We provide the code as well as intermediate models of our entire training pipeline for multiple datasets. Monitoring of the training/evaluation progress is possible via command line as well as Visdom. For the latter, a Visdom server must be running at vis_port
and vis_server
(see cfgs/train.yaml
). We set vis_server=''
by default to deactivate Visdom logging. To deactivate Visdom logging with set parameters, you can run a training with the no_vis=True
The settings for each dataset are specified in the respective configuration files, e.g., cfgs/train_crowdhuman.yaml
. The following train commands produced the pretrained model files mentioned in docs/INSTALL.md.
python src/train.py with \
crowdhuman \
deformable \
multi_frame \
tracking \
output_dir=models/crowdhuman_deformable_multi_frame \
python src/train.py with \
mot17_crowdhuman \
deformable \
multi_frame \
tracking \
output_dir=models/mot17_crowdhuman_deformable_multi_frame \
python src/train.py with \
mot17 \
deformable \
multi_frame \
tracking \
output_dir=models/mot17_deformable_multi_frame \
python src/train.py with \
mot20_crowdhuman \
deformable \
multi_frame \
tracking \
output_dir=models/mot20_crowdhuman_deformable_multi_frame \
For our MOTS20 test set submission, we finetune a MOT17 private detection model without deformable attention, i.e., vanilla DETR, which was pre-trained on the CrowdHuman dataset. The finetuning itself conists of two training steps: (i) the original DETR panoptic segmentation head on the COCO person segmentation data and (ii) the entire TrackFormer model (including segmentation head) on the MOTS20 training set. At this point, we only provide the final model files in docs/INSTALL.md.
TrackFormer can be trained on additional/new object detection or multi-object tracking datasets without changing our codebase. The crowdhuman
or mot
datasets merely require a COCO style annotation file and the following folder structure:
|-- data
|-- custom_dataset
| |-- train
| | |-- *.jpg
| |-- val
| | |-- *.jpg
| |-- annotations
| | |-- train.json
| | |-- val.json
In the case of a multi-object tracking dataset, the original COCO annotations style must be extended with seq_length
, first_frame_image_id
and track_id
fields. See the src/generate_coco_from_mot.py
script for details. For example, the following command finetunes our MOT17
private model for additional 20 epochs on a custom dataset:
python src/train.py with \
mot17 \
deformable \
multi_frame \
tracking \
resume=models/mot17_crowdhuman_deformable_trackformer/checkpoint_epoch_40.pth \
output_dir=models/custom_dataset_deformable \
mot_path_train=data/custom_dataset \
mot_path_val=data/custom_dataset \
train_split=train \
val_split=val \
epochs=20 \
All reported results are obtained by training with a batch size of 2 and 7 GPUs, i.e., an effective batch size of 14. If you have less GPUs at your disposal, adjust the learning rates accordingly. To start the CrowdHuman pre-training with 7 GPUs execute:
python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=7 --use_env src/train.py with \
crowdhuman \
deformable \
multi_frame \
tracking \
output_dir=models/crowdhuman_deformable_multi_frame \
Furthermore, we provide a script for starting Slurm jobs with submitit. This includes a convenient command line interface for Slurm options as well as preemption and resuming capabilities. The aforementioned CrowdHuman pre-training can be executed on 7 x 32 GB GPUs with the following command:
python src/run_with_submitit.py with \
num_gpus=7 \
vram=32GB \
cluster=slurm \
train.crowdhuman \
train.deformable \
train.trackformer \
train.tracking \
train.output_dir=models/crowdhuman_train_val_deformable \