DL Workspace nodes are installed with python, so you can run both unix shell scripts/python scripts on the cluster.
Run an inline command on all node. The following will execute a command on all cluster nodes and print the output.
./deploy.py execonall [cmd ...]
The following will execute a command on all cluster nodes without printing the output.
./deploy.py doonall [cmd ...]
The following will copy a script file (either shell script or python) to all cluster nodes and execute the script on remote node.
./deploy.py runscriptonall [script]
Access to DL workspace node.
Please use:
python ./deploy.py connect master|etcd|worker [number]
to connect to a particular Kubernetes master, etcd or worker node. You will log in as "core" account with sudo priviledge.
You can use the following to directly run kubectl command on the cluster.
./deploy.py kubectl <<command>> <<parameter>>