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CSE 490g1 / 599g1 Homework 0

Welcome friends,

For the first assignment we'll be diving right in to neural networks. What are they? How do they work? Do they really require blood sacrifices on the third Saturday of odd-numbered months? We'll find out the answers to these questions and more!

What the heck is this codebase??

During this class you'll be building out your own neural network framework. I'll take care of some of the more boring parts like loading data, stringing things together, etc. so you can focus on the important parts.

Those of you who took vision with me will recognize a lot of the image codebase as stuff that you did! Early on we'll be focussing on applications of deep learning to problems in computer vision so there's a lot of code in image.c for loading images and performing some basic operations. No need to go into the details, just glance through image.h for a quick summary of the kinds of operations you can perform on images. We won't need any of that for this homework though!

More pertinent to this homework is the matrix library described in matrix.h and fleshed out in matrix.c. As we've learned in class, the heavy lifting in deep learning is done through matrix operations. The important ones we'll be using today are matrix multiplication and an elementwise scaled addition called axpy (for ax + y). But to warm up we'll do some easy stuff. Let's get crackin!

Remember, the codebase is in C. There is a Makefile but every time you make a change to the code you have to run make for your executable to be updated.

1. Matrices

If you check out matrix.h you see that our matrices are pretty simple, just a size in rows and cols and a field for the data. Now check out matrix.c and read through the functions for making new (zeroed out) matrices and randomly filled matrices.

1.1 copy_matrix

Fill in the code for making a copy of a matrix. We've already created the new matrix for you, you just have to fill it in!

1.2 transpose_matrix

Fill in the code to transpose a matrix. First make sure the matrix is the right size. Then fill it in. This might be handy:

transpose example

1.3 axpy_matrix

Fill in the code to perform the weighted sum. The operation you are performing is y = ax + y, element-wise over the matrices. This means the matrices should be the same size!

1.4 matmul

Implement matrix multiplication. No need to do anything crazy, 3 for loops oughta do it. However, good cache utilization will make your operation much faster! Once you've written something you can run: ./uwnet test. This doesn't actually check if your code is correct but it will time a bunch of matrix multiplications for you. Try optimizing your loop ordering to get the fastest time. You don't need to change anything except the loop order, there's just one ordering that's MUCH faster. On this test for my code it takes about 4 seconds but your processing speed may vary!

2. Activation functions

An important part of machine learning, be it linear classifiers or neural networks, is the activation function you use. We'll define our activation functions in activation_layer.c. This is also a good time to check out uwnet.h, which gives you an overview of the structures will be using for building our models and, important for this, what activation functions we have available to us!

For Leaky ReLU use an alpha = 0.01 if you want to pass the tests!

2.1 forward_activation_layer

Fill in matrix forward_activation_layer(layer l, matrix x) to modify y to be f(y) applied elementwise where the function f is given by what the activation a is.

Remember that for our softmax activation we will take e^x for every element x, but then we have to normalize each element by the sum as well. Each row in the matrix is a separate data point so we want to normalize over each data point separately.

2.2 backward_activation_layer

From dL/dy we need to calculate dL/dx = f'(x) * dL/dy. We'll take each element of dL/dx and multiply it by the appropriate gradient f'(x). Guess i sorta just said that twice.

The gradient of a linear activation is just 1 everywhere. The gradient of our softmax will also be 1 everywhere because we will only use the softmax as our output with a cross-entropy loss function, for an explaination of why see here or here.

The gradient of our logistic function is discussed here:

f'(x) = f(x) * (1 - f(x))

I'll let you figure out on your own what f'(x) given f(x) is for RELU and Leaky RELU.

3. Connected Layers

For this homework we'll be implementing a fully connected neural network layer as our first layer type! This should be fairly straightforward. First let's check out our layer definition in src/uwnet.h:

typedef struct layer {
    matrix *x;

    // Weights
    matrix w;
    matrix dw;

    // Biases
    matrix b;
    matrix db;

    // Image dimensions
    int width, height, channels;
    int size, stride, filters;
    ACTIVATION activation;

    // Batch norm matrices
    int batchnorm;
    matrix x_norm;
    matrix rolling_mean;
    matrix rolling_variance;

    matrix  (*forward)  (struct layer, struct matrix);
    matrix  (*backward) (struct layer, struct matrix);
    void   (*update)   (struct layer, float rate, float momentum, float decay);
} layer;

3.1 forward_connected_layer

Our layer outputs a matrix called y = xw + b where: x is the input, w is the weights, b is the bias.

To compute the output of the model we first will want to do a matrix multiplication involving the input and the weights for that layer. Remember, the weights are stored under l.w.

Then we'll want to add in our biases for that layer, stored under l.b. The function forward_bias may come in handy here!

Finally, we'll want to activate the output with the activation function for that layer.

3.2 backward_connected_layer

This is the trickiest one probably.

To update our model we want to calculate dL/dw and dL/db.

We also want to calculate the deltas for the previous layer (aka the input to this layer) which is dL/dx.

What we have to start with is dL/dy, which is equivalent to dL/d(xw+b).

First we need dL/db to calculate our bias updates. Actually, you can show pretty easily that dL/db = dL/d(in*w+b) so we're almost there. Except we have bias deltas for every example in our batch. So we just need to sum up the deltas for each specific bias term over all the examples in our batch to get our final dL/db, this can be done and added straight into our currently stored db term using the backward_bias function.

Then we need to get dL/dxw which by the same logic as above we already have as dL/d(xw+b). So taking our dL/d(xw) we can calculate dL/dw and dL/dx as described in lecture. Good luck!

3.3 update_connected_layer

We want to update our weights using SGD with momentum and weight decay.

Our normal SGD update with learning rate η is:

w = w - rate*dL/dw

With weight decay decay we get:

w = w - rate*dL/dw - rate*decay*w

With momentum our update will be:

w = w - rate*dL/dw - rate*decay*w + rate*momentum*prev

We can undistribute a -rate to get:

w = w - rate*[dL/dw + decay*w - momentum*prev]

note that for next itertion -prev is just the stuff in the brackets:

-prev_{i+1} = [dL/dw + decay*w - momentum*prev]

In our case, we'll always try to keep track of -prev in our layer's l.dw. When we start the update method, our l.dw will store:

l.dw = dL/dw - momentum*prev

Our first step is to add in the weight decay (using axpy) so we have:

l.dw = dL/dw - momentum*prev + decay*w

This value is gradient of our full loss function (that includes decay) and includes the negative momentum term. Next we need to subtract a scaled version of this into our current weights (also using axpy).

l.w = l.w - rate*l.dw

After we apply the updates, l.dw = -prev (for the next iteration). Thus our final step is to scale this vector by our momentum term so that:

l.dw = momentum * -prev

Then during our next backward phase we are ready to add in some new dL/dws!

You will do a similar process with your biases but there is no need to add in the weight decay, just the momentum.

4. Training your network!

First check out net.c to see how we run the network forward, backward, and updates. It's pretty simple.

Now, little did you know, but our C library has a Python API all ready to go! The API is defined in, but you don't have to worry about it too much. Mainly, check out for an example of how to train on the MNIST data set. But wait, you don't have any data yet!

4.1 Get MNIST data

Background: MNIST is a classic computer vision dataset of hand-drawn digits -

I already have it all ready to go for you, just run:

tar xvzf mnist.tar.gz

4.2 Train a model

Make sure your executable and libraries are up to date by running:


Then try training a model on MNIST!


Every batch the model will print out the loss and at the end of training your model will run on the training and testing data and give you final accuracy results. Try playing around with different model structures and hyperparameter values. Can you get >97% accuracy?

4.3 Train on CIFAR

The CIFAR-10 dataset is similar in size to MNIST but much more challenging - Instead of classifying digits, you will train a classifier to recognize these objects:


First get the dataset:

tar xvzf cifar.tar.gz

Then modify the script to train on CIFAR:


How do your results compare to MNIST? If you changed your model for MNIST, do similar changes affect your CIFAR results in the same way?

Running on the GPU with PyTorch

Navigate to:

and upload the iPython notebook provided: hw0.ipynb

Complete the notebook to train a PyTorch model on the MNIST dataset.

Turn it in

First run the script by running:


This will create the file hw0.tar.gz in your directory with all the code you need to submit. The command will check to see that your files have changed relative to the version stored in the git repository. If it hasn't changed, figure out why, maybe you need to download your ipynb from google?

Submit hw0.tar.gz in the file upload field for Homework 0 on Canvas.