from import get_UCR_data
+from import TSRobustScale, TSStandardize
+from tsai.learner import ts_learner
+from tsai.models.FCNPlus import FCNPlus
+from tsai.metrics import accuracy
+++fastai Learner extensions useful to perform prediction analysis.
+ +
++++Learner.show_probas (figsize=(6, 6), ds_idx=1, dl=None, one_batch=False, + max_n=None, nrows:int=1, ncols:int=1, imsize:int=3, + suptitle:str=None, sharex:Union[bool,Literal['none', + 'all','row','col']]=False, sharey:Union[bool,Literal + ['none','all','row','col']]=False, + squeeze:bool=True, + width_ratios:Optional[Sequence[float]]=None, + height_ratios:Optional[Sequence[float]]=None, + subplot_kw:Optional[dict[str,Any]]=None, + gridspec_kw:Optional[dict[str,Any]]=None)
+ | Type | +Default | +Details | +
figsize | +tuple | +None | +Width, height in inches of the returned figure | +
ds_idx | +int | +1 | ++ |
dl | +NoneType | +None | ++ |
one_batch | +bool | +False | ++ |
max_n | +NoneType | +None | ++ |
nrows | +int | +1 | +Number of rows in returned axes grid | +
ncols | +int | +1 | +Number of columns in returned axes grid | +
imsize | +int | +3 | +Size (in inches) of images that will be displayed in the returned figure | +
suptitle | +str | +None | +Title to be set to returned figure | +
sharex | +bool | Literal[‘none’, ‘all’, ‘row’, ‘col’] | +False | ++ |
sharey | +bool | Literal[‘none’, ‘all’, ‘row’, ‘col’] | +False | ++ |
squeeze | +bool | +True | ++ |
width_ratios | +Sequence[float] | None | +None | ++ |
height_ratios | +Sequence[float] | None | +None | ++ |
subplot_kw | +dict[str, Any] | None | +None | ++ |
gridspec_kw | +dict[str, Any] | None | +None | ++ |
Returns | +(plt.Figure, plt.Axes) | ++ | Returns both fig and ax as a tuple | +
+ +
++++Learner.plot_confusion_matrix (ds_idx=1, dl=None, thr=0.5, + normalize=False, title='Confusion matrix', + cmap='Blues', norm_dec=2, figsize=(5, 5), + title_fontsize=12, fontsize=10, + plot_txt=True, **kwargs)
Plot the confusion matrix, with title
and using cmap
+ +
++++Learner.plot_top_losses (X, y, k:int=9, largest=True, bs:int=64, + **kwargs)
+ | Type | +Default | +Details | +
X | ++ | + | array-like object representing the independent variables | +
y | ++ | + | array-like object representing the target | +
k | +int | +9 | +Optional. #items to plot | +
largest | +bool | +True | +Flag to show largest or smallest losses | +
bs | +int | +64 | +batch size | +
kwargs | ++ | + | + |
+ +
++++Learner.top_losses (X, y, k:int=9, largest=True, bs:int=64)
+ | Type | +Default | +Details | +
X | ++ | + | array-like object representing the independent variables | +
y | ++ | + | array-like object representing the target | +
k | +int | +9 | +Optional. #items to plot | +
largest | +bool | +True | +Flag to show largest or smallest losses | +
bs | +int | +64 | +batch size | +
Permutation importance
+We’ve also introduced 2 methods to help you better understand how important certain features or certain steps are for your model. Both methods use permutation importance.
+⚠️The permutation feature or step importance is defined as the decrease in a model score when a single feature or step value is randomly shuffled.
+So if you using accuracy (higher is better), the most important features or steps will be those with a lower value on the chart (as randomly shuffling them reduces performance).
+The opposite occurs for metrics like mean squared error (lower is better). In this case, the most important features or steps will be those with a higher value on the chart.
+There are 2 issues with step importance:
- there may be many steps and the analysis could take very long +
- steps will likely have a high autocorrelation +
For those reasons, we’ve introduced an argument (n_steps) to group steps. In this way you’ll be able to know which part of the time series is the most important.
+Feature importance has been adapted from by Chris Deotte (Kaggle GrandMaster).
++ +
++++Learner.feature_importance (X=None, y=None, bs:int=None, + partial_n:(<class'int'>,<class'float'>)=None, + method:str='permutation', + feature_names:list=None, sel_classes:(<class' + str'>,<class'list'>)=None, + key_metric_idx:int=0, show_chart:bool=True, + figsize:tuple=None, title:str=None, + return_df:bool=True, + save_df_path:pathlib.Path=None, + random_state:int=23, verbose:bool=True)
Calculates feature importance as the drop in the model’s validation loss or metric when a feature value is randomly shuffled
++ | Type | +Default | +Details | +
X | +NoneType | +None | +array-like object containing the time series. If None, all data in the validation set will be used. | +
y | +NoneType | +None | +array-like object containing the targets. If None, all targets in the validation set will be used. | +
bs | +int | +None | +batch size. If None, the default batch size of the dataloader will be used. | +
partial_n | +(<class ‘int’>, <class ‘float’>) | +None | +# (int) or % (float) of used to measure feature importance. If None, all data will be used. | +
method | +str | +permutation | +Method used to invalidate feature. Use ‘permutation’ for shuffling or ‘ablation’ for setting values to np.nan. | +
feature_names | +list | +None | +Optional list of feature names that will be displayed if available. Otherwise var_0, var_1, etc. | +
sel_classes | +(<class ‘str’>, <class ‘list’>) | +None | +classes for which the analysis will be made | +
key_metric_idx | +int | +0 | +Optional position of the metric used. If None or no metric is available, the loss will be used. | +
show_chart | +bool | +True | +Flag to indicate if a chart showing permutation feature importance will be plotted. | +
figsize | +tuple | +None | +Size of the chart. | +
title | +str | +None | +Optional string that will be used as the chart title. If None ‘Permutation Feature Importance’. | +
return_df | +bool | +True | +Flag to indicate if the dataframe with feature importance will be returned. | +
save_df_path | +Path | +None | +Path where dataframe containing the permutation feature importance results will be saved. | +
random_state | +int | +23 | +Optional int that controls the shuffling applied to the data. | +
verbose | +bool | +True | +Flag that controls verbosity. | +
+ +
++++Learner.step_importance (X=None, y=None, bs:int=None, + partial_n:(<class'int'>,<class'float'>)=None, + method:str='permutation', step_names:list=None, + sel_classes:(<class'str'>,<class'list'>)=None, + n_steps:int=1, key_metric_idx:int=0, + show_chart:bool=True, figsize:tuple=(10, 5), + title:str=None, xlabel=None, + return_df:bool=True, + save_df_path:pathlib.Path=None, + random_state:int=23, verbose:bool=True)
Calculates step importance as the drop in the model’s validation loss or metric when a step/s value/s is/are randomly shuffled
++ | Type | +Default | +Details | +
X | +NoneType | +None | +array-like object containing the time series. If None, all data in the validation set will be used. | +
y | +NoneType | +None | +array-like object containing the targets. If None, all targets in the validation set will be used. | +
bs | +int | +None | +batch size used to compute predictions. If None, the batch size used in the validation set will be used. | +
partial_n | +(<class ‘int’>, <class ‘float’>) | +None | +# (int) or % (float) of used to measure feature importance. If None, all data will be used. | +
method | +str | +permutation | +Method used to invalidate feature. Use ‘permutation’ for shuffling or ‘ablation’ for setting values to np.nan. | +
step_names | +list | +None | +Optional list of step names that will be displayed if available. Otherwise 0, 1, 2, etc. | +
sel_classes | +(<class ‘str’>, <class ‘list’>) | +None | +classes for which the analysis will be made | +
n_steps | +int | +1 | +# of steps that will be analyzed at a time. Default is 1. | +
key_metric_idx | +int | +0 | +Optional position of the metric used. If None or no metric is available, the loss will be used. | +
show_chart | +bool | +True | +Flag to indicate if a chart showing permutation feature importance will be plotted. | +
figsize | +tuple | +(10, 5) | +Size of the chart. | +
title | +str | +None | +Optional string that will be used as the chart title. If None ‘Permutation Feature Importance’. | +
xlabel | +NoneType | +None | +Optional string that will be used as the chart xlabel. If None ‘steps’. | +
return_df | +bool | +True | +Flag to indicate if the dataframe with feature importance will be returned. | +
save_df_path | +Path | +None | +Path where dataframe containing the permutation feature importance results will be saved. | +
random_state | +int | +23 | +Optional int that controls the shuffling applied to the data. | +
verbose | +bool | +True | +Flag that controls verbosity. | +
+ dsid = get_UCR_data(dsid, split_data=False)
+ X, y, splits = [None, [TSClassification()]]
+ tfms = TSRobustScale()
+ batch_tfms = TSStandardize()
+ batch_tfms = get_ts_dls(X, y, splits=splits, sel_vars=[0, 3, 5, 8, 10], sel_steps=slice(-30, None), tfms=tfms, batch_tfms=batch_tfms)
+ dls = ts_learner(dls, FCNPlus, metrics=accuracy, train_metrics=True)
+ learn 2)
+ learn.fit_one_cycle(
+ learn.plot_metrics()
+ learn.show_probas()
+ learn.plot_confusion_matrix()1]], y[splits[1]], largest=True)
+ learn.plot_top_losses(X[splits[1]], y[splits[1]], largest=True) learn.top_losses(X[splits[
epoch | +train_loss | +train_accuracy | +valid_loss | +valid_accuracy | +time | +
0 | +1.792511 | +0.187500 | +1.619460 | +0.216667 | +00:02 | +
1 | +1.592681 | +0.632812 | +1.475991 | +0.250000 | +00:01 | +
(TensorBase([2.3713, 2.3146, 2.2843, 2.2581, 2.2408, 2.2264, 2.2254, 2.2237,
+ 2.2230]),
+ [9, 56, 128, 25, 104, 116, 57, 72, 108])
+ learn.feature_importance()
X.shape: (180, 24, 51)
+y.shape: (180,)
+Selected metric: accuracy
+Computing feature importance (permutation method)...
+ 0 feature: BASELINE accuracy: 0.277778
+ 0 feature: var_0 accuracy: 0.238889
+ 3 feature: var_3 accuracy: 0.172222
+ 5 feature: var_5 accuracy: 0.261111
+ 8 feature: var_8 accuracy: 0.250000
+ 10 feature: var_10 accuracy: 0.266667
++ | Feature | +accuracy | +accuracy_change | +
0 | +var_3 | +0.172222 | +0.105556 | +
1 | +var_0 | +0.238889 | +0.038889 | +
2 | +var_8 | +0.250000 | +0.027778 | +
3 | +var_5 | +0.261111 | +0.016667 | +
4 | +var_10 | +0.266667 | +0.011111 | +
5 | +BASELINE | +0.277778 | +-0.000000 | +
=5); learn.step_importance(n_steps
X.shape: (180, 24, 51)
+y.shape: (180,)
+Selected metric: accuracy
+Computing step importance...
+ 0 step: BASELINE accuracy: 0.277778
+ 1 step: 21 to 25 accuracy: 0.288889
+ 2 step: 26 to 30 accuracy: 0.255556
+ 3 step: 31 to 35 accuracy: 0.194444
+ 4 step: 36 to 40 accuracy: 0.216667
+ 5 step: 41 to 45 accuracy: 0.272222
+ 6 step: 46 to 50 accuracy: 0.283333
+You may pass an X and y if you want to analyze a particular group of samples:
+learn.feature_importance(X=X[splits[1]], y=y[splits[1]])
If you have a large validation dataset, you may also use the partial_n argument to select a fixed amount of samples (integer) or a percentage of the validation dataset (float):