=========== Home page
The portfolio of mine, also as entrance for my other websites.
=========== Todo-list
I did a todo-list app based on ASP.NET, and converted it to Django at some point.
Rewriting progress:
- Create initial files for the project.
- Configure Apache2 to make the project reachable through the Internet
- Convert the 2do-list from ASP.NET to Django
- Review all the js code and do a cleanup of them
- Re-write all the CSS codes with LESS
=========== Todo v2
An experimental project for learning React, Redux tech stack.
Took advantages of Material-UI so I can focus on the structure of the project.
=========== Gallery
Portfolio website for one of my artist friend.
Old school jQuery page, nothing fancy on the tech perspective.
=========== WoW Monitor
A fun project associated with the game World of Warcraft.
What it does is that it'll fetch the latest data of my character from Bllizard's API, then based on wheter it's updated or not, it'll run a DPS simulation using the famous tool SimulationCraft(AKA SimC), then push the data to the frontend and generate a graph for it.
It helps me track how I did within a longer time scope.