes(x = age_months, 
+                     y = viral_load)) + 
+  geom_point(color = "steelblue")       # set color


In addition to changing the default color, now we will modify the +size aesthetic of the points by assigning it to a fixed +number (in millimeters). The default size is 1 mm, so let’s chose a +larger value:

#  Set size to 2 mm by ading `size = 2`
+ggplot(data = malidd, 
+       mapping = aes(x = age_months, 
+                     y = viral_load)) + 
+  geom_point(color = "steelblue",       # set color
+             size = 2)                  # set size (mm)


The alpha aesthetic controls the level of opacity of +geoms. alpha is also numerical, and ranges +from 0 (completely transparent) to the default of 1 (completely opaque). +Let’s make our points more transparent by reducing the opacity:

#  Set opacity to 75% by adding `alpha = 0.75`
+ggplot(data = malidd, 
+       mapping = aes(x = age_months, 
+                     y = viral_load)) + 
+  geom_point(color = "steelblue",       # set color
+             size = 2,                  # set size (mm)
+             alpha = 0.75)              # set level of opacity


Now we can see where multiple points overlap. This is a useful +parameter for scatter plots where there is +overplotting.


Remember, changing the color, size, or opacity of our points here is +not conveying any information in the data - they are design choices we +make to create prettier plots.

  • Create a scatter plot with the same variables as the previous +example, but change the color of the points to +cornflowerblue, increase the size of points to 3 mm and set +the opacity to 60%.
  • +

5.2.2 Changing +shape and fill


We can change the appearance of points in a scatter plot with the +shape aesthetic.


To change the shape of your geoms to a fixed value, set +shape equal to a number corresponding to your desired +shape.


{ggplot2} will accept the following numbers:


Numerical coding of different shapes in {ggplot2} Notice that +some of the shapes are filled in with red. This indicates that objects +21-24 are sensitive to both color and fill, +but the others are only sensitive to color.


First let’s modify our original scatterplot by changing the shapes to +a something that can be filled in:

# Set shape to fillable circles by adding `shape = 21`
+ggplot(data = malidd, 
+       mapping = aes(x = age_months, 
+                     y = viral_load)) + 
+  geom_point(shape = 21)                # set shapes to display


Fillable shapes can have different colors for the outline and +interior. Changing the color aesthetic will only change the +outline of our points:

# Set outline color of the shapes by adding `color = cyan4`
+ggplot(data = malidd, 
+       mapping = aes(x = age_months, 
+                     y = viral_load)) + 
+  geom_point(shape = 21,                # set shapes to display
+             color = "cyan4")           # set outline color


Now let’s fill in the points:

# Set interior color of the shapes by adding `fill = "seagreen"` 
+ggplot(data = malidd, 
+       mapping = aes(x = age_months, 
+                     y = viral_load)) + 
+  geom_point(shape = 21,                # set shapes to display
+             color = "cyan4",           # set outline color
+             fill = "seagreen")         # set fill color


We can improve the readability by increasing size and reducing +opcaity with size and alpha, like we did +before:

ggplot(data = malidd, 
+       mapping = aes(x = age_months, 
+                     y = viral_load)) + 
+  geom_point(shape = 21,                # set shapes to display
+             color = "cyan4",           # set outline color
+             fill = "seagreen",         # set fill color
+             size = 2,                  # set size (mm)
+             alpha = 0.75)              # set level of opacity


6 Adding a trend +line


It can be hard to view relationships or trends with just points +alone. Often we want to add a smoothing line in order to see what the +trends look like. This can be especially helpful when trying to +understand regressions.


To get a better idea of the relationship between these to variables, +we can add a trend line (also known as a best fit line or a smoothing +line).


To do this, we add the function geom_smooth() to our +scatter plot:

ggplot(data = malidd, 
+       mapping = aes(x = age_months, 
+                     y = viral_load)) + 
+  geom_point() +
+  geom_smooth()
## `geom_smooth()` using method = 'loess' and formula = 'y ~ x'


The smoothing line comes after our points an another geometric layer +added onto our plot.


The default smoothing function used in this scatter plot is “loess” +which stands for for locally weighted +scatter plot smoothing. Loess +smoothing is a process used by many statistical softwares. In {ggplot2} +this generally should be done when you have less than 1000 points, +otherwise it can be time consuming.


Many other smoothing functions can also be used in +geom_smooth().


Let’s request a linear regression method. This time we will use a +generalized linear model by setting the method argument +inside geom_smooth():

# Change to a linear smoothing function with `method = "glm"`
+ggplot(data = malidd, 
+       mapping = aes(x = age_months, 
+                     y = viral_load)) + 
+  geom_point() +
+  geom_smooth(method = "glm")
## `geom_smooth()` using formula = 'y ~ x'


By default, 95% confidence limits for these lines are displayed.


You can suppress the confidence bands by including the argument +se = FALSE inside geom_smooth():

# Remove confidence interval bands by adding `se = FALSE`
+ggplot(data = malidd, 
+       mapping = aes(x = age_months, 
+                     y = viral_load)) + 
+  geom_point() +
+  geom_smooth(method = "glm",
+              se = FALSE)
## `geom_smooth()` using formula = 'y ~ x'


In addition to changing the method, let’s add the color +argument inside geom_smooth() to change the color of the +line.

# Change the color of the trend line by adding `color = "darkred"`
+ggplot(data = malidd, 
+       mapping = aes(x = age_months, 
+                     y = viral_load)) + 
+  geom_point() +
+  geom_smooth(method = "glm",
+              se = FALSE,
+              color = "darkred")
## `geom_smooth()` using formula = 'y ~ x'


This linear regression concurs with what we initially observed in the +first scatter plot. A negative relationship exists between +age_months and viral_load: as age increases, +viral load tends to decrease.


Let’s add a third variable from the malidd dataset +calledvomit. This which is a binary variable that records +whether or not the patient vomited. We will add the vomit +variable to the plot by mapping it to the color aesthetic. We will again +change the smoothing method to generalized additive model +(“gam”) and make some aesthetic modifications to the line +in the geom_smooth() layer.

ggplot(data = malidd, 
+       mapping = aes(x = age_months, 
+                     y = viral_load)) + 
+  geom_point(mapping = aes(color = factor(vomit))) +
+  geom_smooth(method = "gam", 
+              size = 1.5,
+              color = "darkgray")
## Warning: Using `size` aesthetic for lines was deprecated in ggplot2
+## 3.4.0.
+## ℹ Please use `linewidth` instead.
+## This warning is displayed once every 8 hours.
+## Call `lifecycle::last_lifecycle_warnings()` to see where this
+## warning was generated.
## `geom_smooth()` using formula = 'y ~ s(x, bs = "cs")'


Observe the distribution of blue points (children who vomited) +compared to red points (children who did not vomit). The blue points +mostly occur above the trend line. This shows that higher viral loads +were not only associated with younger children, but that children with +higher viral loads were more likely to exhibit symptoms of vomiting.

  • Create a scatter plot with the age_months and +viral_load variables. Set the color of the points to +“steelblue”, the size to 2.5mm, the opacity to 80%. Then add trend line +with the smoothing method “lm” (linear model). To make the trend line +stand out, set its color to “indianred3”.

  • +
  • Recreate the plot you made in the previous question, but this +time adapt the code to change the shape of the points to tilted +rectangles (number 23), and add the body temperature variable +(temp) by mapping it to fill color of the +points.

  • +
# Type and view your answer:
+age_height_3 <-  "YOUR ANSWER HERE"

7 Summary


Scatter plots display the relationship between two numerical +variables.


With medium to large datasets, you may need to play around with the +different modifications to scatter plots we saw such as adding trend +lines, changing the color, size, shape, fill, or opacity of the points. +This tweaking is often a fun part of data visualization, since you’ll +have the chance to see different relationships emerge as you tinker with +your plots.




The following team members contributed to this lesson: +




Some material in this lesson was adapted from the following +sources:

+ +

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike license. Creative Commons License

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