- On-Demand Self Service:
- Ability to provision capabilities (storage, database, network, computing, security, etc.) for your product/service by user self as needed, "without requiring humen interation".
- No need to visit vendor.
- No need to contact support and get your requirement get done.
- Broad Network Access:
- Ability to use & manage capablities (storage, database, network, computing, security, etc.) over the "network" using "standard machanisams" like http, https, ssh, ftp, vpn, etc.
- No need of a private link to access your resources.
- No need to visit your vendor to access your resources.
- Resource Pooling:
- Resources/capabilities (database, storage, network bandwith) are pooled in large scale.
- Serve multiple consumers in a multi tenant way, while allocating & disallocating resources according to their demand.
- Eliminates the sense of actual location of physical hardware so that consumers don't have a control or knowladge on them.
- Harware & their locations becomes virtual things to consumers.
- Consumers won't be setting up hardware & maintaining them.
- For consumers, capacity of the capabilities are limitless.
- Rapid Elasticity:
- Provisioning of capabilities (database, storage, computing, networking) should get increased & decreased rapidly (elastically) based on the realtime demand of the resources.
- To consumer ability to provision the capabilities should appear as unlimited.
- Measured Service: Usage of the consumers' resources should be able to monitred, controlled, reported & billed. (Pay for what you consume)
- Public Cloud: Should satisfy the 5 characteristics of the Cloud & available to general public (Ex: AWS, Azure, Google Cloud)
- Private Cloud: Should satisfy the 5 characteristics of the Cloud but only dedicated to consumer's business and runs "on premises"
- Multi Cloud: Cloud solution that utilizes multiple public clouds of different cloud vendors in one solution. (Ex: AWS + Azure)
- Hybrid Cloud: Cloud solution that utilize public cloud and private cloud togather. (Not public cloud + on premises resources)
There is infrastructure stacks when we build an application/service. There are 5 different types of modules of infrastructure stacks.
- On-Premises
- Application
- Data
- Runtime
- Container
- OS
- Virtualization
- Servers
- Infrastructure
- Facility
- Data Center Hosted
- Unit of Consumption: Facility
- Available layers
- Application
- Data
- Runtime
- Container
- OS
- Virtualization
- Servers
- Infrastructure
- IAAS (Infrastructure as a Service)
- Ex: AWS EC2
- Unit of Consumption: Virtual Machine
- Available layers
- Application
- Data
- Runtime
- Container
- OS
- Virtualization (Consumed)
Servers -
Infrastructure -
- PAAS (Platform as a Service)
- Ex: Running python code on Cloud
- Unit of Consumption: Runtime Environment
- Available layers
- Application
- Data
- Runtime (Consumed)
Container -
OS -
Virtualization -
Servers -
Infrastructure -
- SAAS (Software as a Service)
- Ex: Office 365, Figma, etc.
- Unit of Consumption: Software
- Available layers
- Application (Consumed)
Data -
Runtime -
Container -
OS -
Virtualization -
Servers -
Infrastructure -