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functions.js is a hub of various functions or methods which act differently according to their functionality.

  • Please feel free to contribute, read the contributing guide.
  • The code is written in ES6.


The project is up on npm and can be used in a project by:

npm install --save functions.js


Below is an example on how to use the library into your projects.

const func = require('functions.js');

const algo = new func.algorithms();
const mathematics = new func.mathematics();
const strings = new func.strings();

console.log(strings.camelize('john doe'));
//returns 'johnDoe'

//returns 120

//returns [1,3,5,10]

Client Side

The library can be loaded as a standalone script.

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
	const algo = new FJS.algorithms();
	//=> returns 9


Method Name Category Description Return Type
anagram(str1, str2) string Both strings are anagrams boolean
average(arr) math Calculates the average of an array number
binarySearch(arr, elem) algorithm Search an element using binary search tehcnique number(position)
bubbleSort(arr) algorithm Sort an array using bubble sort technique array
camelize(str) string Camelize a string i.e CamelCase string
catalan(number) math Catalan Number number
changeBase(number, original, final) math Convert a base of a number to any base. number
chunk(arr, size) math Split array into chunks of smaller arrays of the desired size. array
clamp(number, min, max) math Clamp a number. number
collatz(number) algortihm Collatz Algorithm. number
combination(number,rep) math Calculates simple combination. number
concat(...arrs) algorithm Concatenates into a single array. arr
cosineRule(sideOne, sideTwo, theta) math Cosine Rule. number
countPrimeFactors(n) math A function to count all prime factors of a given number. number
countVowels(str) string Count the number of vowels in a string. number
degToRad(deg) math Convert degrees to radians. number
differenceBetweenDates(date1, date2) math Simple division function which returns an array of quotient & remainder. array
digitalRoot(number) math Digital Root of a number number
division(dividend, divisor) math Simple division function which returns an array of quotient & remainder. array
doublefactorial(n) math Print semi-factorial or double factorial of number using the iterative approach. number
escape(str) string Escape characters from string string
euclideanDistance(initial, final) math Calculates the distance between two points in any plane. initial takes an array of initial points & final takes an array of final points. number
factorialRecursive(n) math Print factorial of a number using recursive function approach. number
factorialIterative(n) math Print factorial of a number using iterative approach. number
factorialOneLine(n) math Print factorial of a number using a ternary operator. number
factCountTrailingZeroes(n) math Print the count of trailing zeroes in n!. number
fibRecursion(n) math Print nth fibonacci number using recursion. number
fibDynamic(n) math Print nth fibonacci number using dynamic programming approach. number
filter(arr, elem) string Filter out an element from an array array
filterFalsy(arr) string Filter out falsy values from an array array
fisherYates(arr) math Shuffle an array using the Fisher Yates Algorithm using a while loop. array
fizzBuzz(n) algorithm FizzBuzz Algorithm: most famous asked question. string
flatten(arr, givenArr) algorithm Flatten/Merge two arrays. array
geometricVariance(probability) math Calculate geometric variance. number
gcd(numb1, numb2) math Calculate the greatest common divisor among the two numbers using Euclideans algorithm. number
generateHexColor() string Generate random hex color. string
generateRGBColor() string Generate random RGB color. string
guid(len) string Generate a Global Unique Identifier string
hammingDistance(number1, number2) math Calculate hamming distance. number
hasAtleastOneUpperCaseLetter(str) string String has atleast one upper-cased letter. boolean
hasAtleastOneLowerCaseLetter(str) string String has atleast one lower-cased letter. boolean
hexToRgb(hex) string Converts hex color to RGB. array
humanizeNumber(num) string Humanize a number. string
insertionSort(arr) algorithm Sort an array using the insertion sort technique. array
integerReversal(integer) mathematics Reverse an integer. number
isASCII(str) string String contains ASCII characters boolean
isBool(str) string String contains true or false boolean
isDataURI(str) string String is a data uri format. boolean
isDivisible(dividend, divisor) math Check if the first number is divisible by second one. boolean
isEmoji(str) string String is an emoji. boolean
isEmpty(str) string String is empty. boolean
isEndWith(str, target) string String ends with target. boolean
isEquals(str, elem) string Compares the two strings entered. boolean
isEven(number) math True if a number is even, false otherwise. boolean
isFunction(val) string Value is a function. boolean
isHexaDecimal(str) string String is hexadecimal. boolean
isHexColor(str) string String is a hex color. boolean
isIPAddress(str) string String is an IP address. boolean
isJSON(str) string String is a JSON object. boolean
isLowerCase(str) string String is all lower-cased. boolean
isMACAddress(str) string String is a MAC Address. boolean
isMD5(str) string String is a a MD5 type. boolean
initials(str) string Get the initials of a persons name. string
isOdd(number) math True if a number is odd, false otherwise. boolean
ISO8601WeekNumber(dateObj) string Get ISO-8601 week number of a year. number
isPalindrome(str) string String is a palindrome. boolean
isPrime(number) string Number is a prime. boolean
isUpperCase(str) string String is all upper-cased. boolean
isValidEmail(str) string String is a valid email id. boolean
kebabCase(str) string to Kebab Case. string
lcm(arr) math Calculate LCM of an array of numbers number
leibniz(limit) math Predict the value of PI number
linearSearch(arr, elem) algorithm Search an element using linear search technique number(position)
lineFromPoints(initial, final) math Create a line from [x1, y1] & [x2, y2] in XY plane. string
maxOrMin(arr, task) math Get maximum or minimum of an array number
median(arr) math Calculate median of a sorted number array number
modularExponential(base, power, mod) algorithm Modular Exponential Algorithm number
nthRoot(number, n) math Calculates the nth root of a positive number number
nthSGonalNumber(sides, number) math Calculates the nth s-gonal number of 'sides' polygon number
nthLargest(arr, nth) algorithm Find the nth largest number from an unsorted array number
permutation(num,rep) math Calculates simple permutation. number
pythagorasDistance(arg1, arg2) math Calculate the pythogorean distance if arg1 and arg2 are 2 sides of a right-angled triangle. number
radToDeg(rad) math Convert radians to degrees number
remove(arr) algorithm Remove an element from an array arr
removeDuplicate(arr) algorithm Remove duplicates from an array arr
removeTags(str) string Remove tags from an HTML statement string
reverse(arr) algorithm Reverse an array arr
reverseInPlace(str) string Reverse words of a sentence in place string
rgbToHex(red,green,blue) string RGB to Hex format string
romanize(num) string Romanize a number string
round(number) math Round a number to two places number
secureEmail(str) string Secures your email using asterisks string
securePassword(str) string Secure password using astrisks string
segregate(arr) algorithm Segregate 0's and 1's in an array array
selectionSort(arr) algorithm Sort an array using the selection sort technique arr
sigmoid(number) math Sigmoid Function number
sineRule(sideOne, angleOne, angleTwo) math Sine Rule using two angles & one side number
slopeOfALine(arg) math Calculates the slope of a line using points and angle of inclination. arg takes angle of inclination or an array of initial points and final points. Example arg = 60 degrees or [x0,y0,x1,y1] number
snakeCase(str) string to Snake Case string
sortChar(str) string Sort string characters in alphabetical order string
splitName(str) string Return the first name and the last name of a person's name. array
stringHammingDistance(str1, str2) string String Hamming Distance number
subtract(firstNum, secondNum) math Subtract a number from another number
sumOfArray(arr) math Addition of all the integers in an array number
thousandSeperator(num) string Seperate thousands using commas number
toFloat(str) string Parse string to float value number
toInt(str) string Parse string to integer value number
toTitleCase(str) string Convert string to titleCase string
truncate(str,pos) string Truncate a string at provided position string
trailingAndLeading(arr) string Remove leading and trailing zeroes from an array array
unescape(str) string Unescape the string. string
uuid() string Generate a UUID i.e universally unique identifier. number
zeroFill(number, len) string Zerofill a number to the given length. number


You can find the documentation of the package over here


Run the following command:

npm run test


The project is a continuation to a package previously owned by me named okay-string. I thought of renaming it to functions & learn more by actually practicing functions. That's how functions.js was created.😍


Here are some solutions to frequently asked questions:

Q. How to use ?

Take a look over here.

Q. Another lodash or underscore ?

These two libraries are industry standards & are widely used. They have a ton of great, useful functions to use in a project. There is a difference. functions.js was created to learn predefined methods and make something out of it by creating a new method. So i think there is no comparison between this & the other two libraries.

Q. How do i contribute ?

Read the guidelines mentioned here


The project is licensed under MIT