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Updated Dev Env

Tong edited this page Mar 20, 2018 · 2 revisions

fab-server setup

Dev VM

This is the VM that contains the Contrail developer sandbox Docker container. Here are the steps to get into the dev VM as root user:

$ cd /root/fab-server-setup/dev_vm
$ vagrant ssh
$ su
password: vagrant

Once inside the dev VM as root, here are the steps to get into developer sandbox Docker container and run scons to build Contrail

$ docker exec -it contrail-developer-sandbox bash
$ cd /root/contrail
$ scons

To start the sandbox VM if it is down.

$ docker restart contrail-developer-sandbox

Contrail all_in_one VM

Here are the steps to create target VM loaded with Contrail nightly build:

  1. Destroy the existing vagrant VM
$ cd /root/fab-server-setup/all_in_one
$ vagrant destroy
  1. Go to and copy the tag name for the nightly build. Or you can use tag name latest for the latest nightly build.
  2. Run script to spawn the VM loaded with the nightly build
$ cd /root/fab-server-setup/all_in_one
$ sh <tag name>

How do I access the VM?

To access the VM from the fab-server:

$ cd /root/fab-server-setup/all_in_one
$ vagrant ssh
$ su
password: vagrant

The VM ip is based on the fab-server name.

  • fab-server02:
  • fab-server04:
  • fab-server05:
  • fab-server06:
  • fab-server07:
  • fab-server08:
  • fab-server09:

Code commit

Here are the steps to commit code to contrail-controller:

Step 1: Create a bug in launch pad

Please add as much details as possible about the bug to fix or feature to add. Here is the link to Contrail launchpad:

Step 2: Sync the latest code to the sandbox container

$ docker attach contrail-developer-sandbox
$ cd /root/contrail
$ repo sync

Step 3: Create a twig branch for the bug fix or feature

$ cd /root/contrail/controller
$ git checkout -b <bug-id> # replace <bug-id> with the bug id from Step 1.

Now you can make code changes in this twig branch

Step 4: Submit code to gerrit for reivew

  1. Make sure git-review is installed in the sandbox container.
$ pip install git-review
  1. Generate ssh key via ssh-keygen on the sandbox container and Upload the generated public key to review

  2. Commit the change to local git via git commit -a with commit comments that follows the convention below:

[DM] <short description of the commit that should not exceed 80 characters> 
<add multi-line detailed descriptions. You can list all the feature added by this commit or root cause of the bug this commit is trying to fix>

Partial-Bug: #<bug-id>
  • [DM] specify the component name that is mandatory for the commit
  • #<bug-id> should be the bug id from Step 1
  • Partial-Bug is the directive to set the bug status. Partial-Bug means not to change the bug status. Closes-Bug means to close the bug after the commit is merged to the master.
  1. Submit code for review
$ git review

To submit more changes to the existing review, you need to use --amend to amend existing commit

$ git commit -a --amend
$ git review

To check the submitted review, please go to

Debug API server

Here is WIKI for debugging API server container:

Clone this wiki locally